Top 20 Apps Similar to Škola dotykem

Přírodopis pro II. stupeň ZŠ 3.0
Proč byste si museli psát do sešitu všechno,coříká učitel? Proč byste museli ztrácet čas s nudnýmizápisky?Stáhněte si naší aplikaci, kde máte shrnuto učivo zPřírosopisu pro6.-9. třídu ZŠUrčeno jak pro žáky, tak pro učitele:Pro žáky: "Připravte se na test!"Pro učitele: "Zkoušejte žáky efektivněji a moderně!"Aplikace sloužící převážně k testování žáků 2. stupně ZŠ. Vaplikacije shrnuto učivo 6.-9. třídy ZŠ z Přírodopisu.Aplikace se dělí na výklady a testy. Ve výkladu je shrnutoučivodané kapitoly. V každém testu je 10 otázek, u každé jsou4možnosti. Otázky i možnosti jsou generovány vnáhodnémpořadí.Why would you havetowrite in the workbook everything the teacher says? Why shouldyouhave to waste your time with boring scraps? Download our appwhereyou have summarized the subject matter of Přírosopisu for 6 to9class of elementary schoolDesigned both for students and teachers:For students: "Prepare for a test!"For teachers, "Test pupils effectively and modern!"The application is used primarily to test 2nd gradeelementaryschool students. In a summarized curriculum 6 to 9elementaryschool in science class.The application is divided into interpretations and tests.Theinterpretation is summarized curriculum that chapter. In eachtestis 10 questions, each with 4 options. Questions and optionsaregenerated at random.
Škola na dotyk 2.0.0
Aplikácia pre projekt Škola na dotykobsahujeužitočné tipy na aplikácie, ktoré môže učiteľ využiťpočasvyučovania. Zíde sa každému, kto chce použiť tablet v škole,alemôžete ju použiť aj na smartphonoch.Obsahuje tipy na aplikácie vnasledovnýchpredmetoch/oblastiach:- Matematika- Biológia- Chémia- Geografia- Fyzika- Slovenský jazyk- Dejepis- Výchova umením- Správa triedy- Tvorba hier a testov- InéKeywords: škola na dotyk, skola na dotyk, edulab,samsung,vyučovanie, tipy na školské aplikácie, skolske aplikacie,android vskole,Application forSchoolproject to touch contains useful tips for applications thatcantake advantage of the teacher during class. To meet anyonewhowants to use the tablet in school, but you can use themonsmartphones.Includes tips for applications in the following subjects/areas:- Mathematics- Biology- Chemistry- Geography- Physics- Slovak language- History- Education art- Management Class- Creating games and tests- OtherKeywords: school touch, School of touch, edulab,samsung,teaching, tips for school applications, schoolapplications,android in school,
Dějepis 1.9.4
The application is used to practice the concepts associated withthehistoriography of the Czech Republic.
Google Classroom
Google Inc.
Classroom is a free service forschools,non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account.Classroommakes it easy for learners and instructors toconnect—inside andoutside of schools. Classroom saves time andpaper, and makes iteasy to create classes, distribute assignments,communicate, andstay organized.There are many benefits to using Classroom:• Easy to set up – Teachers can add students directly or shareacode with their class to join. It takes just minutes tosetup.• Saves time – The simple, paperless assignment workflowallowsteachers to create, review and mark assignments quickly, allin oneplace.• Improves organization – Students can see all of theirassignmentson an assignments page, and all class materials (e.g.,documents,photos, and videos) are automatically filed into foldersin GoogleDrive.• Enhances communication – Classroom allows teachers tosendannouncements and start class discussions instantly. Studentscanshare resources with each other or provide answers to questionsonthe stream.• Affordable and secure – Like the rest of G Suite forEducationservices, Classroom contains no ads, never uses yourcontent orstudent data for advertising purposes, and is free.Permissions Notice:Camera: Needed to allow the user to take photos or videos andpostthem to Classroom.Storage: Needed to allow the user to attach photos, videos,andlocal files to Classroom. It's also needed to enableofflinesupport.Accounts: Needed to allow the user to choose which account to useinClassroom.
