Top 20 Apps Similar to COSYS Inventur

Cash Register 1.02
------------------- - no permissions - no advertising -supportthedeveloper ------------------- Are you looking for analternativetoenter the items of your food stall, garage sale or anyotherkindof sales booth? This cash register offers thesolution!Usually,big sales deals lack the space and power supply toplug ina greatcash register. However, sales people can make use ofatechnologyof which everybody disposes anyway: use the cashregisterapp andturn your smart phone into a cash register! At themoment,youreceive our application as a 1-place solution: all itemsarebeingentered on your user -respectively cashier- account.Lookforwardto the upcoming updates: we’re working on an optionthatletsseveral cashiers enter the items at the same time.Then,thisapplication will clearly facilitate an attribution ofentereditemsto the respective cashier and thus facilitates youraccountatclosing time. Currently, you can already usethefollowinghighlights of this proceeding application for free:+automaticallysumming up of the entered items: you save a lotoftime whileaccounting at closing time or shift changeover +speedandassortment of goods at seller’s option: per each sheet, 20keyscanbe allocated individually so that the respective goodsandtheirexact price can be booked with just one single click.Havingmorethan 20 goods, you can individually arrange them onseveralsinglesheets saving 20 goods per sheet. + no need of anyknowledgeofprogramming: the buttons and their allocation can bevaried inaclearly-arranged chart + the sold goods and the number ofitemscaneasily be exported. You can already check in theeveningwhichitems were bestsellers of the day and which items donot haveto bereordered right away. + a better overview, especiallyfornewemployees: various colours (for example for food anddrinks)offera better usability + facts and figures: usingthisapplication, youreceive a fast survey of the total revenueandespecially itsattribution to respective products It has neverbeeneasier toreceive a survey of the daily successesforself-employees. Pleasenotice that this application is in processofdevelopment and is anoffer free of charge. It practicallyoffersall functions of a cashregister. However, we cannot guaranteealegally compliant accountat the moment since this would requireafull permission of taxauthorities. The cash register applicationisa tool which offers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannotreplacethe full legaldocumentation though. Please mind yourtaxcomputation and adhereto deadlines on your own responsibility.Theprogrammer of „cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
Beforereally testing theapplication, have a look at theapplication’sfeatures and test thebest allocation of the buttons.If you’rereally enthusiastic aboutour application, we are lookingforward toan evaluation whichprovides an orientation for otherusers. If youhave suggestionsfor improvement or remark anythingthat does notwork properly yet,we are looking forward to yourfeedback beingaddressed to:[email protected] Let us know what doesnot answeryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
Barcode Scanner & Generator 3.0.9
App Doodle
FREE from Ads & In-App-Purchases, FAST, & BEAUTIFULbarcodereader & generator.
Barcode Scanner+ Simple
Barcode Scanner+ Simple, from Sean OwenofZXing Team, uses the camera on your device to read barcodes ofallkinds. After scanning barcodes you find on products, forexample,you can discover prices and reviews for it. Or, whenscanning newertwo-dimensional barcodes, like QR Codes, you canaccess contactinformation, bookmarks, web site links and moreinside.As of 2015, 100% of revenue (after Google Play fees) goestobenefit an environmental cause like the World Wildlife Fund ortheRainforest Alliance. $6,920 has been donated sinceJanuary2015.This version removes or disables most functionality thatrequirespecial permissions, including: send history, send barcode,scanfrom file, configure wi-fi, and vibration.Please search for Barcode Scanner+ for the original versionwithcomplete functionality.(aka Barcode Scanner Plus Simple)
Barcode Scanner+ (Plus)
Barcode Scanner+, from Sean Owen of ZXingTeam,uses the camera on your device to read barcodes of all kinds.Afterscanning barcodes you find on products, for example, youcandiscover prices and reviews for it. Or, when scanningnewertwo-dimensional barcodes, like QR Codes, you can accesscontactinformation, bookmarks, web site links and moreinside.Barcode Scanner+ is an enhanced version of the popular, freeBarcodeScanner application, which is a product of the ZXingopen-sourcebarcode scanning library from Google. Barcode Scanner+is based onthe same code, and has been developed by one of the twoprimaryauthors of the original Barcode Scanner, Sean Owen.As of 2015, 100% of revenue (after Google Play fees) goes tobenefitan environmental cause like the World Wildlife Fund