Top 18 Apps Similar to Smart Parking

SmartApp 1.100
Smart Parking
Fed up of driving around in circles lookingforavailable parking? We know how frustrating it can be andhavedeveloped SmartApp to help you find a space.The latest update of SmartApp the app that helps you find aplaceto park in cities across the globe including Milton Keynes;Cardiff;London Borough of Barnet; Athens; Sydney; Perth &Adelaide,Australia and Wellington & Rotorura in NewZealand.Infra-red sensors have now been switched on in more than5,000parking bays across the globe. Using a simple red, amber andgreensystem, SmartApp provides users with 'real-time'information(updated every minute) on where they are most likely tofind anavailable space. SmartApp then interacts with your iPhone'sGPSnavigation to then direct the motorist to theirchosenlocation.WHAT CAN IT DO?By simply tapping a map marker you will be able to see the numberofspaces at each location, the operating hours of a bay,hourlytariffs, simple payment instructions and specific featuresforoff-street car parks.Find parking spaces by entering an address, postcode orusingyour current location. See alternative parking places nearyourpreferred destination and get directions to your selectedparkinglocation.- Filter to identify the types of bays you areinterestedin- Find parking based on your current location- Discover parking locations close to your desired location- Get directions and use turn by turn guidance to get you toyourdestination- Sort results based on what’s relevant to you – price,distance,name, rating…To use SmartApp you will need a data connection to operate,WiFior 3/4G.For more informationvisit
RTA Dubai 3.9.14
RTA Dubai is the RTA’s mobile interactive based applicationforDubai.
Parkopedia Parking
Parkopedia is a FREE parking app with info on 70 million spacesin15000 cities!
parkpocket - convenient parking at low price 2.2.0
"Parking garages, parking lots, underground garages, etc.-everything in your pocket from now on. Parkpocket finallymakesparking in city centres easier. On your way to a businessmeetingor shopping in the city centre? Surprised by the parkingprices atthe airport? parkpocket shows you all multi-storey carparks andtheir information in German-speaking cities such asBerlin,Hamburg, Munich, Cologne or Stuttgart. The database isconstantlygrowing and is regularly updated. So you always knowwhat's goingon! Underground garages, Park + Ride etc. are of coursealsorepresented. In the practical map view, every parking facilityispresented to you in a well thought-out design. You cancompareentrance height, maximum parking time or prices withparkpocket andfind the perfect parking space for you. The price isautomaticallycalculated for you for your desired period. Thisallows you to knowin advance how much you are going to pay.Uncertain whether thereare still spaces available in themulti-storey car park? Inparkpocket you can find out this in realtime and you will neverhave to stand in front of closed barriersagain and can parkimmediately. Have you found your favourite? In afew steps you willbe navigated from the app of your choice to theparking garage.Functions: * See all parking garages in the vicinityon the map *Search for other cities * Filter your search results *Compareinformation such as entrance height or maximum parking timein thelist view * Get the price calculated in advance * Chooseamulti-storey car park and navigate directly to the multi-storeycarpark As an app startup from Munich, parkpocket attachesgreatimportance to the exchange with the community. Through theexchangewith the users, parkpockets can grow its database and youcan parkin even more cities. parkpocket also works directly withcar parkoperators and already includes cities such as Las Vegas. Isyourcity not in parkpocket yet? Give us feedback and we will takecareof it. With your support we can always improve parkpocket andyouwill save time and money. Just send a mail [email protected] fun parking!