Taháky do kapsy 8.0
Prepare to school in style ... With the application cheat sheetinyour pocket. :)
myHomework Student Planner
What makes myHomework the best studentplannerfor english speaking students at school or university?* Beauty, Simplicity, and Reliability - myHomework has amoderndesign and simple interface making it easy for anyone to use.Ourapps fill their role as a planner withoutnetworkconnectivity.* Amazing Anywhere - With highly rated apps for your phone,tablet,laptop and a wonderful website, it's the most complete onthe goplanner experience anywhere.* Price - It is free and a premium ads-free experience isjust$4.99/year across all of the apps and website.* Experience - myHomework has been around since 2009 andcontinuallyimproving the experience based on the feedback of ourusers.But don't listen to us, check out just some of the coveragewe'vereceived...2015: Good Morning America App to School2014: PCWorld 10 Best Apps for Students2014: Family Circle Magazine 10 Best Apps for Students2014: USAToday Best Back to School Apps2013: Edudemic The 16 Apps And Tools Worth Trying This Year2012: HLNTV Top 4 Back to School Apps2012: Yahoo News 10 Helpful Apps for Students2012: The Street 10 Best Back-to-School Apps2011: Main Street Back-to-School: The Best Smartphone Apps2010: Mashable Top 10 Back to School Apps2009: Time Magazine Top 10 Back To School Apps2009: Business Insider The Top 10 Back-To-School iPhone AppsThe Free Android App:Homework Organizer/Student PlannerHomework WidgetClass ScheduleHomework CalendarWith a Free account:Sync HomeworkReminders That SyncLate & Upcoming From Home & WidgetFree Blue, Black and Pink ThemesWith a paid Premium Account:No AdsAccess to over 60 ThemesUpload pictures and files to your homework and classesClass Schedule Widget for Today's ClassesmyHomework accounts with ads are available free of charge. Wealsooffer a premium ad-free service for those that wish to pay.Once anaccount's paid premium time has expired, they will beconvertedback to the free plan.Permissions:Course Location - used to help find schools and classesnearbyAccounts - used to prepopulate email address when signing upInternet - used to sync with myhomeworkapp.comPhone State - used to get the identifier of the deviceDo you forget your school agenda? Have trouble when youstudyreading what you wrote in your planner? Are you looking forareplacement to that paper student planner, school diary,oracademic agenda? myHomework is just what you're lookingfor.The clean interface and design make this app great for college,highschool, or middle school. This homework agenda containsadditionalfeatures that make it easy to use for high schoolstudents with ablock class schedule. Keeping track of assignmentshas never beenbetter! With myHomework, you'll never forget tostudy again.The myHomework student agenda is today's students favorite waytofocused, reduce anxiety and study better. With this schoolagenda,the information normally hidden in the academic planner isnowavailable everywhere.Using myHomework as a school organizer makes keeping track ofwhatassignments to do easier than ever before. With myHomework,whenit's time to study, you won't waste any time trying torememberwhat to work on.Improve your study habits; start using myHomework to trackyourassignments today!Download Today!
Number, Count & Math for Kids 1.6.5
Help preschoolers learn: numbers, counting, addition, patterns&shapes
Auto Škola
Aplikacija koja pomaže pri pripremanjutestovaza polaganje vozačkog ispita po novom zakonu u RepubliciSrbiji.Idealno za vreme pohađanja auto-škole, kao i za kasnijuproveruznanja.Aplikacija sadrži sva teoretska pitanja kao i svesaobraćajneznakove.Svoje znanje možete proveriti putem testova koji su sastavnideoaplikacije.An application thathelpsyou prepare for the test driving test under the new law intheRepublic of Serbia. Ideal for time to attend driving school,aswell as for future exams.The application contains all the theoretical issues as wellasall the traffic signs.You can check your knowledge through tests that are an integralpartof the application.
