Top 2 Games Similar to MMR Guesser for Dota 2

Swag Swipe for DoTA
Swag Swipe for DoTA adds 1000 populardotatermsto your Android phone with a single click.Just click the button inside the Swag Swipe for DoTA app.Inabout30 seconds, you'll go from swindltypos to swindlemelonzzlikeapro!With 1000 DoTA specific terms, you can now swipe, type,andtweetthe big plays without auto-correct getting in your way.It's as easy as stealing the aegis from a baby roshan.
Game Accepter 1.3
Game Accepter allows you to accept ordeclinegames from anywhere at any time using your androiddevice.This application has support for both Dota 2 and League of Legends.Legal Disclaimer:Dota and the Dota logo are trademarks and/or registeredtrademarksof Valve Corporation. Dota 2 © a registered trademark ofValveCorporation ® Game Accepter is in no way associated withorendorsed by Valve Corporation ®.Game Accepter isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflecttheviews or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involvedinproducing or managing League of Legends. League of Legends andRiotGames are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games,Inc.League of Legends © Riot Games, Inc.Privacy Policy:When registering in GameAccepter you will be asked to enteryouremail address. It is stored on your Android device. We do notsell,trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties yourpersonallyidentifiable information.