Top 12 Apps Similar to Linde Pre-Operational Check

Linde Pre-Op-Check 2 2.3.2
Linde Pre-Op-Check 2 "Why was ’Truck defective’ reported?""Whichtruck does the photo showing the damaged fork arms belongto?" "The'language' aspect is often a topic in your warehouse,keyword'language barrier of employees'?" There is a solution forthesequestions: the Linde Pre-Op-Check app simplifies and improvesthetruck check. Fleet managers can create checklistswithinconnect:desk and assign them to trucks individually. Driversusethe app and the checklist to check the condition of thetrucksbefore each use. The truck check is also a form of accesscontrol.The truck is only enabled once the driver has completedthechecklist without identifying any serious faults. Thanks totruckcheck via the app, each fleet of trucks remains secure and intopcondition — and with no language barriers or paperdocuments.Access control The truck check is also a form of accesscontrol.The truck is only enabled once the driver has completedthechecklist without identifying any serious faults. The appconnectsto the truck via Bluetooth. Trucks can be added asfavourites forfaster access. And anyone who doesn’t want to selecttheirpreferred truck from the favourites list each time canactivate the"auto connect" feature for one of the favourites: theapp thenautomatically connects to the truck and opens theassignedchecklist. Could it be any easier? Truck check A checklistis asimply structured, digital questionnaire. Fleet managers cancreatechecklists within connect:desk and assign them totrucksindividually. Drivers use the app and checklist to checkthecondition of the trucks before starting work. The questions inthechecklist can be answered with "YES" or "NO". Depending ontheanswer, the next question is asked, a photo is requested orthetruck is locked (Trucklock). To keep the fleet manager updated,theresults are transferred from the app to the Lindeconnect:deskfleet management system almost in real time. The fasterdamage isreported, the faster the truck can be repaired. Savevaluable timeat the double — with the app and connect:desk.DocumentationAnomalies or defects on the truck can be documentedwith photos.Subsequently assigning the photos to a truck is notrouble at all:a report in connect:desk shows the fleet manager thequestions,answers and photos for each truck check performed. Theapp not onlymakes visual inspections of the truck easier, but alsoenablespaperless archiving: the backups of the connect:deskdatabase alsocontain the results of the Pre-Op-Checks in digitalform. Paperdocumentation is a thing of the past. Operational safetyToincrease operational safety in the storage area and oncompanypremises, the truck is only enabled once the driver hascompletedthe checklist without identifying any defects. Thanks tothe truckcheck via the app, fleet managers discover defects earlierand canreact faster. Multiple languages Language barriersdisruptcollaboration. Questions and instructions can be createdinmultiple languages to remove language barriers. The drivercanselect their preferred display language. The betterthetranslations, the more the fleet manager can rely onquestionsbeing understood. Individual checklists Fleet managerscanindividually adapt the type and number of questions totheapplication and intensity of use of the truck fleet. Nomatterwhether several trucks use the same checklist or each truckisassigned a separate checklist — the app always asks thecorrectquestions. Linde Pre-Op-Check 2 — the truck check app! Formoreinformation about Lindeconnect:
AS 24 Fleet Manager 3.0.2
AS 24
The essential app to monitor your fuel and tollexpenses,whereveryou are! MAKE FLEET MANAGEMENT EASIER - Consultyourtransactionsmade with your cards and toll badges. Keep an eyeonyour balanceand easily check your monthly consumption onyourdashboard: fuelconsumption, toll payments, top 10 of the mostusedstations…SUPERVISE THE USE OF YOUR SUPPORTS - To be aware ofwhatishappening at any moment, receive and consult alertsfortheabnormal use of your cards on your mobile: prohibitedstationsorschedules, abnormal consumptions, etc. For each alert, wesendyouthe place, the time and the registration concerned. MONITORINREALTIME YOUR CARDS AND TOLL BADGES with blocking,suspensionandreactivation options. MANAGE YOUR FLEET IN YOUR MOBILE-Locateyour vehicles that are equipped with the PASSangoEuroPilotbadge,view the latest routes taken and access detailedreports foreachtrip. MULTIPASS USER? Access the details of all youraccountsfromyour smartphone. AS 24 always takes you one stepfurther ! Allinone app: with AS 24 Fleet Manager app get allthefunctionalitiesof our Driver app. FIND THE NEAREST STATION - Inoneclick, findthe nearest AS 24 station around you and useyourfavorite GPS toget there (Google Maps, Waze, Here WeGo…).STAYINFORMED ABOUT AS24 NETWORK - Openings, temporary orpermanentclosures, stationunavailabilities… ALL YOUR FAVOURITESTATIONS INYOUR MOBILE-Create your profile and get notifications inreal timefor allchanges in your favorite AS 24 stations. FIND ASTATIONBASED ONSEARCH CRITERIA: Looking for a specific product orservice?Astation aboard? Refine your search according to yourneeds.RATEYOUR STATION - Share your experience in station and helpusimprovethe quality of our services. SAFETY, WHEREVER YOU ARE -Inneed ofassistance in station or an Eurotrafic support? Findalluseful AS24 contacts in your Driver app. AS 24, the road bringsuscloser
Car Logbook 4.7
Save a record of your vehicle expenses, mileage andfuelconsumption.
Fuel-It Ethanol Content A029
***Note that this app requires a custom Bluetooth moduletofunction. Info on the module can be foundhere: TheFuel-ItEthanol Content app gives you realtime feedback fromyourContinental Ethanol sensor. Wireless communication frees upyourdevice's USB port so you can monitor and charge at the sametime.Features: Ethanol concentration monitoring Fueltemperaturemonitoring 2 Display Views Fuel temperature display inFahrenheitor Celsius We have some exciting updates planned alreadyso ensureauto-updates are enabled for this app.
FuelFinder 1.3
PEJ Consult
FuelFinder bestemmer din lokation og finderdenærmeste tankstationer (eller dieselanlæg) i Danmark, SverigeellerNorge. Listen bliver vist med aktuelle priser og afstandtiltankstation(/dieselanlæg). Der er mulighed for at indtasteaktuellepriser for tankstationer. Vælges en tankstation elleretdieselanlæg så vil der blive vist en rutevejledning.Sammefunktionalitet opnås ved at bruge søge-funktionen.Forbrug og Kørselsbog med opdigtet eksempler lige til atslette.Det er mulig at registrere sine forbrug af brændstoffer påen ellerflere biler, samt at føre logbog med privat ogerhvervsmæssigkørsel. Data kan eksporteres via mail.Der findes en udførlig beskrivelse påwebsitet:, somomtalerfunktionalitet, forskellige opsætninger mm.Fuel Finderdeterminesyour location and find the nearest petrol stations (ordieselplants) in Denmark, Sweden or Norway. The list will be shownwithcurrent prices and distance to the station (/ diesel plant). Itispossible to enter the current prices for petrol stations. Selectagas station or a diesel plant will be displayed directions.Thesame functionality is achieved using the search function.Consumption and Logbook with fictional examples right todelete.It is possible to register its consumption of fuel on one ormorecars, as well as to keep a logbook with private andcommercialpurposes. Data can be exported via email.For a detailed description on thewebsite: thatmentionfunctionality, different setups mm.
Concrete Calculator Pro 5.01
A simple tool for construction calculations.
Fuel & Costs - NoAds 4.5.4
Maze Mobileapps
Keep your fuel, service and other costs related to usageofyourvehicle under control. This application allows you tokeeptrack ofall expenses of your car, motorcycle or other enginebasedvehicle,and provides related statistics and chartvisualizations. -keeptrack of multiple vehicles - keep track ofrefuels, serviceandother events with possibility to insert / updateback in time-scheduler for regular and future events based on ODOvalue and /orspecific Date. - statistics: fuel consumption,servicecosts,averages, min/max, ... - statistics export: CSV / HTML-charts:fuel price, consumption, monthly costs, costs byyear,overallcosts layout - data backup / restore from backupAllincluded inthis small and well-arranged application. Expect moreinfutureupdates.
