Top 17 Apps Similar to Czech Public Transport IDOS

Pubtran 5.19.2
What happened?Due to demands of transport info supplier, Pubtran couldnotcontinue as a free application. To save the app, and quickly rebuilt it on their data.Unfortunately, as aresult we will temporarily lose somefunctionality. We work hard onrestoring the app, and making itbetter than it was before.We will be glad if you tell us what to improve. Thank you foryourpatience.
RegioJet 3.40.2
Train & bus tickets
PID Litacka 3.9.12
Official transport application of Prague integrated transportsystem(PID)
Heureka - vybírej úžasně 23.10.03
Download it free and the best prices of Czech and Slovake-commercein your pocket.
Jakdojade: public transport 5.4.2
Public transport essentials: timetables, tickets, and navigation
Slovak Lines - Bus Tickets 3.9.18
Slovak Lines
Bus tickets to Vienna, Prague, Košice and beyond.
Memory Stamps
David Strnad
Collect tourist stamps and stickers, create your tourist diaryinthe phone.
Offline Jízdní řády CG Transit 3.3.7
CG Transit umožňuje offline vyhledávánívjízdních řádech vlaků, autobusů a MHD v ČR a SK.Offline vyhledávání znamená výhodu nejen pro uživatele bezdatovéhotarifu, ale hodí se všem, kdo potřebují často a rychlevyhledávat vjízdních řádech v místech se špatným pokrytím - tedynapř. přicestování vlakem, metrem apod.Aplikace nabízí moderní, propracované rozhraní, kteréjepřizpůsobené i pro tablety a nově také pro hodinky naplatforměAndroid Wear. Kromě klasického vyhledávání spojeníumožňuje takénaplánovat si trasu na mapě, zobrazit odjezdy spojů zblízkýchzastávek nebo vyhledání linky podle jména.Klíčové vlastnosti:★ Atraktivní "Material" design aplikace★ Funkce "Vyhledávání spojení": Klasické vyhledávání spojení Odkud→(Přes) → Kam★ Funkce "Hledání na mapě": Vyhledávání spojení na mapěvdvoupanelovém rozhraní★ Funkce "Odjezdy ze zastávek": Rychlé zobrazení zastávek sodjezdyspojů v okolí nebo ze zadaného místa★ Funkce "Seznam linek": Seznam linek resp. spojů v jízdním řádůsmožností vyhledávání podle názvu linky a se všemipotřebnýmiinformacemi★ Pokročilý našeptávač zastávek a adresních bodů s chytrýmřazením,se zobrazováním čísel linek u zastávek MHD a s možnostíuloženíadresy pod vlastním názvem (Doma, Práce...)★ Automatické aktualizace jízdních řádů přes Wi-Fi★ Přizpůsobení pro tablety★ Samostatná aplikace pro hodinky Android WearData poskytují společnosti CHAPS spol. s r.o. a Inprop s.r.o.Za vytvoření seznamu GPS souřadnic pro MHD Košice děkujemeuživateliJúliu Kundrátovi.CENA:Samotná aplikace je k dispozici ke stažení zdarma. Za datovésouboryjízdních řádů se platí roční licenční poplatek. Jízdní řádyje možnénakupovat buď jednotlivě nebo je možné zakoupit zvýhodněnébalíčkypro Českou a Slovenskou republiku a evropské vlaky.Aktuální ceníknaleznete na webových stránkách aplikace:http://www.cgtransit.czAKCE - noví uživatelé mají měsíc na vyzkoušení všech jízdníchřádůzdarma*** Pokud máte s aplikací problém, napište nám prosím [email protected] - pokud napíšete problém dohodnoceníaplikace, nemůžeme ho vyřešit. Díky. ***CG Transit allowsofflinesearches in timetables of trains, buses and public transportin theCzech Republic and Slovakia.Offline search is an advantage not only for users without adataplan, but fits all those who frequently need to quickly searchandtimetables in areas with poor coverage - ie. When travelingbytrain, subway, etc.The application offers a modern, sophisticated interface thatiscustomized for tablets and now also for watches platformAndroidWear. In addition to classic search connection also allowsyou toplan your route on a map, display boards departures fromnearbystops or locate lines by name.Key features:★ Attractive "Material" design applications★ The "Search connection": Classic Search Where connection → (Via)→Kam★ The "Map search": Search link on the map intwo-paneinterface★ The "departures from the stops": Quick View stops withthedeparture of the neighborhood or of a given area★ The "List lines": List of lines respectively. Communicationsinthe timetable, searchable by title line and all thenecessaryinformation★ Advanced whisperer stops and address points with cleversorting,displaying numbers, lines at bus stops and with thepossibility ofstoring the addresses under your own name (Home, Work...)★ Automatic Updates timetables via Wi-Fi★ Customization for tablets★ standalone application for Android Wear watchesData provided by the companies CHAPS spol. s.r.o. andInpropoLtd.For the creation of a list of GPS coordinates for MHD KošicethankJulia Kundrátovi.PRICE:The application itself is available for free download. For datasetstimetables to pay an annual license fee. Timetables canpurchaseeither individually or you can purchase discountedpackages forCzech and Slovak Republic and European trains. Thecurrent pricelist is available on the website ofapplications:http://www.cgtransit.czEVENTS - new users have a month to try out all the timetablesforfree*** If you have a problem with the application, [email protected] - if you write the problem in assessingtheapplication, we can not solve it. Thanks. ***
Sindbad Online 2.1.6
Search and buy international coach tickets
Bazoš 2.16.3
Internet classifieds for everyone. Bazaar where you can easilyselleverything. - Rádce před nákupy 2.21
See action flyers and supermarket discounts, keep loyalty cardsathand
CZ Radio - Czech online radios
Fastest application for online streaming of Czech radio stations.
myRNE 3.1.0
Your app of choice for traveling by bus in Portugal
Zaži Tatry 1.10.6
App you won't get lost in Tatras with.
