Top 15 Games Similar to Kite Surfing

Kiteboard Coach - Kitesurf 1.0
KiteboardCoach is a"PatentPending"revolutionary way of shortening the long Learningcurvethat isoften associated with Kiteboarding and Kitesurfing. Weusethelatest technology in videography to createinstructionalvideosthat are clear, precise, fun to watch andfeature the latestgearand equipment. We currently have over 40instructional videosandwe are adding additional videos and lessonsweekly. All Videosareavailable in both HD for detailed viewing andstandarddefinitionfor quick download times when you are notconnected toWI-FI.**Important** Some devices may require installing amediaplayerapp such as; VLC MEDIA PLAYER in order to watch videosin theHDLibrary.Our in App Private Coaching, allows users to submitvideosofthemselves attempting their goals to our instructors.Whetheryouare leaning to make a more successful ride, staying upwindorlearning that big trick; our instructors will edityoursubmittedvideo using voice overlays, slow motion and visualaids tohelp youunderstand what your doing wrong and what yourdoingright.
Kitesurf calculator (Pro) 4.3.9
The exact calculation of the sailsandboardsfor amateur and professional riders.Modes of operation :Amateur - professional .It takes into account the entire spectrum of the wind ( 6-40knots)!Recommended for rent at the box office !Added :Weather Forecast by location (current and five days ) .Analysis of weather .Warning favorable or extreme conditions for kitesurfing .Now you will never miss the wind, "Kitesurfingmanager"monitorsthe weather forecast and always warn you about asuitablewind whatyou specify!Tested!New:Added full weather forecast on Google Map withstoragehistory5:00Now notification 2 Spot (location + Google Map)Added map with surf stations equipped with webcamThe exactcalculationofthe sails and boards for amateur and professionalriders.Modes of operation:Amateur - professional.It takes into account the entire spectrum of the wind (6-40 knots)!Recommended for rent at the box office!Added:Weather Forecast by location (current and five days).Analysis of weather.Warning favorable or extreme conditions for kitesurfing.Now you will never miss the wind, "Kitesurfingmanager"monitorsthe weather forecast and always warn you about asuitablewind whatyou specify!Tested!New:Added full weather forecast on Google Map withstoragehistory5:00Now notification 2 Spot (location + Google Map)Added map with surf stations equipped with webcam
Kitesurf calculator 4.4.0
The exact calculation of the sails andboardsfor amateur and professional riders.Modes of operation :Amateur - professional .It takes into account the entire spectrum of the wind ( 6-40knots)!Recommended for rent at the box office !Added :Weather Forecast by location (current and five days ) .Analysis of weather .Warning favorable or extreme conditions for kitesurfing .Now you will never miss the wind, "Kitesurfing manager" monitorstheweather forecast and always warn you about a suitable wind whatyouspecify!Tested!New:Added full weather forecast on Google Map with storagehistory5:00Now notification 2 Spot (location + Google Map)Added map with surf stations equipped with webcam
AIRSTYLE - Kitesurfing Tricks 7
AIRSTYLE - an inspiration forstrictlyhookedriding.Many years this style has been forgotten, although themajorityofkitesurfers around the world start the sport to enjoy thetimeinthe air and do different tricks.The media and events pushed in different directions, whichleadthesport away from its origin and at the end it even takespeopleawayto other sports.Airstyle is the discipline who gets the most "wows" onthebeach,with its unique tricks, and luckily the movement towardsmoreshowduring competitions goes towards Airstlye, as thenumberonekiteboarding show discipline on the water.Unfortunately many people miss inspiration and ride wronggear.Thisapp will help to rethink about your gear to keepprogressingandshows over 600 tricks of different areas of Airstyleto inspireyou.We will explain the main elements of airstyle but noteverytrick indetail, and show you many combinations ofsuchelements.We are sure, after watching the videos in this Airstyle appyouwillbe wanting to go out to the water and try new tricks youjustsaw,since we show tricks for every riding level!
Kitesurfing Training 1.00
Are you a water sports lover and wouldyouliketo try new experiences? If you want to feeltheadrenalinepracticing a new sport, Kitesurfing training app isforyou! Todaythe professional and amateur kitesurfing requires averyhigh levelof training and fitness.With this application you will learn how to improveyourfitnessand how to execute the most complex handle passes,backloops,downloops, front loops and other kitesurfingtricks.This application includes:- Kitesurfing lessons with the main information you needtostartpracticing this water sport.- Kitesurfing tricks for beginners, with easy exercisestostartcontrolling your kite.- Advanced advices for controlled flying and jumping andalsoboardgrabs tricks to execute the most famous rear hand grabsaswell asfront hand grabs.- A selection of the best videos with the most popularmomentsinkitesurfingThis application is part of a group of sports trainingappssuchas football, tennis, paddle tennis,basketball,paddleboarding,martial arts, kung fu, judo, home gym,cricket,cycling,golf, surfing and boxing. Download now thiskitesurfingtrainingfree app on your mobile or tablet device to beaprokitesurfer.
