Top 4 Apps Similar to Bird Songs

Reclamo y cantos de pajaros 1.1
INTRODUCCIÓNEsta aplicacion te permite reproducir sonidos realesdeaves/pajaros para usarlo como reclamo, o simplemente paraaprendercosas nuevas.CARACTERISTICAS- Más de 25 especies disponibles con su respectivo sonidoareproducir. Canario, perdiz, codorniz, jilguero, buho,halcón...hay muchas más, descúbrelas.- Reclamos y cantos completamente reales en su fauna real.Estoayudará como reclamo eficaz en deportes como la caza olaobservación de aves.- Sencilla y rápida interfaz, simplemente elige el ave quequierasescuchar y pulsa en el ave para que se reproduzca.- Uso recomendado para el aprendizaje, incluso de losmáspequeños.Si tu pájaro o ave ha perdido el cantar, no dudes en ponerleelreclamo a escondidas para que escuche el sonido y se puedasentiren un paraje más natural, esto ayuda a que tu pájaro recupereelcanto, es muy fácil. La ciencia es maravillosa!COMENTARIOS DEL DESARROLLADORSi te ha gustado la aplicación, no olvides puntuarla,estamostrabajando constantemente para traer nuevas aplicacionesyactualizaciones. Saludos y comenta!INTRODUCTIONThis application lets you play real sounds of birds / birdstouse as bait, or simply to learn new things.CHARACTERISTIC- More than 25 species available with its own sound toplay.Canario, partridge, quail, finch, owl, hawk ... there aremanymore, discover them.- Claims and completely real edge in its real fauna. This willhelpas an effective complaint in sports such as hunting orbirdwatching.- Quick and easy interface, simply choose the bird you want tohearand click the bird to be played.- Recommended use for learning, even the smallest.If your bird or bird has lost sing, do not hesitate to puttheclaim in secret to hear the sound and you can feel in amorenatural setting, this helps recover your bird song, it's veryeasy.Science is wonderful!COMMENTS DEVELOPERIf you like the application, be sure to rate it, we areconstantlyworking to bring new applications and updates. Greetingsandcomments!
Attention Grabber 1.0.4
More than a normal soundboard, pressanysoundand it continues to play as long as you hold your fingeronit. Airhorn, vuvuzela, fog horn, referee whistle, model Ahorn,partyhorn, train whistle, and machine gun sounds.All perms requested are for ads.1.0.4 - bug fix and library update
Animal Sounds (Free) 1.4.3
Explore a variety of animal calls with this Soundboard. 32animalcalls are included; for each you can listen, save as aringtone, orsend to friends.Supports install/move to SD card (Froyo (2.2) and higher).Included animals:AlligatorBearBeeBoarCamelChickenChimpanzeeCicadaCowCoyoteCricketDonkeyDuckElephantFrogGooseHippopotamusHorseJaguarLambLeopardLionOwlPenguinPigRattlesnakeRoosterSeagullSea lionTigerTurkeyWolfPermissions requested by this app (and why):- Internet (Access the internet; required to load ads.)- Access Network State (Also required for ads, used topreventattempts to load ads over the internet if notconnected.)- Write External Storage (Used by the "save asringtone"feature.)
Bird ringtones & sounds 1.4
Bird Ringtones and sounds it's an androidappthat contains the best highly selection of free carefullyselectedtop ringtones and top 2016 high quality sounds, canary birdis awell know bird all over the world also ducks, in thiscoolapplication it's all about best of all birds like:geese,owl,eagle, parrot its 100% FREE! ockatiel parrots are known fortheirpowerful, smooth whistle, and the songs of canaries haveinspiredpeople for centuries. it happens to hear nice birdwhistling soundsand you wish to put have it as mp3 on your phone touse it as aringtone when your friends call you it will make youhappy andjoyful. well you are on the right place to have fun andprank catsby playing finches sounds, personally I prefer to use therosebreasted grosbeak because is another attractive singing bird,whichfrequents Northeastern US and Canada.Also Amazon parrots are a little bigger and more expensive thanmanyof the other birds so download the free ringtones app now andenjoyrelaxing sounds from the countryside sounds,if you likedomesticbirds sounds well not just you too many people get in overtheirheads, choosing a pet who's too large, too loud, tooexpensiveforget about buying one, you'll find every single voiceand noisebirds make all over the world.The singing of birds is one of the most refreshing sounds innature,which can provide great joy and peace to both body and mindof humanbeings.