International Steam Tables 1.005
The "International Steam Tables - IAPWS-IF97" app for waterandsteam properties
IS Mobile Alfa
INTERSCALE WEIGHING SOLUTION is a free androidapplicationforcustomer of PT. INTERSKALA MANDIRI INDONESIAincludemanufacturers,distributors, dealers, shops, and users ofweighingindustry. Thisindustry covers weighing scale, bench scale,floorscale, pricecomputing scale, label printing scale, cranescale,weighbridge,unmanned operation truck scale, bagging scale,hopperscale, palletscale, animal scale, explosion proof scale,batchingcontroller,filling machine, checkweigher, weighingsystems,weighingaccessories and parts, load cell, sensors,indicators,Circuits,remote display, test weight, tabletop scales,platformscales,kitchen scale, personal scale, retail scale,cables,capacitors,resistors, diode, transistors, LCD, LED,structures,body,keyboards, transformers, power supply,microcontrollers,amplifiers, junction boxes. This APP containtheinformation of :Stock, price list, delivery time, estimatetimearrival of stock,invoice, outstanding statement, point&rewards, trackingshipment, promotion, warranty service,technicalsupport, usermanual, service manual, leaflet, informationofdistributor allover Indonesia, etc. In order to be a part ofthisapplication, youshould get the user id and password from thesalesrepresentativeof PT. INTERSKALA MANDIRI INDONESIA, or you alsocanregister youremail, phone number and company detail to get thenewid. This APPis 100% free. INTERSCALE WEIGHING SOLUTIONadalahsebuah aplikasiyang bebas biaya khusus untuk smartphoneAndroid& dibuatkhusus untuk semua pelanggan-pelanggan PT.INTERSKALAMANDIRIINDONESIA, termasuk pabrik timbangan,distributortimbangan,pedagang timbangan, dan pengguna langsungindustritimbangan, yangmencakup: timbangan berat, timbanganduduk,timbangan portabel,timbangan lantai, timbangan komputasiharga,timbangan dengan labelprinter, timbangan crane, jembatantimbang,jembatan timbangotomatis tanpa operator untuk truk,timbanganbagging, timbanganhopper, timbangan palet, timbanganhewan,timbangan yang digunakankhusus di area eksplosif, timbangandenganpengontrol pengelompokanatau timbangan penyortir, timbanganuntukmesin pengisian,checkweigher, sistem penimbangan, aksesorialattimbang dan sukucadang, load cell, sensor, indikator,sirkuit,display jarak jauh,berat uji, timbangan meja, timbanganplatform,timbangan dapur,timbangan berat badan, timbangan ritel,kabel,kapasitor, resistor,dioda, transistor, LCD , LED, struktur,body,keyboard,transformer, power supply, pengendali mikro,amplifier,junctionbox. Didalam aplikasi ini terdapatinformasi-informasisebagaiberikut: Kuantitas stok barang, daftarharga, waktupengirimanbarang (delivery time), perkiraan waktuataskedatanganbarang-barang stok, daftar semua faktur, laporanfakturyang belumterlunasi, points & rewards, promosi, servisgaransi,bantuanteknis, buku panduan penggunaan barang, bukuservisbarang,memo/surat edaran, dan semua informasi atasseluruhdistributor diIndonesia. Untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini,anda harusmenghubungisales representative anda di PT. InterskalaMandiriIndonesia untukmendapatkan username & kata sandi atauandadapat mendaftaralamat email anda, nomer telepon, dannamaperusahaan untukmendapatkan identifikasi yang baru. Aplikasiini100% bebas biaya.
