Top 23 Apps Similar to Carbonio Mail

Maxlab Mobile
Unique SMS and email alerts on your phone and smartwatch
AnonAddy for Android
Anonymous Email Forwarding
Mitel Teamwork 1.20.2009.10
Mitel Android
Mitel Teamwork is a collaboration app for Mitel ConnectCLOUDusers.It’s a virtual place for your teams to chat, send filesandmanagetasks. The heart of Teamwork is a workspace. You cancreatea publicor private workspace for your team, a project, or atopic.In eachworkspace you can · Send messages to your team ·Receivemessagesand direct @mentions from your team · Send filesandquickly accessall files shared by your team · Create, assignandmanage tasks.Quickly determine your team’s load and due dates.TheTeamwork appkeeps you immediately informed of importantevents.You are notifiedwhen · A team member @mentions you by name·Assigns a task to you ·A task you created is completed
FastMail 3.1.11
FastMail is email, calendars and contactsdoneright. Now, the full speed and power of a FastMail accountiseasily available on the go in our official app for yourAndroiddevice.* Push notifications alert you instantly when new messages arriveinyour Inbox.* Swipe to archive or delete.* Pin important messages to the top of your Inbox forinstantaccess.* Search your entire email archive in seconds.* Schedule meetings, respond to invitations and look upcontactswith just a few taps.* Receive and act on notifications on your Android Wear orPebblesmartwatch.Please note: You must be either a paid subscriber or haveverifiedyour trial FastMail account to use this app! Don't have anaccountyet? Sign up for a free trial today at andstart enjoying premium email.
Missive 10.18.1
Missive lets teams manage shared inboxes and collaboratearoundemails. Chat, share attachments and assign tasks right fromyourinbox. Use shared labels to organize conversations by projectordepartment. • Canned Responses - Create reusable templates tosavetime on repetitive emails. • Collaborative Writing - Composeemailstogether and get reviewed in real time. • Snooze - Setreminders onemails and chats to clean up your inbox. • Send Later -Draft anemail and schedule it to be sent at just the right time. •PinnedConversations - Drag important conversations to the sidebarforquick access. • Rules - Apply filters to automatically archiveorassign conversations to anyone in your organization. •Integrations- Asana, Pipedrive, FullContact, Todoist, Trello, andpossibilityto develop your own. And much more… • Auto CC / BCC •Snooze onlyif nobody replies • Push notifications • Rich text andHTMLsignatures • Gmail search syntax • Sharable conversation links•Unified inbox
MailTask 3.3.6
MailTask is a Tasker plugin to manage emails from Tasker
Spica My Hours 2.7.9
Track time on Projects and Tasks.
FairEmail, privacy first email 1.2028
FairEmail is easy to set up and works with virtually allemailproviders, including Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo! FairEmail mightbefor you if you value your privacy. FairEmail is an emailclientonly, so you need to bring your own email address. FairEmaildoesnot support non-standard protocols, like Microsoft ExchangeWebServices and Microsoft ActiveSync. Almost all features are freetouse, but to maintain and support the app in the long term,notevery feature can be for free. See below for a list ofprofeatures. A lot of effort has gone into this app, whichwasdeveloped to help you protect your privacy. If you have aquestionor problem, there is always support at [email protected] * Fully featured * 100 % open source * Privacyoriented *Unlimited accounts * Unlimited email addresses * Unifiedinbox(optionally accounts or folders) * Conversation threading *Two waysynchronization * Push notifications * Offline storageandoperations * Common text style options (size, color, lists, etc)*Battery friendly * Low data usage * Small (~20 MB) *Materialdesign (including dark/black theme) * Maintained andsupported Thisapp is deliberately minimalistic by design, so youcan concentrateon reading and writing messages. This app starts aforegroundservice with a low priority status bar notification tomake sureyou'll never miss new emails. Privacy features*Encryption/decryption supported (OpenPGP, S/MIME) *Reformatmessages to prevent phishing * Confirm showing images topreventtracking * Confirm opening links to prevent tracking andphishing *Attempt to recognize and disable tracking images *Warning ifmessages could not be authenticated Simple * Quick setup* Easynavigation * No bells and whistles * No distracting "eyecandy"Secure * No data storage on third party servers * Usingopenstandards (IMAP, POP3, SMTP, OpenPGP, S/MIME, etc) * Safemessageview (styling, scripting and unsafe HTML removed) * Confirmopeninglinks, images and attachments * No special permissionsrequired *No advertisements * No analytics and no tracking (errorreportingvia Bugsnag is opt-in) * No Google backup * No FirebaseCloudMessaging * FairEmail is an original work, not a fork or acloneEfficient * Fast and lightweight * IMAP IDLE (pushmessages)supported * Built with latest development tools andlibraries Profeatures All pro features are convenience or advancedfeatures. *Account/identity/folder colors * Colored stars *Notificationsettings (sounds) per account/folder/sender (requiresAndroid 8Oreo) * Configurable notification actions * Snoozemessages * Sendmessages after selected time * Synchronizationscheduling * Replytemplates * Accept/decline calendar invitations *Add message tocalendar * Filter rules * Automatic messageclassification * Searchindexing, search on server * S/MIMEsign/encrypt * Biometric/PINauthentication * Message list widget *Export settings Support Ifyou have a question or problem, pleasecheck herefirst: youcannot find what you are looking for, please contact [email protected] and I will try to help you.
