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CineBee Reviews: Movies, Web Series & Free Content 6.6
CINEBEE – HIGHLIGHTS ★ CineBee is the ultimate social hubforallmovie lovers. ★ Get crowd sourced Movies, Web Series&OriginalContent Reviews and Ratings. ★ Review any Movie,WebSeries, TVShow, or Actor in less than 10 seconds. ★ FindFREEMovies, WebTVSeries or Shows to watch. ★ Know WHERE To Watchanymovie or webseries be it Free or Paid. ★ We have content in over6differentlanguages including: • Hindi • Tamil • Telugu • English•Kannada •Malayalam ★ Discover new & FREE content based onYOURTASTE. ★Build your taste profile by reviewing Movies, WebSeries orTVShows that you have watched ★ Based on your reviewsCineBeealsobuilds your TRIBE which consist of people with similartastesasyou. ★ Get the latest news, updates, trailers, HDimagesandrelease dates of upcoming movies, web series or TV shows.★Watchtrailers and view information about old movies, webseriesororiginal content. ★ Whether you’re looking formoviecriticreviews, honest user reviews or tribe reviews fromyourcircle offriends, you’ll find them on CineBee. You maysaveyourself thedisappointment of seeing a bad movie! How CineBeeAppFinds TheBest TV Show and Movie Recommendations For YouWhileonlinestreaming platforms help you watch TV shows andmoviesaccording toyour own pace and time, finding the right thingtowatch isprobably the biggest struggle. If you keepscrollingthrough thecontent catalogue for 45 minutes only torewatch a showyou havealready watched a dozen times, then what youneed is theCinebee tohelp you find the right TV shows that you willactuallylike. TheCinebee app is a movie and web series ratingaggregatorthatprovides reliable ratings based on different factors.Insteadofjust recommending the most popular or trending shows thatyoucanfind elsewhere too, the Cinebee app takes into accountyourwatchhistory and then recommends shows and movies accordingtoyourpreferences and tastes. You can rate watched shows,createawatchlist, and even discover users that have similar tastesasyouby using the ‘Tribe’ feature on the app. With Tribe, youcanfollowother users and through them discover new andunexploredcontent.Accurate recommendations based on your watchhistory Basedon yourwatchlist and previous ratings, Cinebeeoffersaccuraterecommendations of shows and movies. We takeintoconsiderationthat genres you like the most and the languagesyouusually prefer.Then, we use deep machine algorithms to createmoreaccurate andcustomized user recommendations. Uniquelikabilityrating for eachmovie/TV show Instead of just handing youa largelist ofrecommendations and getting you confused again, wegiveeachrecommendation a unique likability rating. Afterall,generalratings may not align with everyone’s preferences.Thisrating isthe probability of you liking the movie of TV show.Weunderstandthat general ratings may not always align with auser’staste, andthat is why the unique likeability rating is basedonyour watchpattern and gives you the probability of how muchyouwill like theshow Cinebee doesn’t just tell you what to watch,butalso where towatch it. We take into account your currentOTTsubscriptions andrecommend the best platforms to watch theshows,for free. While itmay be difficult for you to discover allthe freemovies and TVshows that you can watch without payinganything --CineBee doesall the work for you. It also helps users tosubscribeto the bestOTT platforms based on how much content isavailable onthem thatfits the user’s preferences, which in turnhelps save alot ofmoney and time.