Top 22 Apps Similar to Mtel TV for tablet

Mtel TV for smartphone 3.05.08
Mobiltel EAD
Use this app on your smatphone toaccessselected Live TV channels and get your entertainment anywhereyougo.The app takes TV to a new level by giving you the flexibilitytowatch what, when, where and the way you want it. Download theMtelTV app as a part of your Mtel Digital TV subscription and youcanwatch selected live TV channels. All you need is an Android™tabletand internet connection via Wi-Fi or Mtel 3G network.You can watch on up to 5 different screens at the same time.Don't panic if you forgot to schedule a recording – youcaninstantly schedule and manage your desired recording fromyourmobile device and have it waiting to view on your TV when yougethome. All these and more only with Multiscreen byMobiltel.
Онлайн ТВ 3.0
Программа для просмотра онлайн твThe program forviewingonline tv
VOYO.BG 3.0.56
VOYO.BG is offering paid video on demand service.
Peers.TV: телевизор ОНЛАЙН ТВ 7.7.5
👋 Знакомьтесь! Peers.TV – это бесплатный сервис дляпросмотрателеканалов онлайн, популярных сериалов, тысячи фильмов вHD идетских мультиков. Функционал приложения очень широк: программатввсех каналов, IPTV-плеер, запись передач, создание плейлистовизлюбимых тв шоу. В приложении есть все (и даже больше) дляудобногопросмотра телевидения в вашем смартфоне, планшете,телевизоре и наAndroid TV. Если кратко, то с Peers.TV можно: —бесплатно смотретьТВ онлайн и программу передач на сегодня по всейРоссии; —погрузиться в по-настоящему большой выбор жанров передач:новости,спорт, мотогонки, футбол, хоккей, мультфильмы, кино,сериалы, юмор,музыка и телешоу; — смотреть телевидение онлайнбесплатно в записии управлять прямым эфиром (пропустили выпуск илиэпизод любимогосериала — смотрите их из архива передач, где мы ихбережно для вассохраняем); — добавлять телеканалы в избранное иформироватьсобственный список ТВ каналов. 📺 БОЛЕЕ 150 БЕСПЛАТНЫХКАНАЛОВ.Смотрите все популярные каналы – 1 канал, Россия 1, Россия24, СТС,СТС Love, РЕН ТВ, ТНТ Music, МУЗ ТВ, НТВ, ТВЦ, Пятыйканал,Карусель, Домашний. Помимо популярных каналов, на Peers.TVвыможете посмотреть региональное телевидение вашего города.Любимыепередачи в прямом эфире и 7 дней в архиве: «Вечернийургант»,«Голос», «Пусть говорят», «Орел и Решка», «Пацанки» и сотнидругихне менее интересных передач! Единственное, что можетотсутствоватьв приложении — это некоторые каналы, и только из-занежелания самихтелеканалов. Однако мы делаем всё возможное (и поройневозможное),чтобы добавить в Пирс ТВ самые востребованные ипопулярные каналы,такие как: ТНТ, ТНТ Премьер, ТНТ4, 2x2, МАТЧ ТВ,Пятница, Супер,КХЛ ТВ, НТВ Плюс. Мы постоянно добавляем новыеканалы в нашеприложение, например, Дисней, Amedia Premium HD,Amedia HIT, ОТС имногие другие! Поэтому следите за обновлениями вприложении и внаших социальных сетях. 🍿 8500 ФИЛЬМОВ И СЕРИАЛОВ. Внашейколлекции более 4000 фильмов в HD на любой вкус. Вас ждутподборкипо жанрам: боевики, комедии, российское и советскоекино,детективы, ужасы, фантастика. Огромное множество сериаловотиндийских и турецких до российских и американских. 👶ДЕТСКИЕМУЛЬТФИЛЬМЫ. Для наших юных зрителей у нас есть: каналДисней,Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network и другие неменеезамечательные каналы с детскими сказками, советскими ироссийскимимультсериалами для любых возрастов. ⭐️ ЛУЧШИЕ СЕРИАЛЫAMEDIATEKA. Сдобавлением новых каналов Амедиатеки вы можетесмотреть все сезонылучших сериалов HBO и Showtime первые 7 днейбесплатно! Смотритепремьеры «Темные начала», «Хранители», «Чужак».Так ипересматривайте полюбившиеся сезоны главных сериалов последнихлет:«Чернобыль», «Игра престолов», «Мир дикого запада». Все это–крупнейшая легальная онлайн-библиотека качественноговидеоконтента!⚡️ 7 ДНЕЙ ПОДПИСКИ НА ПРЕМИУМ КАНАЛЫ БЕСПЛАТНО! Мыподготовилиподборки самых разных популярных каналов по подписке:Nickelodeon,«СТС Kids», Nick Jr., «Дождь», «MTV Russia», A1, A2,«Авто24» имножество других отличных каналов. Стоимость подписки за30 днейсоставит от 99 рублей до 249 рублей в зависимости отпакета.