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vista看天下 1.0.7
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《Vista看天下》是中国期刊市场上,唯一面向高消费人群的新闻类杂志,也是全球华文媒体BPA认证市场发行量最大的新闻期刊。我们立志做“中国最好看的新闻杂志”,通过最犀利、最好看的新闻角度,为您呈现不一样的故事内涵,杂志的内容主要涵盖中国、环球、封面故事、财经、社会、娱乐、文化、生活、专栏等领域,将过去10天发生在全球的最精彩故事呈送给广大读者。《vista看天下》客户端在内容方面同样提供与纸刊精彩的内容报道,除主要的封面故事、时政、财经、娱乐、文化、生活等栏目外,同时还提供浮世绘、天下看点、图说天下等子栏目报道,通过说新闻、讲故事,用看天下模式的独特眼光为您讲述最新发生的精彩故事。"Vista to see theworld"isthe Chinese journals on the market only forhigh-classconsumergroups news magazine, is the world Chinese mediaBPAcertificationmarket with the largest circulation newsletter.Weaspire to do"the best looking Chinese news magazine" throughthemosttrenchant, best looking angle on the news, to presentyouadifferent story content, magazine primarilycoversChina,Universal, cover story, financial, social, recreational,culture,life, columns and other areas, will take place overthepast 10days the most exciting story in the worldpresentedtoreaders."Vista to see the world," the client in terms of contentandthepaper also provides exciting content published reports,inadditionto the main cover story, current affairs,finance,entertainment,culture, life and other columns, but alsoprovidesUkiyo-e, theworld Aspect, drawings world and othersub-sectionsreported bysaying news stories, see the world with aunique visionmode foryour wonderful story about what'shappening.