Top 13 Apps Similar to HACCP System

The complete HACCP APP 2.0.6
Küchenmeister HACCP Systeme
The APP to fill the HACCP Lists with your smartphone
VariSense HACCP Monitoring 2.1.10
Take manual readings or use automated sensors totracktemperature,humidity, etc. Secure data storage, real-timealertsand on-demandreporting for quality control, HACCP andotherstandards.VariSense is a powerful, easy to use, time saving appthathelpsyou efficiently manage temperature, humidity andotherdatarecording. Take readings quickly and easily, right onyourmobiledevice, using a hand held probe or manually; or use oneofourfree, wireless sensors to automatically do it for you!Eitherway,your data is securely stored in the cloud andautomaticalertsnotify you in real time whenever a reading is out ofrange.You canalso have a report of your data emailed directly toyou atany timefor auditing, quality assurance and standardscompliance,such asHACCP.Key Features:✔ FREE, full featured app; this is not a demo✔ Start taking readings today without having to buy anything✔ Secure, encrypted cloud based storage of all data✔ Easily meet HACCP and other compliance guidelines✔ Expandable with various VariSense wireless sensorsforautomaticreadings✔ Support for hand held probes to take measurements rightfromyourmobile device✔ Unlimited automatic alerts sent to your device in real-timeforanyout of range eventsYou can use VariSense for a variety of applications. Someofthemore popular applications are:✔ Refrigerators✔ Freezers✔ Incubators✔ Server Rooms✔ Walk-in Freezers and Refrigerators✔ Ultra-low Temperature installationsVariSense sensors are flexible enough to work inalmostanyenvironment and are used by a variety ofindustries,including:✔ Restaurants✔ Bars✔ Food Distribution Centers✔ Convenience Stores✔ Hotels✔ Farms✔ Wine CellarsIf you choose to use a VariSense sensor, for less than thecostofa cup of coffee a day VariSense will give you FREE sensorsthatwilltake your readings for you automatically. Here are some ofthetypesof sensors available to you:✔ Temperature✔ Humidity✔ Door✔ Motion✔ Light✔ Smoke✔ Gas Leak✔ Leaf Moisture✔ Soil Temperature and HumidityYou can choose from three options to getstartedwithVariSense:FREE VERSION✔ VariSense app✔ HACCP compliant measuring and reporting system✔ Automatic alerts for out of range measurements✔ Secure cloud storage of your measured data*PRO PLUS VERSION✔ Everything in the FREE plan✔ Wireless temperature and humidity sensor #1✔ Wireless temperature and humidity sensor #2✔ Wireless door sensor✔ Ethernet gateway and control hub✔ Unlimited secure cloud storage of your measured data✔ VariSense monitoring and reporting servicePRO VERSION✔ Everything in the FREE plan✔ Wireless temperature and humidity sensor✔ Ethernet gateway and control hub✔ Unlimited secure cloud storage of your measured data✔ VariSense monitoring and reporting serviceA handheld probe can be added to any version, whichwillconnectdirectly to your mobile device. Contact VariSense salesformoreinformation!You can use VariSense can be used to meet theguidelinesandstandards for your industry, such as FDA, USDA, USP797, HACCP,andothers.Contact VariSense sales at [email protected] forourlatesttechnology options and prices.*The VariSense FREE plan includes 1GB of free cloudstorage.Oncethe storage limit is reached, you must upgrade to a Proor ProPlusplan.
Gleason Global Services 1.228.440.770
At Gleason, we recognize that service isasimportant to our customers as the technology that makesGleasonmachines the most productive in the world. That’s why wehave anorganization dedicated to maximize the uptime of yourGleasonmachines. Now you can rely on Gleason Global Services (GGS)to meetany challenge – all from a network of 250 service engineerslocatedin over 50 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, andAsia.Our new App will provide you a direct interface to GleasonGlobalServices (GGS) and resources, including features, suchas:- 24/7 Service Support contact Information with pushdial/mailcapability- Global Sales & Service contact Information with pushdial/mailcapability- Service Product Portfolio overview- Service Contact forms for easy data/graphic submissiontoGleason- Gleason Service News and Special Offers- QR Scanner capability- Gleason Corporation YouTube Channel including Company ProfileGleason Corporation is a global leader in the technologyofgearing. Products and services include machinery fortheproduction, finishing and testing of gears as well as aworldwidesupport system which provides cutting tools,workholding,replacement parts, field service, applicationdevelopment services,gear design and inspection software, trainingprograms, engineeringsupport and machine rebuild and upgradeservices. The Company isalso a leader in the theory of gear designand in the application,testing and analysis of prototype andproduction gears.At Gleason, werecognizeThat service is as important to our customers as thetechnology didmakes Gleason machines the most productive in theworld. That's whywe have to maximize the organization dedicated touptime of yourGleason machines. Now you can rely on Gleason GlobalServices (GGS)to meet any challenge - all from a network of 250service engineerslocated in over 50 countries Throughout theAmericas, Europe, andAsia.Our new app will Provide you a direct interface to GleasonGlobalServices (GGS) and Resources, Including features, suchas:- 24/7 service support contact information with push dial /mailCapability- Global Sales & Service contact information with push dial/mail Capability- Service Product Portfolio Overview- Service Contact forms for easy data / graphic submissiontoGleason- Gleason Service News and Special Offers- QR scanner capability- Gleason Corporation YouTube Channel Including CompanyProfilesGleason Corporation is a global leader in the technologyofgearing. Products and services include machinery fortheproduction, finishing and testing of gears as well as aworldwidesupport system Which Provides cutting tools,workholding,replacement parts, field service, applicationdevelopment services,gear design and inspection software, trainingprograms, engineeringsupport and machine rebuild and upgradeservices. The Company istherefore a leader in the theory of geardesign and in theapplication, testing and analysis of prototype andproductiongears.
月刊HACCP 0.710
月刊HACCPは「食の安全性と健全性」をテーマに、原材料の生産現場から食品製造、流通、消費まで(farmtotable)の一貫した食品衛生対策を柱とし、新時代に対応するための情報誌です。特集では、食品関係者の関心事をいち早くピックアップ。総論・各論だけに留まらず、現場取材も交えながら現実問題の具体的な解決を指向しています。連載では、衛生管理者や専門技術者等、現場経験豊かな専門家が、日常すぐに役立てられる技術・ノウハウをわかりやすく解説します。〈国際的に通用するHACCP〉の普及を目指し、専門的な解説書としての側面と、わかりやすいノウハウ本としての側面を兼ね備えた、〈国内で唯一のHACCPに特化した専門誌〉です。==================================Powered by PressPadMonthly HACCP is thethemeof "food safety and soundness", food manufacturing fromtheproduction site of raw materials, distribution, untiltheconsumption of (farm to table) consistent food hygiene measuresandthe pillars, in order to correspond to the new era istheinformation magazine.The featured, quickly pick up the food officials of concern.Andjust beyond the general statement, particulars, it is directedto aspecific resolution of real problems while exchanging alsositecoverage.In the series, health administrators and technical experts,etc.,the site experienced professionals, will explain inaneasy-to-understand technology and know-how that everyday canbeimmediately help.With the aim of dissemination of , and the side as aprofessionalmanual, it combines aspects of as friendly know-howthis, it is.==================================Powered by PressPad
FusionLive Mobile 1.0.16
FusionLive is the industry's most advanced software platformformonitoring many types of equipment for differentregulatorycompliance. Applications include (but are not limitedto): • FoodService (HACCP Compliance / NAFEM Data Protocol) •Medical /Pharmaceutical (FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance) •Refrigeration(HVAC, Heating, Cooling) • Industrial FusionLive andthe newlydesigned release for Android provide: • Snapshot of theentireoperation’s status in a single screen • View activity andequipmentperformance for the whole facility simultaneously • Reactto alarmoccurrences and incorporate corrective actions andpreventativemeasure to enhance overall operation • The dashboardand ExecutiveSummary Report compliment the software’s drill-downfeatures whichprovide detailed high-level reports, including:location-basedstatus, Daily Summary, Alarm History, and much more.• The softwareoffers flexible ways to view information (i.e. list,graph, andchart) to monitor trends. The result is a moreefficiently run andmanaged operation with automated record-keepingand facilitation ofHACCP or JCAHO compliance. • Changes or updatesto any device areeasily managed by automatic synchronizationbetween FusionLive andthe various solutions.
Capptions 4.1.1
Build forms, capture observations, record inspections, work offline
Netresto HACCP
L'application Netresto HACCP est un outil complémentaireàlasolution Netresto. Pour utiliser cette application,vousdevezavoir préalablement créé un compte "Premium" surnotresiteinternet Cette application vous permetde : -desaisir les relevés de température de vos chambresnégativesetpositives - prendre en photo les étiquettes de produitspourgarderleur traçabilité - gérer vos tests et changementsd'huilesdefriture - gérer vos refroidissements de produits -gérervosremises en température de produits - saisir vosrelevésdetempérature d'équipement de cuisson et maintien au chaud.-gérervotre plan de nettoyage et de désinfection -imprimerdesétiquettes de produits - saisir vos tests de températurelorsdesréceptions de marchandises - gérer l'étalonnage de vosmatérielsdemesure. Présentation de Netresto: 1) Netresto, lasécurité devosdonnées Le logiciel Netresto dédié à la restauration,simplifieletravail quotidien et l’analyse de l’activité. Cettesolutionestutilisable avec les navigateurs Web : Google Chrome,FirefoxetSafari. L’accès à Netresto est uniquement possibleavecdesidentifiants : nom d’utilisateur et mot de passe. Ceprocédépermetd’établir avec votre ordinateur une connexionsécurisée àtraverslaquelle vos informations sont échangées entouteconfidentialité.2) Netresto, l’organisation de votrerestaurantNetresto vouslaisse plus de temps pour vous consacrer àvotremétier derestaurateur et satisfaire vos clients : Lesplannings deséquipessont à portée de main et peuvent être modifiésou consultés7j / 7Les alertes conventionnelles sur le planningrappellent lesrèglesdu code du travail Les absences, congés etjours fériés devoscollaborateurs sont disponibles en un clic Lesystème d’alertesRHnotifie la fin des périodes d’essai etl’expiration des cartesdeséjour pour les salariés étrangers...Netresto vous aideégalementà mieux connaître vos établissements età améliorervotrerentabilité : Les tableaux de bord donnent unevisiond’ensemble devotre activité Les statistiques et reportingssuiventl’évolutionquotidienne de votre chiffre d’affaires 3)Netresto, lagestion dupersonnel simplifiée Pour accéder à vosinformations :unordinateur, une connexion internet et c’est tout !1. Vousvousconnectez sur le site 2. Voussaisissezvotreidentifiant et votre mot de passe 3. Toutes lesdonnées devotrerestaurant sont disponibles sur votre espace dédiéVouspouvezdonner accès à tout ou partie de votre logicielàvoscollaborateurs ou à vos partenaires tel quevotrecomptable.L'installation ne nécessite pas deconnaissancesinformatiques,vous maîtrisez le logiciel en quelquesheures.Consacrez du temps àvotre métier n'en perdez plusavecl'administratif !
FSM Checklist 1.3.3
Food Safety Manager (FSM) Checklist is partofthe Genius Suite of Applications from Kitchen Brains® poweredbySCK® IoT technologies. The FSM Checklist integrates HACCPformsinto a customized daily paperless checklist. With your mySCKlogin,daily checklists can be created and edited to match all ofyourcurrent HACCP forms. An optional Bluetooth probe allows you toworkaccurately and easy throughout the day. Alerts and reminderswillhelp you complete all of your daily checklists and allinformationwill be synced to the cloud. Historical logs willmaintain allcollected data for future reference. FSM Checklists isyourpaperless checklist solution.
Par SureCheck 7.0.16218
Partech, Inc.
PAR EverServ® SureCheck™ is aPDA-based,automated solution that provides checklist management forHazardAnalysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safetyprogramsand employee-assigned tasks. EverServ SureCheck automatesthe fulllifecycle of checklist management to help companies:• Ensure employees know what tasks are required andmonitorcompliance.• Improve the efficiency of completing checklists by up toa60%.• Manage HACCP-driven compliance programs.• Improve food safety and quality by ensuring hot and coldfoodsmeet safety requirements.• Recommend corrective actions for out of tolerance temperaturesorobservations.• Maintain accurate records in a cloud-based server forcompliance,reporting, business intelligence and analyticalrequirements.The SureCheck app provides reliable and secure networkconnectivityto the SureCheck Enterprise server from any AndroidPhone deviceusing Android 4.0+. The SureCheck app is free todownload andinstall, but it requires a valid SureCheckaccount.
광성냉동 1.4
Busang Inc
-광성냉동에서 판매하는 산업용 냉동,냉장 장비를 스마트폰으로 원격제어할수있습니다.-관리자용 웹서비스에서는 HACCP 기준의 데이터 관리 기능을 제공합니다.원격제어장치 구매,시공 문의 : 010-4005-4490 (053-741-8990)----개발자 연락처 :상호 : (주)부상대표이사 : 송준우주소 : 대구광역시 북구 경대로17길 47, IT융합산업빌딩 906호고객문의 : [email protected] Shielding forsaleinindustrial refrigeration refrigeration,refrigerationequipment,you can remote control yoursmartphone.- Administrator of web services based on the HACCPdatamanagementcapabilities.Purchase remote control devices,constructioncontact:010-4005-4490 (053-741-8990)
Club Rational 4.1
Find out everything that goes on behindtheprofessional kitchens and discover imaginative cooking. Becomeoneof our 50,000 members today and profit from many added bonuses.• RecipesInternational recipe database from professionals forprofessionals:let yourself be inspired and inspire others!• Cook booksCollect your favourite recipes and sort them bycategories,ingredients, seasons or special occasions. Create yourown personalbook of reference.• Cooking tipsSharing among colleagues: RATIONAL master chefs show you theirtipsand tricks!• Service24x7: our professionals are pleased to offer youtechnicalassistance and answer any specific cooking questions youmayhave.• Free further trainingEven more know-how: Take part in our workshop programs tailoredtosuit your needs!Register today for free – it’s worth it!
BrandM8 2.7.5
BrandM8 is an intelligent checklist system which allowsyourbusinessto take all paper-based checklists and createdigitalchecklists thatmay be centrally managed and deployed toregisteredusers. BrandM8centrally manages all information relatingto thechecklists fordetailed reporting and analysis. BrandM8 makesthemanagement,capture and auditing of reviews easyandaccurate.************************ FEATURES: * Simple and easytouse *Multiple question types, including free-text, multiplechoice,anddate/time. * Supports multiple locations, allowinguserstocomplete the same checklist at different sites. *Workflowforguided checklists, allowing different questions tobeaskeddepending upon previous answersselected.************************APPLICATIONS: BrandM8 is ideallysuited toAuditors conducting sitevisits and is not restricted toanyparticular market or segment. *OH&S Checks * HACCPCompliance *Operational Procedures * StaffTraining
Certainty Software 3.5.2
Used by more than 100,000 professionals to completeover2,000,000audits and inspections annually, Certainty Software isaflexible,powerful and trusted enterprise-level auditandinspectionmanagement solution. Certainty Software is aprovensolution forany audit/inspection based performanceimprovementprogram invirtually all sectors of the economy fromglobal Fortune500multinationals in food manufacturing to leadingnationalcompaniesin the hospitality sector. Certainty Softwareallows fordata entryfrom paper, browser or the Certainty Softwareapp forsmartphonesand tablets and provides all you need to designandmanageaudit/inspection checklists; collect andreportaudit/inspectiondata; and manage and mitigate the risks,incidentsand issuesidentified in the audit/inspection process.WithCertaintySoftware, there is no manual data entry andyouraudit/inspectiondata is instantly available online forthemanagement andperformance management and reporting acrossyourbusiness.