Top 27 Apps Similar to DSB App

Rejseplanen 8.1.0 (136)
Plan your journey with all Danish busses, trains or metro.
Midttrafik 4.5.6
Buy tickets for Midttrafik buses, Letbanen and Lemvigbanen
DOT Tickets 5.4.0
Mobile tickets on Sjælland, Lolland-Falster and Møn
Sydtrafik mobile ticket 2.27-32.3
Mobile Ticket for Sydtrafiks busses and Vestbanen.
TAXA 4x35 (taxi booking) 7.1.0
Taxa 4x35
Taxi booking in greater Copenhagen area
EasyPark - find & pay parking 24.5.4
EasyPark AS
Find, pay and manage parking in mobile in +2200 cities across20countries.
DBS Bank Ltd
DBS IDEAL™ Mobile app is the perfectcompanionfor DBS IDEAL™3.0 customers on the go. To always keep youahead andon time, the DBS IDEAL™ Mobile app is specificallydesigned forbanking anytime, anywhere and is available to allcorporatebusinesses with IDEAL™ 3.0 access.You can now:1. Use the comprehensive Dashboard as a launch pad for allyourbanking activities2. Stay on top of your account balance, fixed deposit, loan,chequestatus and FX contracts easily3. Make quick and secure payments from your fingertips4. Book FX contracts5. Approve payments wherever you are, whenever you need.Note: Not all services are available in all countries.
WeShare by MobilePay 2.5.0
MobilePay A/S
Create, share, chat and pay. WeShare makes it easy to keep trackofexpenses.
ParkMan - The Parking App 5.73
ParkMan Oy
The parking app to find and pay for parking.
Nordea Wallet
ALWAYS UP TO DATE Nordea Wallet keeps track of your cardsforyou.It’s an easy way to check your balances,card paymentsandcashwithdrawals. Did the payment go through? The app informsyouaboutall card purchases, including internet shoppingandautomaticcharges. You can also view a monthly category overviewofyour cardusage. All transactions are immediately shown on theappto makesure you’re always up to date. To use Nordea Wallet youneedaNordea card and an authentication method (BankID,MobileBankID,NemID or the Codes app). PAY WITH YOUR MOBILE PHONETakeGoogle Payinto use and you no longer need your wallet togoshopping. Makesmall purchases just by taking your phone closetothe paymentterminal, as you would when making a contactlesscardpayment.Purchases over 25 euros you verify by unlocking thephone.GooglePay works anywhere where contactless payment ispossible.Aroundthe world. Read more:
Skyss Billett 5.6.5-c029
Skyss Billett is the easiest way topurchasepublic transportation tickets in zone Bergen. Theapplicationallows you to purchase both single tickets and seasontickets.Additionally, youth tickets (from 16 y.o. until the monthyou turn20) for 30 days, valid in Hordaland county and parts ofRogalandcounty, can be purchased in the application. formore information.The payment methods can be used in the application:- Mobile account, refilled via VISA/MasterCard or bymoneytransfer.- Credit card (VISA/MasterCard)- Phone bill (only single tickets)By using the mobile account, you can get a 17 % discountonsingle tickets for adults. Additionally, it is possibletoassociate multiple users to one mobile account, so that travelsarecharged to only this account. Refilling the account easiest tododirectly in the application with VISA/MasterCard, but it isalsopossible to use a regular money transfer with a KID-number. NB:Themobile account is not the same account as the accountassociatedwith the Skyss-card.After downloading the app you only have to add your creditcardsthe first time you use them. Future purchases can be made withthesame cards. No card information is stored in the application oronour servers. Our chosen payment provider, Nets, stores yourcreditcard information securely and in compliance to thepaymentproviders’ guidelines.Skyss Billett allows you to easily and quickly purchasetickets,but we still urge you to buy your tickets before you embarkthevehicles. You are responsible for having a valid ticket andenoughbattery power left on your device to show the ticket toanyinspector as long as you are onboard one of our vehicles.The newest version of the application contains the followingnewfeatures:- Brand new design, with a cleaner and more modern look.- Single tickets for dogs and bikes; 24h tickets foradults,children and seniors.- 30 days youth ticket is now not personal, like all otherseasontickets.- To avoid people purchasing their ticket just before aninspectionwe have added a 2 minute countdown, before the ticket isactivated.You can still enter the vehicle while the ticket isincountdown-mode.- Shortcut to purchase expired tickets again have beenadded.
