Top 3 Apps Similar to ECHTREIM – das Reimlexikon

Rhyme Time Rhyming Dictionary 161
The Complete Rhyming Dictionary for Song Writers, Speech WritersandPoets.
Rimes Online 1.93
Globalapps R
All of us are writing poetry from time totime.Sometimes we are followed by our moods, sometimes it happensinorder to please a loved one, friends or relatives. Or tosurprise.Creating a poem is very complicated process. It needstalent. Afterall, the idea is not just to express a thoughts, butalso to talkabout it succinctly, skillfully and beautifully. Inaddition youneed a sense of the rhythm and rime. Our applicationwill help youwith the last, with the rime (or rhyme). Simply fillin the wordwhich you want to rime in a field. You can do it bykeyboard, or byvoice. Then click on "OK" button and our programwill find you allthe rimes that are available in the database. Youwill choose fromthe list that one which fits your meaning. Createand amaze.***Follow us on Twitter, where, first you ll find all our newsinEnglish, and, second, we publish there funny mini poems:***Video with a love poem by A.S.Pushkin:***Hooray! The application became 4 times better. 26 of may wehaveupdated the application. Now you can choose from4algorithms.Please note:- The best quality gives less variants.- The "any" quality sometimes can give very interestingrimes.- The algorithms are focused on words with the accent on thelastsyllable. If you have accent on the penultimate syllable,you'llsee firstly rimes with the accent on the last syllable.Good sample for different quality is the word "detective".Theapp gives 20 rimes in "excelent", about 50 in "good", about 100in"middle" and about 150 in "any".So, if you see no variants, reduce quality. If you see toomanyvariants, raise it.The application requires internet. Run the application andyouwill see images of flags. Choosing a flag, you choose thelanguagein which you are writing poems and where you need rime.Choosing aflag, you'll go to the generating rimes window.If the database has not rime, try the following:- Find a synonym to the word that you need to rime. And find arimeto the synonym in our application.- Change the singular to plural or plural to singular form ofthewords to which you search the rime.- Change the place of words in your poem so that the word towhichwe have no rime, moves to the beginning or middle. And try tofindthe rime to other word.Your good estimate will support our free project. Poorestimateslows down development, as other users are guided byyourassessment. It is clear that if your phone does not runtheapplication, you become angry. But more effective to write usaboutthe problem than to put unsatisfactory.Notes:The application requires internet.The application can also be used to translate poetry fromonelanguage to another, provided that you know bothlanguages.Translated by "Google" the whole text and then look for arimethrough the application.The rime`s generator available for Russian and English.FAQ, news and instructions are here:
German - English offline dict.
DIC-o German - English and English -Germanoff-line dictionary with English pronunciation(68000translations).