Top 7 Games Similar to Anagramas Palabra Quiz Espanol

Famille Vote 100 1.1
Si vous êtes un fan du jeu excitant, celaestunjeu-questionnaire qui vous convient. Vous devez répondreàlaquestion simple que la réponse est le résultat d'une enquêteàtoutle monde. 100 Enquête sur la famille Quiz estuneapplicationAndroid qui est créé dans le but dedivertissementégalement écrireà l'utilisateur. Vous pouvez jouercetteapplication pendant lesloisirs ou remplir le temps vide.Quizcontient enquête Famille 100vous montrera les questions quevousdevez répondre. Questions, quisont légers, simples et liés à laviequotidienne fait enquêteFamille Quiz 100 est adapté pourledivertissement.Règlement dans cette application:1. Il y a trois tours dans le quiz,2. Chaque tour comprendra une question qui aura 5 ou 6ou7réponses3. Vous devez répondre correctement à toutes les réponses.Lesbonnesréponses vous donnera une valeur basée surl'enquête.4. Vous ne fausse réponse est donnée 3 chancesdanschaquemoitié.5. On vous donne le texte d'aide réponses possiblesapparaîtrontpourvous aider à répondre6. Rédiger un texte de votre réponse une aide appropriéedesréponsespossibles qui apparaissent7. Ne pas oublier le bouton pencel "OUI" après avoir répondu.8. Vous pouvez atteindre vos valeurs les plus élevées etlesécriresur le tableau de bord en ligne qui peut être connu partoutlemonde.Ce quiz est pas inférieure à célèbres applications prix duquizcommedes quiz Une famille en or actuellement diffuséeàlatélévision, Famille Vote 100 longs animationsattrayantesetréalistes aujourd'hui.Profitez de la famille Quiz Sondage 100 et êtreheureuxensembleavec vos amis ..If you are a fanofthegame exciting, this is a quiz for you. You must answerthesimplequestion, the answer is the result of a survey toeveryone.100Survey Quiz family is an Android application that iscreated inthepurpose of entertainment also write to the user. Youcan playthisapplication for leisure or fill the empty time. Quizcontains100Family Survey show you the questions you need toanswer.Questions,which are lightweight, simple and related toeverydaylifeinvestigated Family Quiz 100 issuitableforentertainment.Regulations in this application:1. There are three rounds in the quiz,2. Each round will include a question that will have 5 or 6or7Answers3. You must correctly answer all the answers. Thecorrectanswerswill give you a value based on theinvestigation.4. You do wrong answer is given 3 chances in each half.5. It gives you the possible answers help text will appeartohelpyou answer6. Write a text of your response appropriateassistancepossibleresponses that appear7. Do not forget the pencel button "YES" after responding.8. You can reach your highest values ​​and write themononlinedashboard that can be known by everyone.This quiz is not less than the price famous quizapplicationslikequizzes Family Feud currently airing on TV, FamilyVote 100featureattractive and realistic animation today.Enjoy Family Quiz Poll 100 and be happy togetherwithfriends..
Talking Mike Mouse 230301
The amazing talking Mike Mouse and his cool games
General Knowledge Quiz 7.9.11
The perfect quiz game to know the world with thousands ofquestions!
Math Test Free 1.0.6
★ Math Test Free ★ You want to test your brain? Do you wanttomakeyour brain work faster? Train your brain and your brainnevergetsold! "GENIUS OF MATH: Test Your Brain!" game issurprisinglysimpleand very addictive. This is a game where you haveto solve alargenumber of mathematical examples and gain points.Throughoutthegame you will be presented with a variety of levelsthat need togostep by step. The game is also suitable for children,teachinginthe form of the game allows you to develop an abstractandlogicalthinking - this is a very effective way to developlogicalthinkingin the form of a puzzle game. If you like crosswordsandwordgames, you'll enjoy this fantastic brain teaser. FEATURES:•it'sfree! • 6 levels • 600 different mathematicalexamples•achievements • color themes/styles • supersimple,surprisinglyaddictive and quick word game for the wholefamily •many hours offun gameplay • math test game type •frequentapplication updates!• no registration, no complicatedrules.
23 Questions Trivia FREE 3.0
The free version of 23 QuestionsTriviacontains 23 questions from the full version containing500challenging and diverse general knowledge questions that willkeepyou entertained for hours. Enjoy unique trivia questions youwon’tfind in your typical trivia game. Each question is handcrafted foryour trivia enjoyment. Each question also includes someadditionalinformation to expand your trivia knowledge.* No, In-App Purchases!Compare your results against the global average oneachquestion.One and two player game modes.
Guess That Celebrity 2.2.5
Test your ability and try to guess all themostpopular celebrities from all over the world! Each characterwill berepresented like a pop-art artwork, the style of the worksof Warholand Lichtenstein, with an increasing difficulty. To passthe levelyou need to position all the letters of the full name ofthecelebrities in the right way. Can you find all the actors,singers,athletes and VIP represented? You must sweat because thereare over200!"Damn, I can’t go on!"Don’t worry! If you can’t recognize a character, you have creditstoget clues. You will get the credits guessing the charactersorpurchasing them."I wonder if anyone else is able to recognize them?"During the game you can often suggest to your friends toparticipateinviting them on major social networks (facebook,twitter, etc..) orby email. The more we are, the more we have fun!By saving yourscore on Game Center you can also challenge all theusers who areplaying. Can you be on top of the chart?"Ah-ah! I guessed them all, and now? "If you were so clever to complete the game, do not sitdown:hundreds of other characters to guess are coming. Alwaysupdateyour app and follow our page on Facebook.
Adivina la Canción 3.1
Guess the name of the best songs of all time!