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Beziehungsapp von Uplife 1.0.4
Wie funktioniert die Beziehungs - AppvonUplife?• Uplife hilft dir kostenlos und anonym, dein Beziehungsproblemzulösen.• Wir verbinden dich per Chat direkt miteinemBeziehungsexperten.• Gemeinsam mit dir erörtern wir, worin deineBeziehungsproblemegenau besteht und inwieweit wir dir dabei helfenkönnen, diese zulösen. Vielleicht geht es auch nur um den einenentscheidendenTipp, mit dem du deine Beziehung qualitativverbessernkannst.• Im Bedarfsfall verweisen wir dich, mit oder ohne deinenPartner,an einen qualifizierten Paarberater bzw. Eheberater indeinerStadt. Wir finden sogar für dich heraus, wann der nächsteTerminfrei ist und vereinbaren diesen auch auf Wunsch.• Die Beziehungs App von Uplife ist 100% kostenfrei. Es gibtkeineversteckten Kosten oder In-App-Käufe.Bei welchen Beziehungsfragen oder konkreten EheproblemkannUplife dir helfen?• Familie oder Karriere – Hat dein Partner andere Vorstellungenvonder Zukunft als du?• Eifersucht und Liebe – Bist du sehr eifersüchtig oder ist esdeinPartner, von dem du dich ständig kontrolliert fühlst, obwohldunicht untreu bist?• Untreue – Ist es ein Seitensprung oder mehrere Seitensprünge,dieeuch belasten? Oder hast du von einer Affäre deinesPartnerserfahren?• Sexualität – Hast du das Gefühl, ihr habt zu wenig Sex oderwilldein Partner mehr als du? Oder ist es eher ein ProblemderLustlosigkeit oder bei der Erektion?• Unabhängigkeit – Empfindest du Stress in deiner Beziehungundsehnst dich nach mehr Freiraum oder bist du es, der das Gefühlhatzu klammern bzw. abhängig zu sein?• Kindererziehung – Wo bleibt noch Zeit und Platz fürunserePaarbeziehung und braucht es dafür eventuelleineFamilienberatung?• Romantik in der Ehe – Wo ist sie hin und wie findet ihrsiewieder? Oder mangelt es euch an einem Liebesbeweis und ihrsuchtnach einem Liebestest?• Geld und Finanzen: Wer verdient mehr und wer bestimmt, wasihreuch anschafft und was nicht?• Haushalt – Wer macht was und vor allem: Wer hat wasnichtgemacht?• Trennung bzw. Scheidung – Sind eure Eheprobleme schon soweitgediehen oder habt ihr gerade eine Beziehungspause?Wer steckt hinter Uplife?• Uplife ist ein Startup aus Berlin und Wien.• Ob Beziehungsexperte, Familienberater oder Paartherapeut -wirarbeiten eng mit verschiedenen Beratern zusammen, um dirdenbestmöglichen Beziehungsrat für deine Beziehungsfragezuliefern.Was genau ist eine Paarberatung bzw. eine Eheberatung?Eine Paarberatung ist ein Angebot, mit jemandem das GesprächzumThema Paarbeziehung zu suchen, der dafür qualifiziert ist.EineForm der Beziehungshilfe, doch anders als der Beziehungstippdesbesten Freundes oder der besten Freundin, ermöglicht eucheinePaartherapie einen neutralen Einblick in eure Liebesbeziehung.EinBerater solidarisiert sich dabei nicht etwa mit einem derPartner,sondern mit dem Paar, dass sich an ihn wendet, umseineBeziehungskrise auch tatsächlich überwinden zu wollen. SogehenBeziehungsberater generell lösungsorientiert vor, wasbedeutet,weniger die persönliche Geschichte der beiden Partner alsdieGegenwart der Paarbeziehung und die Gestaltung der Zukunft imBlickzu haben. Angesichts der Komplexität jeder einzelnen Beziehungistes mit ein paar Beziehungstipps, wie sie injedemBeziehungsratgeber zu finden sind, meist nicht getan.Vielmehrbedarf es eines tieferen Einblicks in die MusterundFunktionsweisen der jeweiligen Beziehung. Nur anhand solcheinerBeziehungsberatung lassen sich Probleme analysieren undStrategienentwickeln, die es einem Paar bzw. Ehepaar ermöglichen,neue Wegezu gehen bzw. verlassene wiederzufinden.Datenschutz und AGB:• Uplife ist 100% anonym.• Es ist keine Registrierung notwendig.• Wir geben keine Daten aus dem Beziehungschat anDritteweiter.• Unsere Server stehen in Deutschland.• Uplife stellt zu keinem Zeitpunkt eineArzt-Patienten-Beziehungdar.Auch hilfreich bei: Affäre, Eifersucht,Kindererziehung,Ehekrise, Scheidung, TrennungHow does therelationship- App of Uplife?• Uplife helps you free and anonymous to solve yourrelationshipproblems.