Trucking Management Software | Report 2290 & IFTA 7.5.0
TruckLogics is a trucking management softwaredesignedforowner-operators, fleet managers, and their drivers. Itallowsusersto monitor the real-time status of loads and drivers,whilealsokeeping accurate records of miscellaneous expenses whileontheroad. Trucking Businesses can e-file Form 2290 &getSchedule 1in minutes. The following features are availablewithTruckLogicsOwner Operators Package: E-file Form 2290: Wehaveteamed up withour sister-product ExpressTruckTax to make Form2290filing easierthan ever. You can now e-file your 2290 throughtheTrucklogicsMobile App! Simply confirm your business andtruckinformation,e-sign, and transmit your HVUT Form 2290 fromthemobile app. YourIRS Stamped Schedule 1 will be availableinminutes. Fuel Up: Addfuel purchase details to yourTruckLogicsaccount straight from themobile app. Record the date,quantity,cost, and in what state thefuel was purchased. You caneven takepictures of fuel receipts andupload them forrecord-keepingpurposes. This tool is a lifesaverfor quarterly IFTAfilings,especially in the event of an audit!Track BusinessExpenses: Trackyour business expenses to get themost out of yourtruck driver taxdeductions. Start tracking yourincome and expenseswhile on theroad with TruckLogics! Track andrecord Per Diem, tollfees,parking, and more in one easy to useapplication. Settlements:Enteror import settlements from yourcarrier, including line haul,anddeductions. Logbook: Our logbooksoftware allows you toinstantlylog hours of service, eliminatingthe hassle of carryingandupdating paper logbooks. Plus, yourelectronic logbook canbeprinted and emailed directly from theapp, saving youtime.(TRUCKLOGICS IS NOT AN FMCSA CERTIFIED ELD)Document Storage:Scanreceipts and other documents on the go! Snapa picture ofthedocument using your mobile device and upload tothe app. Neverlosean important document again! Per Diem Log:Easily mark andrecordfull and partial days spent in your truck tomaximize youryear-enddeductions. Address Book: Import contactsdirectly from yourmobiledevice into your TruckLogics account injust a matter ofminutes.Business Reports: Organize all yourincome and expensesintoconvenient and concise reports. Createeasy-to-read profit&loss reports and graphics for specifieddate ranges. You canalsocalculate other ratios such as CPM, RPM,and PPM. Everythingyouneed to run and grow your businesssuccessfully is atyourfingertips. The Fleet Manager’s Packageincludes thefollowingfeatures and those listed above: DispatchSoftware:Ourtransportation dispatch software allows you to createand viewallactive, assigned, delivered, and canceled dispatches,alongwitheach load’s freight details, and load charges. Knowwhereyourdrivers are at all times while keeping your customersorbrokerupdated. Drivers can handle their dispatchoperationdirectlythrough the TruckLogics mobile app on their mobilephoneor tabletand you can instantly notify them with alldispatchdetails. CheckCalls: Drivers can notify you and/oryourcustomer/brokers on thestatus of the load at any time. Cut downonunnecessary phone callsand keep everyone in the loop.Multi-UserAccess: There's no limitto the number of employees,drivers, andcontractors who candownload the app at no additionalcharge. Chat:Improve businesscommunication with your drivers bysharing anddiscussing locationand shared files. Share and broadcastimages,videos, tripdocuments, and truck locations to one or allyourdrivers. DriverSettlement: Share settlement estimatesandfinalized settlementdetails with drivers or contractors.Viewtheir pay percentage orrate, as well as all reimbursementsanddeductions you’ve added totheir settlements. Questions,comments,or concerns? Contact ourUS-based team via phone and livechat or24/7 email support.
Speed Distance Time Calculator 1.7.2
Danny Connell
Calculate speed, distance or time by entering the othertwomeasurements
TRANSPark truck parking areas 40.0.10
TRANSPark allows to find secure and comfortable parking areasandfuel stations