Top 10 Apps Similar to AsthmaLaVista

No 1 Asthma iPhone app and top recommended by doctors nowavailableon android
Asthma Monitor 1.18
Simple and rapid detection of thepeakflow,respiratory symptoms and asthma control.The collected data are always available in the form ofaninteractivegraphic. The peak flow values ​​(asthma trafficlightsystem) can beacquired individually.The recorded data can be in a few simple steps, your doctorwillbenotified in the form of a standardized report by e-mail.**Thegraphical representation of the data shows any time howyourasthmahas developed and may be useful for planning thenextconsultationwith your doctor to help.
AsthmaCheck AsthmaCheck
axovis GmbH
You can suffer from asthma. Or you can haveitunder control.Scientific studies show that the health problems faced byasthmasufferers can be almost completely brought under controlwithcareful monitoring.AsthmaCheck offers perfect monitoring:- electronic peak flow record- individual medication planer- notifications of peak flow readings, checks and medication- clear overview of your asthma record: as list, chartordiary- functional and intuitive user interface- symptom control with a simple 5-point check (GINA)- smoking and sport tracking- comprehensive statistical evaluation- export data as PDF, CSV or as plain text in an emailMedication planerAsthmaCheck will mean less discomfort and reduced medication.Theaim of modern asthma therapies is to completely bring theillnessunder control using as little medication as possible.AsthmaCheckwill help you optimally record your data and reduceyourmedication.Clear data recordAsthmaCheck helps patients to help themselves. The App wasspeciallydeveloped by pulmonary specialists to assist patients tooptimallyand independently manage their illness. Thanks to theApp’sintuitive user interface and its simple design and icons,patientshave a clear record of their readings, allowing them tokeep acareful eye on their asthmaNotificationsLet AsthmaCheck remind you of medication, checks or your peakflowreadings to specific point of times. AsthmaCheck will alsoremindyou in case of low amount of medicine.Regular symptom checkMonitor your success with AsthmaCheck. In order to help youtosystematically monitor your asthma, AsthmaCheck provides you withasimple 5-point check – in accordance with the Global InitiativeforAsthma GINA – that you can run regularly.Install AsthmaCheck today on your Android Phone, iPhone, iPodtouchor iPad and experience how modern monitoring can help youimproveyour life with asthma.Contact for support, questions orsuggestions:[email protected]:
Kids Beating Asthma
Join Asmin and Asmina in thisfunnyadventurecreated by the Pediatrics Services atHospitalUniversitario SanCarlos (HCSC) de Madrid (Spain). This Appwillteach you what isAsthma, its origins, how to live along withit,and much more!Includes:- Learning contents adapted to kids and teenagers- Up to 5 modules of information- English and Spanish voices- Up to 8 different games to help understanding themedicalcontents(puzzle, alphabet soup, find the differences,makepairs...)The educational path, medical content and artwork are madebythePediatrics Service at the Hospital Universitario SanCarlosdeMadrid (Spain) and supervised by the InstitutodeInvestigaciónSanitaria at HCSC
Asthma Tick 1.2.0
Hi, my name is Shaunak Kale. I have asthma,soI made this app. My goal for this app is to record my inhalerusageand see the trends. This is the very first version of my app.Iwill be frequently releasing improvements to this app. If youhaveany suggestions or want to contact me, please don't hesitatetoemail me at [email protected].
Asthma Logger 1.0
Asthma Logger is an applicationformobilephones with Android which can help you to keep recordofyourasthma difficulties and thus give your allergistmoreinformation.I am asthmatic and I visit an allergist sincechildhood.Eachvisit starts with the same question:"How have you been?"I never know what to answer because my memory is short.I needed a way to easily remember my difficulties andthisisexactly what Asthma Logger does. With help ofAsthmaLoggerapplication I can give my allergist new informationwhich shecanuse to choose right treatment.The application allows to log two event types:How are you today - choosing one of options "perfect","notbad","bad".SOS spray application - each time you apply an SOSspray(Ventolin,Berodual, ..) you log it.Logged data are available for browsing or generating amedicalPDFreport and send it to your doctor.Correct functioning and sense of the application dependsonhowresponsibly are you logging the events. Asthma Loggerwasdesignedto make the logging as easy and simple as possible.Asthma Logger is available for mobile phones with Android2.1andabove.
Asthma !
Do you suffer from Asthma, orthinkyoudo?You owe it to yourself and family to find the most youcan,tomaintain your health and fitness.Amazing videos on the available treatments for asthma.Descriptive video about the asthma attacks.Asthma inhalers and how to use them.Text pages that describe the what,when and why of asthma andhowtodeal with it.Web links to products.If you live life with Asthma you must find all you can Now??
AstmApp 2.0
Astmapp indeholder: Min medicin – hvor du kan oprette både dinakutog din forebyggende medicin, og få overblik overditmedicinforbrug. Du kan bruge app’ens dosistælleren, hvis derikkeer tæller på dit device. Min astma – hvor du kan registreregenernefra din astma. Når du lærer din astma at kende, kan du blivebedretil at genkende symptomerne og forebygge generneInhalationsteknik– hvor du kan teste, om din astma ervelkontrolleret. Film også dininhalationsteknik, så du og måske dinlæge kan vurdere, om den kanforbedres. Er du i tvivl ominhalationsteknik kan du seinstruktionsvideoer for forskelligetyper af devices.
Exercise Asthma COPD 0.0.3
The Exercise Respiratory app teaches the user simple, safeandadequate exercises to deal with Asthma and COPD, usinginteractivetools such as images, videos, calendar with exerciseregisterfunctionality to keep track on symptoms and exercisefrequency andtype of activity. The user can then export it to showit to thedoctor. Besides, the user can test its knowledge regardingAsthmaand COPD in an amusing way through a little and fun quiz.Someinformation provided may not be valid for residents ofothercountries due to variations in medical practice and drugapprovaland indications. This patient education applicationprovidespatients and Health Care Practitioners with easy toaccessinformation on Asthma and COPD management. Reserved only forBBD’sPartners.
My Breathefree 1.7
Cipla Digital
My Breathefree is an app to help patientswithchronic breathing problems like Asthma, COPD in managingtheirasthma better and leading a normal and active life.Benefits:More days without asthma symptoms Fewer days being absent from work or school Fewer asthma attacks Lesser use of reliever inhalers Fewer hospital visitsIt is a unique virtual caregiver which will help you takeyourmedicine doses on time by timely dose reminders, educate youaboutasthma triggers and how to avoid them, show you videos onthecorrect technique of how to use your inhalers for maximummedicinebenefit in 10 diff languages, help you find the nearestRespiratorySpecialist in your area pan India and so many otherfeatures. Incase of an emergency, the nearest Breathefree Cliniccan be locatedusing GPS navigation.My Breathefree can be customised to do several thingsaccordingto your need. From recording your PEFR (Peak ExpiratoryFlow Rate)log and sending it securely to your Doctor for betterdiagnosis tohelping you recognize if your asthma is getting worseand tellingyou what to do in response.It helps patients and caregivers to monitor symptomswithoutvisiting the hospital. The app also has FAQs on how tomanageasthma for yourself and your family. The aim of this app isto helppatients and caregivers prevent or reduce the severity of anasthmaattack.My Breathefree becomes an integral part of your life withthefollowing features: Asthma Action Plan to synchronize your busy schedulewithreminders for taking medication on time, for moreeffectivetreatment and for an active life with lesser chances ofgetting anasthma attack due to missing doses. Managing and scheduling appointments with yourRespiratoryConsultant, with reminders so that you do not miss yourvisits.This helps in monitoring your asthma better. PEFR recorder that can be taken with the help of a simpledevicecalled Breathe O Meter and can warn against animpendingexacerbation. . These readings can be observed as per yourage,height and gender, to give you a better picture. Also thereadingscould be sent across to the doctor just beforeyourappointment. Device demonstration videos which can be either watched onlineordownloaded and saved for correct device usage technique.Correctmethod of using inhalers and nasal sprays plays a vital roleindrug effectiveness. Clinic locator feature helps locate a Respiratory Specialist oraBreathefree Clinic across the country. Breathefree Clinics areyourone stop solution, right from counselling to treatment anddeviceusage techniques for asthma and other respiratory disorderslikeCOPD and Allergic Rhinitis. FAQs to know and understand asthma better. Trigger map helps you know about the common triggers athome,office, school etc and gives a few tips on how to avoidthem. Asthma Assist is a feature that provides a travel checklistsothat even while traveling you do not forget to carry yourmedicinesand other essentials to help you manage asthma better.This featurewill help you keep contact numbers for emergency andcan help youlocate a Breathefree Clinic in the nearest vicinityusingGPS.Breathefree Asthma Tracker is a true companion for allasthmaticsand their caregivers to help them lead an active andhappylife.