Кстати, мы еще частенько раздаем промокоды на бесплатнуюподписку,поэтому следите за нами в соц. сетях! Для просмотраконтентаPeers.TV потребуется активное подключение к интернету. Вашоператорсотовой связи может взимать плату за 3G/LTE подключение,уточняйтеинформацию по тарифам у вашего оператора. Хотите помочьнам сделатьневозможное возможным? Рассказать то, что сделает нашеприложениедля вас еще лучше? Или может у вас все сломалась? Скорееделитесьидеями и предложениями на [email protected]. Заактуальныминовостями о приложении и обновлениях вступайте вофициальную группув ВК: Спасибо за ваши отзывы ихорошие оценки -обещаем не зазнаваться! 😁
Bulgaria Channel TV Info 1.0
Bulgaria Channel TV InfoAll the info you need to set up your satellite receiver towatchfree TV channels from Bulgaria.This App you can get a data and this topic below.1. Agro TV2. Alfa TV3. BNT 14. BNT 25. BNT HD and more....Important Notification:This app contains neccesarry technical information to setupsatellite receivers only. You still need digitalsatellitereceiver, dish antenna and television devices along inorder towatch listed channels live.Download here!!!!
TV From Bulgaria Info 1.0
TV From Bulgaria InfoAll the info you need to set up your satellite receiver towatchfreeTV channels from Bulgaria.This App you can get more content and this topic below.1. Agro TV2. Alfa TV3. BNT 14. BNT 25. BNT HD6. tv7. fiesta8. alfa9. bulgaria10. skat11. fen12. uit13. imprint14. kanal15. btv16. halle17. polarized18. agro19. tv720. telewizja and more....Important Notification:This app contains neccesarry technical information tosetupsatellite receivers only. You still needdigitalsatellitereceiver, dish antenna and television devices alonginorder towatch listed channels live.Free Click Now!!!!
TV Satellite Bulgaria Info 1.0
TV Satellite Bulgaria InfoAll the info you need to set up your satellite receiver towatchfreeTV channels from Bulgaria in English languages.This App you can search a content and this topic below.1. Agro TV2. Alfa TV3. BNT 14. BNT 25. BNT HD6. fen7. btv8. tv29. halle10. polarized11. agro and more....Important Notification:This app contains neccesarry technical information tosetupsatellite receivers only. You still needdigitalsatellitereceiver, dish antenna and television devices alonginorder towatch listed channels live.Download Now!!!!
Satellite Bulgaria Info TV 1.0
Satellite Bulgaria Info TVAll the info you need to set up your satellite receiver towatchfreeTV channels from Bulgaria.This App you can see a content and this topic below.1. Agro TV2. Alfa TV3. BNT 14. BNT 25. BNT HD6. bulgaria7. fen8. btv9. tv210. halle11. polarized12. agro and more....Important Notification:This app contains neccesarry technical information tosetupsatellite receivers only. You still needdigitalsatellitereceiver, dish antenna and television devices alonginorder towatch listed channels live.Free Click Now!!!!
Bulgaria Satellite Info TV 1.0
Bulgaria Satellite Info TVAll the info you need to set up your satellite receiver towatchfreeTV channels from Bulgaria.This App you can find the everything and this topic below.1. Agro TV2. Alfa TV3. BNT 14. BNT 25. BNT HD and more....Important NotificationThis app contains neccesarry technical information tosetupsatellite receivers only.You still need digital satellite receiver, dishantennaandtelevision devices along in order to watchlistedchannelslive.Get it Now!!!!
TV Bulgaria Info Channel 1.0
TV Bulgaria Info ChannelAll the info you need to set up your satellite receiver towatchfreeTV channels from Bulgaria.This App you can a content and this topic below.1. Agro TV2. Alfa TV3. BNT 14. BNT 25. BNT HD6. BNT World7. Balkanika Music TV8. Box TV9. Bulgaria On Air10.City TV and more....Important NotificationThis app contains neccesarry technical information tosetupsatellite receivers only.You still need digital satellite receiver, dishantennaandtelevision devices along in order to watchlistedchannelslive.Download here!!!!
Watch popular bulgarian channels.Subscription required.
TV Sat Info Bulgaria 1.0.7
With this app you willreceiveimportantinformation about how to set up the receiver andassigningthecorrect satellite.You want to align a satellite dish quickly andsuccessfully?Whatinformation do you need this?Answers to these and other questions you will getwiththisapp.For example, you taught this app on behalfstations,satellites,positions of the satellites, frequencies, theplaneofpolarization, symbol rate and FEC settings."What's New" as Favorite function, transmitter searchfunctionandlanguage function.Here you will be informed about possible satellitefrequenciesandsatellite channels. To rapidly find thesechannelssorted alphabetically.Channel List:Agro TVAlfa TVBalkanika Music TVBNT 1BNT 2BNT HDBNT WorldBox TVBulgaria On AirCity TVDiema Family +1EKidsEvrokomFen TVFiesta TVFolklor TVChannel 3Magic TVNews 7Nova TVPlaneta FolkPlovdivska Pravoslavna TVSKATThe Voice TV BulgariaTV 7VTKVTVfurther TV sander from A - Z ...*****Do you have questions or suggestions for our app?Then send us your feedback and use the followingcontactdetails:Support, Contacts, Contact:Saeed KhokharE-mail address: [email protected]
Bulgaria TV sat info
Atanur Apps
Bulgaria satellite information of free TV channels
Vbox7 2.2.2
Vbox7 дестинация за твоето забавление.
N3Play 3.72
R Consulting
Application for watching certain TV programs on mobile devicesintheN3 network. You can select interesting for you contentfromover 50TV channels. Music, movies, kids programs and sportareonly part ofthe genre diversity of the package. You are engagedorbusy at themoment, you have an urgent commitment? This is notareason forconcern. You still have a chance to watchbroadcastsrecordings forcertain TV programs over the past 3 days.During aninteresting showprogram you need to make an importantphone call?Put the livebroadcasted program on pause and watch itwhenconvenient for you.Easy-to-use intuitive interface with largeandcomfortable controls.You can watch programs in a small windoworon full screen of thedevice. Enjoy the high quality pictureandsound via 4G, 3G or WiFiInternet connection. The Televisionwhichis always with you. FOR YOU:).
VXG IPTV Player 1.3.9
VXG Inc.
This application is based on VXG PlayerSDK-, you will need to input channels list(m3uplaylist) that youcan get from your provider or find afreechannels list in the web.Please, visit Youcanplaceyour playlist: 1) On a web server (Dropbox public link isoneofthe options) and specify its URL in the application 2)Onthedevice storage and select file in the file manager Features:✔OTTclient ✔ IPTV client ✔ Network Protocols: HLS, MMS, RTMP,RTSP,TSby UDP ✔ Recording of live streams ✔ M3U ✔ List viewcontrolandthumbnails for live streams ✔ Replay function on HLSstreams✔HTTPS and encrypted streams support ✔ Digital zoomandpictureshifting mode This application is based on VXG PlayerSDK.This SDKsupports all major network protocols and multimediacodecs,testedand tuned for all major Android hardware platforms andhasover 1M+users! Our SDK is designed to help our clients createvaluewithmobile video playback. With our wide range of featuresandpowerfultools you’ll quickly expand your audience,generaterevenue, andcreate more effective digital communications.It hasjust all youneed for your Mobile video playback solution!Buildyour own MediaPlayer within hours using our SDK! VXG PlayerSDKfeatures : •Hardware acceleration – a new hardwareaccelerateddecoder for HDvideo • Multi-core decoding - support ofthe multipleprocessorcores for decoding • Multi-channel support-simultaneousconnection to multiple resources or multiplevideodecoding • Videointegration with any Activity - basedonSurfaceView and can beintegrated with any Activity • Hardwarepreand post processing –hardware de-interlacing and various preandpost processing usingOpenGL shaders • Custom andstandardnotifications - notifiesapplication about connection,disconnectionand other events,possibility to add custom event•Multicast/Unicast UDP streamplayback For more info pleasereferto Visit our pageonFacebook: Pleasedon'thesitate tocontact us at [email protected] if youmeet anyproblem.
Vivall Streaming Video 3.2
VivaAll is android application forstreaminglive or on-demand video contents. You can watch livestreaming TV,TVOne, ANTV, online Indonesian TV, live soccer, livesports,breaking news, and other interesting videos, anytime,anywhere.VivAll is equipped with advanced features:- Social login: login with VIVA account or login with yoursocialmedia accounts (Facebook, Path, Google+)- Search: you can search for videos by title or tags- Rating: give a rating on the video that you are watching- Favorite content: favorite page contains videos that you markasfavorites- Comments: make comments about the video that youarewatching- Choose a category: select videos by category- Switch card: easily change navigation layout- Fullscreen: you can watch the video in full screen- Set the quality/resolution: you can select the videoresolution(specific contents only)- Select the camera angle: you can switch from one point ofcameraview to the other camera view (specific contents only)Download now, it's free, and start enjoying live videos andVODcontents on you smartphone!
