Top 13 Apps Similar to Vodafone ePokladna Lite

Point of Sale CASHFIX App 1.185
Perfect Cash Register for your business. Track yourSales,Inventoryand Employees with easy to use Android system.It'sperfectcombination of online & offline system. Doesnotrequire networkconnection to operate. •  Track yourcompletebusiness retailoperations •  Control your employees andimproveyour businessSUITABLE FOR • Hospitality and restaurantbusiness• Servicebusinesses • Convenience stores • Mobile salesforcemanagementFEATURES • Cash and Credit Card Sales • DetailedSalesReports• Multi-user support • Remote management (onlinefromWeb)• Reservations calendar • Customer ManagementSystem• CashManagement • Printer support (Bluetooth, LAN, Wireless,USB)• SumUp Payment Terminal Support •  Litecoin andCryptocurrencyPOSLOCAL FEATURES • Supports Electronic Online CashRegisterfeaturesin following Countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia,Poland,Indonesia
Dotypos PoS system 1.236.26
The Dotypos app, used with a high-quality touch cashregisterandother accessories, presents an affordablepoint-of-salebusinesssolution for gastronomy, accommodationservices, shops orprovidersof various services. Dotypos offers manyuseful featuresthat helpyou manage your business with ease and keepattractingnewcustomers. It means you are not getting just a PoSsystem, butalsoa reliable helping hand for your operation. Try thefullversion ofthe Dotypos app FOR FREE FOR 30 DAYS • The Dotyposapp issuitablefor small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, stand sales, craftsmen andsoletraders andall other types of services and business • Fivesystemsin one –PoS, stock, reservation, attendance and ordering •Alsooffers adetailed overview of your operation, stock andemployees •Runs onthe Android platform • Includes an easy-to-enableEETfeature •Works offline; no internet connection required •Automateddatabasebackups in case the internet connection or EETserver goesdownMain benefits: • 24/7 technical and customer support•Unlimitednumber of items, categories and receipts •Stockmanagement –Stocktaking, warehouse management,operations,ingredients • Cloud– detailed overviews, reports andcharts •Detailed text and videoguides • Regular updates includingchangesin legislation Featuresfor restaurants and cafés: • MobileWaiter –ordering right at thetable • Warehouses – stocktaking,batch stockin, ingredients,warehouse operations… • Cloud – fullcontrol overyour business atany time and anywhere • Free ordersystem – • Loyaltyprogrammes, happy hours, sales andpromos •Connecting othersystems – Order, accounting or camerasystems andPoS terminalsFeatures for shops and services: • Connectyour PoS toan e-shop •Stock system – ingredients, batch stock in,stocktaking,supplieroverview • Detailed reports, overviews andcharts in aCloud •Support for connecting certified scales, barcodereadersandoptional accessories • Accepting bonus, customer anddiscountcards• Making reservations via a reservation system •Option ofusingmultiple reg. numbers at one PoS Integrations andconnections:•Order system – Vyzvednisi, Adaptee Gastro • Shoptet –connectyourPoS to an e-shop • Connecting PoS terminals, theNetrexcamerasystem or to Qerko • Using an API, the PoS can beconnectedtoother accounting, reservation, information or ERPsystems. APoSsystem for small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, craftsmen and soletraders,hairdressers,cosmeticians and various other types ofbusiness…
AWIS Pokladny
