Top 10 Apps Similar to Feuerwehr Trainer NDS

Feuerwehr Wettkampf NDS
Firemen competition Lower Saxony. Questionnaires + Stopwatch(Total/ timings)
Knoten und Stiche 2.0
The nine most important nodes and stitches for firefighters.
Feuerwehr Prüfungen 2.1.3
Die Prüfungsfragen der schriftlichen Feuerwehrprüfung gestaltensichin aller Regel in Form von Multiple-Choice-Fragen. Zudenwesentlichen Themenbereichen, die bei schriftlichen PrüfungenzurAbfrage kommen, gehören die gesetzlichen Grundlagen,dervorbeugende und abwehrende Gefahrenschutz, die Geräte-undFahrzeugkunde, technische Hilfeleistungen sowie Brände unddasLöschen. Feuerwehr Prüfungen (kostenlos) beinhaltet20Beispielfragen. Feuerwehr Prüfungen Pro beinhaltet 11 Themenmitinsgesamt mehr als 200 Fragen. Achtung, dies ist dieLight-Version.Die Vollversion ist ebenfalls im Play Storeerhältlich.
Feuerwehrwissen 1.0.12
Tim Spey
Fire department for your pocket
Feuerwehr Prüfungen Pro 2.1.3
Die Prüfungsfragen der schriftlichen Feuerwehrprüfung gestaltensichin aller Regel in Form von Multiple-Choice-Fragen. Zudenwesentlichen Themenbereichen, die bei schriftlichen PrüfungenzurAbfrage kommen, gehören die gesetzlichen Grundlagen,dervorbeugende und abwehrende Gefahrenschutz, die Geräte-undFahrzeugkunde, technische Hilfeleistungen sowie Brände unddasLöschen. Feuerwehr Prüfungen Pro beinhaltet 11 Themen mitinsgesamtmehr als 200 Fragen.
SimsUshare 2.1.1
SimsUshare is the first mobile app in theworldthat lets you take your own photos and enhance them withsequencedanimations such as smoke, fire, and explosions, or othersimulatedeffects, to make realistic simulations for training.This tool is for emergency responders, safety instructors,anddisaster preparedness personnel in the Fire, HazMat,Police,Industrial Safety, Military, Business Continuity, whowant a simple way to incorporate simulations based onyour localhazards and situations. You can easily copy sims you makewith yourfriends and colleagues, to share your vision fortraining.Please note: You will create sims from pictures you takeorpictures from your camera roll. If your phone or tablet doesnothave either of those, you should not buy the app.Important: SimsUshare allows you to create and edit up tothree(3) sims, and play any number of sims. If you would like tocreateand edit more, you need to acquire an enterprise account.Pleasecontact us at to inquireaboutenterprise details.You can also check out our product site at for help as wellasour desktop application, which runs on Windows and Mac, so youcandevelop and use your simulations virtually anywhere.Lastly, please find us on Facebook (SimsUshare) toseediscussions, and other stuff to supercharge your training. Asourslogan goes, now you can 'set your world on fire', but obviouslyina safe and responsible manner.