ParKing Reminder: Find my car
Talent Apps
Keep forgetting where you parked ?Asking yourself where is my car ? Where did I park ? Where is mycar?Lost in a huge parking lot ?Looking the best find my car app ? This app is the best cartrackerfor android!With ParKing, the KING of parking, it will never happenagain!This simple & free find my car app is exactly the solutionyouneed to locate your vehicle!Key features:One Click Parking - Just one click to place aparkingreminder on a map.Parking History - History of all of your previousparkingplaces.Automatic Parking - Automatic parking detection usingyourcar's Bluetooth device.User Defined Zones - User defined zones withoutautomaticparking notifications (e.g. home, office).Parking Time Reminder / Parking Timer - Parking timereminderto avoid fines.Navigation - One click navigation to find your carparkingusing Google Maps, Waze and etc.Compass - Built-in compass to locate your car.Indoor / Underground Parking - Optional camera pictureortext note as a parking reminder for indoor/underground parking.NoGPS is required!Android Wear Support - ParKing locate my car app forAndroidsmartwatches.Tablet Support - ParKing find my car app forAndroidtablets.Widget - Beautiful home screen widget.Try our find my car app now, it's free!One Click ParkingTo place a new parking reminder, you simply click once onamap.ParKing will automatically show the location & address ofyourparking and your current location.Parking HistoryParKing saves all of your previous parking places.You can edit or delete each parking place, or see all parkingplaceson a map.In addition you can also set an automatic cleanup of yourparkinghistory.Automatic ParkingWith automatic parking, you don't need to manually save whereyouparked your car,ParKing will do it for you automatically!When you activate automatic parking, ParKing will detect whenyourmobile device disconnects from your car's Bluetooth deviceandautomatic parking will be saved.ParKing saves your battery and doesn't need to run in thebackgroundin order to detect automatic parking.Zones with no Automatic Parking NotificationsIf you park at the same place many times, e.g. at home or attheoffice,ParKing lets you define zones where you will not receiveautomaticparking notifications.ParKing will simply save your parking place silently.You will only get notified when you park in a newparkingplace.Parking Time ReminderIn case you have a limited parking time, ParKing offers you to addaparking timer to your parking.You will be notified when your parking timer is abouttoexpire.NavigationParKing offers multiple options to navigate to yourparkingplace:- Use your favorite navigation app to find your car: GoogleMaps,Waze and etc- Use a built-in map with a marker of your parking place- Use a built-in compass to locate your carIndoor / Underground ParkingIn many cases you park your car indoors where GPS signalandreliable location might not be available.In those cases, ParKing offers you to add a picture or a textnoteas a parking reminder.Simply attach a picture or a text note to your parking and use ittofind your car.Android Wear SupportParKing find my car app is also available for AndroidWearsmartwatches.On your smartwatch you can place a new parking reminder, addaparking time reminder, navigate to your parking place &locateyour car.All actions will be synced with your smartphone ParKing find mycarapp.ParKing Tablet SupportParKing find my car app is also available for Androidtablets.Make sure you have GPS and Bluetooth in order to enjoy all oftheparking features.Where I parked ? where's my car ? where did I park ? where is mycar? find my car ? dude where is my car ?ParKing has the answer for you!
ampido Parken ParkplatzSharing 2.12.0
Das sagt die Presse über ampidoN24 Nachrichten "Handy-App hilft bei der Suche nachParkplatz.“ „Garageneinfahrten teilen? ampido macht’s möglich!“ARD Morgenmagazin „Stressfrei parken in der Innenstadt!“WDR Lokalzeit "Eine zündendeIdee." 1 Nachrichten „ampido spart Zeit und Nerven beiderParkplatzsuche!"CHIP Online „Eine klare Download Empfehlung!“t3n Magazin „Bei ampido profitiert wirklich jeder!“ADAC „Solche Beispiele sollten Schule machen!“n-tv Ratgeber "Ein richtiger Knüller in Sachen Parken!“MDR „Parkplätze auch im Voraus buchen, etwa für dienächsteShoppingtour."RTL Aktuell „Hoffnung im Parkplatz-Chaos!"Focus "Nie wieder Parkplatzsuche!“Stern „Parkplätze per Klick im Voraus buchen!"Rheinische Post „ampido könnte das Parken in denInnenstädtenrevolutionieren."Bundesministerium für Forschung und Bildung „Ausgezeichneter OrtimLand der Ideen“Vodafone „1. Platz Smart Solutions Award“ampido zeigt den nächsten freien Parkplatz!Gleichzeitig kann man über ampido seinen privaten Parkplatzflexibelstundenweise vermieten, wenn man ihn vorübergehend nichtbraucht undlässt für Falschparker keine Chance mehr.Falls du dir in deiner Nähe noch mehr Parkplätze wünscht, kannstduuns über schreiben, wo und inwelcherStadt du noch gerne parken möchtest. Wir kümmern uns danngezieltdort um weitere Parkmöglichkeiten.Bitte erzähl die Idee hinter ampido weiter, damit auch indeinerStadt schnell viele neue Parkplätze über ampido zurVerfügungstehen!Am einfachsten geht dies über die Funktion "Freunde werben"unterEinstellungen (App) bzw. "Mein ampido" (Webseite). Dannerhälst dusogar einen 5 € Gutschein für jedeerfolgreicheWeiterempfehlung.Registrierungen sind ab jetzt schon bundesweit möglich.Wie funktioniert ampido und woher kommen die Parkplätze?Die Plattform bietet die erste deutscheParkplatz-SharingApp, mit der Besitzer von privaten ParkplätzenoderGarageneinfahrten diese Parkmöglichkeiten flexibelstundenweisevermieten können, wenn sie gerade nicht gebrauchtwerden.Die Vermieter dieser Parkmöglichkeiten können dieVerfügbarkeitender Parkplätze sowie die Parkgebühr bequem über festlegen. Somit können sie mit wenigen KlicksihreParkmöglichkeiten zu barem Geld machen und zugleich dieUmweltschonen, da der Parkplatz-Suchverkehr minimiert wird.Ich habe leerstehende Parkplätze und (Garagen-) Einfahrten inmeinerNachbarschaft bzw. in der Nähe meines Arbeitsplatzes gesehenundwürde gerne darauf parken. Was kann ich tun, damit ich diesebaldüber ampido buchen kann?Für solche Fälle haben wir die Aktion www.Wir-wollen-Parken.deinsLeben gerufen. Dort kann man die Stadt bzw. Straße eingeben, womandie freien Parkflächen gesehen hat und wir kümmern uns umeineKontaktaufnahme mit den Besitzern, um genau dort zügigneueParkplätze zu schaffen.Wir freuen uns auch, wenn wir dir Flyer von ampido per Postschickendürfen, die dann dort in den Briefkasten geworfen werdenkönnen. Aufdiese Weise kann ebenso auf ampido aufmerksam gemachtwerden, umeine neue Parkmöglichkeit in deiner Umgebung zuschaffen. AlleKosten dafür tragen selbstverständlich wir. Meldedich dafür bittekurz über die unten genanntenKontaktmöglichkeiten.Wie kann ich das ampido Team für Feedback erreichen?An alle unsere Nutzer da draußen: Wir danken euch für alleureHinweise und die vielen netten Rückmeldungen.Eure Verbesserungswünsche sind weiterhin sehr willkommen. GerneperE-Mail an [email protected] oder per Telefon an 0221 /6776911.Wir freuen uns von euch zu hören.Um über Gutscheinaktionen und Neuigkeiten von ampido aufdemLaufenden zu bleiben, findet ihr uns und Wir freuenunsüber eure Likes und alle Follower.Ein riesen Dankeschön dafür!What the press saysaboutampidoN24 News' mobile app helps in findingparking."Http:// "share driveways? ampido makes it possible! "ARD Morning Show "Stress Free parking in the city center!"TV station WDR "A brilliantidea." 1 News "ampido saves time and nerves in a parking space!"CHIP Online "A clear download recommendation!"t3n magazine "In ampido really benefited everyone!"ADAC "Such examples should make school!"n-tv guide "A real blockbuster in terms of parking!""Book parking in advance, as for the next shopping trip." MDRRTL Aktuell "Hope in the parking lot mayhem!"Focus "Never again find a parking space!"Star "parking by clicking book in advance!"Rheinische Post "ampido could revolutionize parking in theinnercities."Federal Ministry for Research and Education "Excellent place intheLand of Ideas"Vodafone "1 Place Smart Solutions Award "ampido shows the next free parking!At the same time, you can rent on ampido his privateparkingflexible hours as if you temporarily do not need it andallows forFalschparker no chance.If you wish for in your area even more parking, you can write,wantwhere and in which city you like to park more We will then specifically theretoadditional parking.Please tell further the idea behind ampido so quickly manynewparking spaces are also available in your city viaampidoavailable!The easiest way is using the "Invite Friends" in Settings (app)or"My ampido" (Website). Then you will get even a 5 € voucherforevery successful recommendation.Registrations are now already possible nationwide.How ampido works and where parking come from?The platform offers the first German car parksharingapp, can rent parking flexible hours, with the owners ofprivateparking lots or driveways if they are not in use.The owner of this parking can determine the availability ofparkingand the parking fee easily accessible via the, they can with a few clicks to make their parkingcash moneyand protect the environment at the same time as theparking-searchtraffic is minimized.I have seen vacant parking and (garage) driveways in myneighborhoodor near my workplace and would like to park it. Whatcan I do sothat I can book through ampido this soon?For such cases, we have launched the actionwww.wir-want-Parken.deto life. There you can enter the town orstreet where you have seenthe free parking areas and we care aboutmaking contact with theowners to create exactly speedy new parkingspaces.We are also pleased when we can send you flyers of ampido bymail,which can be thrown into the mailbox then there. In this way,canalso be made aware of ampido to create a new parking in yourarea.All costs will naturally take us. Sign up for short, please onthecontact details mentioned below.How can I contact the ampido team for feedback?To all our users out there: Thank you for all your notes and allthenice feedback.Your suggestions for improvement are still very welcome.Preferablyby e-mail to [email protected] or by telephone to0221/6776911We look forward to hearing from you.To stay up to date on coupon promotions and news from ampido,youcan also find us on / ampido /ampido. We appreciate your Likes and allfollowers.A big thank you for this!
