Top 3 Apps Similar to Coeur des lacs de Champagne

Lucca Experience - La Guida di Lucca 3.0
Lucca Experience è una App ideata per visitare la cittàscegliendoinmodo semplice e intuitivo il percorso più adattoperimmergersinell'atmosfera del centro storico, pensata per ituristichecercano più del solito itinerario e vogliono seguireleloropassioni. Chi ama le ambientazioni gotiche apprezzeràilpercorsoattraverso i luoghi delle leggende locali,conapparizionidiaboliche e magioni templari, chi preferiscel'armoniae lo sfarzodel '700 potrà ammirare le ville e i palazzicheospitarono lefeste della nobiltà lucchese. Coloro chesonocresciuti con IndianaJones non possono perdersi ilpercorsoarcheologico tra i mosaicidella cattedrale paleocristiana ei restidella città augustea.Lucca Experience ha l'itinerario giustoperogni visitatore, dagliappassionati del verde agliestimatoridell'arte romanica e moltoaltro ancora. **PER ILCORRETTOFUNZIONAMENTO, ABILITARE GPS ELOCALIZZAZIONE DELDISPOSITIVO**CARATTERISTICHE: - FREELuccaExperience è scaricabilegratuitamente,oggi e per sempre; -GUIDA TURISTICA Segui le tuepassioni con i 13percorsi divisi pertema e periodo storico perscoprire tutte lesfumature di questabellissima città; - CULTURAAmpioapprofondimento storico,arricchito da foto e ricostruzioni 3D;-LOCALIZZAZIONE GPS L'Appcalcola automaticamente il tragittopiùbreve verso ogni tappa delpercorso e consente quindi discegliereall'interno di ogniitinerario quali tappe visitare secondoi proprigusti, il tempo adisposizione e la vicinanza dallaposizionedell'utente; - INFO& UTILITA' Qui è possibile trovaretutte leinformazioni chefacilitano la permanenza a Lucca, comenumeriutili, trasportipubblici, parcheggi, parchi gioco e altro;
Hyères Guide Monument Tracker
Petite révolution pour cette mise àjour!Découvrez la nouvelle version de Monument Tracker :refonteglobalede l'application au niveau graphique et desfonctionnalités.Sivous souhaitez savoir ce que vous pouvez faire etvoir àHyèresdurant votre week-end, votre visite ou votrevoyage,téléchargezdès maintenant notre application gratuite !Quand visiter rime avec s’amuser !Découvrez Hyères de façon ludique et culturelle avec lenouveauguidetouristique addictif de Monument Tracker, unvéritablecompagnon devoyage interactif et exhaustif incluant leclassementpar époque de70 monuments, circuits, visites guidées etsiteshistoriques.Grâce à la diversité de son patrimoine, de son architecture etdesespaysages, la ville d'Hyères s'est vu attribuer le label«Villes etPays d'art et d'histoire » par le Ministère de laCultureet de laCommunication.Avec la nouvelle version de Monument Tracker, rejoignez1milliond’utilisateurs déjà conquis par les précédentes versionsdulauréateuropéen pour la création et l’innovation danslavalorisation dupatrimoine.Utilisez la géolocalision pour afficher les monumentslesplusproches de vous. Accédez à une base dedonnéescomplèted’informations concernant les monuments comme lesitearchéologiquegrec et romain d'Olbia, l'ancien grand magasindesDames de France,l'Hôtel de ville, le Théâtre Denis, leChâteauSaint-Pierre, laVilla Noailles et le parc Saint-Bernard, leParkHotel, le Casino,la Tour des Templiers, l'ancienne Banque deFranceet affichezhistoire et anecdotes sur chacun de ces lieuxd'Hyères.Les fonctionnalités intégrées à l’application :Votre profil : véritable espace personnel gratuit pourstockeretpartager vos itinéraires, photos stickées sur le plan,coupsdecœurs et listes. On vous demande vos adresses préférées ?Enunclic, vos amis peuvent suivre vos pas. Les monumentsetmuséesn’auront plus de secret pour vous.Activités : retrouvez l'actualité de la culture et dupatrimoineàHyères, avec le programme de toutes les activités à nepasmanquer: visites guidées gratuites HistoricoPrestissimo,ateliersPatrimômes à vivre en famille pendant lesvacances,grandsévènements culturels (Journées européennes dupatrimoine,Journéeseuropéennes des métiers d'art...), concerts,pièces dethéâtre,spectacles de La Saison à Hyères et plus encore!Missions : découvrir les monuments d'Hyères et s’amuser, telestleconcept de Monument Tracker Hyères. Laissez votre téléphoneàvosenfants pour les chasses au trésor, remplissezlesmissions(collecte d'objets virtuels, check-in, concoursphotos),répondezaux défis et testez vos connaissances avec lesquiz.Accumulez despoints pour chaque mission réussie : partagezvossuccès, publiezdes selfies à points et progressez de niveauenniveau pour passerd’Amateur à Master ! Vous pourrez publiervospropres défis dès lestatut d'Expert.Interactivité : profitez des nombreusesinteractivitésdel’application en partageant le parcours de votrevoyage, tracéàl’appui. Illustrez de vos propres photos positionnéessur leplan.Vous prévoyez de partir ? Utilisez l’applicationpouroptimiser lessorties en enregistrant votre parcours à l’avance,cequi vouspermet de planifier votre visite.Concours photo : photographiez des lieux secretsd'Hyèresouréinterprétez les