Top 6 Apps Similar to Champagne-Ardenne English

Parc Haute-Sûre Forêt d'Anlier 1.27
Discover the Belgian Ardenne playing: otter mission orcircuitlegends
Ourthe-Amblève 1.0.2
djm Mobile
Pays d’Ourthe-Amblève, tout… près de chezvous!La Maison du Tourisme du Pays d’Ourthe-Amblève vous emmène àladécouverte de cette belle région d’Ardenne, à 20 km deLiège:nombreuses attractions – parc animalier, grottes, musées… -natureexceptionnelle valorisée par un important réseau depromenades,patrimoine architectural, événementiel, hébergements deterroir,restaurants, etc., en bref, tout ce dont vous avez besoinpour unséjour réussi… près de chez vous !L’application mobile « Ourthe-Amblève » est gratuite etsimpled’utilisation. Elle permet :- d’avoir accès à plus de 500 offres touristiques(hébergements,restaurants, loisirs, découvertes…) ;- de suivre des dizaines de balades sur votre Smartphone ;- de contacter directement les différents établissementsconsultés;- de lancer une navigation vers chaque lieu ;- de connaître les fêtes, concerts, brocantes, marchés etautresévénements qui ont lieu lors de votre séjour ;- de faire des recherches par nom, par critère ou parproximité.Cette application a été développée avec le soutienduCommissariat général au Tourisme de Wallonie et du Fondseuropéenagricole pour le développement rural: l'Europe investitdans leszones rurales.Ourthe-Amel countries,...near you!The Tourist Office of the Pays d'Ourthe-Amel takes you toexplorethis beautiful Ardennes region, 20 km from Liege manyattractions -animal park, caves, museums ... - exceptional natureenhanced by anextensive network of walks , architectural, event,countryaccommodation, restaurants, etc.., in short, everything youneed fora successful stay ... near you!The mobile application "Ourthe-Amel" is free and easy to use.Itallows:- Access to more than 500 tourist offers(accommodation,restaurants, entertainment, discoveries ...);- To monitor dozens of rides on your Smartphone;- Directly contact various institutions consulted;- Launch navigation to each place;- Know the festivals, concerts, flea markets, markets andotherevents taking place during your stay;- To search by name, or by proximity criterion.This application was developed with support from theCommissariatgénéral au Tourisme de Wallonie and the EuropeanAgricultural Fundfor Rural Development: Europe investing in ruralareas.
Liberation Route Europe 1.3
Liberation Route Europe follows inthefootsteps of our liberators. It connects milestones fromourcollective past/history with our lives today. Join us on ajourneythrough modern European history in the knowledge that whatwe dotoday, will make a difference.Liberation Route Europe app:- Read the stories about important events.- Visit the sites of important historical events- Listen to audio stories- Visit museums, memorials and cemeteries- Read people's personal stories.- Download information from this app and you'll be able to useitoffline.Liberation Route Europe links regions of Europe thatwereliberated by the allied forces during the Second World War.Theroute starts in southern England and crosses into Normandy,France,on to Paris, the Belgian Ardennes; through into theNetherlands andcities like Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem; andacross the Germanborder into the Hürtgen Forest and on to Berlin.From there, itcarries on to Gdańsk in Poland, where a democraticrevolution ledto the ultimate liberation of Central Europe in 1989,almost twogenerations later.
Major routes of the Ardennes 1.0.0
The mobile app Ardenne All Access hasbeendeveloped within the framework of the European trans-borderprojectInterreg IV, supported by the tourism federations ofBelgianLuxemburg and the Province of Namur and by the ComitéDépartementaldu Tourisme des Ardennes.The All Access app offers all the keys to go and discoveraunique area. Load new routes across the Ardennes on your tabletorsmartphone.By car, on a motorbike, by bike, on foot, on horseback, on aboator in canoe, discover surprising natural and legendarysites,forests and remarkable valleys, abbeys and impregnablecastles,lakes and unspoilt rivers. Visit places of chief interestsuch asBouillon, St-Hubert, Orval, Rochefort, Dinant,Sedan,Charleville-Mézières…The Ardennes is a land that makes a deep impression anditsinhabitants have a temper that leaves no one indifferent.Becharmed…
Op Stap 1.1
Ga Op Stap in de Vlaamse Ardennen.OntdekVlaanderens Mooiste Landschap. De wandelingen in deze appzetten jealvast op weg. Duik in het verleden, verdiep u in denatuur, genietvan de talloze vergezichten of ervaar de specialethemaroutes.Go On Get in theFlemishArdennes. Discover Flanders' Most Beautiful Landscape. Thewalks inthis app put get you going. Dive into the past, immerseyourself innature, enjoy the many vistas and experience the specialthemeroutes.
Ardennes Tour 8.2-202202104
With Ardennes Tour, follow the guide!