Top 17 Apps Similar to كاشف أجسام النساء-جديد Prank

كشف ما تحت الملابس -جديد Prank 3.1
يمكنك كشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء و الرجالوذلك بإستعمال كاميرا هاتفك Prankكشف الجسم بدون ملابس يمكنك من كشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء و الرجالوذلك بإستعمال كاميرا هاتفك لكشف الملابس للفتاة أو المرأة أورؤيةالجسم بدون ملابس كذلك وذلك عبر تمرير كاميرا الهاتف على جسدالشخصالذي تريد أن ترى ملابسه الداخلية من دون أن يكشفك. كاميراالهاتفستلعب دور الماسح الضوئي x-ray لإظهار بدون ملابس .مميزات التطبيق :** كشف الناس بدون ملابس* كاشف الملابس الداخلية** كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية* فحص جسم بالأشعة** فحص الجسم بالأشعة* كاشف العظام و المفاصل.** فحص العظام.تحذير :تطبيق جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس مجرد مزحة PRANK ولا يقومبكشفالملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقط وخداعأصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةكشف تحت الملابس صمم للمرح و الخدع.برنامج كشف تحت الملابس يمكنك من التظاهر بفحص الملابس الداخلية.تظاهربأن البرنامج يقوم بإختراق جميع الملابس السميكة و تصويرالملابسالداخلية دون عناء.برنامج خصص لللخدع و لا يقوم بكشف الملابس الداخلية الحقيقيةلتطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةبدالك يمكنك ان ترى ما تحت اللباس او مت بداخل صندوق الىغيردالككدالك يمكنك الاستفادة منه طبيا عبر مشاهدة العضام والاجزاءالداخليةمن جسمكXray تطبيق رائع ل كشف تحت الملابس . سهولة في العمل مع تطبيقكاشفالملابس الداخلية .هل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنها اختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الـ Xray* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابسطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كشف تحت الملابس " يمكنك أن ترى الملابسالداخليةلأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانتغليظةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كاميرا هاتفك الى جهاز كشف الأشعة أو آلة كشف الأشعةأوالسكانر لكي تكتشف ما تحت الملابس Prank.طريقة إستعمال برنامج جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس :مرر كاميرا هاتفك على أي جزء من الجسم مثل اليد اليسرى ، اليد اليمنى،الرأس ، الدماغ ، العينين ، الأسنان و الفم ، الظهر ، العمودالفقريالرقبة، الركبة، القدم اليمنى أو القدم اليسرى ،، بعد ذلكالكاميراستطلق الماسح الضوئي و الأشعة السينية و الفوق بنفسجية لكشفالهيكلالعظمي أو العظام .تحذير : تطبيق جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس مجرد مزحة PRANK ولايقومبكشف الملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقطوخداع أصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةالتطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةبدالك يمكنك ان ترى ما تحت اللباس او مت بداخل صندوق الىغيردالككدالك يمكنك الاستفادة منه طبيا عبر مشاهدة العضام والاجزاءالداخليةمن جسمكيمكنك أيضا تغيير لون وحجم وسرعة في شاشة الإعداد. الأشعةالسينيةسكانر مضحك هو التطبيق متعة لأولئك الذين يحبون النكاتالعملية! هذهالاشعات السينيه ليست حقيقية، لذلك فهي غير ضارة ومتعةللعب مع!محاولة الخروج من ميزة كاميرا الأشعة السينية ماسحة مضحكللنقر الصورعصبي متعة! محاولة تعرية الأسنان الخاصة بك، وجعل عينيكتبدو كبيرة... مخيفة! كاشف الملابس الداخليةالتعليمات:ضع هاتفك على يدك اليسرى والقدم والرأسفتح تطبيق الماسح الضوئي الأشعة السينية.إمالة الهاتف تصل إلى التمرير لأعلى صورة الأشعة السينية.إمالة أسفل الهاتف إلى التمرير لأسفل.تحذير: الأشعة السينية الماسح الضوئي هو التطبيق (مزحة prank )منأجلالمتعة أنه لا يحتوي على أي الأشعة السينية الحقيقي.كاميرا كشف تحت الملابسهل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنها اختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الـ X rayطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كاشف الملابس الداخلية " يمكنك أن ترىالملابسالداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه باستعمال الأشعة السينية .ـ كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانتغليضةكالمعاطف.ـ التطبيق سهل الاستعمال يكفيك أن تختار الشخص الذي تريد رؤية ماتحتملابسه .ـ التطبيق مجاني و سيبقى كذلك على طول.نحن لسنا مسؤولين أمام الله لو استعمل التطبيق في كشف عورات النساءوالمحرمات.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.You can exposewomen'sunderwear, men's and by using your phone's cameraPrankBody revealed without clothes you can detect women'sunderwear,men's and by using your phone's camera to detect clothingfor agirl or a woman or seeing the body without clothes as well asbypassing a camera phone on the body of the person who wants toseehis underwear without Ekshvk. Camera phone will play the roleofthe scanner x-ray to show without clothes.Application features:** Expose people without clothes* Detector underwear** Detector body organs ray ultrasound* Body scan**-Ray examination of the body* Detector bones and joints.