Blaze Buddy
BLAZE BUDDY - Lernen fürdieFeuerwehr-Kreisausbildung und die Feuerwehr-WettbewerbeinNiedersachsen leicht gemacht.--- Mit Lernzielkontrolle ---Für wen wurde BLAZE BUDDY entwickelt?BLAZE BUDDY wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, dieaktivenFeuerwehrmitglieder der Wehren in Niedersachsen dabeizuunterstützen, auf moderne Art und Weise die Fragen ausdenLehrmaterialien zur Kreisausbildung der NABK zu lernen, sichaufWettbewerbe vorzubereiten oder das allgemeineFachwissenaufzufrischen.Welche Fragen sind enthalten?- Truppmann- AGT- Sprechfunker- Maschinist- Gruppenführer (Wettbewerbe)- Melder (Wettbewerbe)- Maschinist (Wettbewerbe)Woher kommen die Fragen?Die NABK stellt Lehrmaterial zum öffentlichen Download - fürdieKreisausbildung - bereit.Um den urheberrechtlichen Schutz zu wahren und dennoch dieseAppanbieten zu können, mussten alle Fragen, die BLAZE BUDDYzurVerfügung stellt, so umgeändert, dass die Wortwahl eine andereist,jedoch die Inhalte gleich bleiben.Schlagworte zum Finden von BLAZE BUDDY:Feuerwehr, Fragen, Fragenkatalog, Lehrgangsfragen,FreiwilligeFeuerwehr, Niedersachsen, Leistungswettbewerbe,Wettbewerbe,Ausbildung, Kreisausbildung, Feuerwehr Trainer,FeuerwehrWettkämpfeBLAZE BUDDY - Learningforfirefighters circuit training and the fire brigade competitionsinLower Saxony made easy.--- With Lesson ---For whom BLAZE BUDDY was developed?BLAZE BUDDY was developed with the aim to support theactivemembers of the Fire Brigade militia in Lower Saxony here,thequestions of the teaching materials for training of county NABKtolearn modern way to prepare for competitions or refresh thegeneralknowledge.What questions are included?- Troop- AGT- Radiotelephone- Machinist- Group leader (competitions)- Detector (competitions)- Machinist (competitions)Where are the questions?The NABK provides educational materials for public download -forcircuit training - ready.In order to preserve the copyright protection and still be abletooffer this app, had any questions BLAZE BUDDY provides sochangedthat the wording is different, but the contents remainthesame.Keywords for finding BLAZE BUDDY:Firemen, questions, questions, tutorial questions, volunteerfiredepartment, Lower Saxony, performance competitions,contests,training, circuit training, fire coaches,firefighterscompetitions
Truppmann NDS Trainer 2
Die Feuerwehr Truppmann Trainer AppfürNiedersachsen macht Dich fit für die Prüfung oder dennächstenWettkampf. Alle Lehrgangsfragen sind thematisch imFragenkatalogzusammengefasst.Du hast die Möglichkeit direkt einePrüfungssimulationdurchzuführen oder zunächst die einzelnenThemenfelder zulernen.In der Highscoreliste kannst Du DeinePrüfungsbestzeitenveröffentlichen und Dich mit anderen Kameradenmessen!Mit dieser App bist Du für den nächstenFeuerwehr-Wettkampf/Lehrgangvorbereitet.The fire brigadetrooptrainer app for Lower Saxony makes you fit for the examinationorthe next competition. All course questions are categorized inthequestionnaire.You may directly conduct a test or simulation first to learnthevarious subject fields.In the highscores you can publish your Prüfungsbestzeitenandmeasure yourself with other comrades! With this app you are prepared for the next firefightingcompetition/ training course.
FireFighter Pocketbook Lite 1.3.2
Firefighter review material on the go! PracticeQuizzes,Flashcards,Skill Sheets, Scene Checkoffs, and MORE!TheFirefighter Pocketbooklite is a training tool forFirefightersbased off of theFirefighter Pocketbook Pro version.Here a 42question quiz ispresented, where you can test yourknowledge offirefightingactivities, and 52 Flashcards for review.Also ademonstration scenecheckoff section where 6 scenario scenesarepresented. All of theSkill Sheets that are provided in thefullFirefighter Pocketbookare present here and allow users areferencefor keeping theirskills current. If you like what you seehere,upgrade to the fullversion for a comprehensive study guideforfirefighting. If you area student going through class youwillbenefit from this app.Simultaneously, so will a seasonedveteranthat is trying to staycurrent on recent developments. Thematerialhas been prepared andverified with 2012 NFPA and IFSTA textbooks.Over 550 practice examquiz questions and 700 flashcardsareavailable in the Pro versionfound in your devices app store.ThePro Version is divided intothese sections: - Study:Practicequizzes, and exam questions tokeep you current. As an addedbonus,700 flashcards for review. Ifyou are taking a class orjustreviewing, these will keep youupdated. Firefighting termsandreference information as well. -Checkoffs: The manydifferenttypes of scenes that an emergencyresponder can findthemselves inare included here with the abilityto check offnecessaryfunctions. The checkoffs section is dividedinto threesections.Medical, Firefighting, and Technical Rescue. -Library: Thelibrarysection contains a firefighting REFERENCE TERMsection, andaFIREFIGHTER SKILL SHEETS section that includes mostof theskillsthat any firefighter should be proficient in. Use bothasatraining aide. More material to come soon.5componentsdifferentiate us from our competitors: 1. ABookmarkingfeaturethat allows the user to save difficult testquestions,orflashcards for later study. This allows the user totailortheexperience to their needs. 