The next generation of electroniccountersis here! Counters for touchscreens, tablets, mobilephones orother Android-based devices. What is included in thePEXESO CounterApp: Counter for restaurants, Counter for shops, andPersonalPEXESO counter for personal account management. Keep recordofexpenses: dinner, electricity, rent etc...★ BILL WITH OUR CASH MACHINE FOR FREE! ★WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE COUNTER★ counter system solution for RESTAURANTS★ counter system solution for SHOPS★ counter system solution for STALLS★ PERSONAL COUNTER (income and expenditure management)WHAT THE COUNTER CAN DO★ unlimited number of items and accounts (only thepaidversion)★ stock management (only the paid version)★ automatic layout of tables, groups and items★ allows customize the user interface - drag and drop,color,size★ is divided into groups, subgroups, items★ print bills even with you own logoADVANTAGES★ the PEXESO counter is designed for maximum ease of use andswiftbilling★ user-friendly interface★ colorful and friendly designSTATISTICS (only the paid version)★ track user statistics★ counts staff clicks★ measures the speed of billing★ evaluates the best member of staff★ heightens staff effectivity★ increases staff motivation★ complete stock managementFor HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE PEXESO COUNTERinstructionalvideo click here counter system solution for restaurants, checkoutforcafe, checkout for shops, pexeso, bill, print, POS
Vodafone OneNet CZ 1.2 b2015-10-01
V dnešní době je mobilní telefon používán k mnoha jinýmúčelům,nežje telefonování. Pořizování fotek, e-mailovákomunikace,navigace vmapě, poslech hudby nebo hledání v jízdníchřádech jsoudnes jednyz běžných činností na chytrém mobilnímtelefonu. Ne vždysi alepřejete být rušeni hovory. Není úplněžádoucí brát hovoryběhemjednání nebo během zasloužené dovolené.Možná můžete hovorvzít,ale určitě ne vyřídit. Telefon není možnéjednoduše „přepnoutnatichý profil nebo nebrat“, jak je to dosudčastou praxí.Dále,pokud se nacházíte po určitou dobu mimo signál,volajícím seozývájen něco jako „Volaný je dočasně nedostupný,zkustezavolatpozději.“ a vy se nemáte jak postarat ovolajícíhozákazníka. Protojsme pro vás vytvořili aplikaci VodafoneOneNet prochytré mobilnítelefony. - Aplikace umožňuje nastavit tzv.Důvodnepřítomnosti.Tedy hlášku, která volajícímu oznámí, ženemůžetehovor vyzvednout,z jakého důvodu a také kdy to bude opětmožné.Zároveň mu nabídnemožnost spojit se přímo s vaším kolegou,kteréhosi v aplikacinastavíte, anebo přepojit do hlasové schránky.Hláškaje stáleaktivní, i když telefon vypnete nebo se nacházítemimosignál. Mátetím také jistotu, že o volajícího je vždy„postaráno“.Můžete sinastavit čísla, která se vám mohou dovolatpřímo zakaždýchokolností, např. rodinní příslušníci, váš nadřízený,apod.-Aplikace také slouží jako komfortní vstup doVodafoneOneNetmobilní samoobsluhy. Vodafone OneNet mobilnísamoobsluhaumožňujenastavení dalších služeb, jako je napříkladpřesměrovánítelefonu,přesměrování hlasových zpráv na e-mail nebozjištěnímnožstvívyčerpaných dat z vašeho datového tarifu. -Aplikaci mohoupoužítjen zákazníci Vodafone OneNet v ČeskéRepublice.
Point of Sale LILKA 2.6.69
Fast and easy to use Point of Sale application for issuingreceipts.• Print receipts on thermal bluetooth printer • Noregistration, nomontly or extra charges Functions: • Multi-purposePOS application •Creating receipts with VAT • Sales reports • Cashregistry reports •Managing products • Managing bills / receipts •Permissions forcashiers and managers • Interface for printing onWiFi and Bluetooththermal printers • Emailing receips • CSVexports for accounting •Prepared for electronical collection ofbills (applicable for Czechbased companies) • BIP44, xpub and HDrecipient addresses • Bitcoinand Litecoin payments support •Cryptocurrency exchange • Bitcoinprice and transactionidentifications on receipts • Directconversion of bitcoin paymentsto national currencies Device Recommended setupis minimum Android 4.4 withthermal bluetooth printer. ANDROIDWINDOWS: DEMO version • Maximum 10 receipts • Limited cashoperationsContact: [email protected] (c) ArrowSyss.r.o.
POS Point of Sale - Cash Regis 1.10.48
POS Point of Sale - Cash Register
LILKA PoS 1.2.1
ArrowSys s.r.o.
Functions- Interface for thermal bluetooth printer- Cash operations- Items/products- Receipts/bills- CSV exports for accountingFunctions:• Multi-purpose PoS application• Creating receipts with VAT• Sales reports• Cash registry reports• Managing products• Managing bill / receipt• Bluetooth interface for thermal printers• CSV exports from 7/2015Electronical collection of bills(Elektronickáevidencetržeb)• sample EET from 7/2015• posting receipts according to EET standards• managing unsent receipts.DeviceApplications works on Android 4.1 and higher, bluetoothprinterhasto be paired in the device settings and after specifiedintheapplications settings.For the best performance of the app we recommend usersAndroid4.4and bluetooth termal printer DL58.Contacts:[email protected](c) ArrowSys s.r.o.
Vodafone Mobile@Work
Mobile@Work from Vodafone GlobalEnterprisegives you the opportunity to use your Android device tomanage bothyour work and personal activities.The application gives you the freedom to utilize a wide rangeofAndroid applications for personal use, confident in theknowledgethat you will always be using your Android device withinyour ITteams guidelines and your company data is secure.Use it to get access to further applications that have alreadybeenapproved by your internal IT team.This service requires central integration by your IT team. Ifyoufeel this service could be of benefit to your ogranisationpleasecontact your local IT team and ask them to contact theirVodafoneaccount manager. Alternatively, contact us at the linkbelow.
Vodafone Mitarbeiterapp 3.1.0
Vodafone GmbH
V – das ist die App (nicht nur) für alle MitarbeitervonVodafoneDeutschland. Hier gibt es News, Geschichten und VideosausdemUnternehmen. Zusätzlich hast du über die App alleweiterenKanälevon Vodafone vereint: Zum Beispiel dasOnline-MagazinFeatured oderaktuelle Presse-News. Als Mitarbeiterkannst du dichregistrierenund hast so Zugang zu weiterenFunktionen.
Vodafone Meet Anywhere 2.1.8
Easily and effortlessly manage your day from one application.Makeyour work what you do and not where you are - get the best useofyour time and free your meetings from the office with clear,simplefeatures enabling you to manage your virtual meetings whileon themove. See who joins, dial out invites, record or take noteswhilemanaging your delegates on the call – all from your mobile. Nolongnumber sequences to remember or type in, just click to joinandclick to invite. Key features: • One click Meeting •Schedulingmeeting from the app • Full conference control • Fullparticipantvisibility • Conference and account security Support foraudioconferencing, WebEx and S4B Support for video conferencing -NEWPlease note that this application will only work for users whoholda valid Vodafone Conferencing account from VodafoneGlobalEnterprise To know more about Vodafone Conferencing servicepleasevisit:
Microinvest DataCollector 3.07.008
Microinvest DataCollector for Android isanadvanced barcode scanning app that provides automation ofstockcontrol and inventory management. The newest Microinvest appallowsimplementation of digital customer service, remote connectionwithPOS system. Using Microinvest DataCollector for Androidwillincrease every salesman’s effectiveness and as a resultmorecustomers will be served.All the specifics of everyday work were taken intoconsiderationwhile developing Microinvest DataCollector forAndroid. As a resultthe app is modified to meet all cashiers needsproviding an optimumbalance between simplicity and efficiency. Theuser-friendlyinterface offers a smooth navigation of item inventoryand stocks.Microinvest DataCollector for Android will improve thecustomerservice and efficiency and increase revenue generationcapabilityof the business.The advantages, which Microinvest DataCollector for Androidgivesyou:1. Incredibly fast work of the salesman and convenienceinaccomplishing their daily activities;2. Intuitive interface, easy to learn and accessible toeverycashier;3. Optimization of the time for inventory control withensuringminimal processing time for an operation;4. Low system requirements for the hardware device andcompatibilitywith wide range of Android devices;5. Integration with many computer systems for POS business.6. Multilanguage support, easy to translate