** Bone scan.Warning :Application revealed a people without clothes PRANK just a jokeanddoes not reveal underwear for women and men, but it is appliedtoonly a joke and fool your friends for some fun andforpleasureDisclosed under clothing designed for fun and tricks.Disclosed under clothing program you can pretend scansunderwear.tazahr The software does hacked all the thick clothesandunderwear filming without trouble.A program devoted to Lkhadda and does not reveal therealunderwearVery easy to apply and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiationdetectorBdalk you can see what was under the dress or inside the fund istoDalkKdalk you can take advantage of it by watching medicallyAledaminternal parts of your bodyXray wonderful application for detecting under clothing. Easytowork with the application of the detector underwear.Have you ever imagined that your phone's camera Androidcanpenetrate clothing through the technique of Xray* Reveal what under clothing programThanks to the application of course, "revealed under clothes"youcan see the underwear to any person without his knowledge.Prank application is for having fun with his friendsandfamily.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothes, and if it wereathick Kalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.The application is very easy jobSo that converts your phone's camera to the device or machineraysrevealed rays or scanner revealed to discover what underclothingPrank.People use reveal a program without clothes method:Swipe your phone's camera on any part of the body like thelefthand, right hand, head, brain, eyes, teeth and mouth, back,spineneck, knee, right foot or left foot ,, then the camera willlauncha scanner and X-ray and ultraviolet to detect skeletalorbone.Warning: the application revealed a people without clothesPRANKjust a joke and does not reveal underwear for women and men,but itis applied to only a joke and fool your friends for some funandfor pleasureThe application is very easy and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiationdetectorBdalk you can see what was under the dress or inside the fund istoDalkKdalk you can take advantage of it by watching medicallyAledaminternal parts of your bodyYou can also color, size and speed of change in the setupscreen.X-ray scanner is funny fun app for those who like practicaljokes!This Xrays is not real, so they are harmless and fun to playwith!Try out the X-ray scanner camera feature funny clickablespookyimages fun! Try baring your teeth, make your eyes look great...scary! Reagent underwearInstructions:Put your phone on your left hand, foot and headOpen an application scanner X-rays.Tilt the phone up to scroll up X-ray image.Tilt the bottom of the phone to scroll down.Warning: X-ray scanner is an application (a joke prank) for funitdoes not contain any real X-rays.Camera detectors clothesHave you ever imagined that your phone's camera Androidcanpenetrate clothing through the technique of X rayOf course thanks to the application of "reagent underwear" Youcansee the underwear to any person without his knowledge byusingX-rays.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothing and ifGladhKalmatef.Application is user-friendly enough for you to choose the personyouwant to see what's under his clothes.App is free and will remain well along.We are not responsible before God if it is used in theapplicationrevealed the shortcomings of women and the taboos.Prank application is for having fun with his friendsandfamily.
فاضح الملابس الداخلية Prank 1.1
برنامج فاضح الملابس الداخلية Prank يمكنكمنكشفالملابس الداخلية للنساء و الفتيات و ذلك بإستعمالكاميراجوالكالأندرويد لكشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء أو المرأة أو رؤيةالجسمبدونملابس كذلك وذلك عبر تمرير كاميرا الهاتف على جسم المرأةأوالبنتالذي تريد أن ترى ملابسها الداخلية من دون أن تكتشفأمرك.كاميراالهاتف تلعب دور الماسح الضوئي x-ray بالأشعة السينيةلإظهارالجسمبدون ملابس.*يمكنك فاضح الملابس الداخلية Prank من رؤية ما تحت الملابسوذلكبخاصية فحص و إختراق الملابس عبر تقنية الماسح الضوئيوتقنيةالأشعةالفوق صوتية XRAY والأشعة السينية لكشف جميعأنواعالملابسهل سبق و أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك يمكنها فحص جسم المرأة أوالرجلعبرتقنية الاشعة الفوق صوتيةكاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لوكانتغليظةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة و بسيطة جدابحيث يجعل كاميرا هاتفك الى جهاز كشف الأشعة أو آلة كشفالأشعةأوالسكانير لكي تكشف جسم المرأة بدون ملابس.طريقة الإستعمال لجهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس :مرر كاميرا الجوال على أي جزء من الجسم مثل اليدين، الرأس ،الدماغ،العينين، الأسنان و الفم، ، الظهر ، العمود الفقري ، الفخد،الرقبة،الركبة، القدم اليمنى أو القدم اليسرى ، البطن أو المعدة ،بعدذلكالكاميرا ستطلق الماسح الضوئي و الأشعة السينية و الفوقبنفسجيةلكشفالهيكل العظمي أو العظام.مزايا التطبيق :* كشف الناس بدون ملابس* كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء* كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية* فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة* فحص الجسم بالأشعة* كاشف العظام و المفاصل.* فحص العظام.* فحص العظام و المفاصل* كاشف الملابس الداخلية Prank*فاضح الملابس الداخلية*تذكير :تطبيق جهاز كشف الجسم بدون ملابس مجرد خدعة و مزحة PRANK ولايقومبكشفالملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما فقط تطبيق للمزحة فقطوخداعأصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعة و الضحك.This is just a prank app for funHardcoreunderwearprogramPrank You can detect underwear for women and girls,usingthe mobileAndroid camera to detect underwear for women orwomen orseeing thebody without clothes as well as by passing acameraphone on thebody of the woman or girl who wants to seeherunderwear withoutdiscover your order. Camera phone to playtherole of the scannerx-ray X-rays to show the bodywithoutclothes.* You can scandalous underwear Prank see what is under clothesandsocharacteristic examination and penetration throughclothingscannertechnology and technology X XRAY ultrasound andX-rays todetect alltypes of clothingHave you ever imagined that your phone's camera can awoman'sbody,or the man examined via infrared technologyultrasoundApplication camera penetrates all kinds of clothes, and if itwereathick Kalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.Application easy job and very simpleSo that makes your phone's camera to the device ormachineraysrevealed rays or Alscaner revealed in order to revealawoman'sbody without clothes.Directions for use of the device revealedpeoplewithoutclothes:Passed a mobile camera on any part of the body such asthehands,head, brain, eyes, teeth and mouth, back, spine, groin,neck,knee,right foot or left foot, abdomen or stomach, then thecamerawilllaunch a scanner and X-rays and ultraviolet to detectbone orbonestructure.Advantages of the application:* Detect people without clothes* Detector women's underwear* Detector body organs ray ultrasound* Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy* Body scan* Detector bones and joints.* Bone scan.* Examination of the bones and joints* Detector underwear Prank* Hardcore underwear*remind :Application body detector without clothes is a hoax and ajokeanddoes not disclose PRANK underwear for women and men,butonlyapplied to only a joke and fool your friends for some funandforfun and laughter.This is just a prank app for fun
كاشف ما تحت الملابس Prank 4.1
unest apps
يمكنك كشف الملابس للنساء و الرجال وذلكبإستعمالكاميرا هاتفك Prankكشف الجسم بدون ملابس يمكنك من كشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء والرجالوذلك بإستعمال كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد لكشف الملابس الداخليةللفتاةأوالمرأة أو رؤية الجسم كذلك وذلك عبر تمرير كاميرا الهاتفعلىالمرأة أوالشخص الذي تريد أن ترى ملابسه الداخلية من دون أنيكشفك.كاميراالهاتف ستلعب دور الماسح الضوئي x-ray لإظهار الجسد بدونملابسداخلية.مميزات التطبيق :* كشف الناس بدون ملابس* كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء* كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية* فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة* فحص الجسم بالأشعة* كاشف العظام و المفاصل.* فحص العظام.تحذير :تطبيق جهازكاشف ما تحت الملابس مجرد مزحة PRANK ولا يقومبكشفالملابسالداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقط وخداعأصدقائكللحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةكشف تحت الملابس صمم للمرح و الخدع.برنامج كاشف ما تحت الملابس يمكنك من التظاهر بفحصالملابسالداخليةللبنات.تظاهر بأن البرنامج يقوم بإختراق جميع الملابسالسميكةو تصويرالملابس الداخلية لأي بنت دون عناء.برنامج خصص لللخدع و لا يقوم بكشف الملابس الداخلية الحقيقيةلتطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةبدالك يمكنك ان ترى ما تحت اللباس او مت بداخل صندوق الىغيردالككدالك يمكنك الاستفادة منه طبيا عبر مشاهدة العضام والاجزاءالداخليةمنجسمكXray تطبيق رائع ل كشف تحت الملابس . سهولة في العمل معتطبيقكاشفالملابس الداخلية .هل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنهااختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الـ Xray* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابسطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كشف تحت الملابس " يمكنك أن ترىالملابسالداخليةلأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لوكانتغليظةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كاميرا هاتفك الى جهاز كشف الأشعة أو آلة كشفالأشعةأوالسكانر لكي تكتشف ما تحت الملابس للمرأة والرجل .طريقة إستعمال برنامج جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس :مرر كاميرا هاتفك على أي جزء من الجسم مثل اليد اليسرى ، اليداليمنى،الرأس ، الدماغ ، العينين ، الأسنان و الفم ، الصدر ، المؤخرة،الحوض، الظهر ، العمود الفقري ، الفخد ، الرقبة، الركبة، القدماليمنىأوالقدم اليسرى ، البطن أو المعدة ، بعد ذلك الكاميراستطلقالماسحالضوئي و الأشعة السينية و الفوق بنفسجية لكشف الهيكلالعظميأو العظام.