Top 4 Apps Similar to Homoepathic Medicine Cabinet C

Medicine Cabinet Cold 1.2
EBS Germany
The homeopathic medicine cabinet from EBSonthe topics "cold and flu" can assist you at 5 areas with 27sortsof diseases in the relief of various colds, sniffing, era-painandflu-like symptoms with homeopathic remedies. The followingareasare covered:- runny nose- cough- sore throat- ear pain- flu infectionTwo typical examples:- you need help at once, without long-winded reading of booksorinvestigations in the internet- you are on vacation and you have some homeopathic medicinewithyou, but you have no chance toconsult books or the internetWith this app you have all the information you need here!- You can select the type of complaints at the above areas andseethe main symptoms.- you will receive recommendations for improving the situationandsee which worsens the situation.- in addition the recommendation of a special medicine anditsdosage are presented.- you may directly click on the suggestions to see a picture oftheplant anda short description for normal usage and informationsaboutoccurency and production- if you are online, you may get more informations on afingerclick- without entering latin namesor something like that - i.e. at wikipediaWe wish you much success in relieving your cold and yourrunnynose!PS: Besides the "medicine cabinet children" already existsseveralother medicine cabinets, i.e. the "medicine cabinet XXL"whichcontains all categories. We are already working on updatestoextend the medicine cabinets with new categories anddiseases!
Homeopathy MedicineCabinet XXL 2.6.0
EBS Germany
The homeopathic Medicine Cabinet XXLVersion2.6 from EBS can help you in a treatment with homeopathicremediesin the following 9 categories:- head diseases- diseases of your children- diseases after accidents,injuries and wounds- discomfort in stressful situations- complaints from colds- gastro-intestinal complaints- female disorder- skin problems- abdominal discomfortwith now more than 230 different diseases and 85homoepathicremedies!If you want, you may use the sorted list of theremediestoo!The App also works without internet connection!This App includes all single-series apps of the MedicineCabinetserie. Further categories and complaints are alreadybeingdeveloped and will be added in regular updates - for existingusersof course free of charge!Why do you need this app? Two typical examples:- you need help at once, without long-winded reading of booksorother investigations- you are on vacation and you have some homeopathic medicinewithyou or a pharmacy nearby, but you have no chance to consultbooksor the internet.With this app you have all the information with you:- you can select from the categories above and choose on thenextlevel a particular complaint and thereafter details- yo may see the special symptoms and receive recommendationsforimproving the situation and see which worsens thesituation- in addition the recommendation of a special medicine anditsdosage are presented as well as altenatives- you may directly click on the suggestions to see a picture oftheplant and a short description for normal usage andinformationsabout occurency and productionWe wish you much success in relieving your pain!
remidias free Homeopathy Rep 1.0.2
remidias UG
remidias free ist eine Homöopathie-Appindeutscher Sprache für homöopathisch interessierte Laien, mitderenHilfe sich homöopathische Mittel für bestimmteKrankheitszuständebzw. Beschwerden finden ("repertorisieren")lassen.remidias free konzentriert sich auf typische leichte,akuteBefindlichkeitsstörungen von Kleinkindern, Kindern,Jugendlichenund Erwachsenen. Chronische oder schwere Krankheitensind bewusstnicht Gegenstand der App, in solchen Fällen muss immerdieKonsultation eines Arztes erfolgen!Die Repertorisierung ist einfach gestaltet. Trotz dereinfachenBedienbarkeit wird größten Wert auf eine homöopathischkorrekteVorgehensweise gelegt wird. Homöopathie ist individuelleMedizin,und das "richtige" Mittel basiert auf einer detailliertenErfassungder Symptome.remidias free ist eine kostenlose App-Version desweb-basiertenhomöopathischen Online-Repertoriums remidiasfamily(
Homeopathic Quick Reference 3.2
AVS Prasad
Pocket Repertory & Materia Medica of Homeopathy, withdrugrelations.