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Woman Safety Shield Protection 14.01.20
SmartShehar Woman Safety Shield Protection helps people takecontrolof their safety wherever they are. This app is especiallyforwomen.With more features than Be Safe or Vith U (With U)We believe that every woman has the right to go where shepleases,wear what she wants at any hour of the day or night.Ourconstitution guarantees that.No entity, religion, political party or police person can tellheranything contrary to this.It is the uncivilized, retrograde people who try to do thisandaccording to the constitution, action should be taken on themforimpeaching on the rights of a woman.This app can also be used to take pictures if you are taken toapolice station after 6 or are being abused by the police.Photographic evidence is always very powerful.This app can be used for your own or yourcompaniongirl/woman/female's safety or even as a bystander torecord asituation for evidence in an emergency.Take a picture and your location is smsed to your emergencycontactsand the picture is emailed to them.Can be even used by bystanders to record a crime in progress asthepicture can be used by the police to apprehend and convicttheperpetrators.With the recent spate of crimes against women, it is imperativethatall citizens get involved in maintaining the safety oftheircity.What if every citizen had a CC camera? Instead of depending onthegovernment we can all contribute by using ouremergencyfeature.Stuck in a bad situation, just hit the emergency button, takeapicture and the picture is sent automatically to youremergencyemail contacts with your location and your contactinformation. Canbe used as a photo record if there is a criminalcase.Whether you are the victim or a bystander, use this feature tomakeyour city safer.By the makers of SmartShehar Mumbai, SmartShehar MumbaiTrain,SmartShehar Mumbai Bus, SmartShehar Mumbai Auto Taxi.Use it for any city in India - Delhi, Hyderabad,Kolkatta,Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai or any city in the world -London,Paris, New York, Tokyo, Amsterdam ....Also spelled sometimes by Smart Shehar, Smart Sheher, SmartSheher.