EduPage 2.0.82
EduPage - application for teachers,studentsand parentsPremium interactive tests for everyone!Even if your school is not using any of the bellow features, youcanstill use this application! It contains many interactive testsfromMath - where you have to think a little, English - where youneed tounderstand the spoken word, some Geography, Biology andeven Music.Try it out!MessagesSend messages to teachers, classes or parents. Startgroupdiscussions with the whole class or with all itsparents.Electronic grade bookTeachers can input grades on mobile or in web interface, parentsandstudents will see them in this mobile application.Electronic class registerInput curriculum for each lesson directly from your mobile.Lessonplans can be used to simply pick the next topic.Attendance & absence notesInput absent students. Class teachers can also input absencenotesor simply allow parents to send electronic absence notesdirectlyfrom their mobile phones.HomeworkInput the homework. Students and parents can view and mark themasready. They will love you!ScheduleDownload your timetable for offline viewing. (School needs touseaSc TimeTables. There is a free trialat the daily substitution changes on your mobile. Includespushnotifications. (School needs to use aSc Substitutions).E-learningCreate interactive tests for your students. The resultsareautomatically collected and the assignments are evaluated.School CantinaView the weekly menu. It is also possible to order or cancelthemeal for each day.AutomaticAnything that teachers inputs automatically generatesnotificationon your mobile. No need to check webpage now andthen.For teachersIf your school is not using EduPage, you can still usethisapplication to input grades and homework. If you add emails ofyourparents they will be able to use this same application tocheckwhat you have inputted. It is also possible to inviteyourcolleagues and share the data with them!For school administrators:Check for more information how your schoolcanbenefit from using EduPage!
Anglictina - Mobilni ucitel 1.4
Mobilní učitel angličtiny je aplikace provýukua opakování angličtiny. Jedná se o ucelený systém, ve kterémsemůžete učit a procvičovat novou slovní zásobu, seznamovat se snovougramatikou a tu si procvičovat na ukázkových větách, dále semůžeteučit a procvičovat nové skupiny frází a konečně trénovatposlechsouvislých textů. V programu je zabudovaná funkceinteligentníhoopakpování - program si pamatuje chyby, které jsteudělali připrocvičování slovíček a vět a umožňuje Vám sesoustředit pouze natyto, čímž šetří Váš čas. Aplikace vychází zúspěšného konceptuDomácí učitel angličtiny ostravské jazykovéškoly Eddica. Tato verzeobsahuje jednu lekci již přibalenou, dalšíčtyři lze stáhnout zgoogle play zdarma, ostatní jsou zapoplatek..Mobile English teacherisan application for teaching English and repetition. It isacomprehensive system in which you can learn and practicenewvocabulary, become familiar with the new grammar and to practiceonsample sentences, then you can learn and practice new groupofphrases and finally train listening coherent texts. The programisbuilt Intelligent opakpování - the program remembers themistakesyou have made in practicing vocabulary and sentences andallows youto focus only on these, saving you time. Aplikace basedon thesuccessful concept of home teacher of English languageschools inOstrava Eddica. This version includes one lesson alreadybundled,four more can be downloaded from google play free, othersare fee..