ortheRainforest Alliance. $10,120 has been donated from January 2015toDec 2016.Barcode Scanner+ includes all of Barcode Scanner'sfunctionality,and is intended as a drop-in replacement for BarcodeScanner. Itadds several enhancements:Better barcode scanning- New image processing algorithm for detection of 1Dbarcodeformats, including UPC and EAN product codes- Uses both cores of dual-core processors- Optionally, scan for Aztec and PDF417 barcodes (note:PDF417support is 'alpha' quality)- Rewritten to take advantage of Java 6, Android 2.2+ APIs,andlatest Android SDK featuresRefined user interface- Now scan in tall "portrait" orientation, in additionto"landscape" orientation- More intuitive pattern-based scanning guide- Streamlined and improved user interface elements- Android 4 and tablet device support- Expanded Help screensNew features- Decode a barcode from an image file- Option to scan light-on-dark barcodes- Activate device's LED light to scan in low light- Basic support for scanning NFC tags- Amazon product informationAlso available in "simple" version, without functionalitythatrequires special permission. See "Barcode Scanner+Simple".Purchasing this application also supports development of theZXingopen-source barcode scanning library.Barcode Scanner+ does not collect, store or transmitinformationabout its users, nor usage of the application. Theapplicationaccesses personal information such as contacts andbookmarks onlyin order to implement application functionality, suchas sharingcontacts and bookmarks by QR Codes on screen.(aka Barcode Scanner Plus)
Barcode Master Inventory Manag 2.6.2
Browse products, inventory, create shopping list using barcode
Mobile Inventory LITE
Aplication for quick and easy creation of inventory lists.
SCANPET New - Inventory & Barcode Scanner 7.36
Barcode scanner & Inventory app (SCANPET NEW) is abarcodescanner, an inventory management system and a Wifi barcodescannerin one app. It is thought to help you to manage yourwarehouseinventory, and your home or business inventory. SCANPETNEW will dofast stock-taking and management. It also helps inmanagingpurchase orders and sales orders. And it does the workusing anintegrated QR & barcode scanner but it can work alsowithoutbarcodes. So it is a complete app to run your businessinventory,your music or book collections or any kind of homeinventory frommobile. SCANPET NEW is a the new versión of the oldSCANPET app. Itis the app for the future, the one that will receiveallimprovements and support for new devices. This application havealot of powerful configuration options, and can be adaptedforalmost every situation. For example you can use thisbarcodescanner as: * Product Scanner: It is a barcode reader (yourdevicewill work as a barcode terminal) * Inventory Manager: It isawarehouse manager & stock taking tool. Here you can use thebarcode scanner as a helpful tool. But the app could stillworkwithout using it. * Use it also as an inventory tracker. *Storeinventory and stock managing: handle the stock of your storeorwarehouse: Items are divided into categories that areidentifiedwith a barcode. Register how many elements of eachproduct categoryyou have. This means stock control. * Inventory ofseparate items:Build a movies collection, DVD collection, etc *Wi-Fi Scanner(WIFI terminal): Use this if you need to scan thebarcode directlyinto a document on your computer. This means thephone will readthe barcode and will send it through WIFI to yourcomputer. It willbe a Wi-Fi terminal. * GPS Points of Interest(POIs): record GPScoordinates of the places you visit, likemonuments, cities, beach,etc * Others possibilities: SCANPETfeatures, don't finish here.Please take a time to explore, you canconfigure everything! likesales management, payments, shipmentmanager, meetings attendanceor build accounting reports from theoutput Excel file on yourcomputer, etc And everything on the go!,using bar code scanner ornot bulid your inventory. The SCANPET NEWbarcode scanner supportthese formats: UPC-A,UPC-E EAN-8,EAN-13 Code39 Code 93 Code 128 QRITF Codabar RSS-14 SCANPET NEW can handle twokind of inventories(Excel spreedsheet): - Group inventories (eachitem is a categorywith a count number): This is the best choicefor: * ecommercesolutions. * home and store inventories (if we wantto control thestock) * etc - Individual inventories or collectionof items (eachrow on the Excel is a separate item): This is thebest choice for:* Manage CD and DVD inventories (movies and musiccollections)using barcode scanner or typing * As individualinventories saves anew row for each scan, you can also go furtherand control inputsand outputs of your store, like sales orshipments. Or even furtherand use it as an attendance app (use itat meetings or school). *etc SCANPET supports all Excel formats(old xls and the new xlsxformat)
QR Code & Barcode Scanner / QR Code Reader
Barcode scanner - check prices and product reviews. Scan andcreateQR codes.
