Top 22 Apps Similar to Route & Video Recorder

樂客導航王全3D Pro 正式版(可離線)
★本月新開幕景點/店家★新年新氣象!去年有沒有做個美好Ending呢?沒有的話爭取今年有個美好的開始!愛吃日料的看這裡,燒肉的名門赤虎來台啦,主打手工現切肉,還有頂級日本和牛套餐!拉麵控別錯過LamigoLaman,特色台灣拉麵任君品嚐。老字號港茶名店檀島香港茶餐廳在台北開第一家外帶店,經典港點帶著走,快去嚐鮮吧!號稱全台最美的咖啡館卡啡那CAFFAINA新開幕,百款法式甜點與手沖咖啡,好吃又好拍!夜市又有新選項,安和國際觀光夜市開幕囉,愛逛夜市的別錯過!★門牌更新★本次更新重點在桃園市蘆竹區等公文整編;台中市太平區等一般門牌整編且提供整編前後門牌圖資以便用戶查詢;以及台南市、桃園市、高雄市三縣市門牌新增暨修正。★道路更新★本次更新重點在台南市-新吉工業區107年12月12日全區道路完工啟用:安南及安定區交界處的新吉工業區,是繼樹谷園區、柳營科工區及永康科技園區開發完成後,新開發的優質工業區,區內配置廿、卅及四十公尺計畫道路,總長度十公里,可快速銜接國八系統交流道轉國道一號,通車後有利車輛運輸及在地發展。【特色】● 獨家3D立體實境導航,上橋轉彎一目瞭然。(可離線) ● 全新3D高速導航引擎可同時多種路徑規劃。(可離線)●即時路況顯示(需連網使用)。 ● 雲端聲控導航系統 (需連網使用)。 ● 收錄全台超過50 萬筆景點、620 萬筆地址。●提供LBS店家優惠資訊。【詳細說明】「樂客導航王全3D」是全台唯一全3D立體導航軟體,業界領先3D圖資,3D立體地標、建物以及獨家立體標誌及立體指引,帶給您賽車級的實境導航體驗及視覺震撼。獨家3D立體高速導航引擎提供多條路徑規劃及前方即時路況之高畫質影像、測速照相提醒,以及智慧雲端聲控導航,除了導航之外,樂客導航王更提供景點、店家圖文評價、吃喝玩樂等LBS店家資訊。*請注意!本產品是為了手機/平版裝置所開發的軟體,請勿將其使用於任何車載系統或其他不符規格的裝置上。【功能說明】獨家全3D立體實景導航 ● 全省3D立體地標及3D立體建物、立體指引、橋樑。●獨家3D標誌(台北市示範區),包括:路樹、紅綠燈、捷運站等。 ● 提供多種測速照相提醒,超速時警示圖將放大閃爍提醒。 聲控導航●用說的就能導航,會學習的雲端聲控導航系統 (需連網使用)。 智慧型輸入 ●POI名稱跟地址可隨意輸入,智慧模糊輸入您想要去的地址或景點簡稱 多路徑規劃●採用新一代3D高速導航引擎,可同時規劃多條路徑方案,視用戶狀況選擇最適宜路線。 路況即時通●透過高速的4G網路,即時提供前方路況高畫質影像、交通事件訊息 ● 提供紅黃綠的顏色標示即時交通路況。 LBS 周邊優惠●提供景點星等、評論、獨家優惠訊息、店家資料等,輕鬆將周邊資訊一手帶著走。 即時路況●導航沿途路段以紅、黃、綠顏色標示交通狀況,用戶可依路況研判行車路線。●導航過程中,主動提示前方高畫質路況影像、交通事件,用戶可依路況自行迴避●主動提醒突發路況及災變(落石坍方、車輛改道、道路施工...等),讓您選擇是否改道。 獨家3D立體高架橋樑●清楚的獨家高架道路指引,上下橋一目了然。 我的行程 ●提供專題行程懶人包,還能在樂客網上自行編排旅遊行程,匯入手機立即出發!道路位置校正 ● 導航時能自選橋上橋下,再也不會傻傻分不清~3D車輛圖示 ●導航車標不僅有汽車,還可變換成機車、大貨車...讓導航更加身歷其境! 【使用條件】需保留4GB以上空間下載主程式及圖資安裝【Facebook 粉絲專頁】【樂客導航王客服信箱】[email protected] 【樂客導航王客服專線】 02-23630582(服務時間:週一至週五10:00~12:00、13:30~17:30,週末及國定假日公休)
樂客導航王N5 Pro(可離線)