Školní rozvrh
Také tě nebaví složitě opisovat akreslitškolní rozvrhy, které nakonec skončí umaštěné na dně tašek,kde jeneustále hledáš, a když už je najdeš, stejně se v nichnezvládnešorientovat?S chytrým telefonem a aplikací Školní rozvrh můžeš nazbytečnoupráci zapomenout. Jednoduše a velmi rychle si vytvoříšpřehlednýrozvrh, který pak budeš po ruce vždy, když to budešpotřebovat.Stačí jen vylovit telefon a mrknout, co tě zrovna čekázahodinu.- Možnost vytvoření více rozvrhů a přepínání mezi nimi- Barevně odlišené hodiny- Zapisování úkolůAlso you tiredofcomplicated copy and draw school schedules that will eventuallyendup at the bottom of a greasy bag, where it is constantlylookingfor, and when you find it, just can not handle them in theorient?S smart phone applications and school schedule can forgettheunnecessary work. Easily and very quickly You create a scheduleofwhich you then hand whenever you need it. Just fish out yourphoneand check out what you just waiting for an hour.- Ability to create multiple schedules and switchingbetweenthem- Color-coded hour- Writing tasks
My Class Schedule: Timetable
My Class Schedule keeps your studentlifeorganized!This app will not only keep you informed about yourupcomingclasses, but also reminds you of exams andunfinishedhomework.The main feature of My Class Schedule is its timetable thatshowsyour schedule for any particular day or week. Additionallythereare many other helpful features, for example a grade overviewwithyour average grades or the ability to automatically mute yourphoneduring class.No matter if you go to school or university, this easy to useapphelps you to keep track of all related tasks.Features:★ Color-coded timetable (day- and week view; colors can bechosenfreely)★ Widget (sizes: 2x1, 3x1, 2x2, 3x2, 4x2; shows allremainingcourses for the day) + DashClock support★ Notifications for upcoming homework, exams and classes★ Can automatically mute your phone during lessons★ Supports timetables with A/B (and even C, D) weeks; just setthefrequency of the lesson (for example to "every 2 weeks") andtheapp automatically switches between the A/B weeks★ Save as many courses, lesson times, homework and grades asyouwant; times can be chosen freely; grades can be weighted★ Light and Dark Holo theme★ Runs from SD card (note: widgets generally don't work whenrunningfrom SD)Additional features available for users of the upgradedversion(~$1.99):★ Graphical timetable widget★ Homework/exam widget★ Cloud Backup & Cross-device SynchronisationReviews:"Try out this app if you’re a student. It can relieve some ofthestress in an already stress-filled life.""Can keep your entire life on track" - mdsnig.comThis is the ad financed version (tiny ad in the day view).If you can't stand ads, there is a really low priced versionwithoutads available here:My Class Schedule (no ads)Alternatively you can simply upgrade this free version viain-apppurchase.Additionally to being ad-free the paid/upgraded versioncontainssome bigger widgets and a widget that shows the schedulefor thewhole week (just like the regular week view of theapp).
Auto Skola Testovi
Auto škola “PRAVO” Vam je omogućilapreuzimanjei korišcenje zvaničnih testova za polaganje pismenogdela vozačkogispita i u vidu aplikacije, a sve u cilju boljegrazumevanjasaobraćajnih pravila i propisa i uspešnije pripremezapolaganje.Ovde možete preuzeti najnovije testove za vožnju i rešenjazapolaganje B kategorije za 2014. godinu. Sve što je potrebno jedapokrenete aplikaciju i izaberete željeni test.Rešavanje testova traje 60 minuta. Ukoliko se pitanjemzahtevaodgovor na dva ili više rešenja (pišeispodpitanja), potrebno je zaokružiti toliko odgovora.Auto škola “PRAVO” Vam želi uspeh u radu i uspešnopolaganjetestova!Driving School"right"allowed you to download and use formal tests for passingthewritten part of the driving test in an application, with a viewtobetter understanding of traffic rules and regulationsandsuccessfully prepare for installation.You can download the latest test driving and solutions for takingBcategories in 2014. Year. All you need is to launch theapplicationand select the desired test.Solving The test takes 60 minutes. If the question requiresananswer to two or more solutions (written questions below), itisnecessary to round up so many answers.Driving School "real" wishes you success in your workandsuccessfully passing the tests!
School Gateway 2.32.11
Isuz Limited
School Gateway – the easiest way to interact with school
Kvíz Dějepis 1.1
Řada aplikací Lexibook® Učím se 12-18tiumožňuje učit se nebo si všechno důkladně zopakovat.Pomocí této aplikace už historie nebude mít žádná dalšítajemstvípro tebe! Od pravěku do současnosti bav se testovánímsvých znalostípomocí kvízů rozdělených do různých úrovní.1. Vyber si úroveň obtížnosti (úroveň 1 nebo úroveň 2) asvůjoblíbený předmět:- Od pravěku do starověku- Středověk- Od patnáctého do osmnáctého století- Od devatenáctého století až po současnost2. Odpověz na 10 kvízových otázek. Jakmile jsi si vybraljednunebo více odpovědí, klikni na tlačítko „Potvrdit“ prozobrazenířešení. Tlačítko „Potvrdit“ se pak stává tlačítkem „Další“propřesun na další kvízovou úroveň.Jste připraven získat maximální skóre 200 bodů?Many applicationsLexibook® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or everythingthoroughly again.With this application now history will have no more secretsforyou! From prehistoric times to the present have fun testingtheirknowledge through quizzes divided into different levels.First Choose the level of difficulty (level 1 or level 2) andhisfavorite subject:- From prehistory to antiquity- The Middle Ages- From the fifteenth to eighteenth century- Since the nineteenth century to the present daySecond Answer the 10 multiple-choice questions. Once youhaveselected one or more answers, click on the "Confirm" button toviewsolutions. "Confirm" button then becomes the "Next" button tomoveto the next level quiz.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Smartschool 9.9.1
Always along with what is happening at your school!
School Stream 2.1.115
School Stream is a school communication platform designed todeliverinformation to school communities. • Real time digitalschoolcommunication anytime anywhere Instant notifications bringtimelycorrespondence to the school community for the first time.Reachyour school community from anywhere at any time. • Free-upvaluablestaff time School Stream allows teachers to focus on whatthey dobest - teaching! Stop wasting time on complicatedschoolcommunication - School Stream offers direct contact withstudentsand families in an instant. • Save Money Costly mail-outsand printruns are now a thing of the past! School Stream'sapp-basedcommunication requires fewer resources to maintain and asmallerinvestment to introduce. • Quick and easy setup, simple touseSchool Stream's School user-friendly platform makes settingupschool profiles a breeze. Built from the ground up with teachersinmind, updating, editing and planning school content couldn'tbeeasier. • Dynamic Categories customise your content to suityourschools needs Every school is different and with SchoolStream'sDynamic Categories functionality, teachers can tailorcontent basedon the particular needs of their curriculum andsubject areas. •Why does School Stream ask for permission to accessphotos, media,and other files? School Stream does not access yourphotos or anyother files. When you install a new app on yourdevice, thepermissions use generic wording that relate to the needto ​readand write to your device storage. To help speed up the appand makethings faster, School Stream can use part of the storagebuilt intoyour device to cache certain items and photos posted byyourschool. It also allows you to view information within SchoolStreamwhen your device is offline. • Any questions, problems,orfeedback? Tell us: [email protected]:
English Grammar and Phonetics 7.7.3
Learn English Grammar and Phonetics. Vocabulary,Skills,Pronunciation, Rules
Tabletárium: ENCYKLOPEDIE 1.3.0
Sdílená encyklopedie biologie, fyziky achemieke všem aplikacím Tabletárium a ESERO.V encyklopedii lze filtrovat pojmy podle předmětů i aplikací.Aplikace byla vytvořena v rámci projektu "Cestou přírodovědnýchatechnických oborů napříč Středočeským krajem". Registračníčísloprojektu CZ.1.07/1.1.00/44.0011.Sharedencyclopediabiology, physics and chemistry to all applicationsTabletárium andSRs.The encyclopedia can be filtered according to the terms ofsubjectsand applications.The application was created within the project "the wayscienceand technology across the Central Bohemian region."Projectregistration number CZ.1.07 / 1.1.00 / 44.0011.
