Top 8 Apps Similar to Účtenkovka OCR + QR (Babiš…)

Mobile Waiter 2.0.9
The Mobile Waiter application serves as an additionalcashregister(mobile terminal), typically used in restaurants totakeordersfrom guests right at the table. Mobile Waiter also findsitsuse invarious stores where you can add items to the orderwhilestillconsulting the customer. The application is fullysynchronizedanddisplays items and categories from the mainconnected andpairedcash register. Mobile Waiter offers: • Searchingfor itemsandadding them to the order • Parking orders • Settlingorders•Printing receipts (after pairing with a mobileBluetoothprinter)Main benefits of Mobile Waiter: • In the busiestsituationssuch aslunch breaks or weekend evenings, your service canmanage totakecare of all your customers quickly and with fullcontrol. •UsingMobile Waiter will make it possible for you to serveahighernumber of guests with a lower number of staffthanpreviously. •Thanks to Mobile Waiter, not only are theguest’sorders taken morequickly, but they can also enjoy theirorderedrefreshments soonerand get their check faster. • Cashregistersynchronization worksperfectly. It means the service staffwillnever lose track oforders and all the important data staysneatlyin one place. MobileWaiter is available for the Dotypos FULLandUNLIMITED licencetypes, where with Dotypos FULL, only oneMobileWaiter isavailable. We offer an 8” tablet and a mobileBluetoothprinter forinstalling Mobile Waiter. However, you caninstallMobile Waiter onany smart device with the followingrequirements: •Android 5.0 andhigher • Display resolution of atleast 1024 x 768px We can onlyoffer a 100% functionality guaranteeon our owndevices for MobileWaiter. Because of the open nature ofthe Androidsystem andmodifications made by the individualmanufacturers, wecannotguarantee trouble-free use on other devices.
Mobile Inventory PRO
LISTS Application for creation of multiple, userdefined,barcodebased lists. List examples : * Store/Warehouseinventory *Shippingdocuments * Warehouse receipts * Purchase ordersforsuppliers *Fixed assets inventory Also * Verify item ( name,price,stock )BARCODE SCANNING Application enables item barcodeinputviakeyboard, Bluetooth barcode scanner, integratedscannerorintegrated camera. IMPORT DATA Item data can be importedfrom:*Excel tables * Csv files * Directly from SQL databasesoverWI-FIEXPORT DATA Inventory lists can be exported to: *Excel/CSVfile,which can be sent by e-mail * Directly into SQLdatabasesoverWI-FI Feel freely to contact us by e-mail, we'll makesuretoanswer all your questions -> [email protected]
Barcode Scanner+ (Plus)
Barcode Scanner+, from Sean Owen of ZXingTeam,uses the camera on your device to read barcodes of all kinds.Afterscanning barcodes you find on products, for example, youcandiscover prices and reviews for it. Or, when scanningnewertwo-dimensional barcodes, like QR Codes, you can accesscontactinformation, bookmarks, web site links and moreinside.Barcode Scanner+ is an enhanced version of the popular, freeBarcodeScanner application, which is a product of the ZXingopen-sourcebarcode scanning library from Google. Barcode Scanner+is based onthe same code, and has been developed by one of the twoprimaryauthors of the original Barcode Scanner, Sean Owen.As of 2015, 100% of revenue (after Google Play fees) goes tobenefitan environmental cause like the World Wildlife Fund ortheRainforest Alliance. $10,120 has been donated from January 2015toDec 2016.Barcode Scanner+ includes all of Barcode Scanner'sfunctionality,and is intended as a drop-in replacement for BarcodeScanner. Itadds several enhancements:Better barcode scanning- New image processing algorithm for detection of 1Dbarcodeformats, including UPC and EAN product codes- Uses both cores of dual-core processors- Optionally, scan for Aztec and PDF417 barcodes (note:PDF417support is 'alpha' quality)- Rewritten to take advantage of Java 6, Android 2.2+ APIs,andlatest Android SDK featuresRefined user interface- Now scan in tall "portrait" orientation, in additionto"landscape" orientation- More intuitive pattern-based scanning guide- Streamlined and improved user interface elements- Android 4 and tablet device support- Expanded Help screensNew features- Decode a barcode from an image file- Option to scan light-on-dark barcodes- Activate device's LED light to scan in low light- Basic support for scanning NFC tags- Amazon product informationAlso available in "simple" version, without functionalitythatrequires special permission. See "Barcode Scanner+Simple".Purchasing this application also supports development of theZXingopen-source barcode scanning library.Barcode Scanner+ does not collect, store or transmitinformationabout its users, nor usage of the application. Theapplicationaccesses personal information such as contacts andbookmarks onlyin order to implement application functionality, suchas sharingcontacts and bookmarks by QR Codes on screen.(aka Barcode Scanner Plus)
OrderLord POS (Point of Sale, Orders, Receipts) 3.2.4
OrderLord POS (Point of Sale) app helps restaurants tomanagethewhole delivery process OrderLord POS brings TOP featuresforyou: •Multifunctional Point of Sale system • Delivery,collection,storeorders • Table management system - preview, fullyeditable,tabledetail, many options • SumUp payment terminalsupport•Implementation of Slovak, Czech, Italian,Russian,Bulgarian,Italian, Greek fiscalization system • Support ofmultiplebrandsunder the single restaurant • Map of orders +restaurants +drivers+ map layers • Orders history - searchingorders by ID,phonenumber or other filters • Caller ID functionality-dynamicallycreate orders for the customer, who are justcallinginto yourrestaurant • Creating deliveries, dispatch to thedriver •Cashoutfrom/to the driver, cash from/to the register •Creatingorders -many inputs, searching by address,postcode,addingfoods/deals/pizza deals, adding fees, discounts,filteringfoods byfood codes, and many more... • Multiple countriessupportforautocomplete purposes • Signing by password or PIN•Sorting,filtering of orders • Sound notifications for newincomingorders,deliveries, adding/removing food, and many more...•Manycustomization settings - more than 100 settings... • Parkingoftheorder, calculator, number formatting options,customizablesounds,notifications, change the text sizes •Application istranslatedinto multiple languages • Printing labels,receipts, andkitchenreceipts for orders - customize printingdepending on theordertype, by restaurants or brands, the number ofreprints,opening thecash drawer, cutting of the paper, and manyothers... •Printerssupported: Aures, Epson, USB printers, Atol,Datecs, Zebra,Star,Bixolon, Brother, Honeywell, Seiko, Citizen,Cashino,XPrinter,Bluetooth printers, Esc/POS • Support differenttabletresolutionsIf you are not using OrderLord and you would liketolearn more,check out [email protected] toschedule a demo.
Barcode Scanner+ Simple
Barcode Scanner+ Simple, from Sean OwenofZXing Team, uses the camera on your device to read barcodes ofallkinds. After scanning barcodes you find on products, forexample,you can discover prices and reviews for it. Or, whenscanning newertwo-dimensional barcodes, like QR Codes, you canaccess contactinformation, bookmarks, web site links and moreinside.As of 2015, 100% of revenue (after Google Play fees) goestobenefit an environmental cause like the World Wildlife Fund ortheRainforest Alliance. $6,920 has been donated sinceJanuary2015.This version removes or disables most functionality thatrequirespecial permissions, including: send history, send barcode,scanfrom file, configure wi-fi, and vibration.Please search for Barcode Scanner+ for the original versionwithcomplete functionality.(aka Barcode Scanner Plus Simple)
W&O Restaurant POS Pro 12.10.2
Over 500k users, easy to use, save time and money, no monthlyfee,must try.