Dott 2.119.0
The electric scooter platform that gets you from a to b to c onyourschedule.
Spiir 5.3.10
Know that feeling when everything is taken care of?That’sSpiir.Spiir keeps track of your money, so you don’t have to.Ithasalready helped more than 400,000 live the life theywantwithoutstressing about money or budgets. And best of all, theappis free!Our goal is to make personal finance fun and easy,soyou’re ableto do the things that matter most to you –whetherthat’s buying aplane ticket to Paris, inviting all yourfriends outfor drinksnext Friday or just seeing your savingsaccountskyrocket. We gotyour back. Here’s how you get started in 3easysteps: 1. Add yourbank accounts 2. Teach the app to categorizeyourspending 3. Tryour challenges and save money in an easy and funwayHow Spiir canhelp you: • Keep track of all your finances inoneplace • Severalaccounts? In different banks? Not a problem.Spiirgives you oneoverview of all your finances. By connectingyouraccounts toSpiir, your transactions are automaticallycategorizedinto morethan 80 categories. That’s right, you don’thave to do thework. •Save money with challenges • Want to savemoney? Take onourchallenges or create your own. We’ll help you cutyour expensesonthe things you buy daily. Spiir keeps track of howmuch moneyyouspend and gives you a heads-up if your spending isrunning wildorcheer on you if you’re on the right on track. • Getyourownpersonal finance assistant • A happy money-buddy that takescareofall the boring budget stuff and helps you manage yourmoneywithease? You got it. The Spiir assistant crunches thenumbersandtells you fun facts about your money habits throughquizzes,weeklyoverviews of your expenses and more. • Treat yourselfwithuniquesavings and benefits • Insurances? Streaming? Fitness?SpiirTreatsgives you alternatives to the things you spend yourmoney onyoureveryday life or other benefits you only can get asaSpiir-User.We team up with specially selected partners thatcanhelp you getmore value for your money. • Add important detailstoyourtransactions • Need to save a receipt? Take a picture ofitandupload it to a specific purchase. You can also add notestoyourtransactions or create a #tag to track yourspendingacrossdifferent categories, like #Hawaii2020 or#TacoTuesday. •Stay inthe loop • Always know where you standfinancially withouthavingto go through an endless list oftransactions or bankstatements.Spiir tells you all the importantthings you need toknow aboutyour money with personalized insightsand clevernotifications. •Sounds great! But what about security? •We loveour users. Andthere’s nothing more important to us than yourtrust.That’s why weuse bank-level security measures to make surethatyour personaldata is safe. We’re also the first company inDenmarkto beregistered as a licensed Account Information ServiceProvider,andwe operate under the supervision of the DanishFinancialServicesAuthority. • Don’t be shy • If you have anyquestions,feedback orawesome savings tips, you’re more than welcometo reachout to usat [email protected]
Latitude 1.47.7402
Check out Latitude’s new mobile finance app. See allyourLatitudeand Gem cards and personal loans in one place.Latitude’snewmobile app helps you manage your finances from onecentralhub.We’re listening out for your feedback and building theapp thatyouwant to use. Try it out now to track your balances,availablespendand next payment due date. Credit card featurescurrentlyinclude:• Fast access to all balances • Check payment duedate •View alltransaction information • Access accounts withyourfingerprint ora passcode • Pay by bank transfer (AustraliaOnly)Personal Loanfeatures currently include: • View your loanbalance •Loan term •Monthly repayment amount • Start and maturitydate •Interest rate• Repayment due date You can view all the cardsbelowfrom yourLatitude App. Check out the links for furtherinformation:• 28Degrees Platinum Mastercard • Latitude Low RateMastercard •GOMastercard • GO Mastercard Platinum • LatitudeInfinity Rewards•Gem Visa • CreditLine Latitude Mastercard •Latitude EcoMastercard• Care Credit • Buyer's Edge • Gem Visa •OneCard Visacard • GemCreditline Loans available on the LatitudeApp: •Latitude PersonalLoan • Gem Personal Loan
ZVV-Timetable 6.1.0 (48)
This Android app provided by theZurichTransport Authority (ZVV) offers you a useful tool foryourjourneys within the ZVV network.New Features:• To buy tickets you will be redirected to the ZVV ticketapp.Timetable information:• Door-to-door timetable throughout Switzerland• Favourites and the „last query“ enable you to quicklyinsertplaces and connections• Queried connections can be accessed later offline• Integrated real-time information for all trains, buses andtramswithin the ZVV network as well as for trains throughoutSwitzerland(local traffic outside ZVV excluded)• Push notifications about delays, platform changes andtrafficinformation for user-specified connections• Latest traffic information including a search option• Tab “Traffic Info” with line-specific overview of allcurrenttraffic information and line-specific pushnotifications• Function “Barrier Free Access” (, in German)• Easy-to-understand symbols (in green, orange and red)indicatewhether or not a planned connection can be maintained• Alternative connections in case of incidents (red symbol) onthesame route• The option «Query according to current traffic situation»findsconnections on alternate routes in case of incidents• Real-time arrivals and departures for specific stops (e.g. in3’or 15:34 +2’)• Information about disruptions of service(maintenance,constructions, events etc.)