Mobile TV Free 3.1.2
TV Apps
Watch TV on your Android device for free!FreeMobile TV app loads a database of TV channels compatible withyourmobile device.Simply choose a TV channel, click play icon and watch TVwhereveryou are whenever you want for free!You can watch free TV channels divided infollowingcategories:- news- music- entertainment- sports- gaming- educationaland much more!Mobile TV app works wherever there is an internetconnection.Watch over 200 free TV channels on the go. No need toinstall flashplayer, as mobile tv app works with HTML5technology.Free TV app stream content in HD quality almost 24/7.Average number of television per household is around 3 in USAandstill increasing. According to USAToday, there has been only 1TV inthe majority of homes in 1975, so that`s really big increasein fewyears. There were not only increase in number of televisionsperhousehold, but also in offer of different TV channels, TVnetworks,TV shows, informative programs, entertainment, health,beauty,fashion, religious, music and sport content. Ten or twentyyears agothere were trend watching only informative programs, newsandweather forecasts. Nowadays it seems a bit different: peoplemostlikely watch TV shows, movies and entertainment content.There is also one another trend rising every year more andmore:mobile tv. It`s service which mainly operate on computers andonmobile devices and offers you your most popular tv channelwhereveryou are over internet. Many different online TV channelsandnetworks providers offer their service for free, some of themarealso charging few bucks per month. Most popular Pay-TV channelsandnetworks are definitely Netflix, Hulu and ESPN, butfreealternatives such as Mobile TV don`t offer lower qualitycontent.Just the opposite, Mobile TV for example offers more than200 HDchannels for free 24/7.As we mentioned before, free TV providers ensure thateverybodycan watch his favourite channels wherever he is andwhenever hewants.Regarding some research, people most likely watch TVshows,movies and other entertainment content.Luckily, there are every year more and more free TVchannelproviders which offer really good quality content, so peoplecanreally afford many televisions in household and watch TVwheneverthey want and wherever they are.TERMS OF CONDITIONS:Content used in this app is available on website archive.organdlicensed under Creative Commons 3.0 ( the video is licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 license wearefree to:- Share – copy and redistribute the material in any mediumofformat- Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the materialfor any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revokethesefreedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Info TV Channel Bulgaria HD 1.0
Info TV Channel Bulgaria HDAll the info you need to set up your satellite receiver towatchfreeTV channels from Bulgaria HD.This App you can see a everything and this topic below.1. Agro TV2. Alfa TV3. BNT 14. BNT 25. BNT HD6. BNT World7. Balkanika Music TV8. Box TV and more....Important NotificationThis app contains neccesarry technical information tosetupsatellite receivers only.You still need digital satellite receiver, dishantennaandtelevision devices along in order to watchlistedchannelslive.Install it Now!!!!
TVlc - Web Audio Player & Vlc/ 11
Enjoy Internet Television with TVlc. Thank you for your support.
DIVAN.TV — movies & Ukrainian TV
Mikarnial LTD
If you are tired of wasting your time searching for a realcoolmovieor a tv show, and you are sick of advertising andyouconstantly missthe latest episode of your favorite show -downloadthe DIVAN.TV appso you can watch TV online at any timeconvenientfor you! Divan TVis a new interactive TV, available onMobiledevices, PC, Chromecast,Apple TV and Smart TV of such worldgiantsas LG, Samsung, Sony,Phillips and others. Register and watchforfree your favoritemovies, cartoons, shows, news andradiostations. They are availableonline and stored in record for14days after the live. DIVAN.TVtakes care of you to get themaximumpleasure from viewing,therefore: -You will always watchhighquality videos, even on mobiledevices; - You can watchyourfavorite channels in record at anytime; - Tired ofadvertising?Rewind it without distracting from thefascinating filmplot; -Continue watching from the moment youstopped last time; -You canalso watch your favorite channels evenwhen you are abroad,becausethe app works wherever there is anInternet. And, of course,theDivanTV’s interface is easily managed.All your relativesandfriends will deal with the control of theapplication withoutanyproblems. In addition, after registration,you will receiveweeklyselections of the most "delicious" films forthe entirefamily tosee. Please note: depending on your location,the list ofavailableTV channels and videos may vary. This is causedby therequirementsof the right holders and the conditions ofthelegislation of somecountries. Full list of availabletv-channelsyou can find
BTV Go 2.2
BTV Go là ứng dụng của Đài Phát thanh Truyền hình Bình Dương.