Top 18 Games Similar to Travel Cost Calculator

Fuel cost calculator 2.0.1
Michael Bosch
Simple Fuel cost calculator.
Tank Diary - The Fuel Tracker 1.03
Simple app to track refueling of multiple cars.
Fahrtkosten-Rechner 1.0.2
Max Schrödl
Sie sind als Fahrgemeinschaft oderineinerprivaten Gruppe im Fahzeug unterwegs und wollendieFahrtkostenfair und schnell aufteilen ?Dann ist der Fahrtkosten-Rechner genau das richtige für Sie.Geben Sie einfach die Länge der Strecke,denKraftstoffverbrauchdes Fahrzeugs, den aktuellen Spritpreis,dieAnzahl der Personensowie eventuelle Maut- und Verschleißkosteneinund lassen Sie sichdie Gesamtkosten und kosten proPersonberechnen.So bekommen Sie mit wenig Aufwand dieerrechnetenKostenangezeigt.Für Komma Beträge benutzen Sie bitte den Punkt "." undnichtdasKomma ","Viel Spaß mit der App und bei Problemen melden Sie sichmitbittezuerst unter der angegebenen Emailadresse, bevor SieeineschlechteBewertung abgeben.You are travelingasacarpool or a private group in of Vehicle and want tosplitthetransportation costs fairly and quickly?Then driving cost calculator is just the thing for you.Simply enter the length of the track, the fuel consumptionofthevehicle, the current fuel price, the number of persons andanytollsand wear costs and check the total cost and costperpersoncharge.To get displayed with little effort the calculated costs.For point-to-please use the dot "." and not a comma ","Have fun with the app and sign up for problems with checkoutatthe above e-mail address before leaving a bad review.
FillUp - Gas Mileage Log
A simple, easy to use application tocalculateand track your gas mileage (fuel economy/efficiency). Whenyou buygasoline, just enter the amount you purchased and yourcurrentodometer value. FillUp will calculate your gas mileage,maintain alog of your purchases, and display plots and statisticsfor yourdata.Features:• Manages data for one or more vehicles.• Calculates and plots average gas mileage.• Calculates and plots monthly totals for gas purchased anddistancedriven.• Stores all data on the device – doesn’t use your data plan.• Can import/export your data to CSV files on your sdcard.• Share the CSV files with other Apps for cloud backup!(Dropbox,e-mail, etc.)• Share statistics as an HTML report file.• Totally FREE!! No ads!• Open sourceSelectable units of measurement - can calculate:• miles per gallon (MPG)• kilometers per liter (KM/L)• liters per 100 kilometers (L/100KM)• miles per imperial gallon (UK MPG) – from miles and liters.• miles per imperial gallon (UK MPG) – from kilometersandliters.• kilometers per gallon (KPG)Selectable data entry mode – when adding fuel data, choosewhichvalues to enter:• Enter Total Cost and Fuel Amount, FillUp will calculateFuelPrice• Enter Fuel Price and Total Cost, FillUp will calculateFuelAmount• Enter Fuel Price and Fuel Amount, FillUp will calculateTotalCostWe’re always looking to improve - have a problem, suggestionorcomment? E-mail it to [email protected] or post a review.Source code: gas mileage log, gas mileage tracker, gasmileagecalculator, fuel economy tracker, fuel economy calculator,fueleconomy log, fuel use log, gasoline log.
Fuel calculator Lite 1.7
With this application you can calculate:- Price of travel- Fuel consumptionYou can convert:- Km. in liters of fuel- Liters of fuel in km
Distance Calculator 1.4
The Distance Calculator showsthetime,distance, and route of your next trip, you may wantthedistancebetween cities or from your address to your nextmeeting.This appwill also plot your route on a map, The calculatorwillsuggestplaces and address locations when you begin typing tomakeyourlife easier. This app can help plan your drivingdirectionsforyour next holiday or business meeting. You also havethe optiontodisplay your distance in Miles and Kilometers.Itsupportsthousands of locations world wide so if you are lookingforthedistance between two places, then this is the App for you.When you enter a starting destination there will beasuggestionlist that helps you pick a valid address orlocation,please choosethe item in the list for the distancecalculator towork correctly,this is also required for the endingaddress. Thisapp will be veryuseful to almost anyone who drives acar and likesto plan theirjourney or keep track of the time anddistance it willtake to getto their destination. Please feel freeto send uscomments andsuggestions about the app.