2. Explanations so that theuserlearnsfrom every exam question and flashcard. 3. Over 550ExamQuestionsand 700 firefighting Flashcards preparedbyFirefightinginstructors that are involved in bothEMS/Fireeducation, andrunning calls in the streets. This enablesthematerial to berelevant for students and to prepare you for therealworld. 4. AScene Checklist section is added so that the usercanreview themultiple types of emergency scenes andpracticesituationalawareness and comprehensively managing a scene.5.Material thathas been developed by Firefighting educators thatarecurrent onlatest developments. Our material has been developedfortheAndroid user and cannot be found on a website somewhereforfree.Other material is built to assess, ours is built toteach.Pleasefeel free to Email any questions orconcernsto:[email protected], we are always willing to help inanyway.Enjoy our app and stay safe out there. Taking tests ishard!BEPREPARED.
Car and truck dot puzzles 1.2
Toddlers and preschool children will learn counting and thealphabetwhile finding out about about vehicles and transportationbycompleting easy connect the dots style puzzles of cars,trucks,boats, trains, planes, emergency vehicles and many more.Kids willlearn about what things look like and hear the sounds theymake.Now with new maze games to teach logic and maths flashcardstoteach addition and subtraction of numbers up to twenty fromtheaward winning developer of Children`s Fun and EducationalSoftware.This App helps young children learn all about vehiclesandtransportation while developing their hand eye coordinationshaperecognition and puzzle solving skills. It`s a unique earlylearninggame with realistic sounds and high resolution qualitycartoonstyle pictures which toddlers, preschoolers, andkindergarten agechildren will enjoy. Car, Truck and Engine Connectthe Dot Puzzleis different from other puzzle apps because it has: •high qualitycartoon style images set against engaging scenes thatlook great onmodern High Definition (HD) and retina displays ofboth tablets andsmart phones • authentic sound effects for everyvehicle •pronunciation of each vehicle name (English languageversion only)• intuative drag and drop interface that`s easy forlittle fingersto master • covers many common vehicles. For examplecar, truck,bus, van, train, fire engine, ambulance, police car,boat, spaceship and many others. • puzzles that can be replayedagain aftersolving and kids are rewarded with a star on completionof a puzzle• practise letter or numbers by choosing from one ofthree dotlabels (abc.., ABC.. or 123..) • bonus maths games toteachaddition and subtraction • bonus escape the maze games •noadvertising • supports the following languages: English,German,French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish,Arabic,Russian, Italian, Persian, Turkish, Polish, Indonesian,Vietnamese,Romanian, Swedish, Thai, Norwegian, Malay, Greek,Finnish, Dutchand Danish. (Item name pronunciation is onlyavailable in English).Car, Truck and Engine Connect the Dot Puzzlecomes with a selectionof free games that can be easily upgradedthrough a single low costin-app purchase to enable all puzzles. Byupgrading from the FreeApp to the full version you’ll also beentitled to all additionalpuzzles and features added in futurereleases. Puzzle games havetraditionally been a fun and earlyeducation learning tool fortots, toddlers, preschoolers,kindergarten, and early school agechildren and are a stimulatinggame for girls and an exciting gamefor boys. • 2 year old and 3year old children can practice theirhand eye coordination andmatching skills as they progress throughthe puzzles on each levelas well as exploring the item sounds • 4year old and 5 year oldkids can learn to read, write and pronouncethe item names oncompletion of every puzzle (English languageversion only) We hopeyou and your children enjoy playing what webelieve is one of bestearly education games for toddlers andpreschoolers. Please checkout our other puzzle games and acclaimedkids educational apps at or follow uson Facebook for the scoopon new app releases and free giveawaysat