• We connect you via chat directly with a relationshipexpert.• Together with you, we discuss where your relationship problemsisand how we can help you to solve these. Maybe it's also justabouta crucial tip, with which you can improve yourrelationshipquality.• If required, we refer you, with or without your partner,aqualified consultant couple or marriage counselor in your city.Weeven find you out when the next event is free and arrange theseonrequest.• The relationship of Uplife app is 100% free. There are nohiddencosts or in-app purchases.Which relationship issues or specific marriage problem Uplifecanhelp you?• Family or career - Does your partner other ideas about thefuturethan you?• Jealousy and Love - Are you very jealous, or it is yourpartnerfrom whom you feel constantly monitored, even though you arenotunfaithful?• Infidelity - Is it a fling or more infidelities that burdenyou?Or did you find out about an affair of your partner?• sexuality - Did you feel that you have too little sex or wantyourpartner more than you? Or is it more a problem of apathy ortheerection?• Independence - to cling Do you feel stress in yourrelationshipand longing for more freedom, or is it you who has thefeeling orbeing dependent?• Parenting - Where there is time and space for ourcouple'srelationship and needs it for possibly a familycounseling?• romance in marriage - Where did she go and how do you findthemagain? Or lack there of you a token of love and you're lookingfora love test?• Money and Finance: Who earns more and who determines whatyouanschafft you and what is not?• Budget - Who is doing what and above all: who has notdonewhat?• Separation and Divorce - Are your marital problems has gone sofaror did you just break a relationship?Who is behind Uplife?• Uplife is a startup based in Berlin and Vienna.• Whether relationship expert, family counselor or couplestherapist- we work closely with various consultants to provide youthe bestrelationship advice for your relationship question.What exactly is a couples counseling ormarriagecounseling?A couple counseling is available to look to someone talkingaboutcouple's relationship, which is qualified to do so. One formofrelationship help, but unlike a Relationship Tip your bestfriendor your best friend, you allows couples therapy a neutralinsightinto your love relationship. A consultant is not insolidarity withit about one of the partners, but the couple thatturns to him towant to actually overcome his relationship crisis.So gorelationship consultant general solution-oriented before,whichmeans to have less personal history of both partners asthepresence of the couple's relationship and the design of thefuturein mind. Given the complexity of each relationship it's witha fewrelationship tips on how they can be found in anyrelationshipguide, not usually done. Rather, a deeper insight isneeded in thepatterns and modes of operation of the respectiverelationship.Only on the basis of such a relationship advice can beanalyzed anddevelop strategies that enable a couple or couple, tobreak newground and rediscover abandoned problems.Information and Privacy Policy:• Uplife is 100% anonymous.• No registration is necessary.• We do not give data further from the relationship chat tothirdparties.• Our servers are located in Germany.• Uplife provides at no time constitute adoctor-patientrelationship.Also useful for: affair, jealousy, parenting, marriagecrisis,divorce, separation
Best Indian Cooking 4.5
Best Indian Cooking is a unique recipe app delivering 1000+IndianRecipes
Cookbook Recipes
