Top 4 Apps Similar to Mitfahrzentrale MiFaZ

Pendler 1.27
Sie wollen schnellstmöglich wissen, ob IhrZugVerspätung hat ? Möchten Sie eine Zugverbindung aufVerspätungenüberwachen lassen ? Mit dieser App ist dies möglich.Sie kann und soll nicht alle Möglichkeiten der DB-Appbieten.Ziel war es, möglichst schnell und unaufwendig zu erfahren,ob meinZug Verspätung hat, oder nicht.Die App nutzt intern die Seite und kann auch nurdiedarin befindlichen Informationen auswerten. Man kann jedochaucheinfach auf die Bahn-Seite springen und sich die Ergebnissedortanzeigen lassen.Die App funktioniert für Zug-Verbindungen. Für S-Bahnen o.ä.kannman sich zwar die von o.g. Seite angebotenen Informationenebenfallsanzeigen lassen, aber diese sind recht spärlich.Für Rückmeldungen oder Verbesserungsvorschläge bin ichoffen.Allerdings kann ich nicht sagen, wie lange ich füreineFehlerbehebung/Erweiterung brauchen werde ;)You want to know assoonas possible if your train is delayed? Want to be monitored onatrain delays? With this app it is possible.You can not and should not offer all the options of DB App.Thegoal was to learn as quickly and inexpensively if my train islateor not.The app uses the internal page and can also evaluateonlythe information they contain. However, you can also just go totheweb page and display the results there.The app works for train connections. Similar to S-BahnAlthoughthe can of o.g. Page also offered information display, butthey arequite sparse.For feedback or suggestions I am open. However, I can nottellyou how long will it take for a fix / extension ;)
ShareACar - Realtime Rideshare 1.1
ShareACar is India’s best and #1real-timeCarpooling / Ridesharing mobile app for trustedridesharing withfriends and ShareACar community. It helps you findpeople who arecommuting in the same direction as you, on a googlemap based userinterface for a comfortable and a low cost commute.Are you...● Fed up with everyday traffic and the uncomfortable metro /localtrain rides?● Do you spend up to Rs 10,000 / month just for commutingtooffice?● Are you dependent on public or office transport?● No flexibility to leave at a different time, because yourcarpoolmembers are too stuck up?ShareACar is the answer to all your commuting problems. Theappallows you to find immediate & trusted carpool options!All you need to do is search for a ride & the appwillautomatically find the best matches for you. Just choose whoyouwant to share a ride with, and start saving more than 50% onyourtravel costs!What ShareACar users say:--------------“I don’t have a vehicle & commuting daily to office was apain.I have been using Share A Car every day since the past monthtotravel to office. Can’t imagine how I used to do it without ShareACar" ~ Aditi, Mumbai“Finally an app that is real time and works! I can noweasilyfind reliable users to share a ride with. Real timecarpooling inIndia is an idea whose time has come. The map based UIand the appletting users choose their matches instead of matchesbeingprovided gives a lot of flexibility. More power to Share ACar!" ~Vaibhav, Bangalore“I have tried many other carpool apps but there is no otherappwith advanced features & ride options like Share A Car.Theusers are verified & the app has cashless paymentthroughonline wallet" ~ Anubhav, PuneBenefits:------------● Cut your monthly commute bill by at least 50% by sharingfuelcosts● Find a ride if you don’t have a car● Cashless payment per km for your ride via ShareACar wallet● Make friends On-The-Go● Even use carpool on weekend travel to hometown and traveltoshopping mall● Reduce traffic on the road● Helps save the environment and reduce pollutionWhy is ShareACar the solution you are looking for:------------* Rides near you – ShareACar is powered with a mapbasedinterface that keeps you updated about rides near you. Ithelps youplan your commute in real time.* Safety – With our multi level verification process, wemakesure that you ride with verified & safe users. The 2 wayratingis mandatory for every user after completing each carpoolride.* Offer a Ride - Post a ride in just 1 step and get INSTANTrideresults. Option to select your co-rider based on their review&rating.* Need a Ride – Getting a ride was never so easy. Search aridein with details of where you want to go. Check the reviews oftherides found & send a request for ridesharing.* Advanced Search – Integrated with Google Maps, ShareACarappallows you to search from a different location than yourcurrentlocation so you can get more willing carpoolers to share acar toany place you want.* Online Payment – Best app in India integrated withonlinewallet making your carpool ride cashless & hassle free.Now youdon’t have to worry about carrying the exact change orgettingembarrassed asking for money. Just finish the ride &thetransaction is completed automatically.* Promotion – Download the app. Early birds get 100 freecreditsfor sign-up. Use these credits to ride for free.ShareACar Tags – RideSharing, RideShare, Carpool,CarSharing,CarPooling, Car Pooling, social networking, Mumbai,India, Pune,Hyderabad, NCR, Gurgaon, Noida, Delhi, Chennai,Bangalore, Carshare , carshare, fuel, fare sharing, grouping,connecting people,nearby, environment, traffic, ride share, ridesharing, real-time,shared taxi, bombay, oddeven, odd, even,share-a-car, share acarFollow us on Twitter at us on Facebook at us at
Mitfahrgelegenheiten beiFahrgemeinschaft.deeinstellen und finden! in Kooperation mit dem ADAC ist mit jährl. ca1Mio Nutzern und 2 Mio Inseraten eine der größtenkostenfreienMitfahrzentralen in Deutschland.- kostenlos und ohne Vermittlungsprovision- Fahrer und Mitfahrer treten eigenständig und direkt miteinanderinKontakt (Prinzip "Schwarzes Brett" / kein Buchungssystem)- Bezahlung erfolgt direkt zwischen Fahrer/Mitfahrer (in derRegelin bar)- für einmalige und regelmäßige Fahrten- für Kurz- und Langstrecke- für Fahrten im Auto oder mit der Bahn- schnelles und einfaches Inserieren von AngebotenundGesuchen- optionale Hinweise/ Filterfunktionen zu Gepäckgröße,Geschlechtder Mitfahrer, Transport vonTieren,Raucher-/Nichtraucherfahrtspezielle Funktionen für Anbieter:- individuelle Angabe der Kontaktmöglichkeit- einfaches Verwalten eigener Inserate (z.B. freie Plätze)- Fahrpreiskalkulatorspezielle Funktionen für Suchende:- übersichtliche Darstellung der Suchergebnisse- schneller Wechsel zwischen unterschiedlichen InseratendurchWischgeste (swipe)- Information zu Aktualität des InseratsWir wünschen Dir eine gute Mit-/Fahrt!Fahrgemeinschaften leben vom Mitmachen - bitte bewerte die Appundempfiehl uns weiter!Dein Team von Fahrgemeinschaft.deWir freuen uns auf Kommentare und Anregungen!Facebook:[email protected]: 07044-3063490Fax: 07044-3063499Set and see! in cooperation with the ADAC is with annual.Ca1 million users and 2 million listings one of the largestfreecar-sharing in Germany.- With no commission- The driver and passengers occur independently and directlycontacteach other (principle "Noticeboard" / no reservationsystem)- Payment is made directly between the driver / passenger(usuallyin cash)- For one-time and regular trips- For short and long haul- For trips in the car or by train- Quick and easy Advertise of offers and requests- Optional notes / filter functions to luggage size, genderofpassengers, transport of animals, Smoking / Non smokingdrive special functions for providers:- Individual indication of contact possibilities- Easy Manage advertisements (as availability)- Fahrpreiskalkulatorspecial functions for seekers:- Clear display of search results- Fast switching between different adverts by swipegesture(swipe)- Information on timeliness of ad We wish you a good co- / ride!Carpooling live on participation - please rate the app andrecommendus!Your team of We look forward to comments and suggestions!Facebook: CONTACT:[email protected]: 07044-3063490Fax: 07044-3063499
Hitchhiker Carpooling 1.8.0
Ridesharing, Carpooling, Hitchhiking, Commuting, Meetingpeople,Travelmate