Top 50 Apps Similar to EASY Peasy - English for Kids

Pili Pop - Learn English 7.4.1
English games and activities for kids - Help kids learn englishwithfun games
Efteling Kids 1.4.6
Efteling B.V.
Fairy tales and games
Holy Owly - languages for kids 2.12.5
English and Spanish in 5 min/day
Vokabel 1.45
Vokabel is a tool to help you learn your homework in a funandefficient way.
Corneille: reading in French 3.3.4
Fun educational phonics games and books in French for childrenaged3 to 8
Levebee: Your Teaching App 3.3.4
Transform learning languages into a fascinating journeywithLevebee.
Efteling Stories 1.1.1
Efteling B.V.
Enjoy the fairytales and stories from Efteling at home.Downloadtheapp! With this app you can read on your own, readtogether withyourchildren or grand children, alternatively you canlistentofairytales like Little Red Riding Hood, SleepingBeauty,Cinderellaand other well known fairytales from Efteling withtheaudioversions. Discover some of Efteling's unique storieslikeTheIndian Water Lilies, Lila and the Fairies, Baron 1898andSymbolica. With this app you can learn about Eftelingsfairytalesandstories at home before your visit and enjoy thememories oftheWorld of Wonders after your visit. Search terms •Efteling,themepark, amusement park, fairytale, fairytales,story,stories,legend, legends, World of Efteling, World ofWonders,reading,listen to, attraction, attractions
Imagerie de l'espace 6
Leisure education with "The imagery of the interactive space"
DieMaus 2.7.7
We are glad to present you the official app for the program withthemouse!
Squla 3.2.8
Fun learning quizzes on all subjects for primary school
BOOKR Class Learn English 3.9.10
Award-winning animated stories & games
I learn to read
Gillz BV
Stimulate your child's self-confidence
Imagerie éveil interactive 5
To learn while having fun with the book "The imagery of awakening."
English for Kids 1.25
English for Kids is simply the best way to introduce English toyourkid.
Cahiers Primaire - Nomad Education
CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2: the app to revise the Primary by havingfun!
Learn Dutch - 11,000 Words 7.3.2
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Correct and Quick Arithmetic
M&M Breuking
Learn all the sums + - x ÷ up to 100!
MathPower Classroom 1.23.0
Math Assessment for Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3
Dinolingo Old 2.2.1
Dino Lingo
French, German, Chinese, Portuguese and many other languages
Learn Languages for Kids 2023.06.24.0
For children from 2 years - 7 years. Learn new languages withfungames!
English Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach Your Kids English in a fun and engaging way.
1000 Mots CP-CE1 / Apprendre à lire 1.1.2
En complément aux méthodes de lecturetraditionnelles,l'applicationpermet aux enfants de courspréparatoire de manipulerà loisirsyllabes ou phonèmes afin d'êtrecapable de décoder laplupart desmots. Cet apprentissage se poursuitau CE1 par l'étudedes graphiescomplexes. Au CP, 46 phonèmes ougraphèmes du françaissont abordéssuivant une progression souple quipeut s'adapter auxdifférentsmanuels présents dans les classes. Lesexercices dedécomposition etrecomposition syllabique puisphonèmiqueconstituent un entrainementà la lecture et àl'écritureorthographique correcte des mots : unmême son peutavoirdifférentes graphies (o/au/eau), une mêmegraphie peut seprononcerdifféremment (c=[s], c=[k]), certainesassociations doiventêtreconnues (tr). Les 29 principalesdifficultés sont abordées auCE1 :différenciations (pr/br),inversions (ar), sons complexes(ié),règles implicites (m devant m,b, p). L'application vientutilementen complément des manuels delecture ou des méthodesutilisées dansles classes mais estutilisable également de façonautonome du faitde son aspectludique. Une même tablette permetd'inscrire troisutilisateurs. Laversion 1000 mots Pro, reprend lecontenu de cetteapplication ainsique des versions GS et FLE(Français Langueétrangère ouremédiation). La version gratuitepropose 35exercices. L'achatintégré donne accès à plus de 660exercices pour3,99 €. Ladocumentation complète est
Imagerie ferme Interactive 5
To learn while having fun with the book "The imagery of the farm."
PONS Vocabulary Trainer 5.0.11
Never forget new words again!
Montessori Nature 1.1.7
Explore. Nurture. Grow At last a gardening app that doesn't costtheearth!
Learn Polish - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Juf Jannie - Leren Lezen 1.1
Na het succes van Juf Jannie - Letterslerenlezen lanceer ik nu een vervolg op de app, dit keer om woordenenzinnen te leren lezen.
Met Juf Jannie – leren lezen voor groep 3 leren de kinderen:* woorden lezen.* zinnen lezen.* woorden spellen.De app is speciaal ontwikkeld met het oog op hetleesonderwijszoals de kinderen in groep 3 krijgen aangeboden. Dewoorden in deapp zijn klankzuiver, zoals de kinderen dat ook in deklas oefenen.
De app is vooral bedoeld voor beginnende lezers envoor kinderenuit groep 1 en 2 die al interesse hebben in lerenlezen.Laat uw kind aan de slag gaan met deze leerrijke app en uwkindleert spelenderwijs woorden en zinnen lezen. Op school krijgtuwkind letters en woorden per kern aangeboden. Deze app sluitdaarbijaan en geeft uw kind extra mogelijkheden om te oefenen.Vooralwanneer uw kind meer oefentijd nodig heeft, biedt deze appeenoplossing. Ook kinderen die al in de kleuterklas (groep 2) toezijnaan het leren lezen van woorden kunnen dit met behulp van dezeappdoen.De app biedt:* aansluiting bij het lesprogramma op de basisschool.* zes oefeningen waarmee uw kind leert lezen.* fonetisch uitgesproken letters net als kinderen ze opschoolleren.* leesletters (let op: geen schrijfletters!).* auditieve ondersteuning door de plaatjes aan te raken endewoorden te horen.* visuele ondersteuning door de letterhokjes.* professionele voice-over.* kindvriendelijke navigatie.* uitleg bij alle oefeningen door Juf Jannie.* meerdere niveaus per oefening.* uitslag bij de oefeningen.De oefeningen:* Oefening 1: Waar lees je het woord van het plaatje? Sleephetwoord naar het plaatje.* Oefening 2: Waar lees je het woord van het plaatje? Sleepdewoorden naar het plaatje.* Oefening 3: Welk woord kan hier staan? Sleep de plaatjes naardeletterhokjes.* Oefening 4: Welke letter moet vooraan? Sleep de letter naarhethok.* Oefening 5: Maak het woord van het plaatje. Sleep de lettersnaarde juiste hokjes.* Oefening 6: Welk plaatje hoort bij de zin? Sleep het plaatjenaarde zin.Kenmerken:* Kindvriendelijk* Kleurrijk* Professionele voice-over* Auditieve ondersteuning bij de letters en plaatjes doorjufJannie* Educatief en leerzaamHeeft uw kind letters leren lezen met behulp van mijn appJufJannie - Letters leren lezen ? Dan kan uw kind ook nu weer metmijnapp aan de slag om ditmaal woorden en zinnen te lerenlezen.Bekijk ook onze andere apps:* Juf jannie - letters flitsen* Juf Jannie - Letters leren lezen* Woorden leren - seizoenen - juf Jannie* Cijfers, getallen - juf JannieWat anderen zeggen:☆ "De Juf Jannie-apps zijn educatief en gericht op lerenlezen,spellen, rekenen en woordenschat opdoen. De nieuwste app,JufJannie Leren Lezen voor groep 3, is gericht op het lezenvanwoorden en zinnen en het spellen van woorden."☆ "Met deze app leer je woorden en zinnen lezen en woordenspellen.Het is een mooi vervolg op de app waarmee je letters leertvan JufJannie." -☆ "Ik vind het een hele goede, educatieve app. Zeer goedinzetbaarin het (speciaal) onderwijs en uiteraard ook thuis om teoefenen."-☆ "Oogt aantrekkelijk met duidelijke plaatjes en deoefeningensluiten aan bij het leesonderwijs in groep 3. Prima appom zonderouder het leren lezen te oefenen." - SnuggerOver Juf JannieJuf Jannie maakt educatieve apps voor kinderen die aansluiten opdelesstof van het basisonderwijs. 