Maps Distance Calculator 1.59
Measure any distance on map.
Fuel Fare (ad-free) 1.6.0
Calculate smart and quick the fare per person of your lasttrip,thecost per mile and many more. Calculate: - Fuel priceperdrivenkilometer. - Extra charges (e.g. toll etc.)apportionedperkilometer. - Total cost for travelled distance. -Cost perfellowpassenger. - Travel reimbursement balance.Additionalfeatures: -Display calculation process (formula). -Remember lastfuel price,average consumption and reimbursement(adjustable). -Supportinline math operations (+*). - Share (send)the results viae-mail,sms etc. - App2SD-Card support (android 2.2and up). -Differentvolume units for fuel price and consumptionmeasurement(UKspeciality). Adjustable units: - Currency:automaticallyfromsystem or manually (text input). - Distance:kilometers (km),miles(mi), feets (ft), yards (yd) and hours (h). -Consumption:liters(l), gallons (gal), kilowatt hours (kWh) andkilograms (kg).-Consumption measurement: 100 or 1 km, mpg, gpm,etc. -Travelreimbursement: distance flat fee, per 100 or 1km.Supportedlanguages: - English - German - Italian - Slovakian-Russian (madepossible by Mojsha Culman) - Romanian (madepossibleby OvidiuBucse)
Fare Calculator Pro 1.3.3
AddFree edition of the FareCalculator!Calculate the price (per person) of your last ride. Share theresultfast and easy with your friends via mail, whatsapp, facebooketc.Furthermore this App measures the distance of your trip.Obtain yourown location via GPS (etc.) to start a route fromthere.Calculates:costs * per person * per 100km * additional expenses (roadchargeetc.) * total costs for the given distance.Units to choose: * Currencies * Distances in kilometers(km),miles (mi) * Use in liters (l), gallons (gal), kilowatt hours(kWh)or kilogram (kg).Supported Languages:* English * German * French
ADAC Spritpreise 4.0.1
Mit ADAC Spritpreise für Android könnenSiePreise zwischen den Tankstellen in Deutschland vergleichenundgezielt die preisgünstigsten Anbieter auswählen. Die zurVerfügunggestellten Preise für die Kraftstoffsorten E5, E10 undDieselwerden "in Echtzeit" von den Tankstellen andieMarkttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe gemeldet und andieVerbraucher weitergegeben. Außerdem können Sie sich nunauchaktuelle Erdgas/CNG-Preise anzeigen lassen.ADAC Spritpreise bietet Ihnen neben der Anzeige derKraftstoffpreiseauch die Möglichkeit an, eine Adresse in der Kartezu suchen odereine Route zu berechnen, um gezielt günstigeTankstellenanzufahren.Bei der Adresssuche und der Stationseingabe für dieRoutenberechnungist es möglich, Adressen aus den auf dem TelefongespeichertenKontakten auszuwählen, so dass diese nicht extraeingegeben werdenmüssen. Nur beim Aufruf dieser Funktion greiftdie Anwendung aufIhre Kontakte zu, um Ihnen diese für die Auswahlanzuzeigen. Dazubenötigt die Anwendung die Berechtigung "Kontaktelesen", die seitAndroid 4.0 fest mit der von der App nichtverwendeten Berechtigung"Anrufprotokolle lesen" verbundenist.Es werden keine personengebundenen Informationen gespeichert oderanden ADAC übermittelt.With ADAC fuel pricesforAndroid allows you to compare prices between petrol stationsinGermany and specifically for the cheapest provider. Theprovidedprices for the fuel types E5, E10 and diesel are in "realtime"reported by the stations to the transparency of the marketplacefor fuels and passed on to consumers. You can also viewcurrentnatural gas / CNG Prices Furthermore, now.ADAC fuel prices, offers in addition to the display of fuelpricesand the possibility to search for an address in the map ortocalculate a route to drive targeted cheap gas stations.The address search and entering the station for theroutecalculation it is possible to select addresses from thecontactsstored on the phone so that it does not have to beenteredseparately. Only when you call this function, theapplicationaccesses your contacts to show them to you forselection. Is this,the application needs the permission "Readcontacts" that read"Call Logs" since Android 4.0 fixed to the notused by the apppermission connected.It does not store personal identifiable information, or submittedtothe ADAC.
Fuel Flash 1.31.1
MW WebWork
Find the lowest gas prices in Germany, Austria and 5 othercountries
Gas prices & Refueling 20.03.12
Sprit Club
Saving money has never been easier! Install now for free!
TankenApp mit Benzinpreistrend 2.9.4
Mit der TankenApp mit Benzinpreistrend, der kostenlosenTankenApp,finden Sie schnell und einfach Benzinpreise für alleTankstellen inDeutschland. Dank top aktueller Spritpreise undunsererintelligenten Preisprognose können Sie immer an derrichtigenStelle, zum richtigen Zeitpunkt günstig tanken und somitbares Geldund wertvolle Zeit sparen! Schon rund 2,5 Millionen Malwurde diekostenlose TankenApp für Smartphones heruntergeladen -damit gehörtsie zu den beliebtesten und meistgeladenen Apps inihrer Kategorie.Aktuelle Spritpreise • Für Diesel, Super E5, SuperE10, Super Plus,Diesel Plus, Lkw-Diesel, Biodiesel, Autogas undErdgas •Preisvergleich für alle meldepflichtigenTankstellendeutschlandweit • Mehr als 200.000 PreisaktualisierungentäglichTop Funktionen • Mit nur einem Klick die günstigste undnächsteTankstelle oder den „Best deal“ finden • Praktische AnzeigederErsparnis in Euro pro Tankvorgang • InnovativeBenzinpreis-Prognoseder Preisentwicklung der nächsten 12 Stunden •Anlegen vonFavoriten und Routen mit allen zugehörigen Tankstellen •Allewichtigen Infos zur ausgewählten Tankstelle: SpritpreisefürDiesel, Benzin & Super und alle weiterenBenzinsorten,günstigster Tankzeitpunkt, berechnete Fahrzeit zurTankstelle,Öffnungszeiten und Adresse • Ein einziger Klick startetdieNavigation zur ausgewählten Tankstelle • Nutzen Sie dieTankenAppim Dark Mode TankenApp werbefrei Als Premium-Mitgliedsehen Siekeine Werbeanzeigen mehr. Setzen Sie so Ihre Suche nochschnellerfort, ohne von Werbeanzeigen abgelenkt zu werden. Siekönnen sichentscheiden, wie lange Sie die Werbeanzeigen in der Appabschaltenmöchten: 1 Monat für 0,59 € 6 Monate für 1,99 € 1 Jahrfür 2,99 €Sie sind mit der TankenApp zufrieden? Dann freuen wir unsüber einepositive Bewertung hier im PlayStore. Sie haben Fragen,Wünscheoder Anregungen? Schreiben Sie unsunter:[email protected] oder kontaktieren Sie uns direktausder App. Impressum:
Gas Stations and prices Austria & Germany 4.113
This app helps you to find gasoline and petrol stationsinAustriaand their opening hours. You will also receive thepricesfordiesel and gasoline for the five cheapest stations. Thisapphasseveral search options: You can search with the help ofyourGPSlocation, by entering an address or defining aroute.Additionallyyou bookmark your searches. For questions or incase ofproblemsplease feel free to contact us at:[email protected]
Sprit Radar DE Standard 3.0
Lists stations in selected area on and displays the fuel prices
Stopping Distance Calculator 1.0.7
The application determines the currentvelocityof the driving vehicle and calculates the required overallstoppingdistance, that is needed in a hazardous situation and fullbrakingto slow your vehicle down to a complete stop.The distance your vehicle needs for a full braking drivingthecurrent speed to slow down to a complete stop is calledoverallstopping distance. The overall stopping distance consists ofthereaction pathway and brake path. The program uses predefinedandrational values for the deceleration and reaction time that maynotalways be perfectly suitable for the concrete drivingsituation.Therefore always drive foresighted and with a speedadjusted to thecurrent traffic situation.The overall stopping distances are usually much higher thanmostpeople expect. For example driving 50 km/h the stoppingdistanceamounts to 25-30 m, driving 100 km/h it is already 80 m.Theseresults are valid for a dry and flat road. Downhill thestoppingdistance increases, uphill it decreases. Wet, snow-coveredor icyroadways increase the overall stopping distance drastically.Youcan adjust the weather conditions in the applicationduringmeasurement.Tap the speedometer to change the display from km/h to mph.Thedistance and elevation data can be converted from metrictoimperial unit system by tapping the letter 'M' or the 'FT' atthetop of the screen.