تحذير : تطبيق جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس مجرد مزحة PRANK ولايقومبكشفالملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقطوخداعأصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةالتطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةبدالك يمكنك ان ترى ما تحت اللباس او مت بداخل صندوق الىغيردالككدالك يمكنك الاستفادة منه طبيا عبر مشاهدة العضام والاجزاءالداخليةمنجسمكيمكنك أيضا تغيير لون وحجم وسرعة في شاشة الإعداد. الأشعةالسينيةسكانرمضحك هو التطبيق متعة لأولئك الذين يحبون النكاتالعملية! هذهالاشعاتالسينيه ليست حقيقية، لذلك فهي غير ضارة ومتعةللعب مع!محاولة الخروجمن ميزة كاميرا الأشعة السينية ماسحة مضحكللنقر الصورعصبي متعة!محاولة تعرية الأسنان الخاصة بك، وجعل عينيكتبدو كبيرة... مخيفة! كاشفالملابس الداخليةالتعليمات:فتح تطبيق الماسح الضوئي الأشعة السينية.إمالة الهاتف تصل إلى التمرير لأعلى صورة الأشعة السينية.إمالة أسفل الهاتف إلى التمرير لأسفل.تحذير: الأشعة السينية الماسح الضوئي هو التطبيق (مزحة prank )منأجلالمتعة أنه لا يحتوي على أي الأشعة السينية الحقيقي.كاميرا كشف تحت الملابسهل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنهااختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الـ X rayطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كاشف الملابس الداخلية " يمكنك أنترىالملابسالداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه باستعمال الأشعة السينية .ـ كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لوكانتغليضةكالمعاطف.ـ التطبيق سهل الاستعمال يكفيك أن تختار جنس الشخص الذي تريدرؤيةماتحت ملابسه، هل ذكر أم أنثى.ـ التطبيق مجاني و سيبقى كذلك على طول.نحن لسنا مسؤولين أمام الله لو استعمل التطبيق في كشف عوراتالنساءوالمحرمات.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.You canexposewomen'sclothing, men's and by using your phone's cameraPrankBody revealed without clothes you can detect women'sunderwear,men'sand by using your phone's camera Android to detectunderwearfor agirl or a woman or a vision of the body as well asby passingacamera phone of the woman or the person who wants toseehisunderwear without Ekshvk. Camera phone will play the roleofthescanner x-ray to show the body without the underwear.Application features:* Detect people without clothes* Detector women's underwear* Detector body organs ray ultrasound* Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy* Body scan* Detector bones and joints.* Bone scan.Warning :Application Jhazkashif what under clothing PRANK just a jokeanddoesnot reveal underwear for women and men, but it is onlyanapplicationfor a joke and fool your friends for some fun andforpleasureDisclosed under clothing designed for fun and tricks.Detector program under clothes you can pretend toexamineunderwearBnat.tazahr The software does hacked all the thickclothesandfilming lingerie girl without any trouble.A program devoted to Lkhadda and does not revealtherealunderwearVery easy to apply and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiationdetectorBdalk you can see what was under the dress or inside the fundistoDalkKdalk you can take advantage of it by watchingmedicallyAledaminternal parts of your bodyXray wonderful application for detecting under clothing. Easytoworkwith the application of the detector underwear.Have you ever imagined that your phone's camera Androidcanpenetrateclothing through the technique of Xray* Reveal what under clothing programThanks to the application of course, "revealed under clothes"youcansee the underwear to any person without his knowledge.Prank application is for having fun with hisfriendsandfamily.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothes, and if itwereathick Kalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.The application is very easy jobSo that converts your phone's camera to the device ormachineraysrevealed rays or scanner revealed to discover whatunderclothingfor women and men.People use reveal a program without clothes method:Swipe your phone's camera on any part of the body like thelefthand,right hand, head, brain, eyes, teeth and mouth, chest,rear,pelvis,back, spine, groin, neck, knee, right foot or leftfoot,abdomen orthe stomach, then the camera will launch a scannerandX-ray andultraviolet to detect bone or bone structure.Warning: the application revealed a people without clothesPRANKjusta joke and does not reveal underwear for women and men,but itisapplied to only a joke and fool your friends for some funandforpleasureThe application is very easy and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiationdetectorBdalk you can see what was under the dress or inside the fundistoDalkKdalk you can take advantage of it by watchingmedicallyAledaminternal parts of your bodyYou can also color, size and speed of change in thesetupscreen.X-ray scanner is funny fun app for those who likepracticaljokes!This Xrays is not real, so they are harmless and funto playwith!Try out the X-ray scanner camera feature funnyclickablespookyimages fun! Try baring your teeth, make your eyeslook great...scary! Reagent underwearInstructions:Open an application scanner X-rays.Tilt the phone up to scroll up X-ray image.Tilt the bottom of the phone to scroll down.Warning: X-ray scanner is an application (a joke prank) forfunitdoes not contain any real X-rays.Camera detectors clothesHave you ever imagined that your phone's camera Androidcanpenetrateclothing through the technique of X rayOf course thanks to the application of "reagent underwear"Youcansee the underwear to any person without his knowledgebyusingX-rays.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothing andifGladhKalmatef.Application is user-friendly enough for you to choose the sexoftheperson that you want to see what's under his clothes, ismaleorfemale.App is free and will remain well along.We are not responsible before God if it is used intheapplicationrevealed the shortcomings of women and thetaboos.Prank application is for having fun with hisfriendsandfamily.
QR code scanner barcode :prank 9.0
QR code scanner barcode :prank grocerylistappwith barcode scanner for real clothes prank Do yousurprisehoweveryou'll get a instant and real xray scan togetherwith youritinerantthen we've got an answer . this is often a prankappp toinduce funand trick your friends.qc barcode scannerapplicationcould be aprank fake barcode scanner app for androidtablet totrick yourfriends that you just have impressive call appwhichwill freebarcode scanner their mitt. This qr scann to seethroughwall forreal life show faux imagebarcode scanner pricecheckerfree mitt.transfer qr clothes scan-ner to scan your hand orleg ormaybe yourchest! simply purpose your camera a number ofinchesfrom yourchosen piece, watch for the scanning method tobecompleted, insideseconds you'll be able to see associate A-beamofyour hand or legetc! Tilt your call over your hand and scrollthereal or codereader and barcode scanner real body of you image.youwouldpossibly ought to observe a number of times.You can conjointly modification the colour, size and speedwithinthesetting screen. qc scan-ner pregnant joke could be a funappforpeople who love sensible jokes! These qr phone don't seem tobereal,in order that they area unit harmless and fun to playwith!undertakethe camera feature of Y-beam Scann Funny to clickfunspooky images!attempt uncovering your teeth and creating youreyesbig…looks scary!QR code scanner barcode :prank impress your friends withabrandnew trick of theY beam ghost scan-ner by downloading thefakeqcscanners-ner and find arealistic expertise of aliveZ-beamscannThe app isn't a true x-ray scanners however it simplystimulatesthex ray scann for teethr, and its for fun you and yourfriendsbyshowing them its real however its not anddoesnt have the x ray practicality.The apps simply mechanically detects phone movement somovestheimage on the screen looking on however you're movingthephonescreen.You and your friends ought to have the expertise and funofseeinghowever this app will show the x-rays by downloading thisandalsothe begin mistreatment.How will it work?Select piece you would like to scan. Place your phone beforeofthatpiece. App can show a part of earlier ready image ofskeletalpieceon your phone screen. to maneuver to a different apart ofroentgenexposure tilt your phone in direction you would liketotravel. Appuses measuring instrument to observe phones angleandsupportedgiven data it moves exposure in correct direction.Forhigherperformance you'll modify angle sensitivity, imagemovespeed andpiece size in settings. furthermore you'll usereadbutton, which isable to reset phone's angle to actualphone'sposition angle. it'llallow you to scan someone WHO sits,lies orstands. when it slow ofcoaching with scann on yourselfyou'll {tryto|attempt to|tryassociated} prank your friends andcreate anZ-beam scan on theirhands, legs, head or chest.
X-Ray Cloth Scanner:Simulator 1.0
Xray Cloth Scanner simulator. Itsjustasimulator Apps for Fun.Cloth Scanner is a simulator app for fun. With this app youmakefunwith your friends.Xray Cloth scanner remove cloths on any body but its just afunitsnot real. Withthis app you enjoy with your friends by telling them thatyoucaneasily scan their bodyand cloths.Xray cloth scanner simulator show the savedimagesbutthey think that its real.Xray Cloth Scan is a simulator application onlyforentertainmentpurpose.You can makea fool to your friend and other family members, Byshowingthisapplication on front of them.Cloth, Xray, girl, Body, fun, Scanner not real its justasimulatorapp for fun.NOTE:Its an entertainment based application, Use just for fun.and entertainmentIts just a prank application.Nothing is real in it.
Xray Cloth Scanner Prank 1.0
Xray Cloth Scanner prank. Its just aprankAppsfor Fun.Cloth Scanner is a prank app for fun. With this app you makefunwithyour friends.Xray Cloth scanner remove cloths on any body but its just afunitsnot real. Withthis app you enjoy with your friends by telling them thatyoucaneasily scan their bodyand cloths. Xray cloth scanner show the saved images buttheythinkthat its real.Xray Cloth Scan Prank is a Prank application onlyforentertainmentpurpose.You can makea fool to your friend and other family members, Byshowingthisapplication on front of them.Cloth, Xray, girl, Body, fun, Scanner not real its just aprankappfor fun.NOTE:Its an entertainment based application, Use just for funand entertainment.Its just a prank application.Nothing is real in it.
Bhabhi Xray Scanner 1.0
Bhabhi Xray Scanner is a Prank apptoscanBhabhi Bra Scanner, if you are looking for a cool prankappthatwill show you scanned xray of innercloth of girls orbhabhilikebra size then this app is perfect for you.Prank your bhabhi with this app to scan her bra sizeusingxraysimulator scanner.Features:1) Free app2) No internet connection Required3) Make prank bhabhi or girls that you can really scantheirclothsxray4) Bra size scan using xray simulatorNote: this is prank app, only for fun.
X-Ray Sketch Cam Scanner Prank 1.0
This application is just a prank appandcannotgives a real x-ray of body part. With this xray prankappyou mayentertain your self and also your friends, with thisxrayapplication you will be able to make fun either you arewithyourfriends or with your family member . this x raymachineapplicationis able to make a xray of your hands , legs,chest ,clothes andother body parts. Through this xray scanner appyou get100% prankresult just as real xray machine.You may have a great fun while using this xrayprankapplication.Features :place your mobile phone camera on you hand or any other partdrag up and down your device to generate your xray.Note:X-ray prank app is prank application just for entertainment,itcannot generate a real x-ray results.
Xray v2 2.1
Xray Scanner Prank is a trick applicationfornoparticular reason purposes.Play around with your companions!HOW TO USE:1-Put your hand behind your telephone.2-Start x-beam application.3-A laser bar will go over your hand.4-Tilt your telephone up or down to look up or down thexraypicture.Accessible distinctive body parts to output: head,hand,foot,cheast.DISCLAIMER:Xray Scanner Prank v1 is a trick, joke or reenactapplication.
x ray scanner Skeleton :prank 7.0
x ray scanner the human body for realclothesprank Do you surprise however you'll get a instant and realxrayscan together with your itinerant then we've got an answer .thisis often a prank app to induce fun and trick your friends.XRayScan application could be a prank faux xray scanner to trickyourfriends that you just have impressive call app which willX-raytheir mitt. This x ray scanner to see through wall for reallifeshow faux image xray skeletal mitt. transfer xray clothesscan-nerto scan your hand or leg or maybe your chest! simplypurpose yourcamera a number of inches from your chosen piece, watchfor thescanning method to be completed, inside seconds you'll beable tosee associate A-beam of your hand or leg etc! Tilt your calloveryour hand and scroll the real ex ray scanner real body ofyouimage. you would possibly ought to observe a number oftimes.You can conjointly modification the colour, size and speedwithinthe setting screen. x ray scan-ner pregnant joke could be afun appfor people who love sensible jokes! These xrays don't seemto bereal, in order that they area unit harmless and fun to playwith!undertake the camera feature of Y-beam Scanner Funny to clickfunspooky images! attempt uncovering your teeth and creating youreyesbig…looks scary!impress your friends with a brand new trick of theY beamghostscan-ner by downloading the faux X-Ray scanners-ner andfindarealistic expertise of a live Z-beam scannThe app isn't a true x-ray scanners however it simply stimulatesthex ray scann for teethr, and its for fun you and your friendsbyshowing them its real however its not anddoesnt have the x ray practicality.
Thermometer Body Temp. Prank 1.0.0
Body Temperature (Fever) have a lotofcauses.Some of them are:-Due to too much cold and flu.-Gastroenteritis stomach bugs.-Biting of mosquito on any of the body part.-infections in the ear, skin, throat, etc.-Inflammatory conditions.-Side effects of the drugs you take to cure anyotherdisease.There are a lot of causes that can be addressed to thefeverorBody Temperature. It usually makes the condition of thepersonthathe may feel uncomfortable or dizzy. Plenty of clear fluidorwatershould be taken, also iced drinks can behelpful.Lightweightclothing should be used and too much heavyclothesshould beavoided. It should also be kept in mind to makethetemperature inthe room comfortable and there should be freshairall over theroom. Complete rest should be taken andheavyactivities should beavoided. Depending on the age of theperson andthe underlyingcause of the body temperature, medicaladvice fromthe doctor mayor may not be taken.Heart Rate may increase because of fever. Glucose/Sugar levelmaygetaffected because of flu. OximeterSO2 is used formeasuringOxygenLevel in the body. You are required to checkyourtemperature backand forth and take proper medication andlightdiet to prevent it.Making your mode happy is also one of thecurewhich we addressed bydeveloping this app. Prank your friendsandfamily with Prank BodyTemperature Thermometer by asking themtocheck their bodytemperature.How to Use:*Tap the app icon to launch the app.**Selection of the Gender is compulsory for everybody.***You must put any of your finger on the BodyTemperatureScanneron the second screen.****Now, you will be excited to see the results of the app.Disclaimer:Note this app is for fun and entertainment purpose only.Alltheresults are randomly generated and are for funandexcitement.Enjoy!
Six Pack Body Scanner Prank 1.0
Working on building strength intheabdominalcore is always a smart move because it will helppreventinjuriesand help you perform other weight liftingactivitiesbetter, butit's not a requirement.Six Pack Body Scanner Prank will scan human body and tellyouthathave you a six pack figure or not. It just a prank app tomakeyourfriends fool. Put camera in front of your friends andtellthemtheir body building measurement. You can joke withfriends,justtell them that scanners use sophisticatedalgorithmsbodyrecognition by photo, neural networks and so on.Feature of Six Pack Body Scanner Prank App.- It will automatically start counting your result.- It is compatible with almost android device so toinstallonSmartphone and tablets- Smooth interface to deal friendly.- Use of scanning animations and effects.- It is totally free , it doesn't required internet connection.How to use Six Pack Body Scanner Prank ?Step 1: Write your name.Step 2: Now put your camera to the person and waitfortheresult.Step 3: Result-> Your prank Body building measurementDetailwillbe shown automatically after calculation.Note: Please don't rely on the result produced by thisapp.Itsjust a simulation of Six Pack Body Scanner Prank.It'smainlydeveloped for prank purpose.
Xray virtual helmet 2017 1.0
IMPORTANT: This is not a realvirtualrealityhelmet and an X-ray simulator only emulator that isdesignedforfun and entertainment, it does not bear any harmtohealth!Try our simulator app for fun. Show your friends how coolyourphonein the form of X-rays. Scan your friends through clothes.Doa scanof your cat or another, and all for free! Attention! Thisisnot areal virtual reality helmet and an X-ray simulatoronlyemulatorthat is designed for fun and entertainment, it doesnotbear anyharm to health!
Body Scanner Prank 1.0
Body Scanner Prank is anentertainmentappit is used to clickfun prank with friends and show innersecretsofbodybody scanner prank best x-ray body scannerit is the perfect app to make a prank to your friendsbody scanner app is make x ray, xray prank and xrayimageofhumanBody Scanner Prank app used to enjoy entertainment withfriendsanddry as* Girl body xray scanner* Xray cloths simulator* Xray body simulator* Xray scanner simulator* Secret admirers* Chest simulator* Xray scanner* X ray prank* Xray prank* Raio x* Ap xray* X ray* body* Xray app* X ray scanner* X ray* X ray app* Xray scanner* X ray
Full Body Scanner Prank 1.0.3
Full Body Scanner is the superb app to makeaprank to your family, neighbors and friends.Full Body Scanner is designed to fool your friends that you canseeunder their clothes.The features of Full Body Scanner are very simple:you will see a thumb pad , put your thumb on that. The thumbpadwill produce sound effects to look it like realistic one.After the scanning completed, the Full Body Scanner will scanthefull body picture , and will show you some funny defectiveparts.You can make a fun of it.Disclaimer! Remember this is just a PRANK APP! There is norealbody scanner on your device.
Girls Hats Photo Montage 1.1
Wave of Fun
👒 Girls, search no more! If you are a fanofthelatest fashion trends, hurry to Android™ market and get ournewfree"photo editor" Girls Hats Photo Montage. You will bedelightedto tryout a variety of beautiful hats and create a uniquefashionmakeoverin just a few secs. Have tons of fun playing thisbest of"dress upgames for girls" and your "photo montage" willleaveeverybodybreathless. "Girls Hats Photo Montage" is the best"imageeditor"that will help you create your own fashion show andbecomea fashionstar with just a few swipes of a finger. Startcreatingyour ownphoto book and play with different fashion stylesto seewhich onesuits you best. The photofunia is just about tostart, sounleashyour creativity!♦ ♦ ♦ Enter this amazing photo booth and start makingmagicinyour personalized pics lab! ♦ ♦ ♦Take a look at what this fantastic photo studio offers,andmakeyour choice:★ A wide range of hats: funny hats, eleganthats,winterhats!★ Choose among hats of various colours and designs and sticktoyourphoto!★ Easy and fun to use image editing tool and photo stickers!★ Edit your selfies like a pro!★ Use a photo from your own gallery or take a picture withyourphonecamera!★ Zoom in and out, rotate, adjust, add text!★ Save the pic of your new outfit in your photo gallery!★ Set your new work of art as wallpaper on yourphoneortablet!★ Share your new look with all your friends on Facebook,TwitterandInstagram👒 Combine various photo effects and make a cute photoalbumwiththis best of free apps and the fun will never end!Stickstylishhats to your ordinary photos and make prefect photocollagesthatyou can set as cool backgrounds to embellish yourphone.Discoverthis wonderful pic editing program Girls Hats PhotoMontageandconquer the fashion world! Photo editing has never beenthisfunand with a few photo frames your old pictures willbetransformedinto cute desktop backgrounds. Send your newfunnypictures to yourfriends and they will be surprised howbeautifulyou are in yournew hat. You can now wear designer clotheswithouthaving to visitshopping stores. Just take a picture, add afeweffects and yourphoto wonder will be at the palm of yourhand!👒 Every professional photographer will envy yourpictureeditingskills if you just download this photo editing appand letyourimagination be your guide. Become like a true fashionbloggerandpost your new pictures on social networks. Gather allyourfriendsand start playing with these fancy stickers. Everyonecan beanexpert with this easy image editing software. Make the mostofyourbeauty in a a simple and entertaining way. Forgetaboutcomplicatedphotoshops. In our collection of hats the onlyproblemis how tochoose only one hat. So try them all and create astunningphotoalbum to get many likes on social networks.👒 True beauty lies in the details, so you canachieveperfectionwith just a few stickers and make a work of magic.Do nothesitateany more, refresh your old pictures with lovelystickersand looklike a true lady in every photo. Show everybodythat youare afashion diva and that elegance is your middle name.All ittakes isa couple of minutes and the fun will last formanydays!* Android is a trademark of Google Inc.* This app is ad – supported.
Human Xray Scanner Prank 1.0
Human Xray scanner Prank can stimulatetheeffects of the X-ray machine. You can use it to prank yourfriendsin order for them to think that your mobile phone hasthecapability to provide an image. By providing the right set upofthe scanner, you are provided with a good illusion that lookslikethe real image of bones in your body parts.Human XRay scanner prank application will display some fakeimageof x-ray skeleton of the left hand. Once you downloadtheapplication, you can scan your leg, hand or even your chest.Youwill just need to point the camera few inches away from the partofthe body then wait for scanning process to be completed. Aftertheprocess is completely done, you will now see the result ofyourscanner X. You can tilt your mobile phone to scroll the imageofyour body part.The prank application is a very amusing prank. However, youneedto do it the right way.For you to gain more knowledge about these application, here arethebest features that this application can offer you.•You can scan different parts of your body looking like arealx-ray image•This application uses sound, vibrator and flashlight•It is very easy to use and learn•You can do some live scanning of your body parts•This prank app uses the camera and not the G-Sensor for you tohavea much better resultThis is how great and cool this app is because it willprovideyou total entertainment.•This prank was created to make fun with your friends orotherfamily members.•It was intended to provide great entertainment without doing arealscanning process.•It is only prank application in order to trick friends•It is a fun game to play with your good friendsHere are the simple instructions on how to use the x-rayscannerapplication.•You need to hover your camera over your friend’s body partthatyou wanted to scan•Now, start by tapping on the top of your friend’s body parts•Move your finger down until your scanning process is over•You can tap anywhere to make a new scan or you can click thebackbutton if you want to scan the other parts of your friend’sbody tocontinue the fun.However, you should always remember that it is justpurelyentertainment and not for any other purpose. Using thisapplicationwill provide you real entertainment, fun and greattricks for yourfriends. Now, this app can scan the following bodyparts:•Skull•Chest•Left foot•Right foot•Left hand•Right handIt is compatible with smartphones, android and any tabletsthatyou wanted to use. Most of the users of this application aretrulyenjoying themselves in making pranks with their friends. Mostofthem have rated this Human xray scanner prank with fivestarsbecause it is fun to play with. Here are some of the greatcustomerreviews said about this application.The application is a free app for android that can bedownloadedin your phone or tablet. It the best way to trick peoplearound youif you want to make fun of them. So if you want toexperience thegreat things about this app, try to download it. Forsure, this appwill be your most favorite app among the otherapplications thatyou have in your phone