*本產品是為了手機與安卓平版裝置所開發,請勿使用於車載裝置或其他不符規格的硬體上*「樂客導航王N5」重磅推出,感受新一代導航引擎帶來的流暢體驗。* 順暢的操作體驗,感受新引擎帶來流暢無比的導航與地圖瀏覽體驗。* 同時多路徑規劃,依狀況選擇最省錢省時的路徑方案。* 導航路況搶先看,顏色標示擁塞路況讓您輕鬆迴避。* 收錄完整測速照相資料,每月熱燙更新,再也不怕吃罰單。* 勤崴國際科技提供全台最豐富準確的地圖資料。* 道路位置校正功能,遇到高架與平面道路重疊時,可自行校正所在位置。* 全台收入約 30 萬筆景點、500 萬筆地址。* 獨家「樂客鍵盤」,快拼輸入讓搜尋超輕鬆。* N3 用戶符合條件皆可免費升級為 N5。*請注意本產品是為了手機與安卓平版裝置所開發的軟體,請勿將其使用於車載裝置或其他不符規格的硬體上,若裝於不適合的裝置上發生問題請您洽詢該裝置的硬體供應商。【使用條件】作業系統需為 Android4.0以上記憶體需為1GB RAM以上主程式約 18MB,需保留 3GB以上空間下載安裝圖資目前支援解析度如下:HD:960 X 540WXGA:1080 X 720、1184 X 720、1188 X 720、1208 X 720、1280 X 720Full HD:1776 X 1080、1812 X 1080、1920 X 1080、1952 X 1536、2392X14402K, WQXGA:2560 X 1440、2560 X 1532【Facebook 粉絲專頁】【樂客導航王客服信箱】[email protected]【客服專線】02-23630582 (週一至週五 10:00-17:30)
Polnav mobile Navigation 3.8.8
Your Idea Choice for GPS Navigation App. Download it NOW!
導航PAPAGO! 體驗版(授權卡專用) s1.001.052
*Please note: Due to Google's requirement for a moresecureoperating system, we will no longer support models below 7.0.It isrecommended to upgrade or transfer the system to Android 7orabove, sorry for any inconvenience caused
導航PAPAGO! Taiwan PRO s1.001.066
*Please note: The latest version removes the functionofsynchronizing attractions in Golife, and all saved attractionswilldisappear after the update!
樂客導航王N5(30 天體驗版)
【商城說明】「樂客導航王N5」重磅推出,感受新一代導航引擎帶來的流暢體驗。* 感受新引擎帶來流暢無比的導航與地圖瀏覽體驗。* 同時多路徑規劃,依狀況選擇最省錢省時的路徑方案。* 導航路況搶先看,顏色標示擁塞路況讓您輕鬆迴避。* 收錄完整測速照相資料,每月熱燙更新,再也不怕吃罰單。* 勤崴國際科技提供全台最豐富準確的地圖資料。* 道路位置校正功能,遇到高架與平面道路重疊時,可自行校正所在位置。* 全台收入約 30 萬筆景點、500 萬筆地址。* 獨家「樂客鍵盤」,快拼輸入讓搜尋超輕鬆。* N3 用戶符合條件皆可免費升級為 N5。【使用條件】作業系統需為 Android4.0以上記憶體需為1GB RAM以上主程式約 18MB,需保留 3GB以上空間下載安裝圖資目前支援解析度如下:HD:960 X 540WXGA:1080 X 720、1184 X 720、1188 X 720、1208 X 720、1280 X 720Full HD:1776 X 1080、1812 X 1080、1920 X 1080、1952 X 1536、2392X14402K, WQXGA:2560 X 1440、2560 X 1532【Facebook 粉絲專頁】【樂客導航王客服信箱】[email protected]
機車好幫手 1.8.6
樂客導航王全3D(30 天體驗版)
Provide Taiwan's exclusive full 3D stereonavigation,voice-activated navigation, multiple route planningoptions,real-time traffic images ahead, speed camera reminders,storeinformation and exclusive discounts and other richinformation! The30-day trial version allows you to try it first,and buy it after agood review!