The Hindu ePaper 2.2.8
New and improved - Digital replica of India’s most trusteddailynewspaper.
OWM for Outlook Email OWA 3.19
OWM Outlook Web Mobile is an email app that let you use OWAinasmart phone friendly layout, with Auto Login and Email/MeetingNotification. It is NOT compatible with GMail,Hotmail,Yahoo Mail,AOL, Horde Mail, cPanel or any other mailprovider.Please contactus for customer service, or if youexperience anyissue. Try itrisk free! Contact us for refund within24 hours ofpurchase. Youmay contact us at: [email protected]: - Emailnotification, auto check for new email on atimedinterval ** -Calendar appointment and meeting reminder,whenenabled, auto setan alarm to alert you before the event **-Download basicinformation of calendar events to local calendar,foroffline view,to use with third party widget, etc. - BlinkLEDindicator for newemail and appointment/meeting reminder. (Ifdeviceis compatible) -Screen layout reformatted to improveusability onsmart phonescreen - Wide screen mode for tablet -Prefill username,password,auto login - Schedule "Off Time" to lowerpower and datausage, orif you don't want to be attached to workemail 24/7. Whenenabled,the app will not check for new email ornew/updatedCalendar eventduring the specified time interval, forexample, from6 PM to 7 AM.Applies to Notification only, you canstill launch theapp to checkemail manually. - Desktop browser modeif yourcompany's OWA blocksaccess from mobile browser. For regularOffice365 with Exchange,use webaddress: For Office 365with ADFSlogin,use web address:, withyour company's email address domain. **Fornotification to work,Auto Login must be able to bring youdirectlyto Inbox when youlaunch the app. *** Upload attachmentrequiresFile Explorer,download any one from Google Play if thephone doesnot come withone.
IncaMail 5.0.0
IncaMail for the secure and verifiable delivery ofconfidentiale-mails.
ContactSync - CardDAV and more 10.0
Sync your contacts with CardDAV, FTP, HTTP, WebDAV servers orlocalfiles
Fly — Email App For All Mail
Mail app for users of smartphones and tablets Fly
MailDroid Pro - Email App 5.11
MailDroid is your IMAP Idle and POP3 replacement for thedefaultclient!
Streams for Zoho Mail 2.2.14
Email reinvented for a collaborative world
Unread Badge PRO (for email)
A must have widget on your home screen, if your emails areveryimportant to you
InboxIt - read it later
Put everything into your inbox with 1-click
Mail Notes - Quick Email Notes 1.4
Send reminders, notes, and to-dos in email to yourself in asingletap.
eLabels - manage email labels 2.1.6
Lior Iluz
Manage your labels on the go!
GW Mail
Ghost Pattern Software
GW Mail is an email client for Novell GroupWise. With thisappyouget a much better interface than Novell delivers bydefaultthroughGroupWise WebAccess. This app gives you some oftheenterprisefeatures that you would not get with simple POP/IMAP-like accessto your Frequent Contacts and GroupWise addressbook.Currentfeatures: Read your mail list Notifications for newmailboxitemsSwitch folders, move items to folders Read emails, anddelete,readlater, properties, etc. Read attachments usingtheGroupWiseWebAccess viewer Download and view attachments usingappson yourdevice Compose emails Address book searching Acceptordeclineappointments, tasks and notes We highly recommendcheckingout ourfree GW Lite app to test whether or not your serverworkswith ourapps before purchasing this app. GW Mail for Androidhasbeentested to work with GroupWise 2014, 2012, 8, 7 and 6.5Wehavereleased our GW Calendar as a separate app. It givesyougoodaccess to your GroupWise Calendar with acalendarspecificinterface. Support: To send a support requestemail, pleasedo sofrom the app. Open the app. From the main page,tap on theSupportbutton in the upper right corner. If you arerunning anolderversion of Android, this may be accessed from themenu button.Ifyou are having trouble doing that, you can send anemaildirectlyto [email protected] Please includeinformationabout yourdevice and the version of GroupWise that youare using.
Salesforce Inbox 5.6.8
Sell Smarter with Salesforce Inbox