Top 8 Apps Similar to Eleições Açores

Eleições CV 1.3.8
Interim results of the Cape Verde 2016 elections in your hands !
Elect '14 3.1.3
Nava Apps
Elect’14 is developed by Nava Apps.Elect’14isIndia’s first ever election app that displays the realtimeelectionresults on your smartphone as the counting is inprogress.Elect’14gives you a unique option of knowing the detailedresultsofcandidate, party or constituency of your choice at anygiventime,unlike the news channels where you have to wait for thenewsreportto show the constituency results you are interested in.NowwithElect’14 on your phone, you can know the results as theyarebeingcounted and announced no matter where you are or even ifyoudo nothave access to Television or any other kind of media.NOTE: INSTALL OUR OTHER APP Chunav'14 IF YOU WANTMOREFEATURESAND BETTER PERFORMANCE. IT IS THE LIGHT WEIGHTVERSIONWHICH DOESNOT USE MUCH SPACE ON YOUR PHONEElect’14 version 3.0.0 includes the informationaboutupcoming16th Lok Sabha, Andhra Pradesh assembly, Odishaassembly,ArunachalPradesh assembly and Sikkkim assembly electionsand thereal timeresults will be displayed on the counting day ofMay 16th2014.Previous version of our app was the assembly electionrelateddataof Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram,Rajasthan,Delhi,Karnataka, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura.Features:- Real time election results- State wise Results: Select the state you are interested inandviewthe summary of all party results at any given time.- Constituency wise results: View the detailed resultsofanyconstituency of your choice in the respective stateswheretheelection results are in progress.- All the past election data covered by our app isstillavailableunder “Past Elections”- Quick access to constituency results the usersarespecificallyinterested in, displayed as “My Results” on themainscreen.- Constituency, Party and Candidate wise multifacetedsearchoption.- Election related news.- Opinion polls and Exit poll results carried out byvariousreliablesources.- App gets candidate profiles from Cloud as we update themThis is a simple, straightforward and easy to useappwhichpresents the election results without any hassle.Withclearoptions and less number of screens, we have aimed to keeptheappsimple and to give the best user experience.Features:Current elections: This is where the real time datawillbedisplayed. The activity will start on the counting dayi.e.,16thof May 2014 at 8.00 a.m for the current Lok SabhaandLegislativeAssembly Elections.Past elections: Archives of the election results ofstatescoveredby Elect’13 are displayed here. Currently includestheresults of therecent legislative elections of Chhattisgarh,MadhyaPradesh,Mizoram, Rajasthan, Delhi, Karnataka, Meghalaya,NagalandandTripura.My Results: This feature gives you the option of quickaccesstothe constituencies or candidates you arespecificallyinterestedin.Election related news: Updates you with all thelatestnewsrelated to elections, we also added a featurethatwouldautomatically delete the news that is older than 30 dayssothatthe memory of the phone is not overloaded.Opinion and Exit polls: Here you can check out thegeneralopinionand exit polls conducted by various sources of allthestates weworked on.- 16th Lok Sabha Elections 2014- General Elections 2014- Andhra Pradesh Assembly Elections 2014 (includesTelanganaAssemblyElections 2014)- Arunachal Pradesh Assembly Elections 2014- Odisha Assembly Elections 2014- Sikkim Assembly Elections 2014- Added NOTA (None of the Above) to all constituencies- Elect 14- Elections 2014
Eleições 2014 IBOPE 1.2.3
No aplicativo IBOPE Eleições estãotodasaspesquisas eleitorais realizadas pelo IBOPEInteligênciaparadivulgação durante as eleições de 2014.Em “Resultados de Pesquisas Eleitorais”, basta selecionar o cargoeolocal que deseja consultar para que sejam exibidasaspesquisasdivulgadas. Há também detalhes sobre ametodologiautilizada peloIBOPE em “Guia de Leitura de Pesquisas”,além dedúvidas frequentese vídeos explicativos sobre comorealizamosnossas pesquisas.Candidatos aos cargos de deputado federal, estadual oudistritaltêmà disposição um site exclusivo para acompanhar aevolução desuaintenção de voto. No aplicativo estão detalhes doproduto, quepodeser adquirido pelo email [email protected] site o aplicativo, conheça nosso trabalho e acompanheasnossaspesquisas.IBOPE Electionsintheapplication are all election surveys conductedbyIBOPEIntelligence for disclosure during the 2014 elections.In "Electoral Outcomes Research", just select the positionandthelocation you want to see the research publishedaredisplayed.There are also details on the methodology used byIBOPEin "Guideto Reading Research", and frequently asked questionsandexplaininghow we perform our research videos.Candidates for federal, state or district deputy haveprovidedaunique site to monitor the progress of their intention tovote.Inthe application are details of the product, which canbepurchasedby mail or direct [email protected]:// siteDownload the app, know our work and track our research.
Eleições Brasil 2014 1.01
Ricco Menezes
Para votar de maneira conscientevocêdevereunir todas as informações disponíveis para saber o queémentirae o que não é neste processo eleitoral. Você, comoeleitor,precisade uma ferramenta que reúna em apenas um lugar tudoaquiloqueprecisa saber para tomar a melhor decisão quanto aoseuvoto.Exerça sua democracia e vote na melhor opção para onossopaís.Eleições Brasil 2014 é o aplicativo imparcial paravocêreunirtodas as informações antes de votar.To voteyoumustconsciously gather all the information available to knowwhatis alie and what is not in this electoral process. You, as avoter,youneed a tool that brings together in one place everythingyouneedto know to make the best decision about your vote.Exercisesitsdemocracy and vote on the best option for our country.Brazil2014elections is the impartial application for you to gatheralltheinformation before voting.
My Vote 2016 (Kerala) 2.0
MCS Admin
Kerala Legislative Assembly Election2016OnlineVoting, Live Result and News,This app Just Like Polling Booth, You can vote foryourfavoriteleader in Kerala Legislative Assembly Election May16,2016.It’s a complete application for upcoming Keralastateassemblyelection 2016.* Live News Update (from major News Portals and TV)* Live Result* Voter List (Search voters list. Know where yourpollingboothis.)* Online Vote (Online Vote for your favorite leaderinallConstituency)Developed by MediaKerala , Powered by MCS AdminKerala Election 2016, Trend Election Result Kerala,PollingBooth,Kerala Vote, Election News Kerala,
Voto x Veto 4.1.1
Voto x Veto
Voto x Veto é o aplicativo maissimpleseprático para ajudar eleitores a decidirem seu voto naseleiçõesde2014.Vote e vete em propostas retiradas diretamente dosplanosdegovernos apresentados ao TSE e crie seu ranking comoscandidatosque mais se aproximam do perfil que você busca emumpresidente daRepública.O Voto x Veto também é ideal para avaliar candidatosdemaneiraimparcial, já que você avalia as propostas em um testecego,sósabendo quem é o dono dela após votar.O aplicativo também é ótimo para candidatos, já que ajudaatornaras campanhas mais baratas e com condições mais iguais.Nossoobjetivoé que todos tenham condições iguais de expor suasideiasindependentede recursos de campanha ou tempo de TV.Baixe o aplicativo e comece a escolher já o futuro doBrasil!- Sem necessidade de Login.- Com candidatos ao governo do Estado e a presidência.OBS: ALGUNS CANDIDATOS NÃO POSSUEM PLANOS CADASTRADOS NO TSE.X Veto vote isthemostsimple and practical to help voters decide their vote inthe2014election application.Vote and veto on proposals withdrawn directly fromthegovernmentsplans submitted to the TSE and create your rankingwiththecandidates that most closely match the profile you'relookingfor ina President.The Vow x Veto is also ideal to assesscandidatesimpartially,since you evaluate offers in a blind test,just knowingwho owns itafter voting.The app is also great for candidates, as it helps tomakecheaperand more equal footing campaigns. Our goal is foreveryoneto haveequal conditions to expose their ideas regardlessofcampaignresources or TV time.Download the app now and start choosing the future ofBrazil!- No need to Login.- With candidates for governor and the presidency.NOTE: SOME CANDIDATES HAVE NO PLANS ON REGISTERED TSE.
Açoriano Oriental 1.0
Download the Açoriano OrientalAndroidapplication and stay up to date with the latest news of theAzores,Portugal and the World!Follow the news from one of the oldest and mostrespectedportuguese newspaper online, minute by minute.
Correio dos Açores 1.1.4
Cybermap, Lda
The version of the Azores Mail newspaper for Android