ナビタイム ツーリングサポーター -バイク・ナビ・駐車場
★ツーリングをもっと楽しむために★本アプリは『走りを楽しむ」事を徹底的に追求したNAVITIMEのバイク専用ナビアプリです。最短ルートの検索はもちろん、景色の良い『ツーリングロード』など走って楽しい道を選択することもできます。ナビ中もバイクでの走行を考慮した『大きく』『シンプル』で視認性の良いUI、交差点名称の発話などきめ細やかな音声ガイダンス、走りによって選べるモードなどバイクでの走行に最適なナビゲーションで安全・快適な走りをサポートします。さらにツーリングは走って終わりではありません。バイクとのツーリングやカスタムの思い出を残せる『バイオグラフィー』もあります。計画から思い出管理まで、ツーリングを楽しむための機能が充実しています。バイクナビアプリをお探しの方は、このアプリがおすすめです!★主な機能(無料)●地図・通常の「白地図」と外や夜でも見やすい「黒地図」、時間に応じて自動でも切り替わります。・ピンドロップ機能と現在地からのルート検索(1経路分のみ表示)・「バイク駐車場 / ガソリンスタンド / コンビニ / 道の駅」のスポットアイコンが表示されます。・ツーリングロードが表示されます。●地点検索・全国700万スポットからフリーワードで検索・「バイク駐車場 / ガソリンスタンド / コンビニ / 道の駅」の周辺検索●ルート検索・「出発地」「目的地」を経由したルート検索・「推奨」「高速道優先」「一般道優先」「景観優先」「推奨2」のうち1経路分のみ提案・ETC割引料金の表示/ルートの情報を文字で確認●ツーリングロード・全国350ルートを越える、おすすめの景色の良いルート・ルートの全景やルート沿いの環境・ルート上で見ることのできる景色の写真・コメントなどからツーリングで"走る道"を提案・地図上で場所と詳細情報を確認●ナビゲーション▽コンパスモード目的地間での直線距離と、方向をコンパス状に表示する方向案内ナビに邪魔をされずに気分で目的地方面へ行きたい、そんな時に役に立つナビモードです●バイオグラフィー・バイクとの思い出をタイムライン形式で振り返ることが可能・ツーリングで走行したログを保存/参照可能(上限3件まで)・バイクをカスタムした思い出を写真付で投稿できる「カスタマイズ」・バイクの維持も思い出として投稿する「メンテナンス」・「バイオグラフィーデータ」の最終利用日を起算とし、90日間保持  (本ナビアプリを利用することで期間は延長されます)★プレミアムコースに登録すればもっと便利に★●地図・渋滞情報を地図上に線で表示●地点検索・周辺の「ガソリンスタンド」検索リスト上に料金を表示・自宅・My地点(任意の地点登録)、地点履歴から検索●ルート検索・「経由地」「ツーリングロード」を経由したルート検索・「推奨」「高速道優先」「一般道優先」「景観優先」「推奨2」「超回避」のうち5経路を提案・道路の渋滞情報・規制情報(VICSデータによる)を考慮したルート検索・バイクで走行できる道のみを案内できる様に、二輪走行規制に対応●ツーリングロード・任意のツーリングロードすべてを組み込んだルート検索/案内●ナビゲーション▽ターンモード次の案内ポイントの情報を「大きく」「シンプル」に表示するナビモードです▽マップモード案内ポイントと地図を同時に確認できるナビモードです▽その他・交差点や分岐点における、レーンガイドや交通看板、進行レーンの3D表示・交差点名称の音声発話・オービス設置区域における音声による地図/注意喚起●バイオグラフィー・ツーリングで走行したログを保存/参照可能(上限無し)・プレミアムコースに登録中は「バイオグラフィーデータ」は常に保持されます。※WIFI専用モデルについてはお客様の通信環境によって動作が安定しない可能性があるため本サービスでは動作保証しておりません。※GPSデバイスが搭載されていないモデルの場合、自位置の捕捉ができないため、現在地地図の表示やナビゲーションなど、一部の機能がご利用になれません。※本アプリは運転中のナビ画面注視/操作を想定しておりません。※画面の注視/操作を行う場合は、安全な場所に停車してからご利用ください。※ナビで案内された道路標識などの交通規制情報が実際の道路状況と異なる場合は、すべて現地の通行規制や標識の指示に従って走行してください。※VICSの規制情報は普通自動車に対応したデータとなります。★プレミアムコースについて「プレミアムコース」は有料オプションです。以下の決済手段がご利用いただけます。・Googleウォレット決済 [400円/月(税抜)]初回に限り『31日間を無料』でお試しできるキャンペーンを実施中です!※「Google Playギフトカード」での購入はできません。★本アプリのプライバシーポリシー画面右上のメニュー>ヘルプ・サポート>その他タブの「個人情報の取り扱い」をご参照下さい。★その他NAVITIMEのおすすめアプリNAVITIMEでは、様々な移動シーンに合わせたアプリを提供しております。サービスの一覧については下記より御覧ください。
