Top 16 Apps Similar to Arduino bluetooth slider

Arduino bluetooth controller 1.3
Giumig Apps
Use Android as a bluetooth remote controller for Arduino
Arduino bluetooth 1.3.3
If you are planning to make Arduino project which you wanttocontrol with Android phone via Bluetooth, then this applicationmayhelpful lot! This application I have created for my Arduinoprojectto LED on and off via my Android phone. So I have createdtwobutton in this app to LED on/off and one input text box to sendanynumber of alphabet to send Arduino. For more informationaboutArduino project and Android application you can visit myblog.Below is the link for project page.
Arduino Bluetooth Control
Take full control of your microcontroller-based boards viabluetoothmodules
ArduDroid 0.155
Hazim Bitar
ArduDroid: A simple 2-Way Bluetooth-based Android ControllerforArduino UNO
Ardroid 0.2
An Android Application for controlling any type of Arduino'sDigitaland PWM Pins with the help of Bluetooth. It can be used toControlArduino Uno's Digital and PWM pins , Send & Recievetextcommands to/from Arduino. Arduino code for above Applicationcan beDownload from the link:
Bluetooth Control for Arduino 1.1
Arduino Bluetooth Relay 4CH App is android application which isusedto control 4 channel relay module via Bluetooth withBluetoothserial communication module support HC-05, HC-06, orHC-07, UsingArduino or AVR i am test with arduino UNO and serialcommnunicationlibrary to connected RX pin 10 and TX pin 11. you canuse arduinouno or arduino leonardo etc... Fitur App: -control 4channel on/offralay -control All channel ON -control All channelOFF -downloadfile Program Arduino_Bluetooth_Ralay_4ch.ino -downloadfileTutorial PDF with schemmatic Download File: -arduino projectZIP : -tutorial & schematic wiring PDF: or you can Copy program here to ArduinoIDE/* Relay IN1 connected to PinOut 2 Arduino Relay IN2 connectedtoPinOut 3 Arduino Relay IN3 connected to PinOut 4 Arduino RelayIN4connected to PinOut 5 Arduino --->you can connected torelaymodul 4 channel Serial data sending from Arduino BluetoothRelay4CH.apk data '1'-'4' to on is Ralay CH 1-4 data 'A'-'D' to offisRalay CH 1-4 data '9' to on ALL CH 1-4 data 'I' to off ALL CH1-4*/ #include SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); //Pin10 RX , Pin 11TXconnected to--> Bluetooth TX,RX #define relay1 2 #definerelay23 #define relay3 4 #define relay4 5 char val; void setup(){pinMode(relay1,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay2,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay3,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay4,OUTPUT);digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH);mySerial.begin(9600); Serial.begin(9600);} void loop() { //cekdata serial from bluetooth android App if(mySerial.available()>0 ) { val =;Serial.println(val); } //Relay ison if( val == '1' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,LOW); } else if( val =='2' ) {digitalWrite(relay2,LOW); } else if( val == '3' ){digitalWrite(relay3,LOW); } else if( val == '4' ){digitalWrite(relay4,LOW); } //relay all on else if( val == '9' ){digitalWrite(relay1,LOW);digitalWrite(relay2,LOW);digitalWrite(relay3,LOW);digitalWrite(relay4,LOW); } //relay isoff else if( val == 'A' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH); } else if(val == 'B' ) {digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH); } else if( val == 'C' ){digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH); } else if( val == 'D' ){digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH); } //relay all off else if( val == 'I'){ digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH); } }
Arduino BT Joystick PRO
Arduino its an AVR-development kitwithmicrocontroller and peripherals on a single board, designed tomakemore accessible the process of using electronicsinmultidisciplinary projects.The hardware consists of a platesimpleopen source hardware designed around a microcontroller Atmel8-bitAVR, although a new model is designed around a 32-bitARMAtmel.The Arduino Bluetooth Joystick comes to help in theimplementationand usability of their prototypes, allowing yourAndroid smartphonebecomes a control. With this you will be free ofextra spending tothe development or purchase of wirelesscontrollers, just by usingthe application.The application has been tested with the Bluetooth module HC-05andHC-06 both available at various online shopping sites, costinglessthan $ 10 each.Sample:Vídeo - - to use:Each botton sends a character or string. You can customize allthebuttons to send the best data for your project. You also cansendthe accelerometer data.This is still the first version of the application.PLEASE IF YOU FIND ANY FAILURE OR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTU.S.THROUGH E-MAIL [email protected]
Arduino BT Joystick Free
This is a lite version of ArduinoBluetoothJoystick.You can get the full version in: its an AVR-development kit with microcontrollerandperipherals on a single board, designed to make more accessibletheprocess of using electronics in multidisciplinaryprojects.Thehardware consists of a plate simple open sourcehardware designedaround a microcontroller Atmel 8-bit AVR, althougha new model isdesigned around a 32-bit ARM Atmel.The Arduino Bluetooth Joystick comes to help in theimplementationand usability of their prototypes, allowing yourAndroid smartphonebecomes a control. With this you will be free ofextra spending tothe development or purchase of wirelesscontrollers, just by usingthe application.The application has been tested with the Bluetooth module HC-05andHC-06 both available at various online shopping sites, costinglessthan $ 10 each.Sample:Vídeo - - to use:Each botton sends a character or string. You can customize allthebuttons to send the best data for your project. You also cansendthe accelerometer data.This is still the first version of the application.PLEASE IF YOU FIND ANY FAILURE OR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTU.S.THROUGH E-MAIL [email protected]
Virtuino 6 6.0.33
Ilias Lamprou
HMI for SCADA & IoT platforms - MQTT, MODBUS, HTTP,Bluetooth,WIFI, Thingspeak
Bluetooth Terminal Pro 2.9
★★★★★ Bluetooth Terminal ★★★★★ ▶ This app let your androidsmartphone to connect with your bluetooth module. ▶ You can sendandreceive string data to your Bluetooth Module using this app.▶Bluetooth Control Device Application is to allow you tocontrolvarious electrical devices. ▶ Using Bluetooth Terminal onecancontrol HC-05 & HC-06 Bluetooth Controller. ▶ You cancontroldevices like Automation System ,Smart Home Automation,lightcontrol, RC car etc. ▶ Store Unlimited bookmark commands tosend itwithin a single click. ▶ Setting Menu to view and managehistory. ▶Setting Menu to Add & Delete bookmark commands. ▶Maintain allthe history of sent data. ▶ Auto complete help fromhistory datawhile typing commands. ▶ Bookmark command popup to sendwith singleclick. ▶ App UI is very much clean and easy to operate.▶ Tried andtested with HC-05 & HC-06 Bluetooth Modules. ▶▶︎Supportedlanguages: English, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German,Portuguese,French, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese,TraditionalChinese. ▶▶︎ Note : All the supported language aremachinetranslations. There are possibilities of mistakes in anylanguage.If you found any type of mistake then please write [email protected] and we will verify and resolve it.
Arduino Bluetooth Terminal 1.2.4
Send and Receive Arduino Sensor-Data directly on your SmartphoneviaBluetooth!
BTduino - Arduino - Bluetooth 1.7
BTduino是利用手機藍芽裝置(Bluetooth)連接Arduino的應用程式。此程式現提供數字按鍵模式及遊戲控制器模。往後亦會加入PWM,各種感應器及按鍵配對等功能。使用者需連接藍芽接收裝置如HC06至Arduino。藍芽HC06連接Arduino的設置如下:1. 藍芽VCC接Arduino 5v或3.3v(視乎所購買的裝置而定)2. 藍芽GND接Arduino GND3. 藍芽RXD接Arduino TX(Pin10)4. 藍芽TXD接Arduino RX(Pin11)// Arduino RX(Pin 11) connect to Bluethooth TX, ArduinoTX(Pin10)connect to Bluethooth RXArduino 設定/*btduino2 - Terminal Mode - by David Chung*/#include <SoftwareSerial.h>SoftwareSerial myBT(11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);myBT.begin(9600);pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);inCode.reserve(50);}void loop() {if (myBT.available()) {char incomingChar =;if(incomingChar == ')'){endCode = true;} else {inCode += incomingChar;}}if (endCode){int strEnd = inCode.indexOf(')');String myString = inCode.substring(0, strEnd);Serial.print("Incoming : ");Serial.println(myString);if(myString == "on"){digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);myBT.print("LED On");}if(myString == "off"){digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);myBT.print("LED Off");}inCode = "";endCode = false;}}/*btduino2 - GamePad Mode - by David Chung*/#include <SoftwareSerial.h>SoftwareSerial myBT(11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;int incomingByte = 