Buienradar - weer 7.1.0
Trying to avoid walking straight intoarainstorm when you go out? Check our rain radar and raingraphbefore you leave so you never have to get drenched!De Buienradar app starts with the 2 hour, 3 hour or the 24 hourrainradar forecast. The rain radar image will show you whether itisgoing to rain in the next upcoming hours or even the next day.Belowthe radar is the rain graph. In this graph you can seeexactly whenit is going to rain and how much rainfall is predicted(inmillimeters). If you prefer an even more detailed image of yourcityor town you can press the magnifying glass icon to zoomin.The Buienradar app is available for your Android phone, tabletandAndroid Wear (Smartwatch). Using your Android Wear device youwillsee at a glance whether rain is expected! Using the handywidget,which includes the rain graph, you can check whether rainisexpected without even having to open the app!Besides the Buienradar you can also find other radars andmaps- Drizzle- Snow- Storm- Sun- Satellite images of Holland- Pollen (hay fever)- Fog- Temperature- Windchill- Wind direction- Buienradar (rain radar) of Europa- Satellite images of EuropaYou can find personalized weather info in the table “Komende 24uurin” (Next 24 hour weather prediction) for your favoritelocation(even abroad!) like hour-to-hour predictions for:temperature, thenumber of millimeters of rain per hour, the chanceof rain, winddirection and wind force (in Beaufort).Besides thunderstorm, snow, sun, wind and temperature maps wealsooffer wind chill, ground temperature, sun intensity, airpressure,wind direction, gusts, visibility and humidity data,together withthe exact times of sunrise and sunset for yourlocation.Suffering from hay fever? We developed “Pollenradar” to give youaninsight in the expected hay fever levels for the next 5upcomingdays (1: low, 10: very high). You can find Pollenradar bytapping(in the bottom left corner on the Buienradar map), and thentap“Pollenradar”.You can also easily find the snow depth per skiing andsnowboardinglocation by entering one of the 700 available locationsin thesearch bar. For example, try entering Mayrhofen, Flauchau,Gerlos,Val Thorens, Sölden en Saalbach-Hinterglemm. When scrollingdown,you will see the snow depth for this location in the section“Nuin” (Now) (above the times of the sunrise and sundown).In the “14-daagse” section (14 day forecast) you will findtheweather forecast (in a graph) for the next 14 days. You canalsosee a detailed list view when you click on the tab “Lijst”.Thislist offers an hourly forecast for the next 7 days and adailyaverage for the second week.In the “Alerts” section you can create your own rain alert(freepush notification) customized to your daily time schedule andmostvisited locations so you will never be unprepared forastorm.If you don’t want to see ads, we also offer the Buienradar Plusplanfor 1,79€. You can find this easily in “Over Buienradar”(“About”)and then press “Neem Buienradar Plus” (Get BuienradarPlus).We are continuously improving the Buienradar app. If you haveanysuggestions on how we can improve or if you have any questions,youcan always send us a message by using the feedback form in theappor by sending us an e-mail [email protected]!
Tatra banka
As a first bank in Slovakia we introduce abankapplication adapted also for your smart watches.The Application provides enhanced Internet bankingfunctionality,extended about some additional features. You cancheck thepossibilities of application in list of availablefunctionalitiesattached below, or through DEMO function.List of available functionality:1.Accounts – balance, detail, transactions, PDF monthlystatementwith print, movements advanced search older than 3 months,optionto reply by payment, option to create beneficiary from anaccountmovement, export of movements and daily balances chart,sharing ofmovement detail, setting of Optional Overdraft2. Debit cards - detail and movements, online card management,theposibility to block a card3. Credit cards – balance, detail, payment from creditcard,transactions, repayment, online card management, theposibility toblock a card4. Offer of pre-approved credit card, non-purpose loanandothers5. Inbox and docbox (Automatic push notification ofreceivedmessages /documents)6. Payment - in EUR currency to all SEPA7. Postal orders, invoices and IBAN scanner8. Maintenance of pending payments9. Branches and ATMs10. Exchange rates11. Contacts12. List of loans – loan detail (with the possibility torealizeextra payment on selected non-purpose loans)13. DEMO14. Standing orders15. ATM cash withdrawal by mobile16. Spending report17. Beneficiaries18. News19. NFC Preview20. DDS Pension21. TAM funds22. Assets and liabilities23. SEPA Direct Debits24. Contract documents25. GoalsIf you have any additional questions, please do not hesitatetocontact us on:- by e-mail [email protected] or- by contacts on ourwebsite: