Top 30 Apps Similar to Radiology Group Patient

Radiology Measurements 2.0.10
Radiology Measurements for adult and Child
UBC Radiology 1.1.0
This app is designed for medical trainees and medicalprofessionalsto increase their confidence in identifying normalanatomicstructures, ordering the most appropriate imaging testandidentifying common pathology. This app is based on theradiologyundergraduate curriculum at the University of BritishColumbia(UBC), which is located in Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada. Theapp content is organized into the pre-clinical (MS1,MS2) andclinical (MS3, MS4, intern) years. The focus of thepre-clinicalyears is on identifying normal anatomy and acquiringbasicultrasound skills and the focus of the clinical years is tobecomefamiliar with ordering appropriateness criteria and torecognizekey pathology. The list of clinical cases presented inthis app aredeveloped from the UBC third year medical studentclerkship “MustSee” clinical objectives. We encourage you to workthrough this appas a curriculum to enhance your understanding ofradiology.
Radiology CT Anatomy 1.6
Viet Nguyen
RAnatomy: CT provides a dynamic and interactive methodofviewingcross-sectional human anatomy on computed tomography(CT).Theinformation contained in this app cannot beguaranteedforcompleteness and accuracy. If errors areencountered,pleasecontact me through my homepage. INSTRUCTIONS:One-fingertap:Highlight structure One-finger vertical drag: ScrollthroughCTimages Pinch gesture: Zoom Upcoming developments: -Coronalandsaggital images - Other modalities... Disclaimer:Theinformationin this app is provided as an educational resourceonly,and is notto be used or relied on for any diagnostic ortreatmentpurposes.This information is not intended to be patienteducationand shouldnot be used as a substitute for professionaldiagnosisandtreatment. RAnatomy expressly disclaims responsibility,andshallhave no liability, for any damages, loss, injury,orliabilitywhatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance ontheinformationcontained in this app. By using this app, you agreetotheforegoing terms and conditions, which may from time totimebechanged or supplemented.
MRI - Resonance Protocols 1.0.5
Tarter Studio
Learn in a practical and quick way the different MRI protocols.
InSimu Patient - Diagnose Virt 7.0.0
Practice real-world diagnostic decision-making on virtual patients.
iRadTech 4.1.3
Radiographic Positioning Guide for Medical Imaging ProfessionalsandStudents
GP Diagnosis 2.1.2
Dr. A. Roth
The Medical Diagnosis App. Enter symptoms, get a diagnosis.
Atlas of Ultrasound Anesthesia 11.3.577
Thorough coverage of regional blocks in over 400 images ofnervesand structures
Code Blue Pro 6.0.1
Code Blue is a specialized cardiopulmonary event timer andactivitylogger.
Medical images & differentials
CathSource 1.0
ECGsource LLC
Medical reference devoted to cardiac catheterizationandangiography.
Pocket Anatomy and Physiology 3.6.9
Handy, easy-to-understand pocket guide
Breast Cancer Healthline 6.9.3
Whether you’re facing a diagnosis, going through treatment orinremission, Breast Cancer Healthline is the app to have inyourpocket whenever you need it. We want you to feel like you’renot onthis journey alone. At Healthline it’s our mission to connectyouto people just like you, who get it. From 1:1 messagingtoparticipating in our six group discussions, there are lots ofeasyways to connect with the community. Breast Cancer Healthlineisyour safe place to share your story, give and receive advice,seekand offer support, and discover the latest news andresearchinformation. We don’t want you to feel defined by yourdisease.Breast Cancer Healthline offers a safe and diverse supportsystemthat allows you to be the whole you. HOW IT WORKS Match: Weconnectyou with a new member from our community each day at 12pmPST. Weintroduce you to members based on your stage, treatmentandlifestyle interests. Browse member profiles and request tomatchwith any member from our community. See members online nowtoinstantly message. Message: Easy access to all your membermessagesin one place. See your matches who are online now andmessage rightaway. Get notified when a member messages you. Groups:Join thediscussion in one of our Groups -- a great way to sharestorieswhile meeting other in the community. Each day our BreastCancerHealthline Guide leads a new discussion in one of ourGroups:Treatment Lifestyle Career Relationships Newly diagnosedLivingwith stage 4 Discover: Discover the best lifestyle and newscontentmedically reviewed by Healthline medical professionals.Navigatearticles about diagnosis, surgery and treatment. Exploreclinicaltrials and the latest breast cancer research. Find ways tonurtureyour body through wellness, self care, and mentalhealthinformation. Relate to others through personal storiesandtestimonials about their breast cancer journey. ABOUTHEALTHLINEHealthline Media is the 2nd largest and fastest growingconsumerhealth publisher in the world, reaching 85 million people amonth.Healthline’s mission is to be your most trusted ally inyourpursuit of health and well-being. You can depend on us toprovideexpert content along with genuine caring. We will support,guide,and inspire you toward the best possible health outcomes foryouand your family. Our solid profitability and rapid growthenablesus to invest in expanding our reach and offering to haveeven moreimpact on many millions more users. Breast CancerHealthline isoptimized for OS 6.0 and above.
Emergency Nurse Essentials 6.30.5598
An invaluable resource for nursing students working in ERs orurgentcare!
QuickEM 5.6
Bill Dirkes
Emergency medicine differential diagnoses, tests, treatmentsbychief complaint.
Okee in Medical Imaging 1.2.2
From the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, this apphelpschildren to prepare for having medical imaging. Coming tohospitalfor medical imaging (radiology) can be a littleoverwhelming –especially if it’s your first visit! But this iswhere Okee theOctopus and his friends can help. They’ll show youthe ropes andhave you ready for your appointment in no time. Infact, they’rehaving so much fun you’ll want to join in their gameseven if youdon’t need to have your picture taken. And that’s okaytoo – theylove company! So are you ready? Join Okee in apicture-takingadventure in Medical Imaging! 3 training games Startthe adventurewith some training in holding your breath with Puffer,keepingstill with Jellyfish and helping Squid fill up with glowink. 6picture – taking activities Help Okee and friends to:Buildsubmarines in MRI Make milkshakes in fluoroscopy Look forstickersin CT Find the broken bones in X-ray Search for sea starsinultrasound Fasten seatbelts for a ride in nuclear medicineReallife action Videos and photos let you see what it’s really liketohave medical pictures taken at The Royal Children’s Hospital(RCH)Melbourne. Getting ready for your appointment Handy tips andeasyto understand information help you know what to do before youcometo the hospital. Information for parents This appincludesinformation to help you discuss your child’s upcomingappointmentand make visiting the hospital fun and exciting. There’salso handyinformation like phone numbers, parking tips and FAQs.This app hasbeen developed as a collaboration between thedepartments ofMedical Imaging, Educational Play Therapy, and theEducationalResource Centre at The Royal Children’s HospitalMelbourne’s.Funding generously provided by The Royal Children'sHospitalFoundation. Disclaimer This application is intended tosupport, notreplace, discussion with your doctor or healthcareprofessionals.The authors have made a considerable effort to ensuretheinformation is accurate, up to date and easily understood.TheRoyal Children's Hospital accepts no liability foranyinaccuracies, information perceived to be misleading, orthesuccess of any suggestions detailed in this application.
Resuscitation! 2.0
Now available as a native Android app! Resuscitation! istheaward-winning virtual patient simulator that makeslearningmedicine addictive! Resuscitation gives you a casepresentation ofa patient who is ill, and you play the role of thehealth careprovider. You are in control and can take a history,perform aphysical exam, develop a differential diagnosis andadministertherapy to treat the patient’s underlying problem. Youcan placethe patient on a monitor, start IV’s, performprocedures,administer medications, obtain radiology studies, EKGs,and a LOTmore. Resuscitation! is a very technical medical simulatorand isdesigned mainly for health students and professionals whoareinterested in learning patient care. It is used by medicalschoolsand residencies across the Unites States and has wonmultipleinnovation awards. Resuscitation! has been played over 2milliontimes by tens of thousands of engaged learners.Resuscitation! maybe too advanced for you if you have no medical orclinicalexperience. There are free cases; if you enjoy the freecases,there are many additional cases that you can purchase.Topicsinclude emergency medicine, EMS/Paramedic, emergencyneurology,gynecology clinic, labor and delivery and pediatrics forUK andEurope users! Your support is appreciated and will allow ustocontinue making fun and educational cases. Awards -2013HarvardGraduate School of Education EduScramble Winner -2013 and2014 IMSHSerious Games Runner-up Emerging Company
Advanced Trauma Life Support 1.10
Advanced Trauma Life Support allows you to testyourdecision-makingskills in simulated trauma cases. TraumaLifeSupport Features:Primary Survey and ResuscitationAirwayMaintenance Secondary Surveyand Management Airway andVentilatoryManagement OropharyngealAirway Insertion NasopharyngealAirwayInsertion Adult OrotrachealIntubation Laryngeal MaskAirwayInsertion Laryngeal Tube AirwayInsertion InfantEndotrachealIntubation Needle CricothyroidotomySurgicalCricothyroidotomyShock Femoral Venipuncture: SeldingerSubclavianVenipunctureInternal Jugular VenipunctureIntraosseousPuncture/Infusion VenousCutdown Thoracic Trauma PrimarySurveySecondary Survey NeedleThoracentesis Chest TubeInsertionPericardiocentesis Chest X-RayReview Abdominal and PelvicTraumaFocused Assessment SonographyTrauma DiagnosticPeritonealLavage—Open Diagnostic PeritonealLavage—ClosedApplication of aPelvic Binder Techniques to ReducePelvic FracturesHead TraumaMinor Brain Injury Moderate BrainInjury Severe BrainInjury HelmetRemoval Evaluation of Head CTScans Spine and SpinalCord TraumaScreening for Cervical SpineInjury SuspectedThoracolumbar SpineInjury Cervical Spine X-RayAssessmentAtlanto-Occipital JointAssessment Assessing SpineInjuries Thoracicand Lumbar X-RayAssessment MusculoskeletalTrauma AssessmentExtremityImmobilization Realignment of DeformedExtremities TractionSplintApplication Compartment SyndromeIdentification of ArterialInjuryBurn Injuries Pediatric TraumaTrauma During Pregnancy Pleasereviewthe screen images beforedownloading.
bodyxq heart 2.3
Body XQ ( bxq ) BodyXQ – body excursion – is the world'sfirstinteractive education program that enables you to travelinside theorgans of the body and explore their functions. A DreamCome True:Did you ever dream of making a virtual journey throughyour heart –the body’s "motor" – and exploring it using the tips ofyourfingers? With BodyXQ you can. Did you ever dream of watchingtheheart operate from inside its own chambers? With BodyXQ youcan.Did you ever dream of looking at the billions of cells thatmake upthe heart and the arteries and exploring how their health,in turn,determines the health of the entire cardiovascular system?WithBodyXQ you can. Imagine: Taking a ride through a coronaryarteryand understanding for the first time why people get heartattacksbut not "nose attacks" or "ear attacks". With BodyXQ youcan.Interactively opening a pumping heart with your own fingers,justlike a surgeon, and your computer being the scalpel that opensitfor you – all in the comfort of your own home. With BodyXQ youcan.Exploring the billions of cells that make up the heart andthearteries, like a scientist, and your computer being themicroscopethat allows you to see every miniature detail – in theclass room.With BodyXQ you can. Interactively studying the effectsofmicronutrients – such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids andtraceelements – on the performance of cells and learning howcellularfunction determines our health and the development ofdisease. WithBodyXQ you can. Improving your own health with thisknowledge – andhelping your family and friends to do the same byintroducing themto this website. With BodyXQ you can. Surprisingyour biologyteacher with knowledge he could not have given to youhimself –because this information was not given to him at the timehe wastraining. With BodyXQ you can. Becoming so fascinated bythefunction of the human body, and by understanding the cellularbasisfor health and disease, that you become a nutritionalconsultant, ahealth professional or a volunteer educator in a newera of health.BodyXQ may trigger that. Looking back in a few yearswith pride andknowing you were part of a groundbreaking interactivehealthliteracy campaign that helped improve the lives of millionsofpeople around the world.
Ortho Traumapedia 1.0.11656
Quick access to information important to the treatment ofskeletaltrauma.
MyWoundHealing ™ 2.11.01
3M Company
MyWoundHealing™ App will allow you to track wound healing andordersupplies.
MRI Essentials 1.3.4
MRI Essentials is a comprehensive reference and textbookfororthopedic MRI.
2019 A&P Perpetual 6.2.01P
VB Learning
For Organizations Only
USMLE-Rx 7.7.22907
USMLE-Rx by ScholarRx
SEPSIS 3 1.2
ScyMed Inc.
Sepsis Calculators & Data
MedSight 2.4
MedSight, designed by Mindray, allows you to transferultrasoundimages and cine loops from ultrasound systems to yourportablesmart devices via WiFi. It provides patients with an easyand fastway to save ultrasound images in smart devices. 1) Remotereview:Users can remote review the patient information which isstored inultrasound system and even download the patient data. 2)Downloadmanagement: Users can check the patient data downloadprogress andstatus. 3) Local browse: Users can browse the patientdataincluding ultrasound images and cine loops. 4) Setting:Providingbasic setting functions and software information.
Paramedic Meds 3.5
Paramedic Meds is a must have tool for medics in the field
The Chief Complaint 3.1
Escavo Inc.
An algorithmic approach to the most common complaints inemergencymedicine
Paramedic Protocol Provider 2.7
PPP provides quick offline access to over 350 fieldtreatmentprotocols.