Top 16 Apps Similar to Maspalomas Pride Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria Travel Guide 3.21
+++ Now with free Offline Maps, Tour Tickets and even bettervaluePremium Upgrades! +++ With TOURIAS Gran Canaria Travel Guideyoualways have all the important information to hand whentravelling.And all this in over 120 travel destinations. Whetheryou’re athome on the couch, out and about at your holidaydestination oreven after the trip, the TOURIAS Travel Guide givesyou useful tipsfor your holiday or your business trip on GranCanaria. It makes nodifference if you’re visiting the sights,discovering greatrestaurants or going out to the trendiest clubs.And the TOURIASTravel Guides also offer a lot more: • Complimentaryoffline mapsand complete offline use without expensive roaming fees• MyGuide:take photos, write text and save it all. Of course, youcan alsoshare your personal experiences on Facebook • Tour Tickets:you canbook alternative tours from locals directly and in doingso,explore your travel destination in a truly special way •AugmentedReality: discover the hotspots of your holiday destinationvia thecamera on your Smartphone/Tablet • GPS use – where am I? •“Nearby”Function – where’s the next restaurant? • Upgrade: theoptionalupgrade allows the guide to be completely free ofadvertisingFurther TOURIAS Travel Guides for lots of interestingtraveldestinations can be also be found easily via this app.Simplyselect the desired destination under “Further Destinations”and youwill be linked automatically to the app store. We hope youenjoyusing this free travel guide. We very happy to receiveyourfeedback, information about the travel destination, your wishesandsuggestions at [email protected].
Gran Canaria App Guide 2.1.3
Thanks to the application of GranCanariaApp,bear the City in Your Pocket!Since this application will visualize all Supply, DemandandLeisureIsland.Download it free of charge and you will see:Promotions, Events, Cultural Events, Entertainment,RestaurantsandShops in the Island of Gran Canaria in an EasyandIntuitive.The Best Commercial Tourist Guide to Gran Canaria,willseduceyou!.The Island of Gran Canaria has a Big Fan of SocioCulturalandGastronomic possibilities of great interest to allusers.Thanks to the City Guide App Citizen to Gran Canaria,youwillfind more Easy and Intuitive find what you want:- Go shopping.- See the Gastronomic Offers.- All Promotions, Offers and Events.- You Reserve a table at a restaurant and see their prices.- Telephone Numbers.- Asking the Taxi closest to where you are.- Geolocation and Navigation System.- Augmented Reality with Sound Effects.- Cultural Agenda of the Island of Gran Canaria.- Galleries and Videos.- News Channels Assets.- Forecast of more than seven days.- Routes- Auto editable, so you can customize it.- Your Location.- Receive email alerting Closer Offer.- Bilingual Spanish - English / English - Spanish.
Explora Gran Canaria 1.2
Esta app tiene por objeto ofrecerunaherramienta de ayuda para la exploración de senderos deGranCanaria y de toda la información temática de dichos senderos.Estáenfocada al descubrimiento de la exquisita naturaleza de laisla deGran Canaria. Facilita al usuario sobre el terreno laexploraciónde una ruta y de los puntos de interés que se encuentrana lo largodel recorrido. El usuario percibe mediante lanotificación delmóvil la cercanía a uno o varios puntos de interésde dicha ruta.Los puntos de interés se comparten, acumulan y sirvencomo elementode historial del usuario de la plataforma.- Conozca Gran Canaria desde su móvil- Valore y comparta nuestras rutas de senderos- Navegue en 3D por el territorio de la isla- Conozca puntos de interés, vea fotografías originales,estudienuestra geología, flora, fauna, etnografía etc.Explora Gran Canaria ofrece un amplio listado de rutas convariasopciones para que el usuario pueda elegir la que más seadapte a sugusto o a sus capacidades. Se puede seleccionar elnivel dedificultad, la distancia, la localización (norte, centro,sur) y eltipo de ruta (circular o de ida y vuelta). Se ofreceademás unadescripción de cada ruta y de sus puntos de interés y seañadenalgunas recomendaciones para los senderistas.La app de Explora Gran Canaria aporta además un novedosofiltrosensorial que nos permite encontrar rutas que satisfagannuestrasexpectativas, que se ajustan a lo que prefiramos sentir enellas:ver, oír, oler, saborear, tocar, relax o deporte.This app is intendedtoprovide a helpful tool for exploring trails Gran Canaria andallthe thematic information of those paths. It is focused onthediscovery of the unique nature of the island of GranCanaria.Facilitates the user in the field exploring a route andpoints ofinterest found along the route. The user receivesnotification viamobile proximity to one or more sites in the route.The points ofinterest are shared, accumulate and serve as userhistory elementof the platform.- Learn Gran Canaria from your mobile- Rate and share our hiking trails- Navigate in 3D through the territory of the island- Know attractions, see original photographs, study ourgeology,flora, fauna, ethnography etc.Explore Gran Canaria offers a comprehensive list of routeswithseveral options for the user to choose the one that suitsyourtaste or their capabilities. You can select the levelofdifficulty, distance, location (north, central, south) and thetypeof route (circular or round). It also provides a descriptionofeach route and its landmarks and some recommendations forwalkersare added.The app Explore Gran Canaria also provides a novel sensoryfilterthat allows us to find routes that meet our expectations tomatchwhat they feel prefer seeing, hearing, smell, taste, touch,relax orsport.