AutoGuard Dash Cam - Blackbox 8.1.4208
Pyungwoo Yoo
Your smart phone can be clever as youwithAutoGuard, the best Blackbox application, will giveyouwonderful experiences.Key Features- (Pro) Background recording: Multitasking with otherapps(like navigation)- Upload videos on with captions for locationandtime information- Capture photos at important situation automatically- Show the video and map information on one screen- Automatically starts video recording when put into cardockor connect with bluetooth devices- Records driving video, speed, GPS, and nearest address- Supports high resolutions (1080p, 720p)- Traces path driven on 3D Google maps- Snapshot (supports auto focus, flash & gallery)- Send recorded information via E-mailAutoGuard records various lengths of video, acceleration,latitude,longitude, and speed.The video recorded can be limited to save space on your phone.Afterthe space is filled it will automatically delete the oldestvideos,unless marked to be saved.AutoGuard Pro can be set to automatically start when placed in acardock and run in the background.You can adjust video resolution, bitrates, the sensitivity oftheaccelerator, and GPS update time.With Pro Version(AutoGrard Pro Unlocker), you are ad free, cansyncyour videos on & Multitask AutoGuard withotherapps such as Navigation or Mp3.Visit AutoGuard's home and get more valuable information! AutoGuard needs the contact permission?- List up Gmail accounts for uploading videos to Youtube.- Referral check.AutoGuard doesn't need any other information rather than yourgmailaddress.Anyone who wants to help translating will be welcome.Thanks. =:)Support languages : English, German, French, Chinese,Japanese,Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Dutch, Taiwanese, Lithuanian,Polish,Turkish, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech & Slovak.