• Possibility to add a customized connection or timetable tothehomescreenTicket information / purchase:• The ZVV timetable app provides simplified access to ZVVticketsvia the ZVV ticket app. The purchasing process is startedwithinthe ZVV timetable app and completed in the ZVV ticket app. Totakeadvantage of this service, the ZVV ticket app must alsobeinstalled• Fast and simple selection within the ZVV timetable app throughitstopseller list and via the button «Price/Buy» in thejourneyplanner• Transfer of choice of class (1st or 2nd), reduction (adult or½)and validity (single ticket or day pass) to the ZVVticketapp• Choice of number of additional zones for extension ticketsOther features:• Practical display of route network and fare zone maps• Favourites function for tickets, destinations andconnections(«Take me home», «Take me to work», etc.). Favouriteswill not bedeleted after update• Display of the nearest stops based on the user’scurrentposition• Search for stops, addresses and points of interest• Simple display of local area maps and pedestrian routes withintheapplication• Interface to calendar to save individual connections• Low-floor service information for trams and buses(timetabledata)• Customize your home screenFurther or contact our customer center ZVV-Contactat0848 988 988.For feedback contact us on Twitter wishes you a pleasant journey!Note:You can grant the application access to your calendar, contactandlocation information. You can change these settings atanytimeData privacy policy:The ZVV only analyses data regarding connection queries andpushnotifications. The evalu-ation of this data will beconductedwithout personal references and for statisticalpurposesonly.All information is subject to change.© ZVV 2016
Playtomic 5.64.1
The ultimate app for padel, tennis and other racket sports
Real Time Ireland 5.42.16810
Real-time info for Dublin Bus, Go-Ahead Ireland, Bus Éireann,DART,Rail & Luas
Deutsche Bank Mobile 1.22.0
Deutsche Bank Mobile offers state-of-the-art banking in anewdesign- combined with simple and intuitive navigation. Dobankingsafelyand quickly while on the move and keep track of yourotherbanks'accounts. Convince yourself and test Deutsche BankMobilenowwithout an account at Deutsche Bank in demo mode. KEYFEATURESAT AGLANCE: • Financial overview with interactivetransactions•Securities accounts and securities trading •FinancePlannerMulti-Banking • Branch and ATM finder including anoverviewofretailers to withdraw cash • Account balance,transfers,standingorders and photo transfers • Returning directdebits •Contactlesspayment via smartphone (NFC) • Request anoverdraftincluding arealtime decision • Insurance Manager - keep anoverviewof yourinsurances • Login by fingerprint • Digital postboxforbankdocuments • Security through combination with photoTANapp•Personalization of the background • ""Try Demo""buttonWithDeutsche Bank Mobile, you can do your banking easilyandsecurelyfrom anywhere. KEEP TRACK OF ALL YOURFINANCESAuthenticateyourself by fingerprint or PIN and get a quickoverviewof yourtransactions. Not only from Deutsche Bank accounts,thankstooptional Multi-Banking also from all accounts and creditcardsofyour other financial institutions, such asSparkasse,Commerzbank,Postbank, DKB, Volksbank and Raiffeisen Bank,PayPal,VISA andMasterCard (e.g. offers from ADAC, Amazon, Miles& Moreetc.).The financial overview shows all accounts, cards,andsecurityaccounts in an interactive graph. After clickingonthetransactions, a detailed view opens. In the accountbalancehistoryyou can then simply run your finger through thedevelopmentof yourbalances - even in a period of your choosing.CARRY OUTBANKTRANSFERS AND PAY CONTACTLESSLY Send money to yourfriends in afewclicks, without typing in recipient data. Fortransfersandstanding orders you can conveniently use transfertemplatesfromyour online banking, the security is guaranteedthroughthecombination with the photoTAN app. With the phototransfer, youcaneasily photograph invoices and transfer orders -the relevantdatais recognized immediately and transferred to thetransferscreen.Leave your wallet at home and pay contactlesslywithyoursmartphone at the cash register - simply activateyourMasterCardin the Deutsche Bank Mobile App. The securitiesaccountoverviewshows all securities accounts divided into assetclasses,as wellas further detailed information. BENEFIT FROMOURINNOVATIVESERVICES Use the ATM finder and find a DeutscheBankbranch nearyou or the closest Cash Group ATM. Requestyouroverdraft withtransparent costs and get an instant approvalwithaccess to themoney. Fingerprint Login is a simple and secureway tosign in andmake transfers with just a few clicks incombinationwith thephotoTAN app. The digital postbox in the appgives you easyaccessto your account, securities and credit carddocuments on thego.Personalize the app and upload as a background aphoto fromyourgallery and decide for yourself what your banking applookslike.