Free parking 1.8.1
★ Free Parking ★ is a useful mobile app which helps you tofindthenearest free or cheapest parking spot around you oratspecificaddress ! Thanks to the contribution of thousandsusers,find freeparkings around the world and save your time andyourmoney ! ☆Available features : - Search all parking spaces nearaspecificaddress - Report a car parking that is missing - Reportanerrorconcerning a parking lot - Find and navigate to a freepark-Automatic refresh of the parking places - Simpleandintuitiveinterface - Save a parking as favorite - Save anylocationon themap ☆ Coming soon: - Disabled parking locator - Andmore ! ☆Freeparks in the big cities : Beijing, Berlin, Cairo,Canton,Delhi,Istanbul, Jerusalem, Kinshasa, Lagos, London, LosAngeles,MexicoCity, Moscow, New York, Paris, San Fransico,SaintPetersburg, SaoPaulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo, etc. Enjoy ! ★ ★★ ★★ If you likethis application, you can click on the +1 buttonaboveand give usa 5 stars rating ;) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ About permissions :Weneed yourlocation to display nearest parkings around you. Weneedaninternet connection to load the parkings. Note that it’saparkingapp whose data is based on the community. You may notbeable tosee any parking around you because the community aroundyouis notaware of OSM. You can contribute by reporting alltheparkings thatyou found around you. Map data: © OpenStreetMapandcontributors.No personal information will never be stolen fromyouin our apps.☆ Summary : Find any car spots for free, saveyourfavorite parkingor save your car position and add new parkingsonthe map easilywith this app.
Park Uhr 1.8
Spar Dir den ständigen Blick auf die Uhr –mitder MOTOR-TALK Park Uhr weißt Du immer, wie lange Dein Autonochauf dem Parkplatz stehen darf, ohne ein Knöllchen zu riskieren.Dustellst einfach die Parkdauer ein und der Alarm erinnertDichdaran, dass Du besser umparkst.Damit Du dann auch auf großen Parkplätzen oder infremdenGegenden immer zurück zu Deinem Auto findest, hilft DirdieMOTOR-TALK Park Uhr, indem sie anzeigt, wo das Auto steht undwieDu zu Fuß am schnellsten dorthin zurück kommst. Praktischfürunübersichtliche Parkplätze, in fremden Städten undVielesmehr.Natürlich findest Du mit der MOTOR-TALK Park Uhr auchabgestellteMotorräder, Roller, Fahrräder usw. wieder.Und so geht’s:- Parkplatz finden, Fahrzeug abstellen- Auf „Fahrzeug parken“ drücken- Die Parkdauer einstellen (maximal 23 Stunden und 59Minuten)- Alarm abwarten- Der Route zurück zum Fahrzeug folgenDurch langes Drücken auf einen Punkt auf der Karte kannauchnachträglich der Standort des Fahrzeugs markiert werden, wennmansich schon woanders befindet. Ein hilfreiches Feature, füralleVergesslichen.Save yourself thestandinglooking at the clock - with the MOTOR-TALK Park Clock youwillalways know how long your car can stand still in the parkinglotwithout a honk to risk. You simply adjusts the final parkingtimeand the alarm reminds you that you umparkst better.So then you can find even in large parking lots or inexternalareas always return to your car, you help the MOTOR-TALKPark Clockby indicating where the car is and how you get there thefastestcome back on foot. Convenient for confusing parking, inforeigncities and much more.Of course you can find again and parked motorcycles,scooters,bicycles, etc. with the MOTOR-TALK Park clock.And here's how:- Find parking, park the vehicle- "Parked vehicle" to press- Set the parking period (maximum of 23 hours and 59 minutes)- Wait for alarm- The route back to follow the vehicleA long press on a point on the map of the location of thevehiclecan also subsequently be marked if one is alreadyelsewhere. Ahelpful feature for all forgetful.
