Top 7 Apps Similar to Dairy Body Condition Scoring

Grazing Calculator 3.0.2
Louise Hathaway
A quick and simple way to calculate a number ofcommongrazingrelated equations used by dairy and beef farmers. Thisappis thebrainchild of a dairy farmer, who wanted a fast and easywayforhim and his workers to be able to do grazingrelatedcalculations,and was designed and developed in collaborationwithhis sister,with input from other farmers and farmadvisors.Designed to beused out on the farm and on the go, this appmakes itquick, easyand simple for anyone working on a dairy or beeffarm -regardlessof their level of experience and knowledge - to getthenumbersthey need, when they need them. About the calculators(visitourwebsite for more detailed descriptions): ● Days in Paddock-Workout the approximate number of days to leave a specificnumberofcows in a paddock using either: ◦ kgDM/cow orlbDM/cowallocation,paddock size, cover and residual. ◦ m2/cow/dayoryd2/cow/dayallocation and paddock size - These results can thenbeused tocalculate approximately where to put the break fence inapaddock.● DM/Cow/Day - Work out approximately how manykgDM/cow/dayorlbDM/cow/day you will get from a paddock based onpaddocksize,cover, residual, number of cows and number of days. -Thisresultcan then be used to calculate approximately where to putthebreakfence in a paddock ● Crop Allocation - Work outtheapproximatearea of crop to allocate and the approximate numberofdays you canleave the cows in a paddock based on yield, thenumberof cows, thekgDM/cow/day or lbDM/cow/day required and paddockarea.- Thisresult can then be used to calculate approximately wheretoput thebreak fence in a paddock ● Pre-Grazing Cover - Workouttheapproximate target pre-grazing cover or the paddocktriggerlevelbased on stocking rate, intake, round length orrotation andtheoptimum residual. ● Average Pasture Cover - Workouttheapproximate average pasture cover for your farmbasedthepre-grazing cover and optimum residual. Enter thevaluesdirectlyor use the result from the Pre-Grazing Covercalculator.OtherFeatures: ● Choose to do the calculations in Metric(kg,metres,hectares) or US (lbs, yards, acres) system ofmeasurement.On firstinstalling the app will be promoted to choosefrom usingeither theMetric or US system of measurement. You canchange theselectedunits at any time via the Settings. ● Share theresult ofthecalculation using any of the available options on yourdevice.●Settings options for the shared content: - send answeronly,orsend the answer and variables - include or don't includeunits-always edit before sending, never edit or choose eachtimewhetheredit or not ● Add a note after completing thecalculatione.g.paddock or mob name. This note will be included inthesharedcontent. ———————————————————————— Thanks to everyone whohasgivenfeedback and suggestions! It has been very useful inhelpingusimprove the app. We are always looking for ways to maketheappbetter, so please contact us if you have anyfeedbackorsuggestions.
Tambero Cattle Management 2.58
Improve your farm and manage your cattle directly from the field.
Esteio Controle de Leite e CMT 1.0.1
O Esteio App é um aplicativo para auxiliar produtores de leitenogerenciamento de suas propriedades, no qual é possível anotarasinformações de Controle Leiteiro e CMT, e em seguida verificarasinformações sobre a eficiência da produção diária e mensal,comprevisão de perdas em R$! Esta é uma versão beta do aplicativo.Emcaso de dúvidas, críticas e sugestões nos enviem peloe-mail:[email protected]. #esteiocontrole
Daily Dairy 1
Mary Ledman
Dairy markets are tough enoughtounderstand—whyshould accessing the information be eventougher?The Daily Dairy appwas designed with our subscribers inmind—it’ssimple andstraightforward—and helps “connect the dots” indairymarkets. Withover 50 years of experience in dairy markets,thecreators of theDaily Dairy app have assembled a wealth ofdairymarket information,now available at your fingertips.Staying connected to dairy markets while on the go hasgotteneveneasier. The Daily Dairy app highlights CME daily cashcheese,butter,and nonfat dry milk (NDM) spot market action withinminutesof theclose. Additionally, Daily Dairy recaps weekly CMEprices,averagesand trading volumes, and provides a concise reviewofdaily futuressettlement prices for nearby milk, dairyproducts,grain, oilseed,and cattle contracts.This streamlined market access provides currentpriceinformation,the latest dairy reports from the U.S. DepartmentofAgriculture,corn and livestock markets, and internationaldairyreports. DailyDairy, “Futures Markets” connects directly totheCME Group’s delayedquotes on all active futures andoptionscontracts for Class III,Class IV, Cheese, Whey, NDM,Butter, Corn,Soybean and Live Cattlecontracts.In addition, subscribers have access to the Daily DairyReport,asuccinct newsletter offering commentary with a freshvoiceandperspective on topics affecting the dairy sector. Thisreporthasbecome a staple for thousands in the industry. TheDailyDairyReport features a market section with analysis andinsightfrom topindustry economists and market specialists as wellas dailymarketdata.
Monitor your KPI’s on the dashboard.Registerevents and have all essential cow information atyourfingertips.UNIFORM App is the application for mobile use of theUNIFORM-Agri5.0 herd management software. This easy to use App hasa FarmerFinger Interface, large buttons that are easy to useforfarmers.The UNIFORM App gives the user a tool to check cowinformationon:- Reproduction- Milk production- Health- Transponders- MovementsThe following actions on an individual or group level canbeentered:- Heat/Insemination- Calving- Health & treatments- Sale/Death- Pregnancy check- Condition scores- Concentrate amount- Dry off- Milking- Group changesActionlists are provided on:- Heat- Calving- Dry off- Pregnancy check- Vet Check- TasksTry our app or find more info at: or contactusat: +31(0)592 -39 49 59
Nutridietas LAC 1.4
Elaborado com o objetivo de atender aumacrescente necessidade de mercado no qual produtores etécnicosnecessitam dispor de informações mais detalhadas e precisasparaatender as exigências nutricionais dos planteis de leite ecorte.As informações nele contidas estão baseadas nas recomendaçõesdaNRC e de dados produzidos ao longo dos anos pelasprincipaisuniversidades brasileiras, além de conceitos práticosvivenciadospelo quadro técnico Nutrifarma.Opções do sistema:Cadastros:- Empresa, Produtor, Técnico.- Ingredientes: Possibilita a cada profissional criar suaprópriabiblioteca de alimentos dentro do sistema através dainserção denovos produtos de acordo com as bromatologias einformaçõesregionais e sazonais.- Animais: através do registro dos animais da propriedade facilitaaformação e o manejo dos lotes, além de manter o históricodeprodução de leite.Formulação de dieta:O programa permite a elaboração de dietas para as fases:VacasLactação, Vacas Pré-Parto e Novilhas.- Dados de produção- Seleção de Ingredientes- Ajuste de parâmetros de custos e níveis bromatológicos- Formulação da dietaRelatórios:- Dieta Total-- TMR – Total Mix- Mix ConcentradoPrepared in order tomeeta growing market need in which producers and technicians needtohave more detailed and accurate information to meet thenutritionalrequirements of dairy and beef herds. The informationcontainedherein is based on the NRC recommendations and dataproduced overthe years by major Brazilian universities, andpractical conceptsexperienced by Nutrifarma technical staff.System Options:Entries:- Company, Producer, Technical.- Ingredients: It allows every professional create your ownfoodlibrary within the system by inserting new products accordingtobromatologias and regional and seasonal information.- Animals: by recording animal ownership facilitates theformationand management of the lots, and maintain milkproductionhistory.Diet Formulation:The program allows the preparation of diets for phases:LactationCows, Pre-Birth Cows and Heifers.- Production data- Ingredients Selection- Adjustment of cost parameters and levels bromatológicos- Diet FormulationReports:- Diet totally- TMR - Total Mix- Mix Concentrate
Valacta 6.0.0
The Valacta mobile app allows easy and convenient accesstoyourdairy herd and cow information, always at your fingertips.Muchofthe key production, components and SCC data provided byValactaarenow available through the app. You must be enrolled onValactamilkrecording services and the Valacta mobile option inorder tobeable to use this app. Access to data is controlledthroughsecurelogin credentials.