測速照相偵測+行車紀錄器+HUD=GPS Defender
GPS Defender 新推出「HUD抬頭顯示、車速歷程表」,讓您的愛車瞬間升級科技智慧車。  GPS Defender 是由 IDFor© 開發團隊 精心研發的智慧型手機專用的整合式GPS行車應用軟體,其功能有:車速、行車里程數、海拔標高、行進方向電子羅盤、經緯度座標位置、衛星訊號與分佈圖、軌跡紀錄、測速照相偵測語音提示與距離顯示、以及240p/480p循環式行車紀錄器,更支援藍芽衛星接收器。讓您的智慧型手機,搖身成為市值近萬元的多功能GPS行車裝置。重點是它是免費的軟體!  反差式的數位儀表板,無論在日間或夜間均能一目瞭然。測速照相的語音提示讓您在行車時更加注意用路安全。支援240p/480p的行車錄影更能確保發生意外事故時的責任歸屬釐清。GPS Defender 是您行車時的道路安全小秘書。軟體功能:- 車速里程與海拔高度- 行車座標與方位羅盤- 衛星訊號圖- 測速照相偵測- 循環式行車紀錄器- 車速歷程表 (目前車速[藍]、10"內平均車速[黃]、最高車速[紅])- 行車軌跡紀錄- 支援藍芽GPS- 測速照相資料庫更新- 測速照相點回報- 顯示模式設定- 標準模式 (行車紀錄器)- HUD模式 (抬頭顯示 + 車速歷程表)- 車速歷程模式 (行車紀錄器 + 車速歷程表)- 模擬測試- 廣告語音託播《最新版本公告》請用戶們安裝本軟體時,記得勾選自動更新,以保持軟體的最新狀態。!!使用前記得將手機的GPS服務給啟用喔!!※特別事項HTC用戶請注意! 若您使用HTC Car者,請先將其退出後再開啟本軟體,避免軟體因共同使用時發生閃退情況。使用「HUD抬頭顯示」時,行車錄影功能是停用狀態。關於錄影檔的儲存位置, 請參考「MENU>關於」裡有顯示其位置。未來版本將會提供選單可讓用戶們方便操作,請多多見諒。建議用戶可下載MX Player, 它會列出手機裡有影音檔的資料夾,行車錄影檔是在GpsVideo裡,軌跡檔在GpsLog裡有用戶反應偵測時分不出順向拍(大多數)或逆向拍,以為是誤報,因為有某些相機是具有雙向拍攝功能。我們很單純,一律是偵測順向(包含雙向拍相機),提醒您前方有測速照相,其智慧型偵測技術可有效避開95%非用路車道的相機。詳情可上產品官網認識測速照相。有部份的新款手機找不到MENU選單鈕(例如:HTC),可以上您手機的產品官網查閱技術支援,或有任何使用上的問題的話可以透過APP商店的「傳送電子郵件給開發人員」告訴我們,寫在評論裡我們是無力有效解決您的問題喔!使用藍芽GPS的用戶,除了必要的藍芽服務(請先配對完成)要開啟外,內建的GPS服務可以不用開啟。小叮嚀 ^_^ 手機的GPS服務一定要開啟,才會有彩色畫面喔!。關於錄影檔的儲存位置, 請參考「MENU>關於」裡有顯示其位置。未來版本將會提供選單可讓用戶們方便操作,請多多見諒。建議用戶可下載 MX Player, 它會列出手機裡有影音檔的資料夾, 行車錄影檔是在 GpsVideo 裡台灣各縣市測速照相點已完成彙整且不斷持續維護當中,請各位用戶每天使用時,常去更新資料庫(或是上產品官網查看測速照相發佈資訊),十二萬分地感謝熱心的用戶們不斷回報新資料給我們, 謝謝你們! ^_^!產品官網 / 技術支援Q&A© 粉絲俱樂部's new "HUD head-up display, speed course table" sothatyour car instantly upgrade technology wisdom cars.GPS Defender is IDFor © development team to develop adedicatedsmartphone applications integrated GPS traffic, itsfeatures are:speed, driving mileage, elevation above sea level,electroniccompass direction of travel, latitude and longitudecoordinates,and distribution of satellite signals , track record,speed cameradetection distance voice prompts and displays, as wellas 240p/480pcycle tachograph, also support Bluetooth GPS Receiver.Let yoursmartphone suddenly become versatile GPS devicemarketcapitalization of nearly a million traffic. Emphasis is thatit isfree software!Contrast-style digital dashboard, whether by day or nightcanglance. Speed ​​camera voice prompts give you more attentiontoroad safety while driving. Support 240p/480p video traffictobetter ensure accountability to clarify when an accident.GPS Defender is a small secretary of road safety when youaredriving.Software features: - Vehicle mileage and altitude - Driving coordinates and compass - Satellite signals Figure - Speed ​​Camera Detection - Cycle tachograph - Speed ​​Course table (current speed [Blue], 10 "theaveragespeed [yellow], the maximum speed [red]) - Lane track record - Support Bluetooth GPS - Speed ​​camera database updates - Speed ​​camera returns - Display mode setting   - Standard mode (tachograph)   - HUD mode (head-up display + speedcoursetable)   - Speed ​​process model (DVR + speedcoursetable) - Analog Test - Advertisement broadcast voice care"The latest version of the bulletin"Please users install the software, remember to check theautomaticupdates to keep up to date software.! ! I remember before using the phone's GPS services toenableOh! !