Urbis Mobile v3.2.1
L’application UrbisMobile vous permetdepayervotre stationnement par téléphone à la minute près(tarifhoraireou abonnement). Vous choisissez votre zone destationnementetdémarrez la transaction en un seul clic !Les avantages :- Inscription simple et rapide depuis l'application Géolocalisation et proposition des zones de stationnementslesplusproches de vous- Plus de ticket à apposer derrière le pare-brise! Lesagentsdeverbalisation contrôlent le paiement à partirdunumérod’immatriculation que vous avez enregistré.- Démarrez et stoppez votre ticket stationnement à distance- Payez votre stationnement à la minute près- Paiement par carte bancaire via le compte prépayé- Profil : retrouvez vos stationnements en cours,vosstationnementsrécents et gérez vos plaquesd’immatriculationLa police municipale vérifie à l’aidedesmartphones/terminauxportables si votre véhicule estenrègle.L’application Ubris Mobile vous permet de payervotrestationnementen France dans les villes suivantes : Bordeaux,Laval,Metz,Montigny-lès-Metz, Mulhouse et Laval.L'application Urbis Mobile est développée par la sociétéMobileCityest permet l'achat de ticket de stationnement à distance.What’s new :La fonctionnalité NFC vous permet de rentrer et sortirdesparkingsUrbis Park de la Ville de Metz. Vos frais destationnementserontdébités de votre compte Urbis Mobile.Bientôt disponible dans d'autres villes...Plus d'infos sur ou sur leguided'utilisation: you to pay your parking by phone to theminute(hourly fee orsubscription). You select your parking zoneandstart the transactionwith a single click!The advantages :- Fast and easy registration from the Geolocation and proposal from the nearest parking zones you- More to affix ticket behind the windscreen!Verbalizationcontrolofficers from the payment of the registrationnumber youhaveregistered.- Start and stop your parking ticket Remote- Pay for parking by the minute- Payment by credit card via the prepaid account- Profile: find your current parking, parking your recentandmanageyour license platesThe municipal police checks using smartphones / handheldsifyourvehicle is in good standing.Ubris Mobile Application allows you to pay your parking inFranceinthe following cities: Bordeaux, Laval,Metz,Montigny-lès-Metz,Mulhouse and Laval.The application is developed by Urbis Mobile Mobile Cityisthecompany allows the purchase of remote parking ticket.What's new:The NFC feature allows you to enter and exit the parkingUrbisParkof the city of Metz. Your parking fee will be debitedfromyouraccount Urbis Mobile.Coming soon in other cities ...More information or theuserguide:
Parkonaut - die Parkplatz App
Parkonaut - die Parkplatz App - bietetDirdieMöglichkeit freie Parkplätze zu finden oder zumelden.MitParkonaut sparst Du Zeit und Geld bei der Suche, daDunichtminutenlang umher fahren musst, um einen freienParkplatzzufinden.Melde einen freien Parkplatz, welchen Du selbst geradenutztundteile mit, wann Du losfahren wirst. Nutzer, diegeradeeinenParkplatz in Deinem Umkreis suchen, sehen Deine MeldungundkönnenDein Angebot nutzen. Sobald ein Nutzer anDeinemParkplatzangekommen ist, erhältst Du eine BenachrichtigungundPunkte fürdie Vermittlung des Parkplatzes.Funktionen:» Anzeige von freien Parkplätzen,ParkhäusernundCommunity-Parkplätzen in Deinem Umkreis» optionale Anzeige von Elektroladesäulen für Elektroautos» Abfrage von freien Parkplätzen an einem eingegebenZielortbzw.einer Zieladresse» Bewerte Mitglieder von Parkonaut nach Übergabe bzw.Übernahmeeinesgemeldeten Parkplatzes» Verfolge in Echtzeit, wie weit Du von demParkplatzentferntbist» Erhalte eine Nachricht, wenn jemand DeinengemeldetenParkplatznutzen möchte» Sammle Punkte für jeden vermittelten Parkplatz» Bequemes nachkaufen von Community-PunktenDie App ist optimiert für das Parken imöffentlichenRaum(Laternenparken). Über die Community, welche dieApp nutzt,wirddas Parken vereinfacht, indem öffentlicheParkplätzedurchMitglieder angeboten werden. Zusätzlich könnenaberauchöffentliche Parkplätze, wie z.B. an Supermärktenoderinparkraumbewirtschaftete Bereichen mit der Appgefundenwerden.Parkonaut unterstützt das Suchen von ParkplätzeninfolgendenBallungsgebieten und Städten:Berlin, Hamburg, München, Düsseldorf, Köln,Frankfurt,Stuttgart,Heidelberg, Freiburg, Nürnberg, Erlangen,Würzburg,Augsburg,Essen, Duisburg, Bochum, Bottrop, Krefeld,Gütersloh,Bielefeld,Wuppertal, Ludwigshafen, Hannover,Braunschweig, Celle,Magdeburg,Mannheim, Bremen, Flensburg, Kiel,Lübeck, Rostock,Potsdam, Halle,Leipzig, Dresden, Chemnitz, Erfurt,Weimar, Aachen,Karlsruhe, Bonnund Saarbrücken,In den restlichen Regionen ist Parkonaut zumSuchenvonParkplätzen und Parkhäusern ebenfallsnutzbar,dieCommunity-Funktion zur Übergabe von Parkplätzen istabernureingeschränkt nutzbar.Parkonaut - thecarparkapp - offers you the chance to find free parking orreport.WithParkonaut You save time and money in the search becauseyou donothave to drive for several minutes around to find aparkingspace.Reporting an available parking space, which you can evenusejustand share with, when will you start driving. Users whoarejustlooking for a parking space in your district, see yourmessageanduse your offer. Once a user has arrived at your parkinglot,youwill receive a notification and points for the placementoftheparking lot.features:> Get free parking, parking garages and community parkinglotsinyour Area»Optional display of electric charging stationsforelectriccars"Query of free parking at an input destination oradestinationaddress»Rate members of Parkonaut after handover or takeover ofareportedcar park"Follow in real time, how far you are away from theparkinglot»Receive a message, if want to use anyone yourreportedParking»Collect points for every mediated Parking"Comfortable buy more from community pointsThe app is optimized for parking in public space(LightPark).About the community which uses the app, parkingisfacilitated bypublic parking are offered by members.Additionally,however, canalso public parking, such as are with theapp found atsupermarketsor in park space farmed areas.Parkonaut supports Finding parking in thefollowingmetropolitanareas and cities:Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Dusseldorf, Cologne,Frankfurt,Stuttgart,Heidelberg, Freiburg, Nuremberg, Erlangen,Würzburg,Augsburg,Essen, Duisburg, Bochum, Bottrop, Krefeld,Gütersloh,Bielefeld,Wuppertal, Ludwigshafen, Hannover,Braunschweig, Celle,Magdeburg,Mannheim, Bremen, Flensburg, Kiel,Lübeck, Rostock,Potsdam, Halle,Leipzig, Dresden, Chemnitz, Erfurt,Weimar, Aachen,Karlsruhe,Saarbrücken and Bonn,In the remaining regions Parkonaut for finding parkinglotsandparking garages are also available, the community featureforthetransfer of parking is only limited use.