QR Scanner & Barcode Scanner 1.10.2
BigQ Group
QR Code Scanner and Barcode Scanner. Get it NOW!
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO 1.04
Point of Sale Cash RegisterPRO-------------------- no permissions- no advertising- support the developer-------------------Have you just founded a company and want to equip your PointofSale or a mobile booth with a cash register that is nottoocumbersome in purchase and installation? This applicationworksperfectly both in restaurants and smaller shops and itgetspredominantly good feedback by the users. What is the reasonforthis? Just have a look at some simple functions of theapplicationand its advantages:Use of a device and equipment that you are familiar withThe Point of Sale application is being installed on yourtabletcomputer which is why you do not have to get used to anew,unfamiliar device. The further advantage: having aprinterconnected via Bluetooth, you can easily print out statisticsorbills. Thus, you are ready to start immediately without anynewinstallations or cable tangle.Top quality statistics for planning your assortmentofgoodsMany traditional cash registers only offer the function ofenteringa price and the category of the product. Our POS-Point ofSaleApplication offers the possibility to define and name thesingleproducts (respectively food and drinks): consequently, youreceivea survey of the ongoing sales when just clicking on thebutton„statistics“- thereupon you can discover bestsellers and youcanreorder and plan your assortment of goods better thanever!Additionally, you discover the most popular products at aglance!Both for a fixed and mobile sales booth the right intentionforsale and necessary storage can save you a lot ofmoney:insufficient storage as well as a too much storage can costyou alot.Clearly arranged allocation of 300 buttons possible
Havinginstalled the Point of Sale App, you can arrange up to 300buttonsand thus can make cashing even easier in case you do notwant tomake use of bar codes. Especially in the gastronomy, orderscaneasily and intuitively be entered, which leaves more time fortheguest and the service.A well-tried allocation –as shown in our product’s illustration-isthe one using colours: choose different colours for softdrinks,food, alcoholic drinks and hot drinks. Thus, the entering oftheorder must only be clicked, and you still have a clearlyarrangedsystem even when providing a great assortment.Using the screen size and clear arrangement of yourtablet
ThePoint of Sale App uses the full screen size of the tabletso thatthe usability is getting much more clearly arranged andoffers manypossibilities of combination. Just think of the menu ora pricelist which is available at each work station. Besides, itispossible to switch between this app and further applicationsonyour tablet. You can access product information orillustrationsanytime.Have a look at the Point of Sale App and test some of thefunctions.You will be enthusiastic on recognizing how a normaltablet can turninto a fully-fledged cash register. 
Please notice that this application is in process of developmentandis an offer free of charge. It practically offers all functionsof acash register. However, we cannot guarantee a legallycompliantaccount at the moment since this would require a fullpermission oftax authorities. The cash register application is atool whichoffers a survey and helps accounting- it cannot replacethe fulllegal documentation though. Please mind your taxcomputation andadhere to deadlines on your own responsibility. Theprogrammer of„cash register for free“assumes no liability.
ready2order POS 3.6.14
ready2order is a mobile and cross-platform point-of-salesystemthatcan be used on every smartphone, tablet or computer.Asecurecloud-based solution offers business owners tomanagetheirbusinesses independent of time and place. Withready2order youcanconcentrate fully on your core business and letus take careofupdates and the compliance with the law. We cannotmake itfunnier,but we can make it easier. This is what weguarantee!Furtherinformation, benefits as well as an overview ofallfunctions youwill find
POS | SmartCafe Professional - 2.9.134
Professional POS system for restaurants, cafés, bistros andotherpoint of sales
Inventory & Barcode scanner 7.35
Inventory & Barcode scanner & collection & WIFIbarcodescanner
Inventory & barcode scanner 7.35
Inventory & Barcode scanner & collections & WIFIbarcodescanner
Barcode Creator 5.3.1
Meteor Rain
QR/Barcode creator and reader - Barcode Formats: Code128,Code39,EAN-8, EAN-13
Barcode to PC: Wi-Fi scanner 4.3.1
Turn your smartphone into a real barcode scanner
Food List Tracking & Shopping 1.0.12
Track your home food supplies and manage shopping list.Multi-userversion.
QR Scanner: QR Code Reader 2.1.1
Extract all information about any QR Code and create yourownBarcode Scanner
QR Barcode Scanner 2.1.26
Fastest QR barcode scanner, easy to use.
QR scanner & QR code generator v1.4
Fast and secure QR code scanner with built-in antivirusandgeotagging!