※ Special BusinessHTC users please note! If you were using the HTC Car, first exitandthen turn it the software, because the software when usedtogetherto avoid the occurrence of flash back situation.When using the "HUD head-up display" Driving recordingfunctionis disabled.Video files on the storage location, please refer to"MENU>About" in showing its location. Future versions willprovide menuallows users easy operation, please forgive me.Recommends that users can download MX Player, it lists thephonehas audio and video files folder data, video files are inGpsVideolane, the track where the file in GpsLogThere can not tell the user when it detects the forwardreactionshot (most) or reverse shot, that is false, because thereare somecameras is a two-way shooting. We are very simple, all isdetectedforward (includes bi-shoot camera), to remind you in frontof aspeed camera, the intelligent detection technology caneffectivelyavoid the 95% non-lane road with a camera. Details onthe product'sofficial website can recognize speed cameras.Some of the new phones can not find the MENU button (eg:HTC),the product can be on your phone official website accesstechnicalsupport, or have any questions, then you can use the APPstore via"Send e-mail to the developers." Tell us in the commentswe writeare unable to effectively solve your problem Oh!Use Bluetooth GPS users, in addition to the necessaryBluetoothservice (please pairing) To open, the built-in GPS servicecan notopen.Reminders ^ _ ^ phone's GPS services must be turned on, willhavea color screen, Oh! .Video files on the storage location, please refer to"MENU>About" in showing its location. Future versions willprovide menuallows users easy operation, please forgive me.Recommends that users can download MX Player, it lists thephonehas video file folder information, traffic video files are intheGpsVideoSpeed ​​camera counties and cities in Taiwan have beencompletedand compiled them constantly ongoing maintenance, when theurgeusers daily, frequented update the database (or theofficialwebsite to see the product release speed camerainformation),twelve extremely enthusiastic user thanks The new dataareconstantly return to us, thank you! ^ _ ^!Product Officer Network / Technical Support Q & A © Fan Club
Route Map 1.0
Aulya Labs
Generate best route
walter hsieh
AR GPS DRIVE/WALK NAVIGATION (augmented reality-poweredcarnavigation system)
My Toyota 6.0.15
The exclusive APP for TOYOTA car owners, with a brand-newdigitalservice experience, will help you master the big and smallthingsof driving life!
TuRuta Team
TuRuta is an app for planning trips by public transport
MI RUTA 0.0.2
El proyecto. “MI RUTA” es una“app”innovadoraque se utilizará en los dispositivos móviles conacceso ainternetque cuenten con sistema operativo Android, estadirigido ausuariosde transporte publico en general y a turistas;parafacilitar eltraslado y uso de todas las rutas de transporteypuntos de interéslocalizados en el municipio de Matamoros.The project. "MyRoute"isan innovative "app" to be used on mobile deviceswithInternetaccess who have Android operating system, is aimed atusersofpublic transport in general and tourists; tofacilitatethetransfer and use of all transportation routes andpointsofinterest located in the municipality of Matamoros.