YGS-LYS Hazırlık Konu-Soru 2.5
YGS-LYS'ye hazırlananlar sınavlara hazırlanmaktazorlukmuçekiyorsunuz ? Bu uygulama tam size göre ! Tüm derslerietkin birşekilde videolu olarak interaktif biçimde izlemek içinuygulamayıhemen indirip çalıştırın.Matematik bölümü Şenol HocaTarafındanhazırlanan Profesyonel biçimde tamamlanmış videoluderslerlehazırlanmıştır.Sizde Üniversite sınavlarından yüksekpuanlar almakistiyorsanız bu uygualamayı kullanmaya hemenbaşlayınız.Tümderslerin eklendiği buuygulamadaMatematik,Geometri,Fizik,Kimya,Biyoloji,Edebiyat-Türkçe-TürkDili ,Edebiyatı,İngilizce,Coğrafya,Tarih,Felsefe ve birçok stratejiilehazırlanmıştır.SBS Türkçe,Matematik,Fen,SosyalVideoları'nıdaiçermektedir.Sizde derslerden geri kalmamak ve dersteanlamadığınızkonuyu bu uygulama ile tekrar izleyip anlamak çokkolay! Hemenuygulamayı indirin ve sizde sınavlardan yüksek puanalın.Yeni güncellemelerde MF-TM-TS alanları için günlük dersçalışmaprogramları eklenecektir.Ve ek olarakta istedeğinizhocalarıseçebileceksiniz.Profiliniz ile giriş yaptığınızda hangihocalardanhangi dersleri almak istediğiniz kendinizkararverebileceksiniz.Birkaç hocadan daha izin aldıktan sonrasizleregereken bilgiyi ileteceğiz.Matematik ve Geometri konularında desteğinden dolayı ŞenolYılmazhocamıza teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.( sistemi getirildi.Artık güncel bilgileri sizlere hızlıbirşekilde sunabileceğiz.ÖSYM Çıkmış sorular Matematik-Geometri-Fizik-Kimya-BiyolojiÇıkmışsorular tamamı soru ve çözümleri.Fizik ve Matematik alanında Kolay çözümler ve Özel Sorular.Ders çalışma programı ve günlük ders programı mevcuttur.İlerleyen zamanlarda ÖSYM YGS-LYS Puan hesaplamaeklenecektir.Bildirim çubuğu aktif edildi.Artık uygulamadançıkmadanbildirimlerinizi görebileceksiniz.Kullanıcıyı rahatsızedengereksiz reklamlar düzeltildi.Sistem güncellemesiyapıldı.Android5.0.2 Lollipop Güncellemesi yapıldı.Sorunlardüzeltildi.Yenisürümde bildirim özelliği eklenilecek.Artık dersçalışmadığınızdasistem sizi otomatik uyaracak ve günlük düzenliçalışmasağlanacak.Bug Fixed.v.1.9Sürüm 10#Updated.V.1.3Bug Fixed.Added Analitycs for Looking who lesson is popular.Abroot StudioCopyright 2015-Holo Light Tema EditionYGS-LYSprepared are you having difficulty or being prepared forexams?This app is for you! All courses are an effective way todownloadthe application immediately to watch an interactive formatas thevideo çalıştırın.matematik section Senol teacher prepared bytheprofessional manner in complete video coursewithhazırlanmıştır.siz the university you want to get high scoresfromthe exam that is added immediately başlayınız.t lessons to useseeapplication clicking the application of mathematics,geometryPhysics, Chemistry, Literature and Turkish-TurkishLanguage,Literature, English, Geography, History, Philosophyandhazırlanmıştı with many strategies in Turkish,Mathematics,Science, to keep up with the course içermektedir.sizSocialVideoları'nı and subject you to understand the courseThisapplication is very easy to understand and follow again!Downloadthe app now and get a high score in the first test.New updates on the MF-TM-day study program for TSE areas Thetabin addition to eklenecektir.v you log in withyourseçebileceksiniz.profil teacher you like to get lessons fromwhichthe teacher after receiving permission than decide foryourselfverebileceksiniz.birkaç teacher will transmit thenecessaryinformation to you.Because of the support in mathematics and geometry issueswethank our Senol Yilmaz teacher. ( I)Getirildi.artık date information notification system to quicklybeable to offer you.SSPC Çýkmýþ questions Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry-BiologyÇýkmýþGeometry questions and solutions to all questions.Easy solutions and Special Questions in PhysicsandMathematics.Study programs and courses are available daily.It will be added in later times SSPC YGS-LYSScorecalculation.Notification bar notification without leaving youractiveapplication görebileceksiniz.kullanıcı edildi.artık disturbedbyunnecessary advertisements düzeltildi.siste yapıldı.androidIupdate 5.0.2 Update Lollipop yapıldı.sor days düzeltildi.ynewversion of the notification system to alert you automaticallywhenyou eklenilecek.artık course work and regular work day It willbeprovided.Fixed bug.v.1.9Version 10 # Updated.v.1.3Today fixed.added analytics Looking for WHO lesson is popular.Abroot StudioCopyright 2015-Holo Theme Light Edition