Top 19 Apps Similar to Geocache Rechner

Geocaching Multi-Tool - GeoMT 2011-11-24
The Geocaching Multi-Tool (GeoMT)providesseveral tools you might need on a multi-cache route.Features:• Waypoint projection• Distance and bearing between two waypoints• Triangulation with crossing circles• Path intersection• Convert waypoints between different coordinate systems:- Latitude/longitude (WGS84 datum)- UTM (WGS84 datum)- Dutch grid (RD or Rijksdriehoek)- British grid (OSGB)• Variable digits in waypoint- N 53.21[56]37 E 6.56[123]8 shows 6 markers for guessing alocation(see screenshot)• Text decryption:- Rot13 (Decryption key from Caesar cipher- Letter sum (a=1, z=26)- Letter sum reversed (a=26, z=1)- Phone sum (abc=2, def=3...)- Roman numerals• Distances in metric or imperial system• Display your GPS position and use it as a waypoint• All waypoint calculations can be displayed on a map• Available languages: English, Nederlands, DeutschA full changelog, frequently asked questions and an explanationofrequested permissions can be found at theapplication'swebsite.If you come across any bugs or have questions, please send meane-mail since I can't respond to market comments.
GCC - GeoCache Calculator 1.7.5
The GeoCache Calculator is a comprehensive tool foreveryactivecacher! It contains over 250 different functionstocalculatevalues and checksums, as well as tables andoverviewsforsupporting your outdoor geocaching search. A tool whichnocachershould miss! GCC was in many reviews, podcasts andtestsondifferent geocaching sites. The feedback was allwaysreallygood.The ratings at the market emphasize this. So, give GCC atry!:)You will find the full feature list andchangelogon: Functions: ADFG(V)X(en-/decrypt)AffineAlpha Numeric ASCII Converter Astro - Sun/MoonRise/Set -EasterDate - Easter Years - Seasons - Shadow CalculatorAtbashBacon(en-/decode) Base16, 32, 64, 85 (en-/decode)Brainf***/OokCaesar(en-/decrypt) Colors: - CMY, CMYK, HEX, HSL,HSV, RGB, YIQ,YUV,YCBCR Coordinates - Bearing - Converter -Distance - Geohash-Intersection Bearing - IntersectionDistance/Radius (two)-Intersection Distance/Radius (three) -Intersection Circle-Intersection Lines - Midpoint - ProjectionCross Total - A=1/Z=26-A=26/Z=1 - interated - alternating - sum -productDeadfish(en-/decrypt) DNA e (Eulers number) - Position -Range -SearchEnigma Formula Solver - own formulas and values -manymathematicalfunctions Gade GC Base 31 (en-/decode) Hashes -BKDR -DEK - DJB -ELF - FNV - MD2 - MD4 - MD5 - PJW - RIPEMD-128-RIPEMD-160 - SDBM- SHA-1 - SHA 160, 254, 384, 512 - SHA-3 224,254,384, 512 - Tiger- Whirlpool - ... Heatindex Hint(en-/decode)Kamasutra(en-/decrypt) Kenny's Code (en-/decrypt) MorseCodeTranslatormyGEOtools - Alchemical Symbols - AncientEgyptianNumbers -Antiker - Arcadian - Atbash / Caesar - ATH-Code -Bacon'scipher -Baudot - Blox - Brahmi - Chappe-Code (opticalTelegraph) -Cherokee- Cirth - Code-Sun (mRNA) - Colorhoney -ColorTokki -Daedric -Dagger - Decabit - Dragon Runes - Color Codes- FingerAlphabet -Flag Alphabet - Fonic - Freemasons Code -Futurama -Glagolitic -Glagolitic Numerals - Gargish - Genreich -GreekNumerals - LuckyNumbers - Gnommish - Hexahue - HieraticNumbers -HVD - Hylian -Hymmnos - Intergalactic Code - IndianNumerals -Japanese Numerals- Klingon Language - Krypton Language -Magicode -Marain - Matoran- Mathematics and Physics Constants -Maya - Maze -Modern Hylian -Moonalphabet - Musical Notation System- Ogam -Periodic System -Punisch - Pipeline 3D - Pixel Code -PolybiosCipher - POSTNET andPLANET - Puzzle Code - Reality -Romulan -Sarati - SegmentDisplays - Sexagesimal System - SpintypeAlphabet -Sunúz -Tenctonese - Tom Tom - Ulog - Utopian Code -Visitor -Semaphore -Yán-Koryáni - Gypsy Signs - Babylonian Numbers- BarbierAlphabeth- 8-Point Braille - Deafblind - Fakoo - SignWriting -GreekAlphabet - Lorm Alphabet - Nießen Alphabet - Quadoo -ROT5-Cyrillic - Shutter Telegraph - Enochian Alphabet - SpaceInvaders-Dancing Man Code - Templar - DTMF/MFV Signals NumericSystems-Converter - Base - Table - Negate Bases - FloatingPointNumbersOne Time Pad Periodic System of Elements PermutationsPhoneKeys -Phone Number - Vanity Code - Input Keys Phi (GoldenRatio)-Position - Range - Search Pi (Π) - Position - Range-SearchPlayfair (en-/decrypt) Polybios (en-/decrypt) PrimeNumbers-Number - Nearest - Position - Is Prim - PrimeFactorsProjectileRail Fence (en-/decrypt) Resistor ColorCodeCalculator(4-Ring/5-Ring) Reverse Roman Numeral - Translator-ChronogramROT5, 13, 18, 47 Rotation RSA - En-/Decrypt - 'E' Check-'D', 'N','φ' Calculator - Prime Number Check Skytale(en-/decrypt)Solitaire(en-/decrypt) Substitution Tap Code(en-/decrypt)Tapir(en-/decrypt) Vigenère (en-/decrypt) WindchillZuseZ22/CCIT2(en-/decrypt) Features: - Four Themes - Three FontSizes -SixCharsets - Dynamic User-Interface - English andgermantranslation- Fully integration of myGEOtools - Completeofflineusage - Nopermissions on the device needed - App 2 SD -TabletReady - TwoWidgets - Function Search
Decrypto 1.4.7
Benoit V.
Encrypt or decrypt a text thanks to the most knownencryptiontechniques.
Chirp 1.2.1586
Use your phone to find Chirps!
CacheThat! - Geocaching 3.1
WizWon Studios
**MIT APP INVENTOR APP OF THE MONTH!**Welcome to the secret world of Geocaching! Geocaching is asortof technological treasure hunt that's sweeping the nation. Notsurewhat geocaching is? Visit out all of the info and get started with geocaching. Wehere atWizWon Studios wanted to make this process as easy aspossible foreveryone. CacheThat! from WizWon Studios doesn't evenneed internetto go on a great geocaching adventure. Just plug inthe coordinatesof the cache and we'll do the rest for you! All ittakes are threesimple steps to start using CacheThat! like a pro.Also check outthese cool features!* See how Far you are from the cache* See the Direction you need to go by turning towards thegreenarrow* Quickly and Easily find out your location, altitude, accuracyandmore* Find Nearby caches (Requires Internet Capabilities)* Log Caches that you have found (RequiresInternetCapabilities)* BRAND NEW Easy mode for new/inexperienced users* Simple 3 step instructions added* Instructions on how to use this app easily available IN APP andat the revolution of geocaching with the amazing geocachingappfrom WizWon Studios "CacheThat!" for only 99 cents while otherappscharge 10 dollars!!!
Geocaching Droid Army Knife 5.1.1578
The best offline geocaching app on Google Play. A must-have forGSAKusers.
Go(x)° 2.2.1
Automatic formula solver for geocaching - don't compute finalstageon your own!
Word Value Calculator 1.0
A. Siegfried
With this app, geocachers cancalculatewordvalues on the fly.What are word values?Word values are calculated by the sum oftheirletters'values:a=1, b=2, ... z=261=1, 2=2, ... 9=9
CodeTables 1.2.4
A lot of Geocache descriptions contain encoded informationthatmustbe decoded to solve an excercise and finaly provides a growing number of codetablesdesigned bythe geocaching community. CodeTables is aclientapplication fordownloading and displaying code Note forV1.2: I saw some new "Out of memory"errorsin the crash logs. Itseems, that some code tables are too bigforsmall devices. If thishappens all the time, please send me anemailwith the device youare using and I'll check what I can do.
Compass 1.5.0
melon soft
Use Most Accurate Compass.