DBS digibank
DBS Bank Ltd
DBS digibank (mobile) – virtually invisible mobile banking.
NS International 6.9.2
International train planner with realtime travel info, pricesandbook tickets
Thalys - International trains 6.4.1
Discover Europe by high-speed train with Thalys.
Metro de Madrid Official 3.06
Metro de Madrid's official app to make your trip easier.
Movo - Motosharing and electric scooters
Download MOVO app (VOOM in Colombia) and rent motorbikes andkickscooters to get around the city at your own pace. We offer youasharing service for motorbikes and scooters which allows you togetaround the city in a simple, fast and practical way. All youhaveto do is download the app, register and reserve thenearestvehicle. We love explaining things well, so here are thesteps inmore detail to ride with our motorbikes and kick scooters:Downloadour app (important, yes). Register following the stepsshown in theapp: -If you want to use a kick scooter, all you haveto do isenter your email and phone... and that's it! -If you wantto useour motorbikes, you will have to send a photo of your ID andaselfie where you look good (or not-so-good). You will have tosenda photo of your driver's license as well (not expired, please).3.And that's it! Book a motorbike or scooter and... rideit!MOVO/VOOM Services: 1. Electric motorbike rental: basicallytheyare electric motorbikes that you can rent easily through ourapp.They are very easy to use! 2. Scooters rental: this is thebestoption to quickly get to places that are difficult to accessinyour city if you don't have a motorbike driving license.Advantagesof MOVO/VOOM Large fleet of motorbikes and kick scootersfor you. -Motorbike service available 24 hours a day. - Electricshared bike:so you can travel in company, you'll find two helmetsin all ourmotorcycles (we're that cool). - Electronic and automaticpaymentthrough the app with credit/debit card. - To make ourservice evenfaster and more efficient, you can directly unlock aMOVO vehicleusing its code in the app. - Since we let you unlockit, we alsolet you reserve our vehicles for free for 10 minutes. -If you haveto make stops, you can pause, lock and turn off the bikeor scooterwhile keeping it reserved. - By renting our electricmotorcyclesyou can reach up to 50 km/h depending on the area. -Don't worryabout your vehicle's battery, insurance or maintenance.- Insidethe app you will find all the details about parking thevehicle. -You can report an incident quickly and easily through theapp tohelp you quickly. - In addition, at the end of each journeywithyour shared motorcycle or scooter, we will send you a receiptwithall the information about it. All these details, such astravelhistory, modify your profile and check prices, you can seedirectlyin the app. -Listen, our motorcycles and scooters are themostbeautiful. Using them will give you that sex appeal youneed.Countries and cities where we are available Spain:Madrid,Barcelona, Valencia Mexico: Mexico City. Peru: LimaColombia:Bogotá. Chile: Santiago Argentina: Buenos Aires ExtrasInfo: -Remember to park correctly and leave the helmets insidetheelectric motorbike. - Inside our app, you’ll find a detailed mapofthe areas where you can find and park your rented motorbikeorscooter. 📧 Contact:
PayNow for Stripe 3.4.1
PayNow for Stripe is a minimalist point of sales app, allowingyoutoaccept credit card payments quickly and easily usingyourmobilephone. Features •  Accept all major debit and creditcards -Visa,MasterCard, American Express •  Take payments in135+currencies!•  Supports PayWave/PayPass on NFC capable devices• Highest levelof security & PCI Compliance •  Login fast usingaPIN orfingerprint •  No extra hardware required •  Usedevicecamera topopulate card details fast (optional) •  Simple,intuitive&elegant UI •  Cost is 0.5% per transaction + Stripefees Weare aStripe verified partner: and FAQs on ourwebsite at WhatisStripe? Stripe is a creditcard processor for web and mobile.Theyprocess billions of dollars ayear for thousands of companiesofall sizes. One of the best thingsabout Stripe is their awesomesetof APIs, which allow developers tobuild tools that do morewithStripe – that’s what we've done withthis app. You will needaStripe account to use PayNow for Stripe,and keep in mind isthatit’s Stripe doing the real work. PayNow isjust a nicelydesignedmobile app interface you can use to talk (senda creditcardcharge) to Stripe. Please visit our website to find outmore.Wouldyou like to help translate this app? We would be verygratefulforyour help. Visitthislink: PayNow isaStripeverifiedpartnerEULA:
