Top 14 Apps Similar to Quran Mp3 Online Plus-Free

Al Quran Mp3 1.0
Fs Studio
Assalamu’alaykum Warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhDengan Download MP3 Al Quran secara gratis ini teman-temanyangingin memperdalam ilmu Agamanya dan meningkatkan kemampuanyadalammembaca Al Quran sesuai dengan tajwid .Dengan Mendownload Dengan Download MP3 Al Quran ini makaandaakan mempelajarinya sehingga membuat anda semakin dekatdenganAllah SWT.MP3 Al-Quran dan juga disajikan dengan baik danrapi.Bahkandengan menggunkan intonasi nada yang bagus.Assalamu'alaykumWarahmatullahi wabarakaatuhWith MP3 Download this free Koran friends His religion whowantto deepen their knowledge and improve their ability to readtheQur'an in accordance with the recitation.By Downloading MP3 Download Al Quran With this then youwilllearn that makes you closer to Allah SWT.MP3 Quran and also served well by using intonationandrapi.Bahkan nice tone.
HOLY QURAN - القرآن الكريم 2.2
Recite Holy Quran with real feeling, just like an actual Quraninyour hand.
40 Rabbanas (duaas of Quran)
This application is a collection of 40Duas(Duʿā' - invocations) of the Qur'an that begin with theword"rabbana - رَبَّنَا"(Our Lord).Each rabbana is displayed in Arabic with its translation (inseverallanguages) and transcription.The audio is available too!
কুরআন অর্থসহ অডিও Bangla Quran 2.1.0
Droid apps
Bangla Al-Quran Audio with translation and listening(বাংলাআল-কুরআনঅডিও অর্থসহ)
Holy Quran (16 Lines per page) 2.9
Special 16 line Holy Quran with feeling of real Quran in your hand.
Bangla Quran MP3 1.0
Bangla Quran Mp3. Complete AlQuranRecitationWith Bangla Translation. Listen to Beautiful AlQuranRecitationWith Bangla Translation. All 114 Surah of Al QuraninMP3format.
Quran Mp3 2.0.0
Al-Quran for Android willprovideconveniencefor you to read and study the Koran wheneverandwherever you are.Quran Mp3 intended to meet the needs ofMuslimsin closer to theKoran, read the Qur'an and study the Koran,referand seek answersfrom the Quran.Features of the Quran for Android:✔ Elegant design and easy to use.✔ Menu to download audio✔ Bookmark✔ Indonesian and English Translation✔ Arabic language is very clear✔ Can be used offline without an Internet connection✔ Reminder time to reading the Al-QuranTags: Quran, Holy Quran, Quran for Android, Al-QuranHopefully this Mp3 Quran can help you to get closertoAllahSWT, and strengthen your faith by reading thesurah'scontained inthe Holy Qur'an.
Al-Quran Juz 30 Complete 9.0
Aditya App
Contains 30 chapters of the Quran 114 Surah complete,HopefullyHelpful
Quran MyQuran in English
Full Complete Quran for Android user withaudioReciter mp3, very simple and beautiful design, you will liketo readAlQuran Digital.Assalamualaikum wr wbBeautiful Quran in English application that give you somanyfeatures for read, learn, understand and memorize Quran.My Quran features:* Beautiful design* Always save your last read ayyah* Search Function* Duas in Quran* Bookmarks* Ayyah Sajdah* Page Viewer* Read Quran on Android- No Download required for Arabic Text- Many reciters mp3 (on lite version only for Al Fatihah, AlFalaq,Al Ikhlas, Al Lahab and An Naas)- Many translation- Colored Tajwid- Transliteration- Swipe with 2 fingers to navigate- Comfort audio player- Share To Social Media- Copy AlQuran Text- Fullscreen View- Portrait and Landscape view* Finishing Task. Help you to Khatam AlQuran (on liteversionautomatically generated and can not be changed)* Memorizing Task. Help you to memorize ayyahs on AlQuran (onliteversion only 5 tasks)* Asmaul Husna 99 names of Allah* Schedule/Alarm to remind you to read AlQuran integratedwithPrayer Times. (+15 minutes after prayer times)* Makhraj with audioOn this beautiful application, we hope to help you all to loveourHoly Book, AlQuran.Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Quran Bahasa Melayu 4.7.5b
Read Quran Translation Bahasa Melayu (Malay)
Al-Quran 30 Juz free copies 3.0
Al-Quran Al-Kareem 30 Juz is a free copies of Al-Quran inyourAndroid Phone
Al Quran Dan Terjemahan 2.0
Sempurnakanlah hari hari kita semua di dunia ini dengan alunanmerduAl Quran 30 juzuk yang dibacakan oleh Qari terhandal dariseluruhdunia. Pelbagai manfaat dan keistimewaan dalam mendengarapatah lagimenghafal setiap ayat di dalam Al Quran. Melodidendangan Al Qurandapat menenangkan setiap jiwa yangmenghayatinya.
Coran en Français-Quran MP3 2.1
Quran Reading
Français Coran est l'application de Coran complet aveclarécitation, la traduction et la translittération du CoranKareem.Lire l'article complet Coran sur votre smartphone à toutmoment oùvous voulez. L'application vous apprend lire le Quran avecTajwiden utilisant la récitation et translittération fonctionsaudio.L'application française Coran a des caractéristiquessuivantes: •Tous les 114 sourates du Coran sont dans l'ordre. •Traduction duCoran en anglais pour comprendre le sens del’Al-Quran. • En plusde l'anglais, la traduction du Coran enourdou, espagnol, français,chinois, persan, italienne, hollandaiseet indonésienne estégalement inclus dans l'application. •Translittération de Coranpour vous aider d’obtenir sur laprononciation des mots. •Récitation des sourates du Coran peut êtretéléchargée séparémentou vous pouvez télécharger l'audio complèteQuran au format mp3. •Rechercher Sourate utilisant la barre derecherche. • Marquer leverset d'être en mesure de commencer larécitation de l'endroit oùvous l'avez laissé. Section paramètrescomprend: 1. 3 polices decaractères arabes différents choisirparmi. 2. Changer la tailledes caractères que vous le souhaitez. 3.Réglez votre proprecouleur de la police et couleur de fond. 4.Sélectionnez pourafficher la traduction et de la translittération5. Configurer unenotification de l'application pour vous rappelerle temps derécitation du Coran. Évaluer cette application et nousaider àdévelopper plus d’applications islamiques pour vous àl'avenir.
Islamic Books : Hadith Books 3.9
Hadith book and Quran translation books is available in theIslamicbooks hub