Top 12 Apps Similar to Jura Quiz

Alpmann eCards
Repetico GmbH
Digital Jura flashcards of Alpmann own card sets and mobile query.
JusChallenge 3.0.2
JusChallenge is a learning and game app for lawyers for theSwisslaw
Jurix Jura Examensrechner 2.6.3
Jurix - Calculate your law degree note.
Lecturio Online Kurse für Medi 21.1.2
Lecturio GmbH
etc. law, medicine, career, Soft Skills: Videos for studyandtraining.
juraLIB 0.2.0
Fritz Mehler
Mit der juraLIB Karteikarten App kannstduaufden kostenlosen Katalog öffentlicher KarteikartensetszuallenRechtsgebieten (Grundstudium,Hauptstudium,Referendariat)zugreifen. Außerderm kannst du eigeneKarteikartenvon juraLIB.deauf dein Handy synchronisieren undunterwegslernen.With thejuraLIBflashcardsapp, you can access the free catalog ofpublicflashcards sets to allareas of law (basic course, maincourse,clerkship). Außerderm youcan sync to your phone and showsyou ownflashcards
Law Course 80.0
Law Course, learn to interpret justice, law, freedom and more.
Skive - Flashcards and Quizzes 5.8.4
Important announcement: qLearning is nowSkive!Read more about our road from qLearning to Skivehere:“Whether I have a test in my math class or a short quiz formybusiness course, the free flashcards and practice problems onSkiveare always my go-to tools for studying. Definitely the bestway tostudy if you’re a college student looking to boost yourgrades!” -Kelley, college student in business & engineering-------------------------More than 100,000 college students worldwide already useSkivefor test prep. Join them, and start studying now! Ace thatnext popquiz or final exam, and get through the courses at youruniversitywith better grades.+ Study with free flashcards and multiple-choicequestionscreated by the best students at your university.+ Find your class among 1,500 courses in differentsubjects,including math, business, economics, engineering,psychology,biology and more.+ Explore relevant career information about student internshipsandjobs at your favorite companies for when you’re donewithcollege.+ NEW: Create your own flashcards and practice problems onourwebsite, and always have access to that complex formula orlengthydefinition you need to review for your upcoming quiz, test,orexam.-------------------------Couldn’t make it to all of your courses this semester? Missedanimportant economics class, and have a quiz soon? Instead oftryingto find a student who meticulously wrote down everydefinition or astudent who knows every formula by heart, you canreview relevantcourse content with Skive. And this is not justlimited to youreconomics course: Skive offers test prep materialsto help with allsubjects, ranging from math and engineering tobusiness andpsychology. With flashcards and practice examquestions, you canquiz yourself until you’re ready to pass anytest. You’ll getbetter grades and might even earn that elusive topscore!-------------------------Interested? This is how it works:Find your university.We have courses for students at Stanford, Harvard, Princeton,Brown,CMU, Berkeley, UCLA, UC Irvine, Michigan, Ohio State, UTAustin,Illinois and more.Select your course.Every course is tailored to your university, your professor,andyour exam. To help you find your class, courses are listed basedonsubject matter. We offer test prep materials for courses inavariety of fields, including math, engineering,business,psychology, biology, economics and more.And start studying!+ FlashcardsSort your flashcards based on your knowledge. As an example,youmight mark that economics formula you keep forgetting as“didn’tknow”, while you might not mark that biology definitionyou’vealready mastered. This will help you control how often yourevieweach definition, formula, or topic while you study.+ Practice QuestionsAs part of your test prep for a tedious midterm or final exam,youcan quiz yourself with Skive\'s multiple-choice questions. Ifyoupractice in exam mode, you can test your knowledge on 30randomlyselected questions. You’ll receive a score to help yougauge howmuch more you need to study.+ Career InformationWhen you’re done going through flashcards and practice problems,youcan check out our career section. There you’ll learn everythingyouneed to know about opportunities for jobs and internships atyouruniversity. Learn about our partner companies and find outaboutevents they’re hosting for college students. Whether you’relookingto score those dream internships or satisfying full-timejobs, Skiveprovides relevant career information to get youstarted.-------------------------We hope that Skive proves to be a valuable tool forstudyingthroughout your college career. We are always looking toimproveSkive and our free test prep materials, and invite you toprovidefeedback to [email protected].
Law Dictionary 80.0
Free law dictionary, learn legal terms from A to Z.
QuizAcademy University Edition 4.10.9+6
With QuizAcademy efficiently learn the quizzes and index cardsofyour lecturers!