Parkda - Parken in Deutschland 2.1.8
In dieser neuen Version (ehemals ParkeninDeutschland 2) erwartet euch nicht nur ein komplettüberarbeitetesDesign, sondern auch jede Menge neue Funktionen, diedie Bedienungerleichtern. Die volle Kontrolle ist zum Beispieldurch das neueStartmenü gewährleistet, welches in Zukunft immerwieder mitkleineren Updates erweitert werden wird.Desweiteren bietet die App nun eine Standortlokalisierung,welcheParkhäuser nun auch in der näheren Umgebung(Stadt-unabhängig)anzeigt.Weitere neue Funktionen, an denen wir derzeit noch arbeiten,werdenzusätzlich integriert sein.Weitere Informationen zur neuen Version gibt es auf derneuenParkDa/Parken in Deutschland Facebookseite.Dort könnt Ihr natürlich ebenfalls eure WünscheundVerbesserungsvorschläge äußern. suchst zum Parken einen Parkplatz in der Stadt undmöchtestvorher wissen, in welchem Parkhaus noch Plätze freisind?Lade dir "Parkhäuser in Deutschland" herunter und seiimmerinformiert, welcher Parkplatz, welches Parkhaus oderwelcheTiefgarage noch Platz für dein Auto hat.In der Liste und auf der Karte werden alle Parkhäuser mitaktuellemBelegungsstatus und ihrer Lage angezeigt.Du kannst sogar nach Städten suchen oder dich direkt zueinemParkhaus navigieren lassen.Bisher unterstützte Städte (41):AachenAugsburgBonnBielefeldBraunschweigBremenDortmundDüsseldorfDresdenErfurtFrankfurtFreiburgGreifswaldHamburg (Quelle: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, BehördefürWirtschaft Verkehr und Innovation, 2013)HammHeidelbergIngolstadtKarlsruheKasselKielKölnKonstanzLübeck (inkl. Travemünde)MagdeburgMannheimMünchen P+RMünsterNürnbergOldenburgOsnabrückPaderbornPassauPotsdamReutlingenRosenheimStuttgartTrierUlmWiesbadenWuppertalWürzburgFlughäfen (5):Flughafen HamburgFlughafen Köln/BonnFlughafen Münster/OsnabrückFlughafen DortmundFlughafen DüsseldorfIm Ausland (3):Basel (CH)Maastricht (NL)Zürich (CH)Weitere Städte sind in Arbeit.Eure Stadt ist noch nicht dabei, besitzt aber ein Parkleitsystem(imInternet)? Dann mailt uns einfach und wir versuchen eureAnfrage zuerfüllen.Wir konzentrieren uns in dieser App lediglich auf ParkhäuseroderParkplätze, die ein Parkleitsystem besitzen und dieses auchonlinezur Verfügung stellen.Da wir übersichtlich aktuelle Parkhausstände anzeigen wollen,werdenParkhäuser ohne Belegungsstand zumeist außen vorgelassen.Diese App benutzt Google Analytics um eine möglichstguteBedienbarkeit zu gewährleisten.In this newversion(formerly Parking in Germany 2) you can expect not onlyacompletely revised design but also a lot of new featuresthatfacilitate the operation. Full control is for example ensuredbythe new Start menu, which will be repeatedly extended in thefuturewith minor updates.In addition, the app is now offering a sitelocalization,indicating which car parks now in the nearbyarea(city-independent).Other new features in which we are currently still working, willbeintegrated.For more information about the new version is available onthenew ParkDa / Parking in Germany Facebook page.There you can of course also your wishes and suggestionstocomment.'re looking for parking a car park in town and want toknowbeforehand where parking spaces are still available?Charging you, "car parks in Germany" down and always beinformedthat parking lot which parking garage or parking garagewhich hasspace for your car.In the list and on the map all car parks with currentoccupancystatus and location are displayed.You can even search by cities or let you navigate directly toaparking lot.Previously supported cities (41):AachenAugsburgBonnBielefeldBrunswickBremenDortmundDusseldorfDresdenErfurtFrankfurtFreiburgGreifswaldHamburg (Source: Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, DepartmentofEconomics Transport and Innovation, 2013)HammHeidelbergIngolstadtKarlsruheKasselKeelCologneConstanceLübeck (incl. Travemünde)MagdeburgMannheimMunich P + RMuensterNurembergOldenburgOsnabrückPaderbornPassauPotsdamReutlingenRosenheimStuttgartTrierUlmWiesbadenWuppertalWürzburgAirports (5):Hamburg AirportCologne / Bonn AirportMünster / Osnabrück AirportDortmund AirportDusseldorf airportAbroad (3):Basel (CH)Maastricht (NL)Zurich (CH)More cities will be in the works.Your city is not here yet, but has a parking guidance system(theInternet)? Then email us and we will try to fulfillyourrequest.We focus in this app only to car parks or parking lots thathavea parking guidance system and make this alsoavailableonline.Since we want to show clear current parking stalls, parkinggarageswithout utilization rate are usually left out.This app uses Google Analytics to good use as possibletoensure.
ParkMobile - Find Parking
A Smarter Way to Park and Reserve Your Spot Ahead of Time.
JustPark Parking 3.124.1
Parking made easy. Find a space in seconds with the UK’sfavouriteparking app.