0;void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);myBT.begin(9600);pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);}void loop() {if (myBT.available()) {incomingByte =;Serial.println(char(incomingByte));if(incomingByte == 'L'){digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);}if(incomingByte == 'R'){digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);}}}/*Slider Mode*/#include <SoftwareSerial.h>SoftwareSerial myBT(11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);myBT.begin(9600);pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);inCode.reserve(30);}void loop() {if (myBT.available()) {char incomingChar =;if(incomingChar == ')'){endCode = true;} else {inCode += incomingChar;}}if (endCode){int comma1 = inCode.indexOf(',');int comma2 = inCode.indexOf(',', comma1 + 1);String Rs = inCode.substring(0, comma1);String Gs = inCode.substring(comma1 + 1, comma2);String Bs = inCode.substring(comma2 + 1);Serial.print("inCode = ");Serial.print(inCode);Serial.print(" R = ");Serial.print(Rs);Serial.print(" G = ");Serial.print(Gs);Serial.print(" B = ");Serial.println(Bs);int R = Rs.toInt();int G = Gs.toInt();int B = Bs.toInt();analogWrite(ledPin, R);inCode = "";endCode = false;}}/*btduino2 - Orientation Mode - by David Chung*/#include <SoftwareSerial.h>SoftwareSerial myBT(11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);myBT.begin(9600);pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);inCode.reserve(30);}void loop() {if (myBT.available()) {char incomingChar =;if(incomingChar == ')'){endCode = true;} else {inCode += incomingChar;}}if (endCode){int comma1 = inCode.indexOf(',');int comma2 = inCode.indexOf(',', comma1 + 1);String As = inCode.substring(0, comma1);String Ps = inCode.substring(comma1 + 1, comma2);String Rs = inCode.substring(comma2 + 1);Serial.print("inCode = ");Serial.print(inCode);Serial.print(" Azimuth = ");Serial.print(As);Serial.print(" Pitch = ");Serial.print(Ps);Serial.print(" Roll = ");Serial.println(Rs);int A = As.toInt();int P = Ps.toInt();int R = Rs.toInt();inCode = "";endCode = false;}}BTduino Bluetoothdeviceisusing a mobile phone (Bluetooth) connected totheArduinoapplication. This program now provides keypad mode andthegamecontroller module. Later will join PWM, various sensorsandbuttonsmatching functions. Bluetooth user to be connected tothereceivingdevice, such as HC06 Arduino. HC06 ArduinoBluetoothconnectionsettings are as follows:1. Bluetooth connection Arduino 5v VCC or 3.3v (dependingonthepurchased device may be)2. Bluetooth connection Arduino GND GND3. RXD connected Bluetooth Arduino TX (Pin10)4. TXD connected Bluetooth Arduino RX (Pin11)// Arduino RX (Pin 11) connect to Bluethooth TX, Arduino TX(Pin10)connect to Bluethooth RXArduino set/ *  btduino2 - Terminal Mode - by David Chung* /#include & lt; SoftwareSerial.h & gt;SoftwareSerial myBT (11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup () {  Serial.begin (9600);  myBT.begin (9600);  pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);  inCode.reserve (50);}void loop () {  if (myBT.available ()) {    char incomingChar = ();    if (incomingChar == ')') {      endCode = true;    } Else {      inCode + = incomingChar;    }  }  if (endCode) {    int strEnd = inCode.indexOf (')');    String myString =inCode.substring(0,strEnd);    Serial.print ("Incoming:");    Serial.println (myString);        if (myString == "on") {      digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);      myBT.print ("LED On");    }    if (myString == "off") {      digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);      myBT.print ("LED Off");    }        inCode = "";    endCode = false;  }}/ *  btduino2 - GamePad Mode - by David Chung* /#include & lt; SoftwareSerial.h & gt;SoftwareSerial myBT (11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;int incomingByte = 0;void setup () {  Serial.begin (9600);  myBT.begin (9600);  pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);}void loop () {  if (myBT.available ()) {    incomingByte = ();    Serial.println (char (incomingByte));    if (incomingByte == 'L') {      digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);    }    if (incomingByte == 'R') {      digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);    }  }}/ *  Slider Mode* /#include & lt; SoftwareSerial.h & gt;SoftwareSerial myBT (11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup () {  Serial.begin (9600);  myBT.begin (9600);  pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);  