GranCanaria 1.01
Welcome to Gran Canaria. The Gran Canaria tourism App. ImagineanIsland! -Calendar: View the latest events in the Island.-Maps:Display the map and locate resources such as beaches,museums,accommodation, etc. -Routes: Discover an Island and listento thepodcasts. -Videos: Enjoy an enormous variety of landscapes.-------This application requires internet connection
Gran Canaria Guía de Viaje 120
Gran Canaria esta considerada comouncontinente en miniatura. La isla entera es Reserva Mundial delaBiosfera, con un clima primaveral durante todo el año,playas,naturaleza y cultura, Gran Canaria es el destinoideal.Gran Canaria isconsideredas a miniature continent. The entire island is a WorldBiosphereReserve, with a spring climate all year round, beaches,nature andculture, Gran Canaria is the perfect destination.
Offline Map Gran Canaria 10.0
This map of Gran Canaria is ready to go: just install and thismapis always with you whether you are connected or not.High-detailmap with many points of interest, such as hotels,museums,restaurants, shops, parks, viewpoints, banks. Or search foranystreet by name. High-detail map of Gran Canaria, Spain. Easytouse, no map downloads required, all data is packed inside.Worksentirely without internet connection. No data costs. Noexposure toinsecure wifi networks. Search for points of interest(hotels,museums, transport, banks etc). Alphabetic street index.Compassand line to destination for easy navigation: detailed routetodestination (new functionality: beta). Configurable mapdetail.Highest detail with topographic mode. Personalize withuserwaypoints and saved map views. No advertising. Noin-app-purchasesrequired. Minimal permissions. No access to yourprivate data(apart from your location). No spyware. Frequentupdates. Adaptedscreen layout for Android tablets. Improved fordevices withhigh-resolution screens. By selecting a map area youcan searcharound any point in the map to find the closest points ofinterest.You can save map views (area and zoomlevel) for easyorientation.And you can save waypoints to mark interesting spots onthe map. Wetake your privacy seriously. Our maps only requireaccess to yourlocation data to show your position on the map andread/writeaccess to cache map data for better performance. This mapdoes notaccess any other private data and does not transmit anydata fromyour phone. This map is based on data (C)OpenStreetmap( and contributors undera CreativeCommons Attribution/Share AlikeLicense( isa collaborative, wiki-like mapping project. It isparticularlyimportant to understand that the map data supplied byOpenStreetMapmight be incomplete or unreliable. The openly-editablewiki natureof the OpenStreetMap mapping system means that therewill always besome inaccuracies and omissions. You should make yourown judgementabout the accuracy of the supplied map. Always use ourmaps inconjunction with your eyes and your common sense. There isnowarranty for the quality of the map data. This map must not beusedin situations where inaccurate, misleading or missing data canleadto damage to assets, injury or loss of life. This program isfreesoftware: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under thetermsof the GNU General Public License as published by the FreeSoftwareFoundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at youroption)any later version. This program is distributed in the hopethat itwill be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even theimpliedwarranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License for more details. Othernames:西班牙大加那 - Gran Canaria, Espanja - Gran Canaria, Espagne -GranCanaria, Spagna - グランカナリア島、スペイン - 그랑의 카나리아, 스페인 -Гран-Канария,Испания - Gran Canaria, İspanya
2015 Gran Canaria offline map 2.1
Why choose our offline Gran Canaria maps?1. We are tourists who got tired of offline map apps whicharenot really offline, does not offer most important functionalityordoes not really work as expected.2. We use freshly updated 2015 maps & points of interest.3. Our app is 100% offline, no internet connection required.4. Maximum details thanks to OpenStreetMaps contributors.5. It was tested on our various trips and is proven to workasexpected.More information about Gran Canaria by Wikipedia ( island is called a "Miniature Continent" due to thedifferentclimates and variety of landscapes found, with longbeaches anddunes of white sand, contrasting with green ravines andpicturesquevillages. A third of the island is under protection as aBiosphereReserve by UNESCO.The number of annual visitors is 2.2 million (2,200,000). Mostofthe tourists visit the southern part of the island. The northtendsto be cooler, while the south is warmer and sunny. The eastcoast ofthe island is flat, dotted with beaches, while the westerncoast isrockier and mountainous.The island possesses 32 Natural Protected Spaces, thattheyemphasize the Rural Park of Nublo, The Doramas Jungle, theAzuajeRavine, Tamadaba, Pino Santo, etc.In the south there is a large bird park, Palmitos Park, aswellas many beach resort communities. Resorts are concentrated inthecentral eastern part of the southern coast in the Maspalomasarea,which includes the towns of San Agustín, Playa del InglésandMeloneras. The Maspalomas Dunes are located between PlayadelInglés ("The Englishman's Beach") and the distinctive 19thcenturyMaspalomas lighthouse.
Gran Canaria Airport LPA Info 14.4
Live Arrivals / Departures for LPA airport
Horario Guaguas Gran Canaria
En esta aplicación aparecen todosloshorariosde las líneas de Guagua de la isla de GranCanaria.(Actualizado verano 2014)In thisapplicationalltimes Guagua lines of the island of Gran Canariaappear.(Updated Summer 2014)
Georruta Transgrancanaria 2.5
Aplicación de tipo cartográfica queofrecelainformación necesaria para realizar unarutageoturísticatransinsular por la isla de Gran Canaria.Muestra el origen y evolución del relieve grancanario,medianteelrecorrido a pie del transecto Maspalomas-Agaete. Paraello, secentraen la divulgación de la historia geológica de laisladesde unaperspectiva intuitiva, apoyándose en losrasgosmorfológicos delrelieve.También incluye información turística,etnográficaybiogeográfica. Esta última se centra en las especiesde hongosyflora terrestre introducidas en el archipiélago y queseencuentranen estado silvestre, sean invasoras o no. Elcatálogoincluye:fechas de llegada, distribución, interacciones conlasespeciesautóctonas, acciones de control realizadas, etc.La aplicación utiliza abundante cartografía digital ysepuedeusar tanto en modo on-line como off-line.El producto está dirigido al público general.Constituyeunaherramienta útil para la divulgación del patrimoniogeológicoysupone una aportación relevante a la oferta culturaldelturismoactivo. Además, constituye el prototipo de unaherramientadetrabajo útil para técnicos de medio ambiente quedebentomardecisiones relativas a la conservación delabiodiversidad.El trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de dosproyectosI+D+ifinanciados por la FECYT, Fundación Española para laCiencia ylaTecnología (FCT-14-8629) y la Universidad de Las PalmasdeGranCanaria (ULPGC-2013-3-23).Typemappingapplicationthat provides the information needed to makeageotourismtransinsular route around the island of Gran Canaria.It shows the origin and evolution of grancanario reliefbywalkingtour transect Maspalomas-Agaete. To do so, it focusesonthedisclosure of the geological history of the island fromanintuitiveperspective, based on the morphological features oftherelief.It also includes tourism, ethnographicandbiogeographicinformation. The latter focuses on species offungiand terrestrialflora introduced in the archipelago and foundin thewild, they areinvasive or not. The catalog includes:arrival,distribution,interactions with native species, controlactions,etc.The application uses digital mapping abundant and can beusedbothon-line and off-line mode.The product is aimed at the general public. It is ausefultoolfor the dissemination of geological heritage and isanimportantcultural contribution of active tourism offer.Inaddition, theprototype is a useful tool forenvironmentaltechnicians who mustmake decisions relating tobiodiversityconservation work.The work was carried out in the framework of two R&Dprojects funded by the FECYT, the Spanish FoundationforScienceand Technology (FCT-14-8629) and the University ofLasPalmas(ULPGC-2013- 3-23). Las palmas Gran Canaria 1.1
Gracias a esta app tendrás a tudisposicióninformación específica y puntual de los mejores sitiosque visitarcon tus hijos y familia en Las palmas de GranCanariaWith this app youwillhave at your disposal specific and timely information aboutthebest places to visit with your kids and family in Las palmasdeGran Canaria
Gran Canaria Premium Guide 4.3.0
Entdecke die schönsten Orte mit demGranCanaria tripwolf Guide - deinem Reiseführer mit Offline Karte!+ "Beste neue Apps 2015" im Google Play Store ++ Empfohlen von „Die Welt“, CHIP und Computerbild 2014 ++ CNN’s Top 50 Reise-Apps 2013 +Plane deine Reise nach Gran Canaria mit dem Trip Planer,denEmpfehlungen der tripwolf Community und hole dir InfoserfahrenerReiseautoren. Mit Offline Karte, kostenlosen Updates undGuides fürüber 500 Destinationen weltweit!» VERFÜGBAR IN 1 SPRACHE «Der tripwolf Gran Canaria Reiseführer ist verfügbar in Deutsch.» FUNKTIONIERT 100% OFFLINE «Alle Inhalte und Funktionen unserer Reiseführer könnenkomplettoffline abgerufen werden. Es fallen keine Roaming-GebührenimAusland an: Alle Guides, Features und Karten sind auchohneInternetverbindung verfügbar.» REISEPLANER FÜR UNTERWEGS «Erstelle deine persönlichen Trips mit dem Trip Planerundorganisiere deine Reise nach Gran Canaria von unterwegs oderzuHause auf deiner Couch. Egal wann und wo, immer und überall.» IMMER WISSEN, WO DU GERADE BIST «Dank der Offline Karte findest du dich überall zurecht. Dukannstdir deine Position anzeigen lassen und wirst dich sogarantiertnicht mehr verlaufen.» PERSÖNLICHE EMPFEHLUNGEN FÜR DEINE TO-DO LISTE «Egal, ob du mit deiner Familie und Kindern unterwegs bist, mitwenigBudget reist oder nur zu zweit bei Regen Gran Canariaerkundenwillst: wir haben die besten Tipps für dichzusammengestellt.» REISETIPPS VON TAUSENDEN REISENDEN «Hol dir authentische Empfehlungen und Bewertungen für diebestenDestinationen wie Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Agaete,Maspalomasund Insidertipps für gute Restaurants, Geschäfte, Hotels,Bars,Clubs, Events / Festivals und mehr vor Ort.» ATTRAKTIONEN, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BARS, CLUBS &MEHR«Durchstöbere die aufregendsten Ecken der Gegend:Entdeckeeinzigartige Sehenswürdigkeiten und Geheimtipps derCommunity.Die beliebtesten Guides mit Offline Karten inklusive Trip PlanerundInsider Tipps für über 500 Städte, Länder und Regionen weltweitundvon mehr als 10 Millionen Reisenden.Dir gefällt das neue Design unserer Reiseführer, dir fehlengewisseFunktionen oder du hast allgemeines Feedback zu einemanderenThema? Wir freuen uns über deine Meinung, schreibe uns eineE-Mail:[email protected] Destinationen sind beispielsweise enthalten:Playa del Inglés, Tejeda, Teror, Arucas, San BartolomédeTirajana, Santa María de Guía, Puerto Rico, Vega de SanMateo,Puerto de Mogán, ArtenaraDiscover themostbeautiful places in the Gran Canaria tripwolf Guide - yourguideoffline map!+ "Best New Apps 2015" in Google Play Store ++ Recommended by "The World", CHIP, and computer image 2014 ++ CNN's Top 50 travel apps, 2013Plan your trip to Gran Canaria with the Trip Planner,therecommendations of the tripwolf community and get tipsfromexperienced travel writers. With offline map, free updatesandguides for over 500 destinations around the world!»AVAILABLE IN 1 LANGUAGE"The tripwolf Gran Canaria guide is available in German.»WORKS 100% OFFLINE"All content and functionality of our guides can beaccessedcompletely offline. There are no roaming charges abroad:allguides, features and maps are available without anInternetconnection.»TRAVEL PLANNER FOR THE ROAD"Create your personal trips by trip planner and organize your triptoGran Canaria on the road or at home on your couch. No matterwhenand where, anytime, anywhere."ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOU'RE JUST"Thanks to the offline map you can find your way anywhere. Youcanfigure show your position and you will no longer runasguaranteed.»PERSONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOUR TO-DO LIST"Whether you're traveling with your family and children, travelingona budget or just the two of rain in Gran Canaria explore want:wehave compiled the best tips for you.»TRAVEL TIPS FROM THOUSANDS OF TRAVELLERS"Get authentic recommendations and reviews for the bestdestinationssuch as Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Agaete, Maspalomasand insidertips for good