Truck Parking Europe 4.0.9
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Smart Parking Slovakia 1.63
Prešov Real
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Download de gratis Yellowbrick parkeerapp.
ParkingSlot - Free Parking 1.2
ParkingSlot locates the User´s locationandshows all the free of charge as well as disabledparkingpossibilities close to you. After choosing the closest freeparkinglot, the App will navigate you to the spot as requested. Wemisseda parking lot, which is free of charge orhandycap-accessible? Thenyou´re more than welcome to help our DataBase grow by easilyadding missing parking spots. ParkingSlot alsooffers a filter inthe upper right corner of the App for picking thecategory the userwants to see on the map. Users can choose between"disabledparking"," 24/7-free-parking" as wellas"restricted-free-parking".Enjoy stress-free parking and save money with the help ofourcommunity.If you have any questions or suggestions please feel freetocontact our Team under [email protected].
Best Parking - Find Parking
BestParking steers drivers toward thecheapestand most convenient parking garages and lots in 105 cities&115 airports throughout North America. Save hundredsofdollars!Featured in the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, New YorkMagazine,ABC, FOX, CBS, NBC & more."Parking your car in a garage or lot doesn't have to emptyyourwallet." - NY Daily News"BestParking is a life-saver" - Travel ChannelJoin 1 million monthly users!BestParking has the most accurate data of any parkingapplicationand backs up this claim by offering a $5 Starbucks eGiftto anyuser who reports inaccurate information.PLUS:- In addition to calculated total fees, includescomprehensiveparking facility attributes (e.g., Hours of Operation,Phone #,Indoor/Outdoor, Cash/Credit, Self Park / Valet, etc.)- On-street parking spot regulations for Manhattan andDowntownBrooklyn- Coupons, discounts, and reservations for garages.************************City parking downtown on a Wednesday from 9am-6pm rangesfrom:$12 - $87 – New York City$10 - $61 – San Francisco$10 - $52 – Chicago$13 - $49 – Boston$5 - $50 – Los Angeles$8 - $51 – Seattle$8 - $36 – Toronto$7 - $27 – Montreal$5 - $38 – New Orleans$2 - $30 – San Diego$7 - $33 – Philadelphia$3 - $25 – Detroit$4 - $24 – Baltimore$1 - $20 – Dallas$6 - $24 – Sacramento$8 - $25 – Portland$9 - $25 – Washington DC$2 - $15 – Atlanta105 supported cities, including Albany, Alexandria, AnnArbor,Arlington, Austin, Baton Rouge, Bellevue, Berkeley,Bethesda,Birmingham, Boulder, Buffalo, Charlotte, Chattanooga,Cincinnati,Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Denver, Des Moines, Eugene,FortLauderdale, Fort Worth, Fresno, Greensboro, Hartford,Hoboken,Honolulu, Houston, Indianapolis, Jackson, Jacksonville,JerseyCity, Kansas City, Kirkland, Las Vegas, Lincoln, LongBeach,Louisville, Madison, Memphis, Miami, Miami Beach,Milwaukee,Minneapolis, Mobile, Nashville, New Haven, Newark,Oakland,Oklahoma City, Omaha, Orlando, Palo Alto, Phoenix,Pittsburgh,Providence, Raleigh, Richmond, Rochester, Salt LakeCity, SanAntonio, San Jose, Santa Monica, Savannah, Spokane, St.Louis, St.Paul, Syracuse, Tallahassee, Tampa, Tucson, Tulsa,Vancouver, WestPalm Beach, White Plains, & More.Airport parking for 7 days ranges from:$36 - $180 – Los Angeles (LAX)$50 - $186 – Chicago OHare (ORD)$88 - $198 – Newark (EWR)$93 - $198 – New York Kennedy (JFK)$48 - $102 – Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)115 supported airports, including ATL, BWI, YYC, DEN, DTW, FLL,BDL,IAH, HOU, IND, LAS, LAX, MEM, MIA, MKE, MSP, MSY, EWR, OAK,MCO,PHL, PHX, PIT, PDX, PWM, SMF, SFO, SLC, SAN, STL, TPA, YYZ,YVR,PBI, Logan (BOS), Midway (MDW), Dallas Love (DAL), SeaTac(SEA),Dulles (IAD), Reagan (DCA), LaGuardia (LGA), & More.Parkingfinder with reservations supported.************************