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Bring! Shopping List 3.59.0
Bring! helps already over 2 millionpeoplearound the world to plan and manage their grocery shopping.Thanksto the user-friendly shopping list and clever sharingfunctions,all people in the household are always aware of whatneeds to bebought. This way, you save a lot of time and money whileshopping.Try it out now - it's completely free!★Bring! is the only shopping list honored with «Editor's Choice»byGoogle Play. In addition, Bring! is recommended by AndroidPIT,Android Central, TechCrunch, Apple, Android Police andmanymore★The most important features of Bring! are:- Create and share your shopping lists with your family,colleaguesor friends- Templates for all shopping lists you need - for your home,office,club or for holidays with friends- Bring! is optimized for smartphones, tabletsandsmartwatches- Add product photos to the items on the shopping list, soyoualways buy the right brand- Send clever, ready-made messages to inform your contacts thatyouare going shopping or have changed the list- The Bring! catalog includes several hundred articles. Ifsomethingis missing, you can add articles yourself.The Bring! Shopping list can be downloaded and used free ofcharge.If you have feedback for us, please send an [email protected] clever shopping with Bring!
Geizhals Preisvergleich
Geizhals ist der Preisvergleich fürHardware,Unterhaltungselektronik, Haushalt, Sport, FreizeitundDrogerie.Mit der neuen Geizhals Preisvergleich-App Preise bequemvonunterwegs vergleichen: Einfach Produktnamen eingeben oderdenStrichcode (Barcode) eines Produktes scannen und das besteAngebotfinden.Die wichtigsten Funktionen der Geizhals Preisvergleich-App:• Produkte suchen und (Preise) vergleichen• Strichcode- und QR-Code-Scan• Kartenansicht mit allen abholbaren Angeboten in derUmgebung• Wunschlisten (lokal gespeichert oder mit einemGeizhals-Accountsynchronisiert)• Account-Verwaltung• Testberichte und Kundenmeinungen• Händlerbewertungen der Geizhals-User• Gesamtpreisanzeige inkl. Versandkosten• Angebote aus anderen EU-Ländern anzeigen• Sortierung nach Bestpreis, Produktbewertung, Anzahl derAngeboteetc.• Filtern der Angebote nach Versandart und Verfügbarkeit• Weiterempfehlen interessanter Produkte und WunschlistenaufFacebook, Twitter und per E-Mail• Unterstützung der Spracheingabe von Suchbegriffen (wennvomBetriebssystem unterstützt)Erfordert Android 4.0.3 oder höher.Geizhals zählt zu den größten Preisvergleichsplattformenimdeutschsprachigen Raum. Im Januar 2015 verzeichnete diePlattformlaut Österreichischer Webanalyse ÖWA über 2,8 MillionenUniqueClients. Betreiber von ist das im Jahr 2000gegründete,österreichische Unternehmen Preisvergleich InternetServices AG mitSitz in Wien. WeitereInformationen:http://unternehmen.geizhals.atComparison is thepricecomparison for hardware, consumer electronics, household,sports,leisure and drugstore.easily compare with the new price comparison price comparisonappprices of traveling: Just enter the product name or scan thebarcode (bar code) of a product and find the best deal.The main features of the Skinflint price comparison app:• Compare products (prices) and Search• Barcode and QR code scanning• Map with all abholbaren deals around• Wish lists (stored locally or by a comparisonaccountsynchronized)• Account Management• Reviews and Testimonials• Ratings of Curmudgeon User• Total prices incl. Shipping costs• Offers from other EU countries show• Sort by lowest price, product rating, number of deals, etc.• Filter the packages to delivery and availability• Tell interesting products and wish lists on Facebook, TwitterandEmail• Support for voice input search terms (if supported bytheoperating system)Requires Android 4.0.3 or higher.Comparison among the largest price comparison platformsinGerman-speaking countries. In January 2015, the platformrecordedaccording to Austrian web analytics ÖWA over 2.8 millionuniqueclients. Operators of is founded in 2000,Austriancompanies Preisvergleich Internet Services AG,headquartered inVienna. For more information: