Top 34 Apps Similar to Die Vogel App!

Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 PRO
Du bist in der Natur unterwegs undentdeckstSpuren von Tieren? Du möchtest die Spuren lesen underfahren werdiese hinterlassen hat?Mit "Wilde Tiere und Spuren 2 PRO" lernt man Spuren undFährtenzu erkennen und bekommt ein ideales Bestimmungs-undNachschlagewerk für die geläufigsten Säugetiereimmitteleuropäischen Raum und den Alpen. Endlich hat mandieMöglichkeit, die Spuren direkt auf dem Ausflug auch ohne Buchzubestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen auseinerBibliothek voller Daten, Fakten und Bildern zu erhalten. LernedieSpuren zu lesen, erfahre alles Wissenswerte über dieTierarten,erlebe die Natur auf eine ganz neue Weise.INHALT* 74 Arten - 800 Bilder* Umfangreiche Beschreibung der Spuren und Arten* Artennamen in Deutsch und Englisch* Wissenschaftliche Spuren- und Artenbestimmung* Quiz - SpielSPUREN UND FÄHRTEN LESEN ANHAND VOM* FUSSTYP- Paarhufer, Unpaarhufer, Zehenballen, etc.* FUSSABDRUCK- Zehen-, Zehenspitz-, Sohlengänger, etc.* LOSUNG- Krümelig, pillenförmig, wurstförmig, etc.* NEST UND BAU- Erdbau, Burg aus Zweigen, Baumhöhle, etc.* STIMME- Piepsen, Zwitschern, Trillern, Quieken, etc.* AM BAUMSTAMM DURCH- Geweih, Zähne, Krallen, Körper, etc.BESTIMMUNG VON ARTEN ANHAND VOM* AUSSEHEN- Größe, Geweih und Hörner, etc.* LEBENSGEBIET- Lebensraum, Verbreitung, Standort Nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAINIERE DEIN WISSEN* Errate Bilder einer Art* Lerne die verschiedenen Spuren und Tiere kennenNATURE MOBILE auf YouTube:ÜBER NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht spannende Themenausder Natur und anderen Bereichen einem breiten PublikumausInteressierten, Liebhabern und Experten auf anschaulicheundattraktive Art näher zu bringen. Sie sind Autor oder Fotograf,siehaben interessante Ideen oder Inhalte, dann sprechen Sie unsbittean [email protected] SIE MEHR APPS VON NATURE MOBILE.You are in the natureofthe road and discover traces of animals? You want to readthetracks and find out who left this?With "Wild animals and tracks 2 PRO" you learn torecognizetracks and tracks and get an ideal destination andreference guidefor the most common mammals in central Europe andthe Alps.Finally, one has the possibility to determine the tracesdirectlyon the excursion without book and at the same time toobtaincomprehensive information from a library full of facts,figures andimages. Learn to read the tracks, learn all about theanimals, thenature experience to a whole new way. CONTENTS* 74 species - 800 images* Extensive description of the tracks and types* Species names in German and English* Researchers trace and species identification* Quiz - GamePrints and droppings READ THE BASIS OF* FOOT TYPE- Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, toe pads, etc.* FOOTPRINT- Toe, toes pointed, plantigrade, etc.* SOLUTION- Crumbly, pill-shaped, sausage-shaped, etc.* NEST AND CONSTRUCTION- Earthwork, castle made of branches, tree hole, etc.* VOICE- Beeping, chirping, trills, squeaks, etc.* AM TRUNK BY- Antlers, teeth, claws, body, etc.DETERMINATION OF SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE- Size, antlers and horns, etc.* LIVING AREA- Habitat, distribution, location, nest, etc.QUIZ - TRAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE* Guess images of a kind* Learn the different tracks and AnimalsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILENATURE MOBILE is to bring themselves to present excitingtopicsfrom nature and other areas to a wide audience ofinterestedpeople, enthusiasts and experts in a clear and attractivewaycloser. You are an author or photographer, you havefascinatingideas or content, then please contact us at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE.
Mom´s Botanicals 1.3.1
Mom´s Botanicals - Herbs as a delicacy and medicine
BIRD SONGS Europe, North Africa + Middle East 1.1
Sunbird Images
This is the professional app to the renowned referenceworkofSchulze and Dingler covering 804 European speciesincluding2,837songs and calls known from the 17# CD set! This appisaco-production between Sunbird Images and theGermanpublisherEdition AMPLE. This is the best set of songs andcalls forthisregion ever published. The app has been promotedandpositivelyreviewed by several organizations and institutions.Allspecies canbe browsed according to their taxonomicalclassificationand canthus be easily compared. Spectrograms to allsounds as wellas highquality photographs and descriptions to eachspecies arealsoincluded. As a novelty and practical advantage,multiple songsandcalls of one species are arranged consecutively onseparatetracks.Some tracks consist of several calls, whichcanindependently bechosen and played immediately without the needtofast-forward.This adds up to 2,837 bird soundsaltogether!Explanations to allrecordings are given, bird names aregiven inEnglish, Latin andGerman, French, Italian, Spanish andotherlanguages, see below.This app offers many special features: –2,837songs & calls –1,380 photographs – includes 804Europeanspecies – sonograms withkHz + time scale to all sounds–descriptions to all species – 750distribution maps (Europe)–compare feature to directly comparesongs, calls, imagesanddistribution – create your own sightinglists and sort byplace,date, group, and name – make notes foreach bird spotted –exportyour sightings – display bird names in20 languages andselectsequence: English, Latin, Chinese(traditional), Czech,Danish,Dutch, Finnish, French, German,Icelandic, Italian,Japanese,Japanese (romaji), Latvian,Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian,Slovak,Spanish, Swedish * Allupdates are free of charge. Oncedownloadedno internet connectionneeded – just download the app andstartbirding! We are happy, ifyou like our app. Please let us nowwhatyou think and give us agood rating if you like what we havedone,this is much appreciatedand helps visibility in the app store.Ifyou have any complaintsor suggestions please [email protected]. Thank you! Followus onFacebook:
Ornithopedia Europe 1.3.6
All 1144 birds of Europe with sounds,images,video and much more
BirdNET 1.89
Stefan Kahl
The easiest way to identify birds by sound.
Nature - Europe 44
Over 1200 plant and animal species of Europe.
Nature My - Europe 44
Over 2500 plant and animal species of Europe.
Flora des Alpenraums 9.5.1
Over 500 of the most common alpine flowers are shown in detailintext and pictures
Beach Explorer - Wadden Sea 40.1.0
Identify and report beach findings - Wadden Sea
1. Enter your sighting 2. Upload your sighting 3.Done!
Heilpflanzen / Heilkräuter 3.6
The herb book in the APP Format
Wildpflanzen zum Geniessen 1.0
gather herbs, determining, recognizing and enjoying wild plants.
iKnow Birds 2 PRO - Europe
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to BIRDS OFEUROPE,all in the palm of your hand!Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Read fascinating information and learnfactsabout birds; browse professional images; listen tospectacular callsand songs. Find inspiration and experience naturein a whole newway.CONTENT* 300 bird species - 2000 images - 550 calls and songs* Extensive description of the species* Bird names in 30 languages* Scientific identification* Quiz gameBIRD IDENTIFICATION BY* APPEARANCE- Size, feathering, beak type, etc.* RANGE AND HABITAT- Cities, forests, waters, mountains, etc.* ORDER- Owls, herons, eagles, etc.* MIGRATION- Sedentary, short, medium, longQUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Guess species from calls and songsNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILE
Pilze 123 2.98
The most extensive mushroom encyclopedia with 3,700+ mushroomsWithsimple fungal determination 🍄
GartenFlora 5.1
GartenFlora - advice magazine for gardeners and connoisseurs.
NaturaList 0.223
NaturaList allow you to quickly record all yournaturalisticobservations
Luther Bible German Bible 2.0.7
The Luther Bible is a German language Bible translation byMartinLuther.
Nature My - North America 44
Over 2500 plant and animal species of North America.
The Lauschtour App 4.6.0
Explore cities, theme parks, bike and hiking paths in anexcitingway.
Flora Incognita 3.6.72
Plant identification with automatic image recognition
Wild flowers 3.1.1
Wild flowers allows you to identify 1771 wild flowers ofWesternEurope.
Orthoptera 2.0.0
Garzotto GmbH
Determine and discover the Switzerland and Germany, thelocustsintuitive.
Sauerland&Siegen-Wittgenstein 3.13.5
The perfect app for the Sauerland and Siegerland-Wittgenstein.
Picture Bird - Bird Identifier 2.9.22
Identify bird by photo or sound (song and call)
FREEONTOUR Camping App 4.9.9
Camping guide & route planner in one
Schlager Radio Paloma - 100% Deutscher Schlager 3.4.3
» Gefällt Ihnen die App? Wir freuen uns über jede 5*-Bewertung«WerSchlager liebt, hört Radio Paloma! Denn hier ist derSchlagerzuHause. Radio Paloma hat sich der ganzen VielfaltdesSchlagersverschrieben. Auf sechs Kanälen gibt es dieBandbreitederSchlagermusik zu hören: Ob Kultschlager,Partyschlager,Volksmusikoder die neue Generation des Pop-Schlagers- es ist fürjedenSchlagerfan etwas dabei! DIE RADIO PALOMA APPLaden Siesichkostenlos die Radio Paloma App herunter und gelangenSie indienächste Schlagerdimension! » Genießen Sie immer undüberalldasRadio Paloma Live-Programm sowie eine VielzahlvonweiterenKanälen, von Hand für Sie selektiert. » Unterwegs imAuto?UnsereApp unterstützt Google Auto! » Informieren Sie sichüberdieneuesten Schlager-News und folgen Sie unserenunterhaltsamenundinformativen Beiträgen und Videos auf Instagramund Facebook.»Einen Titel verpasst? Kein Problem! In der TitellistefindenSiedie Playlisten der letzten 7 Tage.»Star-Interviews,Schlager-Marathon oder unsere Expertenbeiträge–alles zumNachhören im Podcast. » Seien Sie aktiv amProgrammbeteiligt undkontaktieren Sie uns per Text- oderSprachnachricht,Foto oderVideo. » Einschlafprobleme? DieSleep-Funktion wiegt siein denSchlaf. » Sparsam auf derDatenautobahn unterwegs: Wir setzenaufTechnologie, die Datenvolumenspart und trotzdem bedingungslosgutklingt. Sie verbrauchen proStunde nur 21MB. » Radio PalomaistStreamOn-Partner der Telekom undVodafone Pass Partner!GenießenSie mit diesen Tarifen grenzenlosRadio Paloma ohne, dasses aufihr Datenvolumen angerechnet wird.RADIO PALOMA – LIVE VondenKult-Hits der 70er bis zu den neuestendeutschen Schlagern –hiergibt es 100% Deutschen Schlager zu hören,samt Einblicken indasLeben der Schlagerstars, tagesaktuellenInformationen undBeiträgenzu Themen, die das Leben schöner machen.Radio Palomabegleitet Siemit guter Laune und bester Schlagermusikdurch jedenTag der Woche!RADIO PALOMA – PARTYSCHLAGER Tanzen biszum Umfallen:ObBallermann-Hits, Kultschlager oder die bestenSchlager-Remixe -aufRadio Paloma Partyschlager steigt dieSchlagerparty rund umdieUhr! RADIO PALOMA – VOLKSMUSIK Dieschönsten Perlen derVolkmusikund absolute Gaudi-Stimmung gibt esauf Radio PalomaVolksmusik.RADIO PALOMA – KULTSCHLAGER Das goldeneZeitalter desdeutschenSchlagers in einem Sender: Alle Kult-Hits aufRadioPalomaKultschlager! Das Paradies für alle LiebhaberderaltenSchlager-Schule! RADIO PALOMA – FRESH Frisch,Frischer,RadioPaloma Fresh - Die neuen und neusten deutschenSchlagerundPop-Schlager gibt’s hier aufs Ohr! RADIO PALOMA–KUSCHELSCHLAGERDie schönsten Balladen und sinnlichstenLiebesliederderSchlagerwelt: Radio Paloma Kuschelschlager feiertdie Liebeundsorgt für gemeinsame romantische Momente! RADIO PALOMA– XMAS/WEIHNACHTSSCHLAGER Das Radio Paloma Weihnachtsradiomitdenschönsten Schlager-Weihnachtshits unddenbeliebtestenWeihnachtsliedern. Die perfekte Weihnachtsmusikfüreinbesinnliches Weihnachtsfest! NACHHÖREN /PODCASTAlleStar-Interviews und unsere Expertentipps finden Siehierliebevollzusammengestellt zum Nachhören. Die Radio PalomaPodcastssinddarüber hinaus über Spotify, iTunes, Google oderdieRadioPaloma-Website hörbar. EMPFANG Radio Paloma ist zwarnichtlokalüber UKW empfangbar, dafür aberdeutschlandweitüberVodafone-Kabel, Astra-Satellit und weltweit überdie App.DesWeiteren ist Radio Paloma mit allen Kanälen,, und mit SmartSpeakernwieAmazon Alexa (Skill vornhanden), Google Assistant &AppleSiriempfangbar. Hörerinnen und Hörern in Berlin undBrandenburgstehtdas Programm auch im Digitalradio (DAB+) zurVerfügung. AlleInfoszu den Empfangsmöglichkeiten finden Sie aufderRadioPaloma-Website unter „Empfang“.
Nature - North America 44
Over 1200 plant and animal species of North America.
BioGuide - World Field Guide 0.5.5
Find out more about animals, plants, fungi around you.Photos,facts, sounds.
Die Bibel - Einheitsübersetzun 1.4.4
The complete Scriptures in the new NIV for free
Collins Bird Guide 2.0.5
The Collins Bird Guide App is the ultimate field guide forthebirdwatcher
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab 3.0
What's that bird? Merlin Bird ID helpsyousolve the mystery in 5 questions, or with a photo of abird.First, Merlin asks you a few simple questions. Then, almostlikemagic, it reveals the list of birds that best matchyourdescription. Pick your bird, then delve into more photos,sounds,and ID tips about your bird!If you have a photo, Merlin Photo ID is here to help. Take aphoto,or choose one from your photo gallery, and Merlin will offera listof birds that best match your photo.Merlin is fun and easy to use—whether you’re curious about abirdyou’ve seen once or you’re hoping to identify every bird thatcomesto your feeder. The answers are waiting for you with this freeappfrom the renowned Cornell Lab of Ornithology.Features• Merlin Photo ID can identify your bird photo. Select yourphoto,tell Merlin where and when you took it, and you'll see ashort listof suggested identifications.• Download bird packs containing the species of yourregion,reducing the app size.• Created for beginning and intermediate bird watchers,Merlinidentifies the 1,100 most common bird species of thecontinentalUnited States, Canada, Mexico, Belize andGuatemala.• Explore birds by location and date with a list ofspeciesseen in the area.• Intelligent results. No more scanning through hundredsofpossibilities! Merlin shows the birds near you that fityourdescription.• Customized location and date tools generate best answers foryourneighborhood and time of year.• Powered by eBird to deliver the most accurate results basedonmillions of sightings from bird watchers acrossNorthAmerica.• Enjoy more than 7,000 photos of birds, including males,females,and juveniles.• Learn ID tips from Cornell Lab of Ornithology experts.• Listen to the beautiful bird songs and calls from theMacaulayLibrary at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.• It’s all free! The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s goal is tohelpyou and millions of others to learn about birds.​Merlin Bird ID currently includes Bird Pack downloads for theUnitedStates including: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, RockyMountains,Southwest, Texas and Oklahoma, Alaska, and West Coast.Canada iscovered by Eastern Canada and Western Canada packs.Mexico packsinclude Yucatan Peninsula, and another for Oaxaca andChiapas.Central America Bird Packs include Guatemala andBelize.About Photo IDPowered by Visipedia, Merlin Photo ID uses computervisiontechnology to identify birds in photos. Merlin learns torecognizebird species based on training sets of hundreds ofthousands ofphotos from birders at When using photo ID,enter thedate and location where you took the photo; those cluesimproveMerlin’s accuracy by helping it focus on the species youmostlikely encountered there.
Berlin Travel Guide 1.0.49
Trip planner. 100% Free. Top Tours. Best rated activities.
Mushroom Identify - Automatic 2.82
Automatically identify species from photo, save where youfoundmushrooms
Bibelzeit 3.0.1
Read Bible reading magazines and themed books on the go.