CWG Catalog 2.8
CWG Catalog, only works with the web service
My GPS Location: Realtime GPS 3.4.1
See all real-time GPS location data at a glance and manageyoursaved locations
BenchMap 2.5.2
Map-Based app to help you find high-accuracy survey controlmarksfrom the NGS.
True Bearing 0.7.1
True Bearing is a simple appthatdisplaysorientation and distance from your current locationtosomepoint-of-interest (a runway, a dive spot, a geocache,the9thgreen, etc) using Google maps and your mobile device'sGPS&internal compass. A point-of-interest (POI) can beselectedusingthe map, entered using latitude and longitude, setfromyourcurrent location, or recalled from memory.Possible uses include: aviation, diving, golf,hunting,andgeocaching. Set a POI from your current location whenyou parkanduse True Bearing to find you car later.FEATURES• Tracks your current location and the current trueheadingofyour android device• Select a point-of-interest (POI) using Google maps,byenteringlatitude and longitude explicitly, or fromyourcurrentlocation• Allows one to save a recall POIs• Displays in street mode or satellite view mode• Displays distance in: feet, yards, meters, kilometers,miles,ornautical milesRECENT CHANGESFor v0.7.1• Several bugs were fixed• General stability enhancements were implementedFor v0.7.0• The ability to save and recall POIs• Various auto-fit modes to help position and scale the map.• A new GUI that enables one to easily:- Set the POI from your current location- Bring up the lat/log POI dialog- Center and Fit the current bearing on the screen- Save and recall POIs• Various other small change
Precision GPS Free 2.1
Precision GPS Free uses your device's GPS to measure yourpreciselocation. BETA 21.4.2013
Wir wollen eine Geocaching-App erstellen,mitwelcher jeder Multi-cache bequem paperless gelöst werden kann.DieBETA-Version bietet bereits die Grundfunktionen für diemeistenMulti-caches.Die Idee von Den Multi-cache am Browser auf www.multi-cache.chvorbereiten(ca. 2-15 min, GPX-Import oder Drag & Die Multi-Daten in die App laden3. Den Multi bequem, paperless und vollautomatisch findenBis zum ultimativen Multicaching-App dauert es noch ein Weilchen,dawir ausschliesslich in unserer Freizeit an der Apparbeitenkönnen.Wichtiger Hinweis: Es handelt sich ausdrücklich umeineBETA-Version! Bitte erwarte nicht eine fehlerfreie AppmitFunktionen für jeden Multi-cache. Wir empfehlen, immereinenListingausdruck mitzunehmen!Hilf doch mit, das perfekte Multi-cache - Tool zuentwickeln!Feedbacks und Anregungen sind hier sehr willkommen:[email protected] @ Twitter: Infos @ Facebook: mit oder ohne App. Jeder Multi-cache braucht einekurzeVorbereitungszeit, um erfolgreich gelöst zu werden.Die BETA-Version bietet folgende Funktionen:- Webplattform: Automatischer GPX-Import, Multi-cachevorbereiteninkl. Formeltool- Automatisches Berechnen der Final-Koordinaten- Bequemer Wegpunkt- und Cachewechsler- Kartenansicht mit allen Wegpunkten inkl. Reihenfolge- Werteeingabe und Werteumrechner mit denhäufigstenUmrechenarten- Richtungspfeil und Distanzangaben zu jedem Wegpunkt- Anzeige der Cacheinformationen- Anpassen der Wegpunktkoordinaten und FormelnSprache: DeutschHappy Caching! :-DSuchworte: geocaching, multi-cache, formeln, puzzle,multi,cache, formel, wert, multicache, geocache, rechner, tool,tools,geocachingtool, geocaching, rätsel, puzzlecache,umrechnen,rechnenWe want to createageocaching app, with which each multi-cache convenientpaperlesscan be solved. The beta version already provides thebasicfunctions for most multi-caches.The idea of ​​ The multi-cache the browser on prepare(about2-15 min, GPX import or drag and drop Load the Multi data in the app3. Finding the Multi convenient, paperless and fullyautomaticUntil the ultimate multi caching app it will take a while, sincewecan only work in our spare time on the app.Important note: It is explicitly a BETA version! Please donotexpect a flawless app with functions for each multi-cache.Werecommend that you always take along a printout listing!Help with it, the perfect multi-cache - to develop tool!Feedbackand suggestions are very welcome: [email protected] @ Twitter: info @ Facebook: or without app. Each multi-cache needs a shortpreparationtime to be successfully resolved.The beta version includes the following features:- Web platform: automatic GPX import, multi-cache prepareinclformula tool.- Automatic calculation of the final coordinates- Easy waypoint and cache changer- Map of all waypoints including order.- Values ​​input and Werteumrechner with thecommonUmrechenarten- Direction arrow and distance information for each waypoint- Display of cache information- Customize the waypoint coordinates and formulasLanguage: GermanHappy Caching! -DKeywords: geocaching, multi-cache, formulas, puzzle,multi,cache, formula, worth Multicache, geocache, computer, tool,tools,geocachingtool, geocaching, puzzles, puzzle cache,convert,count