Track Recorder(Torque OBD/Car) 1.6.130
Ian Hawkins
This is a plugin for the 'Torque' androidappthat allows you to overlay a video with your car OBD2 data.Perfectto see how you were driving!Some features are:* Watch the video you made with OBD data (speed, turbo boost, rpmaswell as other OBD sensors) GPS, Accelerometers overlaid onthevideo.* Google Maps semi-transparent overlay so you can watchyourposition on a map as well as the video at the same time.* Can record in Hi-Def / HD or Low-def video (an option inthesettings).* USB Camera support - have up to 3 cameras active at once (oruseboth the front and back cameras on your phone if it supportsbothbeing used at once, and a USB camera too!)* Even if you don't have an OBD2 module, the app can stillrecordsensor information from GPS and the accelerometer onyourphone* Layout the recording dashboard how you want bypress-and-holdingon the screen.* Video export to popular apps like YouTube or save them onyourGoogle Drive* Other uses include as a blackbox video recorder to recordyourdaily drives with looping video recording, at the track/racewaytohelp improve your skills, or as a recorder to help combatincorrectspeeding ticketsIf you have a feature you want to see in the app, please emailmeusing the contact developer link below!More sensors and gauges will be added in the nextfewreleases!.Check out the Torque forums at (clickthedeveloper link below).Note: This plugin needs the full version of Torque Pro
GPS Direction Tracker and Maps 1.0
Best navigation app here to help youcanfindaccurate and correct location to reach your destination. Oneofthebest navigation solution for your street view, city mapglobeandglobetrotterGPS Tracker Navigation and Mapas works as guide and can youfindyourdestination between from start and end destination inanycountriesof any States at any situations. You can sendyouraccurate locationto your friends. It is one of the easiestgpsbased route finder can search and touch atdestinationlocation and the routebetween those two locations orplaces willappear on the map. Bydefault, app will find out currentlocationof yours. Routeinformation is available via text formatalso. Itcan guide you fornearby atm mosque prayer place hikingtrackbicycle route routetracker and all you can want to search foryourcomfortable. It setyour target destination where you can go.Itcan tell you meccadirection also if your virgin aboutyourdestination then it can tellyou atm station bank street viewandall other.Accurate location Path:It is design very beautifully. Just touch on map tofindtheroute.Route feature:once the target location set by you app will displayaccuratepathand this will helps you reach the destinationhasslefree.Route via Search box:Enter city name of where you want to go then “addlocation”popupwill appear now press “activate now” button to getroutenavigationpath.Supports different maps types: Day, Night, Outdoor maps view.Quickly identify the address of any area in map.Location Services:Make sure you have Proper GPS signal Enable on thedevicewithuninterrupted Internet Signal to fetch accuratelocationonMAP.FIND ROUTE:This option gives you flexibility to find any Location,addressorroute map worldwide.CURRENT LOCATION:This option helps you if you lost your way or forgot theaddressthenyou can see your current position and if you want toshareyourcurrent location with anyone you want, do it using`SharethisAddress` option via any Social App, It will help them tofindyoueasily.GPS NAVIGATION:This option works as GPS NAVIGATOR & helps you tonavigatefromone place to another place.ROUTE FINDER:This option gives you accurate Distance, traveling timeandshortestpath to reach from one place to another place and helpstosave yourvaluable time and efforts while searchingforaddresses.
神盾測速照相 3.5.4
Aegis Studio
Free speed camera warnings for Taiwan national highways,generalroads, and urban roads, built-in fixed/mobile/frequent/redlightspeed camera spots, traffic violation and prohibitionpointsinformation, real-time road conditions, etc.
MAPLUSキャラdeナビ 地図・カーナビ・渋滞情報 1.10.11
Edia Co.,Ltd.
"MAPLUS (Maplas) Character de Navi" is a walk / car navigationappthat allows you to change the navigator and screen designthatprovide guidance voice.
BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS
Download topo maps for an offlineoutdoornavigator! Use your phone or tablet as an offroad topomappinghandheld GPS with the bestselling outdoor navigation appforAndroid! Explore beyond cell coverage for hiking andotherrecreation.Download topo maps for the US and many other countries inadvance,so you won't need cell coverage for navigation. Use storagememoryfor maps.New: Android Wear support to see navigation at a glanceonwristUse GPS waypoints from GPX or KML files, or enter yourowncoordinates using longitude/latitude, UTM, MGRS, or gridreference.Using GOTO makes a waypoint a locus for navigation.This uses many publicly available map sources as freedownloads.Some additional content available as an in apppurchase:-Accuterra Topo Map Source for $19.99/year. This can bepurchasedand used with or in instead of the free sources.- Boundary maps for 12 western states from the Bureau ofLandManagement(BLM) Overlay for topo maps valued by hunters.-GMU boundaries in some states-Lake Contours in several states.-Content from US TrailMaps including:-ATV, Whitewater, and Equestrian Trail MapsSee the menu under More-> "Purchasing AddOns". They can beshownon top of topo maps.You may try the DEMO version to make sure you like the maps inyourcountry.About topo (topographic) maps: Topo maps show terrain throughcolorand contours, and are useful for navigation offroad. Topo mapsandGPS can be used for hiking, hunting, kayaking, snowshoeing,&backpacker trails.You can create your own maps with Mobile Atlas Creator, or specifyacustom tile server. Built in sources include:OpenStreetMaps from MapQuestOpenCycleMaps showing terrain worldwideUS Topo Maps from Caltopo and the USGSUSTopo: Aerial Photography with markup.Canada Topo Maps from ToporamaMarine maps: NOAA RNC Nautical Charts (coastal)USGS Color Aerial photographyTopographic Maps of Spain and ItalyTopo maps of New ZealandJapan GSI maps.Many of the above sources are generally free to use.Use offline topo maps and GPS on hiking trails without cellservice.The GPS in your Android phone can get its position fromGPSsatellites, and you don’t have to rely on your data plan togetmaps. Have more fun and safe GPS navigation inthebackcountry.Use as a geocaching navigator by getting a pocket queryasGPX.Besides geocaching, use GPS for recording tracks and GPSwaypointson your trip, all the while tracking your GPS quest ontopographicmaps. It may replace your Garmin handheld GPS.Here are some of the outdoor GPS activities BackCountryNavigatorhas been used for:As a hiking GPS both on hiking trails and off trail.Camping trips to find that perfect camping site or the way backtocamp with GPS.Hunting trips for hunting wild game in rugged areas.Doing recon for a hunt or as your hunting GPSFishing: make it your fishing GPS.Search and Rescue (SAR).Trekking the Pacific Crest trail or other long term hiking.Kayak and canoe treks on inland lakes and streams or marine,coastalwaters.Backpacker trips: using topo maps of wilderness areas andnationalforests for navigation on trails with the GPS in yourrucksack orbackpack.Find your own ways to have fun in the outdoors. Be a maverickbyventuring beyond cell service boundaries with your GPS. Becomeapro at navigation with GPS for the outdoors.BackCountry Navigator has been on WM devices and preloaded ontheTrimble Nomad outdoor rugged device. This Android version ismoreflexible, featured, and fun. Create a memory with maps.For a one time fee, this a great addition to the outdoor gearyoubought at Cabelas, REI, or another outdoor store. Many havefoundthe Android GPS in a phone or tablet to substitute for aGarmin GPSor Magellan GPS, such as the Garmin GPS units Montana,Etrex, orOregon. Android can be your handheld GPS.