Top 1 Games Similar to Popiš slovo

Describe picture 1.2
Look at the picture and do not show it toyourteammate.Describe the picture.Does your teammate guessed? Than click on green smile.You do not know how to describe the image or be unable toguess?Click on the red smile and continue on.How many pictures can you describe in two minutes?The game is played in pairs.Picture appear there.The child's task is to describe the image so that teammate (whodoesnot see the image) guessed what is on the image.If the image guessed, pressing the green smile. When the imagewasnot able to describe him or teammate can not guess pressed theredsmile and proceeds to the next image.The child has the task of describing the images as much aspossiblein two minutes.Then the roles can be changed one who described will guess andviceversa.keywords: child, image, description of image