Top 6 Games Similar to Maps Distance Calculator

Gps Area Calculator 27.0
Fields area Measure is a smart tool for measuring areasanddistance.
Distance Calculator 1.4
The Distance Calculator showsthetime,distance, and route of your next trip, you may wantthedistancebetween cities or from your address to your nextmeeting.This appwill also plot your route on a map, The calculatorwillsuggestplaces and address locations when you begin typing tomakeyourlife easier. This app can help plan your drivingdirectionsforyour next holiday or business meeting. You also havethe optiontodisplay your distance in Miles and Kilometers.Itsupportsthousands of locations world wide so if you are lookingforthedistance between two places, then this is the App for you.When you enter a starting destination there will beasuggestionlist that helps you pick a valid address orlocation,please choosethe item in the list for the distancecalculator towork correctly,this is also required for the endingaddress. Thisapp will be veryuseful to almost anyone who drives acar and likesto plan theirjourney or keep track of the time anddistance it willtake to getto their destination. Please feel freeto send uscomments andsuggestions about the app.
Stopping Distance Calculator 1.0.7
The application determines the currentvelocityof the driving vehicle and calculates the required overallstoppingdistance, that is needed in a hazardous situation and fullbrakingto slow your vehicle down to a complete stop.The distance your vehicle needs for a full braking drivingthecurrent speed to slow down to a complete stop is calledoverallstopping distance. The overall stopping distance consists ofthereaction pathway and brake path. The program uses predefinedandrational values for the deceleration and reaction time that maynotalways be perfectly suitable for the concrete drivingsituation.Therefore always drive foresighted and with a speedadjusted to thecurrent traffic situation.The overall stopping distances are usually much higher thanmostpeople expect. For example driving 50 km/h the stoppingdistanceamounts to 25-30 m, driving 100 km/h it is already 80 m.Theseresults are valid for a dry and flat road. Downhill thestoppingdistance increases, uphill it decreases. Wet, snow-coveredor icyroadways increase the overall stopping distance drastically.Youcan adjust the weather conditions in the applicationduringmeasurement.Tap the speedometer to change the display from km/h to mph.Thedistance and elevation data can be converted from metrictoimperial unit system by tapping the letter 'M' or the 'FT' atthetop of the screen.
Trajectcontrole 1.0
Advisair BVBA
Als u de App Trajectcontrole ©inschakelt,komtu op het startscherm terecht met wijzerplaat vandegemiddeldesnelheid. De App zoekt naar ingevoerde trajectcontroleroutes. Ukan een traject controle route ingeven door opde“opnemen” buttonte drukken als u een camera voor trajectcontrolepasseert. De Appzal dan het volledige tracé opnemen. Om deroute tebeëindigendrukt u op “stop”.Onderaan het scherm heeft u twee keuzes; De wijzerplaatweergave,ofde route weergave. In de route weergave heeft u demogelijkheidomde opgenomen routes, als eerste maal opgeslagen opdatum entijd,van naam te wijzigen. Als u een route aanraakt,verschijnthetklavier automatisch om de naam te wijzigen. U kaneveneensdemaximum toegelaten snelheid invoeren, alsook of hettraject inéénof beide richtingen gecontroleerd wordt. Een trajectwissen kanmethet afvalmandje.In de wijzerplaat weergave, zullen de opgenomenroutesautomatischstarten als u een traject controle route inrijdtenwordt uw actuele(groene aanduiding onder de wijzer) engemiddeldesnelheid (wijzer)weergeven. Eveneens kan u in dehorizontale balkonder de wijzerplaatuw afgelegde weg in hettraject volgen. In degroene zone van dewijzerplaat overschrijd ude maximum gemiddeldesnelheid niet, in derode zone wel, ongeachtuw actuelesnelheid.Indien de actuele snelheid, de maximumtoegelatensnelheidoverschrijdt, veranderd de indicatie van kleur enwordteenakoestisch signaal gegeven, ongeacht of uw gemiddeldesnelheidzichnog in de groene zone bevindt. Een akoestischsignaalwordteveneens gegeven in dien de gemiddelde snelheid in derodezonekomt.GPS ontvangstDe App Trajectcontrole maakt gebruik van GPS signalenvoorhaarpositiebepaling en snelheidsberekeningen. Afhankelijkvanhetontvangst van de GPS signalen kan de werking vandeAppTrajectcontrole beïnvloed worden en zal de precisievandeweergegeven indicaties mede hiervan afhangen.DeApptrajectcontrole vervangt geenszins de instrumenten van uwwagen,ende ontwikkelaar van de App Trajectcontrolekannietverantwoordelijk worden gesteld in geval van onjuistheidvandeweergegeven informatie.VerantwoordelijkheidHet