toanotherlanguage;7. Adaptable to client’s or software company requirements;8. Irreplaceable assistant in customer service.Microinvest DataCollector for Android might work in 4differentregimes for data exchange:1. As a part of the Microinvest Warehouse Pro POS softwaresystem( through acentralSQL server (MS SQL or MySQL). On-Line or Off-Line modeofwork;2. Demo mode with autonomously embedded database withoutconnectionto another system.A big advantage of the app is the ability for connectionviaWi-Fi and GPRS technology which allows remote work andaccumulationof sales to a central server, operating in a networkandmulti-users interface.Install the app and check how it works with real data. Changethesettings and enjoy Microinvest DataCollector for Androidbenefits!For more information visit
Cash Register - FREE 2.0.21
Are you looking for an alternative to enter the items ofyourfoodstall, garage sale or any other kind of sales booth?Thiscashregister offers the solution! Usually, big sales dealslackthespace and power supply to plug in a great cashregister.However,sales people can make use of a technology ofwhicheverybodydisposes anyway: use the cash register app and turnyoursmartphone into a cash register! At the moment, youreceiveourapplication as a 1-place solution: all items are beingenteredonyour user -respectively cashier- account. Look forwardtotheupcoming updates: we’re working on an option thatletsseveralcashiers enter the items at the same time. Then,thisapplicationwill clearly facilitate an attribution of entereditemsto therespective cashier and thus facilitates your accountatclosingtime. Currently, you can already use thefollowinghighlights ofthis proceeding application for free: +automaticallysumming up ofthe entered items: you save a lot of timewhileaccounting atclosing time or shift changeover + speedandassortment of goods atseller’s option: per each sheet, 20 keyscanbe allocatedindividually so that the respective goods andtheirexact price canbe booked with just one single click. Havingmorethan 20 goods,you can individually arrange them on severalsinglesheets saving20 goods per sheet. + no need of any knowledgeofprogramming: thebuttons and their allocation can be varied inaclearly-arrangedchart + the sold goods and the number of itemscaneasily beexported. You can already check in the evening whichitemswerebestsellers of the day and which items do not have tobereorderedright away. + a better overview, especially fornewemployees:various colours (for example for food and drinks)offer abetterusability + facts and figures: using this application,youreceivea fast survey of the total revenue and especiallyitsattributionto respective products It has never been easiertoreceive a surveyof the daily successes for self-employees.Pleasenotice that thisapplication is in process of development andis anoffer free ofcharge. It practically offers all functions of acashregister.However, we cannot guarantee a legally compliantaccountat themoment since this would require a full permissionoftaxauthorities. The cash register application is a toolwhichoffers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannot replace thefulllegaldocumentation though. Please mind your tax computationandadhereto deadlines on your own responsibility. The programmerof„cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
 Before reallytestingtheapplication, have a look at the application’s featuresand testthebest allocation of the buttons. If you’re reallyenthusiasticaboutour application, we are looking forward to anevaluationwhichprovides an orientation for other users. If youhavesuggestionsfor improvement or remark anything that does notworkproperly yet,we are looking forward to your feedbackbeingaddressed to:[email protected] Let us know what does notansweryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
Podnikateľ má možnosť v aplikácii VRP evidovať tržbuajednoduchovytvárať a tlačiť pokladničné doklady spĺňajúcezákonompovinnéúdaje. Podnikateľ má možnosť spravovať si svojetovary aslužby avyhotovovať uzávierky. Aplikácia taktiež poskytujeprehľadvšetkýchvystavených dokladov s možnosťou vytlačeniakópiedokladu.Aplikácia VRP je poskytovaná FinančnýmriaditeľstvomSlovenskejrepubliky na základe znenia zákona č.289/2008 Z. z. SR opoužívaníelektronickej registračnej pokladniceplatného od1.4.2015, ktoráspĺňa požiadavky na virtuálnu registračnúpokladnicupodľa § 4atohto zákona.