DropTicket 5.6.7
DropTicket è la soluzione ideale per ituoispostamenti. In un’unica app hai tutti i biglietti che tiservonoper pagare comodamente dal tuo smartphone la tua sosta autoesalire sui mezzi pubblici.Ma DropTicket ha pensato anche al tuo relax: puoi acquistareilbiglietto per i parchi divertimento più belli d’Italia evitandolelunghe code all’ingresso.NON SERVE REGISTRARTIPer utilizzare DropTicket, non ti chiediamo di creare alcunaccount.Scarica l’app, acquista i tuoi biglietti e viviliberamente la tuamobilità quotidiana. Senza costi aggiuntivi néannuali perl’attivazione, utilizzo o rinnovo del servizio.PAGA LA SOSTA NELLA TUA CITTA’Pagare il parcheggio sulle strisce blu della tua città non èmaistato così semplice e immediato. Non perderai più tempo percercarei parcometri o il rivenditore più vicino né dovraipreoccuparti discadenze e multe. Fai tutto dallo smartphone: scegliil bigliettoche vuoi acquistare, inserisci la targa del tuo veicoloe paga inmodo sicuro con credito telefonico o tramite cartadicredito.NOVITA’ - Con DropTicket puoi ora acquistare i Pacchetti Sostaperpagare solo i minuti effettivi del tuo parcheggio grazieallefunzioni Start e Stop che ti consentono di avviare e terminarelatua sosta in qualsiasi momento.ACQUISTA IL TUO TITOLO DI VIAGGIODropTicket è anche su bus, metro e treni. Viaggiare suimezzipubblici del trasporto locale è sempre più facile: acquista iltuotitolo o abbonamento in pochissimi tap e convalida a bordotramiteQR Code o NFC!DOVE SIAMOUtilizza DropTicket a Torino, Roma, Catania, Trieste,Padova,Cagliari, Verona, Rimini, Ravenna, Prato e in molte altrecittàitaliane.
Per maggiori informazioni vai su www.dropticket.itPer segnalare anomalie e richiedere assistenza [email protected] is theidealsolution for your movements. In one app you have all theticketsthat you need to pay for the convenience of your smartphoneto yourcar stop and hop on public transport.But DropTicket has also thought about your relaxation: you can buyaticket for the most beautiful amusement parks in Italy avoidingthelong queues at the entrance.YOU DO NOT NEED TO REGISTERTo use DropTicket, we do not ask you to create any account.Downloadthe app, buy your tickets and freely live your dailymobility. Noadditional costs or annual for activation, use orrenewal ofservice.PAY PARK IN YOUR TOWN 'Pay parking on the blue lines of your city has never been soeasyand immediate. You do not lose more time to look for parkingmetersor the nearest dealer or have to worry about deadlines andfines.Do it all from your smartphone: Choose the ticket you wishtopurchase, enter the license plate of your vehicle and paysafelywith phone credit or by credit card.NEW '- With DropTicket can now purchase packages Stop to payonlythe actual minutes of your parking thanks to the Start andStopfunctions that allow you to start and stop your break atanytime.BUY YOUR TITLE TRAVELDropTicket is also on buses, metro and trains. Traveling onpublictransport local transport is always easier to buy your titleorsubscription in just a few taps and stamped on board by QR codeorNFC!WHERE WE AREUse DropTicket in Turin, Rome, Catania, Trieste, Padova,Cagliari,Verona, Rimini, Ravenna, Prato and in many otherItaliancities.For more information go to www.dropticket.itTo report faults and request assistance, [email protected]
bikeMi 6.8.1-milan
Urban Sharing
The official station-based bike sharing service ofMilanMunicipality