gebruik van de App Trajectcontrole dient plaats tevindenonderoptimale veiligheidsvoorwaarden en de AppTrajectcontrole magnooitworden gemanipuleerd door de bestuurdertijdens het rijden. DeAppTrajectcontrole detecteerd automatisch hetbegin en het eindevaneen trajectcontrole tracé. De gebruiker erkenten begrijptdezebeperking tijdens het gebruik van de AppTrajectcontroleenaanvaardt tevens zich uitdrukkelijk te houdenaandeverkeersregels. De ontwikkelaar van de App Trajectcontrolekaningeen geval verantwoordelijk gesteld wordenvooreventueleverkeersovertredingen, schade, gevolgschade, in welkevormdan ook,bij het gebruik van de App Trajectcontrole.EigendomsrrechtDe App Trajectcontrole is eigendom van Advisair BVBAdiedeintellectuele eigendom bezit. Niets van dezeAppTrajectcontrole,zoals ontwerp, intellectueleeigendom,afbeeldingen, logo’s, hetontwerp van de AppTrajectcontrole en alleelementen aanwezig in deApp Trajectcontrole,mogen voor anderedoeleinden, dan het gebruikvan de AppTrajectcontrole zelf,gebruikt of gedupliceerd worden enhet gebruikvan de AppTrajectcontrole is enkel toegelaten voorpersoonlijkenprivégebruik. Alle andere gebruiksvormenzijnuitdrukkelijkonderworpen aan schriftelijkevoorafgaandetoestemming van AdvisairBVBA. De App Trajectcontrolevalt onder debescherming van hetauteursrecht en de wetgeving opdeintellectuele eigendom. Inbreukenhierop zullengesanctioneerdworden. Het downloaden van de AppTrajectcontrolegeeft aan degebruiker geen recht van intellectueleeigendomhierop.© Advisair BVBA, Epicealaan 11, 2390 Malle, België.Allerechtenvoorbehouden.http://[email protected] the Appsectioncontrol© turn, brings you to the home screen to dial uptheaverage speed.The App looks for input process control routes.Youcan enter aroute inspection route by pressing the "record"buttonas you pass acamera for process control. The app will recordtheentire route. Toend the route, press "stop". Below the screen you have two choices; The dial display, ortherouteguidance. In the route guidance, you have the abilitytochange therecorded routes, as recorded first by date andtime,name. If youtouch a route, the keyboard automatically appearstorename. You mayalso enter the maximum authorized speed, as wellaswhether theprocess is controlled in one or both directions.Cleara path to thewaste basket.The dial display, the recorded routes willstartautomaticallywhen you enter a process control route anddisplayyour current(green indicator below the pointer) and averagespeed(pointer).Also you can in the horizontal bar below the dialfollowyour pathin the process. In the green zone on the dialexceeds themaximumaverage speed is not in the red zone or whateveryourcurrentspeed.If the actual speed exceeds the speed limit, theindicatorchangedcolor and an audible signal whether or not youraveragerate is stillin the green zone. An acoustic signal is alsogivenin that theaverage speed is in the red zone.GPS receptionThe App section control uses GPS signals to its positionandspeedcalculations. Depending on the receipt of the GPSsignals,theoperation of the App Section control may be affectedandwilldepend in part of this, the precision of thedisplayedindications.The App section control does not replace thetools ofyour car, andthe developer of the App section control cannot beheldresponsible in case of inaccuracy oftheinformationdisplayed.ResponsibilityUsing the App section control is to take place undermaximumsecurityconditions and the App section control should neverbemanipulated bythe driver while driving. The App sectioncontrolautomaticallydetects the beginning and the end of anaverage speedroute. The useracknowledges and understands thislimitation whenusing the Appsection control and also agree toadhere explicitlyto the trafficrules. The developer of the Appsection control canunder nocircumstances be held liable for anytraffic violations,damages,consequential damages, in whateverform, when using theApp sectioncontrol.EigendomsrrechtThe App Section control is owned by AdvisairBVBAagainstintellectual property ownership. None of this appSectioncontrol,such as design, intellectual property, graphics,logos,design ofthe App section control and all the elements presentinthe Appsection control may for purposes other than the use oftheAppsection control itself, used or duplicated and the use oftheAppSection control is only permitted for personal and privateuse.Allother uses are expressly subject to the prior writtenconsentofAdvisair BVBA. The App section control is protectedbycopyrightand intellectual property laws. Violations willbesanctioned.Downloading the app Section control gives the useranyintellectualproperty accordingly.© Advisair BVBA, Epicealaan 11, 2390 Malle, Belgium.Allrightsreserved.http://[email protected]
WhatsThat Location Detector 1.5.1
Sabres Soft
We all often travel to the most amazing places on earthwithprominent landmarks and breathtaking landscapes. Sometimesatremote places like mountains, lakes, old towns andislands.Ofcourse, with a one in a blue moon trip like those, no onewouldwanna miss out on any famous landmarks and prominent placesnearby.Travel in style with your personal navigator and locationdetectorWhatsThat which tells you what you are looking at with justa snapfrom your camera. Imagine you are admiring the beautifulmountainrange on your trip, and never realizing that you arelooking atprominent valleys, caves, peaks and lakes! WhatsThatLocationDetector will tell you exactly what you are looking at froma rangeof 100 meters - 10 km (~110 yards - 6.2 miles). The app is agreatguide and useful especially for navigating in new places,travelingin mountains, for trips in the city, and outside in thenature. Italso includes built-in automatic distance measure/meterfor longranges. How To Use: Hold your device horizontally. Withinfewseconds name and range of prominent places will be marked onthecamera screen (Augmented Reality - AR). For any otherlocation,point the sight/crosshair of the camera on the point youwantinformation about, and take a photo (blue circle in the rightofthe screen). WhatsThat will detect the location and mark it onthemap. ## Breathtaking Features ## ★ Built with Augmentedreality(AR) Engine - prominent places are marked on the camerascreenautomatically ★ Location detector &Rangefinder/Milo-meter(distance indicated with a point on your map)★ Share the locationphoto, including name of the place, with yourfriends ★ NavigateLocations to the point on the map (GoogleMaps/Waze support) ★Embedded with high quality Google Maps API ★Google Earthintegration: opens Google Earth app with the view ofyour location& target location and saves a file for opening inyour PC orother device. How does it work? Augmented reality:WhatsThatdetects prominent places around you. Based on yourlocation &your device angle, our algorithm marks them on thecamera screen,so you see the places on your screen and a markerabove them withthe names of the places and its ranges. Locationdetection: Whenyou take a photo, WhatsThat draws an imaginaryparallel line fromyour camera lens to the ground. The app worksunder any lighting orother condition because it is based on theangle of your device,your location and the area’s topography. Youwill get the sameresult in pitch black conditions or behind a wall.Getting the bestresult: • Ensure that your device’s reception isoptimal: note thesymbol in the top left corner of your cameradisplay. It will gofrom green to yellow to red as receptionweakens. • Press thesymbol for instructions on how to improve yourreception. • Makesure your compass is accurate. Keep the deviceaway from metals andother things which may disrupt the compass •Aim at a point on theground. For example, if you are looking at abuilding, aim at thepoint at which the building meets the ground. •Activate alllocation services: GPS satellites and wirelessnetworks. • Within abuilding or when GPS is not active specify youraltitude (buildingicon on the left) Accuracy: WhatsThat’s accuracyis influenced bythe accuracy of your GPS & other locationservices, yourcompass & movement sensor, and topographicaldatabases. Theaverage margin of error is 10%, given optimal deviceconditions -when GPS is working and your device compass isaccurate. That is,if the object is 1 km away, there may an error ofup to 100 mtrs.We are always striving to improve our accuracy.Permission &Their Usage: Access to camera & locationservices. Media Files:To save photos that you take with the camera.Network: To load themap, terrain data, etc. WhatsThat sendsanonymized statisticalinformation for improvements. Stay in touch!Email questions,suggestions and ideas to: [email protected]
Travel Cost Calculator 1.2.1
Torben Pehlke
With the travelling cost calculatoryoucaneasily calculate the expenses for a drive. You just havetoenterthe average economy, the gas/petrol price, the numberofcarpassengers and the distance – the app is calculating howhightheexpenses are per person.You don’t know how far the distance between the two citiesis?Thetravelling cost calculator helps you with the calculation:youjusthave to enter the point of departure and the finaldestinationandthe distance is being calculated.Features:* automatic distance calculation and visualization /selectaroute* save and restore values* input for fixed and variable costs* hide optional input fields* different units supported* calculate gas costs