SCANPET New - Inventory & Barcode Scanner 7.36
Barcode scanner & Inventory app (SCANPET NEW) is abarcodescanner, an inventory management system and a Wifi barcodescannerin one app. It is thought to help you to manage yourwarehouseinventory, and your home or business inventory. SCANPETNEW will dofast stock-taking and management. It also helps inmanagingpurchase orders and sales orders. And it does the workusing anintegrated QR & barcode scanner but it can work alsowithoutbarcodes. So it is a complete app to run your businessinventory,your music or book collections or any kind of homeinventory frommobile. SCANPET NEW is a the new versión of the oldSCANPET app. Itis the app for the future, the one that will receiveallimprovements and support for new devices. This application havealot of powerful configuration options, and can be adaptedforalmost every situation. For example you can use thisbarcodescanner as: * Product Scanner: It is a barcode reader (yourdevicewill work as a barcode terminal) * Inventory Manager: It isawarehouse manager & stock taking tool. Here you can use thebarcode scanner as a helpful tool. But the app could stillworkwithout using it. * Use it also as an inventory tracker. *Storeinventory and stock managing: handle the stock of your storeorwarehouse: Items are divided into categories that areidentifiedwith a barcode. Register how many elements of eachproduct categoryyou have. This means stock control. * Inventory ofseparate items:Build a movies collection, DVD collection, etc *Wi-Fi Scanner(WIFI terminal): Use this if you need to scan thebarcode directlyinto a document on your computer. This means thephone will readthe barcode and will send it through WIFI to yourcomputer. It willbe a Wi-Fi terminal. * GPS Points of Interest(POIs): record GPScoordinates of the places you visit, likemonuments, cities, beach,etc * Others possibilities: SCANPETfeatures, don't finish here.Please take a time to explore, you canconfigure everything! likesales management, payments, shipmentmanager, meetings attendanceor build accounting reports from theoutput Excel file on yourcomputer, etc And everything on the go!,using bar code scanner ornot bulid your inventory. The SCANPET NEWbarcode scanner supportthese formats: UPC-A,UPC-E EAN-8,EAN-13 Code39 Code 93 Code 128 QRITF Codabar RSS-14 SCANPET NEW can handle twokind of inventories(Excel spreedsheet): - Group inventories (eachitem is a categorywith a count number): This is the best choicefor: * ecommercesolutions. * home and store inventories (if we wantto control thestock) * etc - Individual inventories or collectionof items (eachrow on the Excel is a separate item): This is thebest choice for:* Manage CD and DVD inventories (movies and musiccollections)using barcode scanner or typing * As individualinventories saves anew row for each scan, you can also go furtherand control inputsand outputs of your store, like sales orshipments. Or even furtherand use it as an attendance app (use itat meetings or school). *etc SCANPET supports all Excel formats(old xls and the new xlsxformat)
iDoklad 15.744
Solitea, a.s.
Co na srdci, to na faktuře. Od května 2021 je mobilníappkaiDokladplnohodnotným nástrojem na faktury. Pokud běháte zeschůzkynaschůzku nebo neradi pracujete na počítači, kvůlifakturacihonemusíte vůbec zapínat. Přes mobilní appkuzařídítekompletníagendu: ● nastavíte si údaje o vlastní firměneboživnosti, ●založíte adresář klientů nebo ceník, ● propojíteiDokladsbankovním účtem, ● nastavíte si automatické upomínkyapoděkováníza úhradu, ● sestavíte cenovou nabídku, ● pošletejiklientovi keschválení, ● vystavíte zálohovku neboklasickoufakturu, ● odešletemu ji jako přílohu e-mailu nebo odkazemkestažení, ● zjistíte,jaké jsou vaše příjmy a výdaje. A mnohemvíc.Mobilní aplikace jesynchronizovaná s webovou aplikací iDoklad.Cozměníte na mobilu,to se upraví i ve webové verzi – a obráceně.Jakzačít? Stáhněte siaplikaci, zaregistrujte se v ní, vyplňte údajeosvé firmě neboživnosti a je to. První fakturu vystavíte zapárminut. Zvládneteto klidně při čekání na schůzku, z chalupynebovlaku. Poregistraci máte 60 dnů zdarma na vyzkoušení všechfunkcí azákladnífakturaci budete mít k dispozici i poté.