photos d'Hyères des plusgrandsphotographes.Publiez vos photos sur la page Facebook deMonumentTracker etdevenez le photographe de la semaine.Version offline : téléchargez les cartes embarquées de lavillepouréviter les coûts de roaming supplémentaires lors deséjouràl'étranger.Small revolutionforthisupdate!Discover the new version of Tracker Monument: completeoverhaulofthe application in graphics and features. If you want toknowwhatyou can do and see in Hyères during your weekend, yourbusinessoryour trip, download our free app now!When to visit rhymes with fun!Explore Hyères fun and cultural way with the new addictivetourguideMonument Tracker, a true companion interactiveandcomprehensivetravel including classification by time of70monuments, tours,guided tours and historical sites.Thanks to the diversity of its heritage, its architectureanditslandscapes, the city of Hyères was awarded the label"CitiesandCountries of Art and History" by the Ministry ofCultureandCommunication .With the new version of Tracker Monument, join 1millionusersalready conquered by previous versions of the Europeanwinnerforcreation and innovation in the promotion ofheritage.Use the géolocalision to display the monuments closest you.Accessacomprehensive database of information on the monuments suchastheGreek and Roman archaeological site of Olbia, theformerdepartmentstore Dames de France, City Hall, the DenisTheatre, theCastle ofSt Peter, Villa Noailles and Saint BernardPark, the ParkHotel, theCasino, the Tower of the Templars, theformer Bank ofFrance anddisplay history and anecdotes about each ofthese placesof Hyères.The features built into the application:Your profile: Genuine free personal space to store andshareyourroutes, photos stickées on the plan, DROPS and lists. Youareaskedyour favorite places? With one click, your friends canfollowyoursteps. Monuments and museums no longer have secretsforyou.Activities: find the news of culture and heritage in Hyères,withtheprogram all activities not to be missed: free guidedtoursHistoricoPrestissimo, Patrimômes workshops for all thefamilyduring theholidays, major cultural events (European Daysheritage,EuropeanDays of Crafts ...), concerts, plays,performances Seasonin Hyèresand more!Missions: Discover the sights of Hyères and have fun, thisistheconcept of Monument Tracker Hyères. Leave your phonetoyourchildren to treasure hunts, complete missions(collectionofvirtual objects, check-in, photo contest), answerthechallengesand test your knowledge with quizzes. Earn pointsforeachsuccessful mission: share your successes, publishselfiespoints toprogress from level to level to move from amateurtomaster! Youcan publish your own challenges from theExpertstatus.Interactivity: enjoy the many interactivity of theapplicationbysharing the route of your trip route in support.Illustrateyourown photos positioned on the plan. Are you planningto leave?Usethe application to optimize output by registering yourrouteinadvance, allowing you to plan your visit.Photo contest: photographing secret places of Hyèresorreinterpretphotos of Hyères of the greatest photographers.Publishyour photoson the Facebook page of Monument Tracker andbecomethephotographer of the week.Offline version: download embedded maps of the citytoavoidadditional roaming costs during the stay abroad.
Oil Painting Puzzle 1.23
Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that areboundwith a medium of drying oil. Commonly used drying oilsincludelinseed oil, poppyseed oil, walnut oil, and safflower oil.The oilmay be boiled with a resin, such as pine resin orfrankincense tocreate a varnish; often prized for its body andgloss. Differentoils confer various properties to the oil paint,such as lessyellowing or different drying times. Certaindifferences are alsovisible in the sheen of the paints dependingon the oil. An artistmight use several different oils in the samepainting depending onspecific pigments and effects desired. Thepaints themselves alsodevelop a particular consistency dependingon the medium. Althoughoil paint was first used for the BuddhistPaintings by Indian andChinese painters in western Afghanistansometime between the fifthand tenth centuries, [1] it did not gainpopularity until the 15thcentury. Its practice may have migratedwestward during the MiddleAges. Oil paint eventually became theprincipal medium used forcreating artworks as its advantagesbecame widely known. Thetransition began with Early Netherlandishpainting in northernEurope, and by the height of the Renaissanceoil painting techniqueshad almost completely replaced temperapaints in the majority ofEurope. In recent years, water miscibleoil paint has come toprominence, to some extent replacing theusage of traditional oils.Water soluble paints contain anemulsifier which allows them to bethinned with water (rather thanwith paint thinner), and allows veryfast drying times (1–3 days)when compared with traditional oils(1–3 weeks).