RIKF 1.0
L’ile compte aujourd’hui 4 écolesdekite,toutes localisées le long de la plage de Mourouk.Rodrigues a 220 jours de vent en moyenne annuelle ; leslagonsàla fois larges et peu profonds conviennent àl’apprentissageaussibien qu'à la pratique du kitesurf. L’impactesur la natureestinexistant, de ce fait, l’activité est bienaccueillie parlesRodriguais.Le Rodrigues International Kitesurf Festival se tientdepuis2013sur la cote sud est de l’ile.Le but de ce festival est de faire connaître Rodriguescommeunedestination à la fois écologique, sportive ettouristique.Il comprend des compétitions, des soirées, des balladesdanslelagon ect...Les parrains du festival sont des personnalités dumondedukitesurf. Le Rodrigues International Kitesurf Festivalcomptedeshabitués. Les principaux acteurs de la presserégionale,lessponsors, les compétiteurs et collaborateursbénévolesrenouvellentleur présence chaque année.
IKSURFMAG - Kitesurfing Mag 2.5
The World's number one kitesurfing magazine on your androiddevicefor free!
Kitesurf Passion 1.0
Kitesurf Passion vous propose desstagesdekitesurf pour découvrir les spots de kite du var !Kitesurf, wake board, paddle, downwind, sous forme de coursoudestages !Présents à Hyères, Almaranne, Carqueirente et levarplusgénéralement !KitesurfPassionofferskitesurfing courses to discover the kite spots of var!Kitesurfing, wakeboarding, paddle, downwind, in theformofcourses or internships!Present in Hyères, Almaranne, Carqueirente andmoregenerallyvar!
Surfcheck - Webcam, wave, wind 5.5
Surfcheck is made for surfers, windsurfers, kiters, sailors intheNetherlands.
Fun Trips 1.1
Olivier Moro
Fun Trips Kiteboarding is located atthegreatkite spot in Cabarete and Buen Hombre,DominicanRepublicWith our application find the latest news about;Kiteboardingschool,kite trips adventure,photoshoot,surf shop, besthotelsdeals, Webcamlive...An don't forget your free tee shirt !
Kitesurf Buddy 0.9.1
The digital buddy to advise you on what kite and board size togetin the water.
Kiteboarding 0.722
Lars Schenk
KITEBOARDING ist Deutschlandsgrößtesunderfolgreichstes Kitesurfmagazin.KITEBOARDING präsentiert auf 164 Seiten die gesamteBandbreitedes„schönsten Sports der Welt“ mit packendenReise-undEventberichten, fachkundigen FahrtechnikseriensowiefundiertenMaterialtests.Herausragende Merkmale sind der authentische Journalismussowiediehohe grafische Qualität.KITEBOARDING erscheint seit 2000, zur Zeit 6 x jährlich.----------This magazine is proudly powered by PressPad. Find
Connect Malabau 0.1.6
Register your windsurf, kitesurf, surf,paddleor kayak experiences with Connect Malabau. Simply use yourmobileor your Garmin device.Share your experiences with pictures, wind, waves and theusedequipment and your friends can comment, say like or not like,orgive you a Love it.Compete with your friends to get the most level, checkyourfollowers, or even sell that equipment you don’t need. Downloaditfor free.
Kite Landboarding 1.0
Kite Landboarding Is Your Best AndroidAppIfYou Want To Learn everything about Kite Landboarding.Kite landboarding, otherwise called arrivekiteboardingorflyboarding, kite landboarding uk depends on thegameofkitesurfing, kite landboarding lessons where a rideronasurf-style load up is pulled over water by a kite.Kite landboarding includes the utilization of a mountainboardorlandboard, which is basically a larger than averageskateboardwithvast pneumatic haggles straps. Kite landboarding isadevelopinggame, kite landboarding package and there are afewrivalries. Kitelandboarding is drawing in developing exposureinspite of the factthat it is not yet as prevalent or too knownaskitesurfing.Normally, kite landboarding happens in expansiveopenterritorieswhere the wind is steady and there are noobstacles,for example,trees or individuals. Vast hard-pressedsandyshorelines areordinary landboarding areas due to theextensivespace accessibleand wind conditions.The rider begins off by getting the kite into anunbiasedpositionoverhead. Once strapped onto the board, kitelandboardingequipmentthe rider can situate the kite to such anextent that itpulls therider over the ground. This is finished bymoving thekite in eitherheading, creating a force.As in kitesurfing, equipped riders can "get some air"whichisbasically moving the kite to maneuver the rider intotheair,conceivably a few feet up. More capable riders can do afewmovesnoticeable all around, for example, snatches, pivotsandflips.Because of the power that the kites can produce, riderscanhithigh speeds and move themselves a few feet noticeableallaround.As this is a land-based game, there have been a fewworriesaboutthe likelihood of harm to the rider or to others.Subsequently, kite landboarding packages a fewsecurityhardwarethings are utilized by riders as a part of thisgame.Protectivecaps are vital, particularly for the morepropelledmoves, where arider may wind up pivoting and flipping.Cushioning,includingshoulder and knee cushions, best kite forlandboarding canbe wornto shield from hard falls. Numerouskite-flying locales inthe UKare acquainting measures with justpermit riders who haveheadprotectors and host legitimate thirdgatheringprotectionapproaches.Download Kite Landboarding App It's FREE!
Progression Kitesurfing Coach 2.8
How-to Videos for Kiteboarding and Kitesurfing