De oefeningen in de appszijndezelfde oefeningen als kinderen op school krijgen, maar nuoefenenze spelenderwijs en krijgen ze direct te horen wat goed gaaten watze nog moeten oefenen."Spelenderwijs leren" staat centraal. Het doel is om kinderentelaten leren tijdens het spelen. Alle apps biedengesprokenNederlandse taal omdat ze speciaal zijn gemaakt voorpeuters,kleuters en kinderen uit groep 3. Zo leren kinderen eencorrecteuitspraak van de Nederlandse taal en leren ze nieuwewoorden.After the successofJannie Teacher - Letters learn to read, I now launch a sequeltothe app, this time to learn to read words and sentences.With Jannie Teacher - Learn to Read for group 3childrenlearn:* Read words.* Read sentences.* Spell words.The app is specially designed for the purpose ofreadinginstruction as the children in group 3 are offered. Thewords inthe app are pure sound, like the children also practice intheclassroom. The app is especially designed for beginning readersandfor children from group 1 and 2 who have already read inlearninginterest.Let your child get started with this educational app, andyourchild will learn playful words and phrases read. At school,yourchild will receive letters and words per core offer. This appwouldlike to look and give your child extra opportunities topractice.Especially when your child needs more practice time, thisappoffers a solution. Even children who are learning to read wordsinkindergarten (group 2) to be able to do this with the help ofthisapp.The app offers:* Connection to the curriculum at primary school.* Six exercises that your child learns to read.* Phonetically pronounced letters as children they learninschool.* Read letters (note: do not write letters).* Auditory support by touching the pictures and hearthewords.* Visual support through letter boxes.* Professional voiceover.* Child-friendly navigation.* Explanation of all the exercises Jannie Teacher.* Multiple levels each exercise.* Rash in the exercises.The exercises:* Exercise 1: Where are you reading the word of the picture?Dragthe word to the picture.* Exercise 2: Where are you reading the word of the picture?Dragthe words to the picture.* Exercise 3: Which word can stand here? Drag the images totheletter boxes.* Exercise 4: Which letter should be in front? Drag the lettertothe loft.* Exercise 5: Make the word of the picture. Drag the lettersintothe appropriate boxes.* Exercise 6: Which picture is part of the sentence? Drag theimageto the sentence.Features:* Child friendly* Colorful* Professional voice over* Supported by the letters and pictures by Miss Jannie* Educational and informativeDoes your child learn to read letters using my app JannieTeacher- Letters learn to read? Then your child can now again withmy appto get started this time to learn to read words andsentences.Check out our other apps:* Miss Jannie - letters flash* Jannie Teacher - Letters learn to read* Words Learning - seasons - Miss Jannie* Numbers, Numbers - Miss JannieWhat others are saying:☆ "The Miss Jannie apps are educational and focused onlearningreading, spelling, arithmetic and vocabulary gain.'s Newestapp,Jannie Teacher Learning Reading Group 3, focuses on readingwordsand sentences and spelling words." -☆ "With this app you will learn words and phrases to read andspellwords. It is a nice sequel to the app that lets you learntheletters of Jannie Teacher." -☆ "I think it's a very good, educational app. Very well suitableforthe (special) education and of course home to practice."☆ "Looks attractive with clear pictures and exercises correspondtothe reading instruction in group 3. Prima app to practice.Parentwithout learning to read" - BrainyAbout Miss JannieJannie Teacher makes educational apps for kids that connect tothecurriculum of primary education. The exercises in the apps arethesame exercises as have children in school, but now theypracticeplayfully and they are told what is going well and whatthey stillneed to practice immediately."Playful Learning" is key. The goal is for children to learnwhileplaying. All apps have spoken Dutch language because they aremadefor toddlers, preschoolers and children from group 3.Example,children learn the correct pronunciation of the Dutchlanguage andlearn new words. Specially
Apprendre à lire - CP 10.0
Learn to read - French
English for kids 4.0.132
English learning games for kids and beginners. Learn and playABCgames for kids
English for Kids: Learn & Play 3.5
Learning English for children 5-10 years old
Kids Academy Talented & Gifted 4.3.5
COPPA and FERPA compliant, 100% safe with parental controlandnoads. Based on tried-and-true approaches topreschooleducation,Kids Academy's Early Learning Center is thebesteducational appfor kids from 2 to 10 . It develops reading,writingand mathskills through fascinating games! Prepare your kidforsuccess inclass & beyond with our complete learning courseforAGES 2 to10: 📚Over 5,000+ learning activities: GAMES,VIDEOS,WORKSHEETS; 📚PERSONALIZED learning plan that adapts to yourchild;📚 Designed byexperts in early education; 📚 Progress trackingandreporting;Talented and Gifted learning academy was created tohelpidentifyand nurture the talents of every child from theearlieststage!Hone writing and reading skills, develop a mindsetformath,sharpen visual perception and hand-eye coordination -allthroughengaging gameplay! Kids Academy learning plan coversallaspects ofpreschool education ensuring that our youngstudentshavecomprehensive knowledge, deep understanding and a setofskillsthat will help them excel in their furthereducation.KindergartenMath will help your little learner to betterunderstandmaterialsin preschool or Kindergarten. 🏫 PLENTY OFLEARNINGACTIVITIES Over5,000+ educational games, videos, andprintablesdeveloped byexperts in early education: * Math, writing,phonicsand readinggames * SORT, MATCH, and CLASSIFY games *Animatedflashcards,puzzles and mazes * Topic-related educationalvideos♟️Chess course- A Proven Way to Boost Brain Power Chesspromotesskills that canbe applied to a vast variety of real-worldsituationand also pumpsthe brainpower to succeed at school.Therefore we'velaunched a newchess course for grades from K toGrade 3. 📅 COMPLETEEARLYLEARNING COURSE (AGES 2-10) The appprovides step-by-steplearningpathway that lets toddlers developearly skills by movingfromelementary concepts to more complexattributes. Kids willjumpstartwith learning abc, tracing lettersand numbers and willgraduallymove to tasks that require deepervisual, fine motorandproblem-solving skills. All learning games forkids aredividedinto age groups and can be played as a consistentLearningPath: -Toddlers (2-4): the games within this age groupareavailable onlyon Tablet - Preschool (3-5) - Kindergarten (4-6)-Grade K (5-7) -Grade 1 (6-8) - Grade 2 (7-9) - Grade 3 (8-10)🧑‍🏫DESIGNED WITHEXPERTS IN EARLY CHILD EDUCATION At the core ofthisearly learningapp lies vast expertise of acclaimedchildpsychologists andeducators. Based on rock-solid approachestopreschool education,such as Montessori and Singapore Math, alltheactivities help tocrank up kids’ innate thirst for knowledgeandlet them experiencelearning as an exciting process ofdiscovery.FEATURES * Two typesof content presentation: across agegroups andas a LearningPathway * A rich, exploratory environmentfilled withsurprises *Effective motivation and rewards system *Fancy animatedcartooncharacters and objects from the child’s world*Easy-to-followprofessionally voicedhints--------------------------------SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS: * Whiletheapp is free to download some ofthe content is only availableaspart of subscription-basedmembership. * There areseveralsubscription options: Monthly($9.99/month),Quarterly($19.99/quarter), and Yearly. * Somesubscription optionscome witha free trial period, which will beindicated before yousubscribe.It gives you an opportunity to testthe app and cancelbefore you'recharged if you don't like it. *You can read ourPrivacy Policyhere: * You canread our TermsofUse here: * Ifyou haveanyquestions regarding your subscription, don’t hesitate tocontactusat [email protected] Set the stage for academicsuccesswiththis delightfully interactive learning app for kids!
Imagerie des comment 7
Leisure education with "The imagery of how interactive".
Learn English Vocabulary - Kid 2.4.3
Enes Aydın
Learning for kids,beginners and starters with pictures,soundsandplaying games
Learn Dutch For Kids - Pro 2021.10.16.1
For children from 2 years - 7 years. Learn Dutch words withfungames!
Polish grammar 1.3.3
Exercises on Polish grammar and spelling
Learn English vocabulary free: Wordable 1.0.40
Try out Wordable – the fun new free English vocabularygamepoweredby Cambridge Dictionary, the world’s most populardictionaryforEnglish learners: ★ Learn the 3000 most useful EnglishwordsfromCambridge Dictionary ★ Learn 1500 useful words for work★30,000+questions will test your English vocab skills ★Pictures,audio andexample sentences for every English word ★ 7GeneralEnglish Levelsfrom A1 (Beginner) to C2 (Advanced) ThegameVocabulary is the keyto successfully learning English butit’stough to stay motivated!Wordable is designed to keep youmotivatedwith fun trivia-stylegames where you compete with friendsto testyour Englishvocabulary and see who is the fastest to learnnewEnglish words.And, it has tens of thousands of picture,clue,sentence,translation and spelling questions so you’ll nevergetbored!Cambridge Dictionary Wordable’s not just a game.It’sseriouslearning! It includes translations, definitions, audioandexamplesfor every English word – all high quality content fromtheworld’snumber one dictionary for English languagelearners,CambridgeDictionary. Personal Trainer If you don’t know anEnglishword itautomatically gets sent to Wordable’s ‘PersonalTrainer’.Yourtrainer will then use a special memorisationtechnology to helpyoulearn the English word fast and keep track ofit so youneverforget it! Here are some more reasons why it’s RIGHTtotryWordable!: The right words Wordable helps you learncommonmeaningsof 3000+ high frequency English words. These wordscover upto 90%of words in English books, web pages and films! WordsforworkWordable teaches 1500 useful words for work withwordpacksforBusiness, Construction, Food, Retail and Housekeeping.Therightaudio Every English word has audio recorded to by arealEnglishnative speaker, so you can improve your Englishlisteningandpronunciation skills and won’t sound like a robot! TherightlevelsWordable helps you learn English words at just therightlevelusing Cambridge University’s English Vocabulary Profile,asurveyof hundreds of thousands of learners from around theworld.Theright English We created the questions in the gameusingtheCambridge English Corpus. It’s a two billion wordcollectionofreal written and spoken English from books, the web andTV.Byusing the corpus we’ve made sure that all the questionshelpyoulearn real and authentic English. The righttopicsAcademicresearch shows that trying to learn similar Englishwords(e.g.months, colours or types of furniture), at the sametimeisconfusing and slows down your learning. So,Wordableseparatesthese English words to make memorisation easier.The rightlanguageWe speak your language! Wordable supports Englishlearnerswhospeak: • Bengali • Italian • Japanese • Korean •Polish•Portuguese • Russian • Spanish Support for ArabicandChinesecoming soon!
Capt'n Hippocampus' Spelling C 2.0.1
reading learning 1st grade English free for kids writinggamepre-school pirate
Sight Words Adventure - read a 2.1
An early reading & spelling adventure to recognize, read,andwrite sight words!