GC-Codec 1.1
This is a utility app for geocache owners to create theSignatureforthe electronic log book. So far geocaches have beenlogged bywritingthe username into a little log book that wascontained inthegeocache container. This new idea of loggingreplaces thepaperbooklet by sending an SMS to the owner instead.Thegeocachecontainer contains a little printout of a QR codeinstead ofthelog book. The QR code contains all necessaryinformation tocreatethe SMS. This app is used to create aelectronic signaturethat ispart of the QR string. How to createthe Signature withtheGC-Codec App: 1) Enter your phonenumber withcountrycode("+4365012345678") in the field "Enter raw text"without ("")2)Enter the GC code ("GC12345") as listed on thegeocache websiteinthe field "Enter key" without ("") As result youget theSignaturewhich is then used as last part for creating theQR codewith theQR code generator. How to create the QR code withthe QRcodegenerator: The QR string to be entered in the QRcodegeneratorcontains following information:GCcode,GCname,Latitude,Longitude,Signature 1) Use a QRcodegenerator( 2) The QR code must containfollowingfieldsseparated by commas without spaces around the commasandwithout(""): a) GC code ("GC12345"), as listed on thegeocachewebsite b)GC name ("The name of your GC"), as listed onthegeocache websitec) Latitude ("N(S)DD:MM.MMM") as listed onthegeocache website,attention the degree sign must be replaced bythecolon d)Longitude ("E(W)DD:MM.MMM") as listed on thegeocachewebsite,attention the degree sign must be replaced by thecolone)Signature ("C12..") the code generated with this app Asanexamplethe entry in the QR code generator should looklikethis:GC12345,The name ofyourGC,N47:14.562,E9:35.667,1CEF234784860EDASummary: Signature=Phonenumber + GC code QR String =GCcode,GCname,Latitude,Longitude,Signature Apps needed forQRcode:Signature: GC-Codec QR graphic: QR code generator Howtoverify thereceived SMS: The SMS sent to the owner hasfollowingfields: GCcode,GC name,Username,Signature The Signaturecan also becheckedwith this app, by entering the username in thefield "Enterrawtext:" and by entering the GC code in the field"Enter key:".Thesignature generated should match the signaturereceived. Note:Inorder to log geocaches with this new system theapp GC-Loggerisrequired.
GPS Status 6.0
Propane Apps
Best GPS status test app - satellites fix, location and signaldata!
Pocket Creatures Mod Minecraft 1.2
Pocket Creatures mod adds 53 new animalstoMinecraft Pocket Edition. Everything from rideablemammoths,ostriches and elephants to vicious sea creatures like thewhiteshark. All animals got amazing textures and look stunninglysimilarto how they look in real life. But of course, with a touchofMinecrafts blocky design.Features:-one click mod install;-crafting guide inside;-easy to use;-supporting pe version 0.14.0 - 0.15.0;The functionality of this tool is self explanatory through thename.It adds numerous types of animals in the game which carrydifferentfunctions. Similarly it also enhance the beauty of theMinecraftwith cute animals.ElephantsIf you ever find yourself in a savannah biome look outforelephants. Elephants can be tamed and used to ride on.MammothsThe mammoth is an ancient animal which lived a very long timeago.But in Minecraft, they are still living and got similar traitstoelephants such as the abilities to being tamed and ridden.Each animal got its own unique texture of the body includingthefantastic color palette. Most animals look like real animalsandplays this very role of the color palette of the skin ofsomecreatures that were blessed with all beings.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.TheMinecraft Name, the Brand and the Assets are all property ofMojangAB or their respectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith