Top 10 Apps Similar to Laktose Info

My Food Intolerance List
Do you suffer from lactose,fructose,histamine, gluten, sorbitol or salicylic acid intolerance?Or doyou even have several of them? No problem! With ALL i CAN EATyouhave all your food intolerances under control.ALL i CAN EAT adjusts to your individual intolerances andcalculatesyour compatibility for each food. The compatibilitiesare displayedin a simple traffic light system, ranging from green(very welltolerated) to yellow and orange up to red (bad idea toeat). If arecommendation does not apply to you, you can easilysave yourindividual tolerance for the food concerned.Search quickly for a specific food, browse certain categoriessuchas beverages, fruits, dairy products, etc. or filtercompatibilitesby color. In addition, ALL i CAN EAT does alsoprovide many detailssuch as the amounts of lactose, fructose,glucose, histamine,sorbitol, salicylic acid, amines, amino acids,etc. And in case youshould miss a food, you can add iteasily.You will never have to search various lists again or learnanynumbers by heart! With ALL i CAN EAT you manage all yourfoodintolerances in one place.
Food and Symptoms Diary 1.6.0
nmi-Portal /
This mobile food and symptoms diary enables you to narrowdownfoodintolerances such as lactose, histamine orsorbitolintolerance,fructose malabsorption or food allergies. Itcan alsobe used todetermine your personal threshold (tolerancelevel) fordifferentfoods once a diagnosis has been made. The appcontainsneitheradvertisements nor any hidden costs such asin-apppurchases. -----Why use this app? ----- If you believe thatyou maybe sufferingfrom some form of food intolerance or foodallergy itis essentialto keep a food and symptoms diary for about 2weeks.With the helpof such a food and journal, the medicalprofessionalyou areconsulting can narrow down the reasons for yoursymptoms.Thismeans they can focus on the right follow-up (eg. H2breathtest)and thus reach an accurate diagnosis. The app can alsobeusedafter diagnosis. Different foods need to be tested toestablishaperson’s individual tolerance level, e.g. fructoseorFODMAPlevels. Therefore, keeping a food and symptoms diarymakessense.The app is simple and intuitive. You can record yourdailymeals byentering them into the journal or simply taking aphoto.You canalso track your bowel movement or note your symptomsas wellas thedegree of severity and produce a clearly readable PDFwhichyou cantake to your doctor’s appointment. Symptoms can alsoberecorded bytaking a photo, which is especially useful when youhavesymptomssuch as rashes or other skin changes. InflammatoryBowelDisease(IBD) The app can also be used for recording thesymptomsofinflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’sdisease.Irritablebowel syndrome (IBS) Also patients who follow aFODMAPdiet due toIBS may use this app to track their nutritionandsymptoms. -----Questions or comments? ----- This app has itsownsupport forum If you dofindany bugs pleasedrop us a line on the website so we can fix themasfast aspossible. Thank you! ---- The symptoms diary appneedsthefollowing permissions: ---- + Photos/Media/Files, Camera:Youcan,for example, take a picture of your meals or ingredientslists;Thefiles are stored on your device (SD card); The data youenterwillalso be stored on your device. + Identity, Contacts: theappwillaccess your “me” contact information in order to copyyouremailaddress, name and date of birth (if you haveenteredthisinformation into your device) in order to personalizethe diaryforyour doctor. These settings can be changed at any time.Theappwill NOT read or access any other details in your contactsandwillnot send any such data back to us. + Other: With this appyoucancreate and send a PDF file using the network connectionofyourphone. There are additional reading materials (e.g.Help&Support) which can only be accessed via the internet.Thelicenseauthentication is also acquired via the internet.Thenotificationsneed the phone to prevent from sleeping and runatstartup.
Lakto-App 1.2
Plejaden GmbH
Die Lakto-App rechnet denLaktosegehaltLebensmitteln mit Milchanteilen rasch und zuverlässigaus – zuHause und unterwegs. Wenn Sie an einer Laktoseintoleranzleiden undauf Milchprodukte nicht verzichten wollen, dann ist dieLakto-AppIhr nützlicher Begleiter. Ausserdem enthält dieLakto-Appinteressante Informationen zur Ursache und BehandlungderLaktoseintoleranz sowie wertvolle ErnährungstippsThe lacto-app convertsthelactose content of foods with milk out quickly and reliably -athome and away. If you suffer from lactose intolerance anddairyproducts will not give up, then the lacto App is yourhandycompanion. In addition contains lacto App interestinginformationabout the cause and treatment of lactose intolerance aswell asvaluable nutrition tips
Food Intolerances 3.0
Baliza GmbH
Histamine intolerance, Low FODMAP diet and Irritable BowelSyndrome(IBS)
Receitas e Coisas Sem Glúten 3.1
Lex Eximius
Gluten-free recipes and information about other application(CeliacDisease).
IntolerApp 1.54
Hola, somos Felipe y Raquel, padres de unniñoalérgico a varios alimentos, razón por la que decidimos crearestaapp, con la intención de dotar a los afectados de unaherramientaque facilite la vida de forma ágil y sencilla. La razónpor la quecobramos la aplicación es porque a nosotros nos suponeundesembolso económico y para poder seguir mejorando la app.IntolerApp nos indica si un producto de alimentación es apto onopara personas con alergia al HUEVO e intolerancia al GLUTENyLACTOSA, simplemente escaneando el código de barras delproductocon la cámara del móvil, así que si eres celiaco,intolerante a lalactosa o alérgico al huevo, estas es tuaplicación.Características:** Base de datos con más de 9500 productos.** La mayoría de productos de Hipercor, Mercadona,Carrefour,Alcampo, Eroski y Maxcoop...** Funcionamiento sin necesidad de conexión a internet encualquiermomento y en cualquier lugar.** Posibilidad de mejora de la aplicaciónmediantesugerencias.** Siempre informado de las últimas novedades mediante un sistemadenotificaciones push.** Enlaces e información de interés para las alergiaseintolerancias (Huevo, gluten, lactosa).** Aplicación para smartwatch o dispositivos con AndroidWear,puedes indicar tus intolerancias y dictando el código debarras delproducto la aplicación te dirá si es apta para ti o no, ytemostrará una ficha del producto.IntolerApp ha sido premio a la mejor App Sanitaria del año2012,otorgado por la Clínica San Francisco de León y ha sidoincluidaentre las 50 mejores App sanitarias de habla hispanaimpulsada porel observatorio Zeltia y realizado con la colaboraciónde laCátedra de Innovación, Salud y Comunicación de Zeltia ylaUniversidad Rey Juan Carlos, Red de Innovación y Wake AppHealth,contando con el asesoramiento de expertos provenientes tantodelámbito tecnológico y de la comunicación como de la profesiónmédicay sanitaria.****************************************PRÓXIMAMENTE****************************************Estamos trabajando muy duro para ampliar la base de datos connuevosproductos y además en un futuro próximo iremos incluyendonuevasintolerancias hasta cubrir las 14 intoleranciasalimenticiasprincipales.****************************************IMPORTANTE****************************************Los productos cambian y pueden pasar de no incluir huevo, glutenolactosa a incluirlo. Por lo que si eres celiaco, alérgico alhuevoo intolerante a la lactosa, utiliza la información de laaplicaciónbajo tu propia responsabilidad y si ves que algúnproducto muestrainformación incorrecta, háznoslo saber mediante unsugerencia ynuestros expertos valoraran y cambiaran la informacióndel productode inmediato.La aplicación es gratuita durante un periodo de prueba, unavezfinalizado este periodo para poder seguir usándola podráscomprarlaa través de la misma aplicación o si cuentas con un cupóndeoferta, introducirlo. Para cualquier duda [email protected] por ayudarnos a continuar con este proyecto.Hello, we are PhilipandRachel, parents of a child allergic to several foods, which iswhywe decided to create this app, with the intention of givingthoseaffected a tool that facilitates life quickly and simply.Thereason is because the application charge us supposed us afinancialoutlay and to further improve the app.IntolerApp indicates whether a food product is suitable ornotfor people with egg allergy and intolerance to gluten andlactose,simply scanning the barcode of the product with a cameraphone, soif you are celiac, lactose intolerant or allergic to eggs,this isyour application.Features:   ** Database with more than 9500 products.   ** Most products Hipercor, Mercadona,Carrefour,Auchan, Eroski and Maxcoop ...   ** Operation without internet anytimeandanywhere.   ** Possibility of improving implementationthroughsuggestions.   ** Stay informed of the latest developments viaapush notification system.   ** Links and information of interest forallergiesand intolerances (egg, gluten, lactose).   ** Application for smartwatch or deviceswithAndroid Wear, you can indicate your intolerances and dictatingtheproduct bar code application will tell you if is suitable foryouor not, and will show a product fiche.IntolerApp has been Award for Best Health App in 2012, awardedbythe San Francisco de León Clinic and has been listed among thetop50 Hispanic App sanitary driven Zeltia Observatory and withthecollaboration of the Department of Innovation, HealthandCommunication Zeltia and King Juan Carlos, Innovation NetworkandUniversity Health Wake App, with expert advice from boththetechnological field and communication and medical andhealthprofession.**************************************** COMING SOON****************************************We are working very hard to expand the database with newproductsand further in the near future we will be adding newintolerancesto cover the 14 major food intolerances.IMPORTANT ********************************************************************************Products change and can go from not include egg, gluten orlactoseto include it. So if you are celiac, allergic to eggs orlactoseintolerant, uses application information at your own riskand ifyou see any product displays incorrect information, pleaselet usknow by suggestion and our experts valued and changeinformationproduct immediately.The application is free for a trial period, once completedthisperiod to continue using'll buy it through the same applicationorif you have a coupon offer, enter it. For any [email protected] help us continue this project.
Fructose 1
Eivind Holt
Nutritional reference for a diet low on fructose. Madeforpersonsdiagnosed with fructose malabsorption orfructoseintolerance. Thisapp displays common foods and whether theyaresafe.
nmi-Portal: Allergieverordnung 1.7
In Österreich dürfen die 14 Hauptallergene laut derEULebensmittelverordnung auch mit bestimmten Buchstabenangegebenwerden. So sieht man oft Schilder neben den Lebensmittelnwie"Enthält: A, G, H“. Was diese Buchstaben bedeuten, mussgutsichtbar angeschlagen sein. Das ist leider oft nicht derFall.Diese App bietet diese Legende für die Hosentasche, damit manimRestaurant oder bei der Imbissbude immer weiß, was im Essenist.Durch Klick auf das jeweilige Allergen kann eine Infoboxerweitertwerden die den Beschreibungstext der Allergenverordnungdarstellt.Diese Legende benötigt keine aktive Internetverbindung,sondern istauch offline verwendbar (vor allem wichtig fürTouristen, die inÖsterreich zu Besuch sind und keineDatenverbindung haben) Die Appbietet auch weiterführendeInformationen zur Lebensmittelverordnungbezüglich unverpackterLebensmittel, sowie Informationen bezüglichder Anwendung aufIntoleranzen wie Laktoseintoleranz,Fruktoseintoleranz,Histaminintoleranz oder Zöliakie /Glutensensitivität.
Gi BodyGuard from the CDHF 1.3
The more health information you provide toyourphysician, the better care you will receive. Gi BodyGuard,developedby experts at the Canadian Digestive HealthFoundation(, is a free, easy to use app that allows youto trackinformation about your health, symptoms, medications, foodandexercise.Who uses Gi BodyGuard?Gi BodyGuard caters to people with a multitude ofdigestivehealth issues including IBS, IBD (Crohns and UlcerativeColitis),Celiac Disease, Lactose Intolerance, GERD, Acid Reflux,Diarrheaand Constipation, among others.What can Gi BodyGuard do for me?Gi BodyGuard empowers you to track vital health information.Witha few quick clicks, you can quickly, easily and privatelycreate anextensive, up-to-the-minute summary of your digestivehealth historyto share with your health care team. Armed withcritical informationabout you, they can recognize trends that mayindicate a change inyour health status, make the best diagnosis,and provide informedcare to help you feel better.Use Gi BodyGuard to track:• Stool frequency and consistency• Presence and type of blood in stool• Symptoms you experience• Pain location and severity• Medications• Your medical history• Food and liquids intake• Exercise (cardio, strength training and stretching)• WeightGi BodyGuard also allows you to set reminders fortakingmedications and renewing your prescriptions. Whether youaredealing with a short term or chronic illness, these areimportantfor regaining and maintaining your good health.ABOUT THE CDHFThe Canadian Digestive Health Foundation (CDHF) helpsreducesuffering and improve quality of life by empowering peoplelike youwith trusted, up to date, science-based information aboutdigestivehealth and disease. As the Foundation of the CanadianAssociationof Gastroenterology, we work directly with leadingphysicians,scientists, and other health care professionals to helpyouunderstand and take control of your digestive healthwithconfidence and optimism. In addition to developing GiBodyGuard,the foundation offers a robust suite of educationalinformation,programs and events to those looking to improve theirdigestive --and overall -- health. You can learn more
Lactose intolerantie v1.3
De applicatie geeft ondermeerinformatieoverlactose intolerantie en bevat ook een lijst aanproductendielactosevrij zijn en een lijst aan producten die lactasebevatomhet afbreken van lactose te bevorderen.Theapplicationincludesinformation on lactose intolerance and alsoincludes a listofproducts that are lactose-free, and a list ofproductscontaininglactase in order to promote the breakdownoflactose.