Maps Distance Calculator 1.0
Map Distance Calculator is adistancecalculatorthat allows you to know the distance of anyroute drawnon the map.Just Drag finger on the map and see the realtimedistance betweenthat pints. Also is perfect to calculatedistancesbetween countries,cities, streets as well as length oftrails orroutes. when you wantto purchase some property, and wanttocalculate area of thatproperty. This app will help you andgiveyou exact calculated GEOarea. There two way to measure anyGPSarea or distance.Calculate Distance with just touching area and the pointmarkerisadded. To delete marker, just click once on that existingmarkerandthat wrong maker will be removed. And if you want tojustadjust thatmarker position Drag and Drop particular marker,SimpleAnd you willbe able to adjust that marker positionwithoutdeleting existingmarker or adding new marker.Where to Use Maps Distance Calculator:You can use our app in Map Measure, Outdoormeasurement,buildingbuildings and roads, Sports, Road repairing,Rangefinder,Underground, Construction, Agricultural measure,Solarpanelinstallation, Roof area estimation, golffields,spraying,fertilizing, seeding, harvesting, tilling,traveling,gardens andpaddock, grass, lawn,fence measuring andplaning,etc.Features:- Ability to draw free lines (direct finger move)orstraightlines- Drag and Drop marker to place marker at perfect place- Supports different types of maps likeNormal,Satellite,Terrain- Save any calculate area so don't need to do same job again- Load remove already Saved calculated area- Easy to use- Calculate Distance and Area both- Shows the distance in international units- Accurate route and real-time navigation- User-friendly interface- Maps Distance Calculator is completely free to download- Update distance upon location changed
Tankscanner - günstiger Tanken 1.0.1
mobiVative UG
** Diese App ist anders alsalleverfügbarenTank-Apps - probiere es aus - kostenlos undohneAnmeldung**Die schnellste und einfachste Art die günstigsteTankstellezufinden. Der Tankscanner scannt in Echtzeit dieUmgebungundermittelt die günstigste Tankstelle in DeinerUmgebung.ImGegensatz zu anderen Apps, aktualisiert sich derTankscannerauchwährend man sich bewegt, sodass man (Der Beifahrer!)auchwährendder Fahrt schnell die günstigste Tankstelle findet.## Günstiger Tanken: Echtzeitpreise vonderMarkttransparenzstelleder Bundesregierung von über14.000Tankstellen.## Finde zusätzlich zur günstigsten Tankstelle,diewirtschaftlichsinnvollste Tankstelle. Mit Hilfe diverserParameterwieFahrtstrecke, Benzinverbrauch, Wertverlust etc.ermittelt dieApp,bei welcher Tankstelle Du wirklich dasgrößteEinsparpotentialhast.## Navigation direkt zur Tankstelle## Öffnungszeiten der Tankstellen werden täglichaktualisiert## GPS Ortung für die schnelle UmkreissucheIm Gegensatz zu Apps wie ADAC Spritpreise,mehr-tankenoderclever-tanken werden Tankstellen miteinemScaneffektangezeigt.Wenn du nach diesen Begriffen suchst bist du hier richtig:- Tankstellen App kostenlos- Tankstellenpreise- Tanken- billig Tanken- günstig Tanken- günstiger Tanken- tanken billig App- tankenapp- Spritpreis- Diesel- Benzin- Benzinpreis- Benzinpreis App** This app isunlikeanyavailable tank Apps - try it out - for freeandwithoutregistration **The fastest and easiest way to find the cheapest gasstation.Thetank scanner scans in real time the environment anddeterminesthecheapest gas station in your area. Unlike other apps,thetankscanner also updates while moving, so you can quicklyfind(Thepassenger!) While driving is the cheapest gas station.## Travel refueling: real-time prices ofmarkettransparencyagency of the federal government of more than14,000servicestations.## Find the cheapest gas station in addition,theeconomicallymost sensible petrol station. With the help ofvariousparameterssuch as distance traveled, fuelconsumption,depreciation, etc.determines the app, at which gasstation youreally have thegreatest potential for savings.## Navigation directly to the gas station## Opening times of the gas stations are updated daily## GPS tracking for rapid BrowseUnlike apps like ADAC fuel prices, more-rechargeorrefuelclever-stations are displayed with a scan effect.If you are you here right by these terms're looking for:- Gas stations app free- Gas Prices- Refuelling- Cheap refueling- Low refueling- Cheaper refueling- Refuel cheap app- Tankenapp- Fuel price- Diesel- Petrol- Petrol price- Fuel price App