inCode.reserve (30);}void loop () {  if (myBT.available ()) {    char incomingChar = ();    if (incomingChar == ')') {      endCode = true;    } Else {      inCode + = incomingChar;    }  }  if (endCode) {    int comma1 = inCode.indexOf (',');    int comma2 = inCode.indexOf (',',comma1+1);    String Rs =inCode.substring(0,comma1);    String Gs = inCode.substring (comma1+1,comma2);    String Bs = inCode.substring(comma2+1);    Serial.print ("inCode =");    Serial.print (inCode);    Serial.print ("R =");    Serial.print (Rs);    Serial.print ("G =");    Serial.print (Gs);    Serial.print ("B =");    Serial.println (Bs);    int R = Rs.toInt ();    int G = Gs.toInt ();    int B = Bs.toInt ();    analogWrite (ledPin, R);        inCode = "";    endCode = false;  }}/ *  btduino2 - Orientation Mode - by David Chung* /#include & lt; SoftwareSerial.h & gt;SoftwareSerial myBT (11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup () {  Serial.begin (9600);  myBT.begin (9600);  pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);  inCode.reserve (30);}void loop () {  if (myBT.available ()) {    char incomingChar = ();    if (incomingChar == ')') {      endCode = true;    } Else {      inCode + = incomingChar;    }  }  if (endCode) {    int comma1 = inCode.indexOf (',');    int comma2 = inCode.indexOf (',',comma1+1);    String As =inCode.substring(0,comma1);    String Ps = inCode.substring (comma1+1,comma2);    String Rs = inCode.substring(comma2+1);    Serial.print ("inCode =");    Serial.print (inCode);    Serial.print ("Azimuth =");    Serial.print (As);    Serial.print ("Pitch =");    Serial.print (Ps);    Serial.print ("Roll =");    Serial.println (Rs);    int A = As.toInt ();    int P = Ps.toInt ();    int R = Rs.toInt ();    inCode = "";    endCode = false;  }}
Arduino BT Control 1.2
Arduino BT Control èun'applicazionegratuitache vi permette di controllare con deisemplici comandi ilvostromodulo bluetooth. Per associare il modulobluetooth conl'app, ènecessario prima accendere il bluetooth delpropriodispositivo edassociarlo con il modulo (se viene richiestaunapassword,solitamente è 1234). Una volta associato ilmodulo,potretetrovarlo nella lista dell'applicazione.Hardware richiesto per il funzionamento:- Arduino.- Modulo bluetooth HC-04, HC-05 oppure HC-06.Software richiesto per il funzionamento:- Caricamento sketch apposito per Arduino.Nell'applicazione sono presenti avvisi riguardol'associazionetrail modulo bluetooth ed il vostro dispositivo. Inquesto modopotreteverificare l'effettiva comunicazione tra l'appel'Arduino.Nel seguente link, troverete una guida sulfunzionamentodell'appe lo sketch che dovete caricare sulvostroArduino: BT Controlisafree application that allows you to control withsimplecommandsyour bluetooth module. To pair the Bluetooth modulewiththe app,you must first turn on your device and associate itwiththebluetooth module (if a password is required, it isusually1234).Once associated with the module, you can find it intheapplicationlist.Hardware required for operation:- Arduino.- Bluetooth Module HC-04, HC-05 or HC-06.Software required for operation:- Loading a special sketch for Arduino.In the application there are warnings abouttheassociationbetween the bluetooth module and your device. Thiswayyou canverify the communication between the app andtheArduino.In the following link, you will find a guide on the appworksandthe sketch that you have to download toyourArduino:
Bluetooth Arduino and LCD 1.0
You will be able to connect withanypaireddevice on Adroid with HC-05 Bluetooth module. and sendTectMessegeto Arduino that will print the text on LCD display.Instructions:1. Run the program2. Turn on Bluetooth in case it is not on. If Bluetooth isofftheprogram will inform.3. Click on "Connect" and a drop list of all paireddeviceswillapear on Android Screen4. Choose from the list HC-05 device5. With devices paired write a text on text dialogboxonscreen6. Click "send String to LCD" and the text on the dialogo boxwillbeshown on LCD display.PS: On the buttons "Arduino Program" and HardwareConnections"youwill find Arduino program and all connectionsbetween Arduino,HC-05modulo and LCD needed for the project towork.Have Fun"
Arduino Bluetooth Controller 1.0 Home Premium
Arduino Bluetooth Controller 100% compatible withallmicrocontrollers.
RemoteXY: Arduino control 4.13.4
Control Arduino and other boards via WiFi, Bluetooth, USB,Internetusing GUI