First Baby Words - Learning App for Baby & Infants 1.1.2 (5)
250 FLASH CARDS - Children love to learn and atCognitoBabylearnwith me flashcards and we love learning with them.The LearnWithMe Flashcard set from CognitoBaby consists of 250uniquelydesignedflash cards featuring everyday objects andscenes.Includesanimals, foods, vegetables, fruits, colors, numbers,homeobjectsand more. TRANSLATED TO 27 LANGUAGES: CognitoBabycardsencouragechildren to engage and play, making learning fun.Addlanguages youwish to learn and they will rotateautomatically.BIGGER CARDS WITHMORE DETAIL - Our cards are big andwide. Easy tosee colours andillustrations for your child tounderstand. Brightand colourfuldesigns to help aid visualdevelopment with easy totouch for smallfingers. Especially great touse on iPads. FOR AGES12 MONTHS PLUS- CognitoBaby learn with mecards can be encouragedprekindergarten, from 12 months onwards upto 5 years. Eachpictureside showcases large, bright images thatreflect everydayobjects.TODDLER PROOF - We designed our cards to beeasy to touchand easyto play. Why? Because we know kids love to getmessy.Cognitobabyflash cards are easy to use even for theyoungestplayers, babiesand toddlers. BRIGHT, BOLD COLORS STIMULATELITTLEMINDS! Childrenstart to learn from the moment they are born.Theyrecognizepeople, places, animals, colors, tastes, sounds,smellsand more. Akey part of a child’s education is throughengagement.Engagingwith parents, siblings and others. Children cansay whatthey seeand our app can help them with theirpronunciation,improvinglanguage skills. As their skill and memoryincreases, sodoes theirconfidence - helping them to become the nextlittleleaders of thefuture. AIDS VISUAL LEARNING: All childrendevelop atdifferentspeeds and learn differently. Visual learning orspatiallearningstyle, is a way of learning in which informationisassociated withimages. The association of colorfulillustrationsplusreinforcement of hearing the word spoken andaccompaniedsoundshelps children to learn and remember words intheirformativeyears. MAKING LEARNING FUN! As parents ourselves, weenjoyseeingour children learn and we love to see ourchildreninteracting withothers. At the core of our company ethos webelievethat learningshould be fun both for parent and child.Whether thatis throughsinging, games, visual learning, numeracy,spelling orothermediums. All COGNITOBABY products are designed toteach in afunand friendly way. IMPROVES MEMORY: CognitoBaby learnwithmeflashcards allow children to interact with theinformation,makingit easier to retain. These cards are a goodvisual learningtool,designed to enhance and encourage activerecollectionofinformation.
Intellecto Kids Learning Games 4.38.0
Numbers, ABCs, Puzzles, Phonics for Toddlers
English with Lingualeo
Lingualeo LLC
Lingualeo is an interactive serviceforlearning and practising English created specially for yourAndroiddevice suitable for both adults and children.Learn new words and train in the most unexpected places such asanendless line to the doctor, a boring lecture at your universityormiles-long traffic jam. Make use of your time effectivelyandyou'll see your results after a month.Your smart pet Leo show you what to do now to move throughthejungle of English. Have fun playing games and learning Englishatthe same time!Application features:- Your personal dictionary with individualassociations,transcription and audio pronunciation for everyword.- Thematic glossaries with visual associations.- Effective trainings: translation of words, wordbuilder,listening.- The possibility to choose one of the best translations or toaddyour own English word.- The possibility to monitor your progress of learning Englishinreal time.- Server synchronization and the ability to work offline.- A user friendly interface and good technical support.- The possibility to learn English for free.The application for Android is a great addition to the webversionof that includes even more features to learnandpractise English.More than 10,500,000 people use Lingualeo and improve theirEnglishevery day.Send your feedback to: [email protected].
Kids Learn Languages by Mondly 8.3.3
ATi Studios
Fun language learning educational app. Learn Spanish,French,English, German.
Kids Academy: Math & Reading
Learning games for preschool kids and toddlers. Math,reading,alphabet and more
Bobo Spelen 1.6.9
Embark on an adventure in the amazing 3D toy tree Bobo!
Preparation for school 2.4.0
Whisper Arts
Edutainment Games for kids aged 2 to 10 to improve attention,logic,and memory
Starbox - kids to-do list & ch 2.7.1
Kids education & motivation: reward your child forcompletingtasks