Licence Droit
Study Quizz
🔥 Réviser tes cours de Licence en Droit sur une applicationderévisions, c’est désormais bien possible ! Study Quizz t’aideett’accompagne pendant tes trois années de licence en droit,pourréussir tes examens et tes concours ou admissions en master.🚀Licence Droit est une application 100% gratuite et sanspublicités(et ça le restera) ! 👍🏽 + de 7500 quizz organisés parfilières, parmatières et par chapitres pour toute la licence (L1,L2 et L3) :Droit Public Constitutionnel, Droit Administratif,ProcédurePénale, Droit Commercial, DPI, Liberté et DroitsFondamentaux, etc... 👍🏽 Des corrections détaillées et exercicescorrigés conçus pardes spécialistes des matières pour des révisionset une préparationoptimale pour tes partiels et TD ! 👍🏽 Desrévisions ciblées etadaptées à tes besoins en fonction de tesperformances aux quizz !👍🏽 Découvre ton classement national parmitous les étudiants desfacs de droit de France, ainsi que celui deta Fac. Tu veux savoirsi tu déchires et si tu es bien placé.e dansla course aux masters? Ton classement s’actualise en fonction detes résultats auxquizz. Alors au boulot ! 👍🏽 Challenge tes potes etles gens de tapromo : invite les et défie les sur les quizz de tonchoix. Quiaura la meilleure note au prochain TD ? T’es prêt.e àrelever ledéfi ? 🎯 Dans le bus, dans le métro, aux toilettes, chezlecoiffeur, à l’étranger : alors ne te fais pas devancer. AvecStudyQuizz Licence Droit, la réussite aux examens est dans ta poche! 🐨T’as du mal à bosser ? Tu n’arrives pas à réviser ? Tu telaissesvite déconcentrer ? Laisse toi guider et encourager parQuizzy,notre super mascotte ultra motivée et super mignonne!Retrouve-nous sur les réseaux sociaux pour suivre tous nos tipsderévisions : problème ? Une question ?Contacte-nous par mail :[email protected]
BWL / VWL Quiz 1.4-bwl
BWL / VWL Quiz ist eine neueE-LearningPlattform für Studierende und Lerninteressierte auf BasisvonuniQuiz. Ganz nach dem Motto "Learn, Play & Win" könnt ihrmituniQuiz im Bereich Jura lernen, euch auf eure Prüfungenvorbereitensowie an zeitlich befristeten Events teilnehmen undtolle Preisegewinnen. BWL / VWL Quiz bietet dir mehr als 4.000hochwertigeQuiz-Fragen aus folgenden Bereichen:VWL- Makroökonomie- Mikroökonomie- …BWL- Rechnungswesen- Organisation- Personalwirtschaft- Unternehmensumfeld- Strategische Planung- Absatzwirtschaft (Marketing)- Finanzwirtschaft- Informationsmanagement- Businessplan- Steuerrecht- Recht für Wirtschaftswissenschaften- …Die Liste und der Umfang der Quiz werden stetig erweitert.DieApp bietet die Möglichkeit zielgerichtet, überall undjederzeitverschiedenen Themengebiete zu lernen und deine Leistungüber Testszu überprüfen. Mit der eingebauten Analyse kannst dudeine Leistungbeobachten, Schwachstellen identifizieren und gezieltdein Wissenverbessern.Mit dem Spielmodus „Quiz King“ kannst du dein Wissen indenBereichen BWL und VWL spielerisch testen. Verbessere deinWissenund zeigen allen, was in dir steckt und gewinnen durch dieTeinahmean Events tolle Preise!BWL / VWL Quiz is anewe-learning platform for students and interested learners basedonuniQuiz. True to the motto "Learn, Play & Win" you canlearnJura, prepare you for your exams and participate intemporaryevents, and win great prizes with uniQuiz in the area.Businessadministration / economics quiz offers you more than4,000high-quality quiz questions from the following areas:VWL- Macroeconomics- Microeconomics- ...BWL- Accounting- Organization- Human Resources- Business environment- Strategic planning- Distributive trades (Marketing)- Finance- Information Management- Business Plan- Tax Law- Law of Economics- ...The list and scope of the quiz will be constantly expanded.Theapp offers the possibility purposefully to learn anywhere,anytimevarious subject areas and to check your performance ontests. Withthe built-in analysis, you can observe your performance,identifyweaknesses and specifically enhance your knowledge.With the game mode "Quiz King" you can playfully test yourknowledgein the fields of business and economics. Improve yourknowledge andshow everyone what you're made of and win by Teinahmeto eventsgreat prizes! 1.0
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