Cookbook Recipes for free app is one ofthemost used recipe apps in the world. It lets you discover newandtasty recipes from around the world.Cook a delicious iftar party for your friends this Ramadan. Ourteamhas handpicked middle eastern recipes for Ramadan, perfect foryouto cook with your family. Let the Ramadan feast be a specialonethis year!Enjoy the taste of the finest cuisines from around the world.Makemeal plans from a wide range of categories like egg, chicken,cake,dessert, macaroni, pancake and salad. Cooking videos thathelps tocook quick and easy recipes for kids and family.It'sTastyappetizers with cocktail collection are also available. Gohealthywith a clean up diet and weight loss recipes for yourhealthy newyear resolutions.Healthy food for healthy livingCookbook has a healthy meal planner with grocery list. Usingthemeal planner, you can add healthy recipes to thecalendar.Ingredients required for the meal plan gets added to yourshoppinglist automatically. Cooking reminders help you shop forgrocery intime for the meal plan. Cookbook's meal planner andshopping listhelps you to cook healthy recipes for the wholefamily.Healthy eating is a habit we love to follow. It starts fromhealthybreakfast. No matter a bachelor life or family life wefollow, easyhealthy recipes for breakfast is the best way to starta day. Cheapand healthy meals are available like healthy smoothiesandpancakes. For lunch you can make quick and easy healthy meals asahealthy takeaway to your office or workplace. Dinner ideasincluderecipes with brussels sprout and kale. Clean eating isnecessaryfor a healthy slimming and weight loss. Paleo diet , whole30 andother special diet recipes are available here for daily dietneeds. For super healthy kids , plan their food with great care.Specialsunday brunch with healthy sweet snacks are also availablein thisrecipe app.Recipe Search by VoiceCookbook has voice search for recipes built in. This allows youtosearch for easy recipes by ingredients on hand. You can alsoaccessshopping lists and bookmarked recipes using voice commands.It'syour perfect cooking assistant. Search for recipes basedoncuisine, cook time & techniques (grill, bake or fry).Recipes for every eventGet access to curated collection of the finest recipes foreveryevent, that too for free. Cookbook includes recipes forfestivalslike Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year Barbecueparties.Cookbook can also suggest recipes for birthdays,anniversaries,weekend parties and getaways.Collect & Save recipes you loveCookbook acts as a recipe keeper and allows you to collectrecipesfrom around the world. You can tweak the collected recipe totheway you like it.Special DietsCookbook helps people suffering from food allergies todairy,seafood and peanuts eat healthy meals. Cookbook coverspeoplefollowing vegan, paleo, vegetarian and gluten free diets.Keeptrack of nutrition requirements for fat, calories, carbsandcholesterol using Cookbook.Non-vegetarian recipes for prime ribs, beef stew, pork chopsareavailable in Cookbook. It also covers crock pot and seafoodlikeshrimps and prawns. Appetizers and desserts for Christmascookies,banana bread, cheesecakes and snickerdoodle arealsoavailable.--NOTE--We are using the Read-Write permissions for the following:1. Photo upload of a recipe2. Save recipe as PDF for printing3. Image caching for Offline support
Stretching & eye exercises 1.0
TM production
TakeBreak is a stretching and eye exercisesappwhich notifies you when you need to take a break. Taking breaksatleast every 45 minutes is very important to your health. Thestretchexercises will help you to lower or even eliminate yourneck, back,waist or shoulder pains and eye exercises will makeyour eyesstronger and your vision better. The program has 15exercises andtakes approximately 3-4 minutes to finish.The Benefits of Stretching• Improves circulation and boosts your immunity• Improves balance and coordination• Helps alleviate or even eliminate neck, back, waist andshoulderpains• Helps you lose weight by burning fats• Makes you feel more energized and relaxedThe Benefits of Eye ExercisesOur eyes need regular exercise to keep them healthy. Especiallyifyou spend lots of time in front of computer or TV.Regularlyexercising your eyes will naturally improve your visionand preventyou from wearing glasses.Keywords: stretches, stretching exercises, eyeexercises,healthy, lose weight, back pain, neck, waist, shoulder,pain,stress relief, health fitness, stretching for flexibility,apps,app, sitting exercises, for desk office workers