restaurants, shops, hotels, bars, clubs,events /festivals and more locally.»ATTRACTIONS, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BARS, CLUBS & MORE"Scour the most exciting corners of the neighborhood: Discoveruniquesights and tips in the community.The most popular guides with offline maps including Trip Plannerandinsider tips for over 500 cities, countries and regionsworldwideand more than 10 million passengers.You like the new design of our guide, you are missingcertainfunctions or you have general feedback on another topic?Weappreciate your opinion, please send us an email: [email protected] following destinations are included, for example:Playa del Ingles, Tejeda, Teror, Arucas, San BartolomédeTirajana, Santa María de Guía, Puerto Rico, Vega de SanMateo,Puerto de Mogan, Artenara
Gran Canaria Street Map 1.1.1
Do you feel online Google Maps is tooslowshowing you the map? Do you want an easy way to mark andrememberwhere you are? Do you need a list of streets where you are?Youdon’t want to carry around a big unwieldy paper map? Tiredofhaving the paper map blown to pieces by the wind every time youtryto figure out where you are and where you need to go?The mobile streetmaps are for you! All the map data is loadedonyour phone before you leave your home, so can you be onthestreets, offline, and still know everything about the area youarein, and locate yourself or any street in the city. You don’tneedany network connection at all once the application is installedonyour phone – no WiFi, no 3G, no GPRS!This is a complete street level map for your phone. Theentiremap is stored on your phone, so it works where you have noaccessto the Internet - it works where Google Maps is inaccessible.Thisprevents expensive data roaming charges by loading all the mapdatato your phone before you leave home. You can turn off allnetworkfunctions and still be able to find your way around. Letsyou findall streets, and many useful locations such as ATM's,parkings,museums, and many others.Map data (c) OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA.
Gran Canaria Guide & Map 2.3.34
Sygic Travel
Never miss the best sights on your tripagain.Tripomatic allows you to pick attractions that youwant tosee and create a day-by-day itinerary for your journey. Itis thebest way to explore the places you have nevervisitedbefore.FEATURES• Choose the best places to visit from our curated list ofmorethan 100.000 attractions, covering 150+ countries -never missout on the best sightseeing again• Plan your travel itinerary in just a few minutes - spend yourtimeon travel, not on planning• Get weather forecast - what is the best day toschedulethat river cruise for?• Use time & distance estimates - is the way fromthestation to your hotel worth taking a taxi?• Sync the itinerary across all your devices - you’llalwayshave your dream trip close at hand• Find a hotel in your destination and save it to your itinerary-always find a way back to your hotel• Enjoy detailed and walking-friendly maps - explore thecityin the best way possible, on foot• See subway lines on the map in popular cities - quickly getaroundtown like a local• Download offline maps and use the app offline (availableasin-app purchase) - no more roaming fees• Download and print out a PDF guide - don’t worryaboutbattery power.REVIEWERS SAY• Guardian’s Android App of the Week• Gizmodo’s App Deal of the Day• Outside Magazine: The Best City Guide App for your Phone• Also featured in BBC, The Telegraph, PC Magazine, TNW,ProductHuntand othersGET IN TOUCH WITH USCheck out our web planner: http://www.tripomatic.comFollow us on Twitter: us on Facebook: our support team: [email protected] access 1000+ destinations worldwide, download thefull-fledgedTripomatic app for free. Availableat
Guía de Gran Canaria DEMO 1.11
***ESTA ES LA VERSIÓN DE PRUEBA,CONTIENE43PUNTOS TURÍSTICOS******LA VERSIÓN COMPLETA SE LLAMA "Guía de Gran Canaria"***Con la Guía Turística de Gran Canaria i-EasyTravel, tendrásentumóvil más de 220 Puntos Turísticos de Gran Canaria, contodalainformación completa de cada punto.Además podrás, en todo momento, saber a qué distanciaestásdecada Punto Turístico, seleccionar la ruta en coche ysaberlosrestaurantes o alojamientos cercanos, entreotrasmuchasfunciones.Podrás acceder a todas las Playas, todos los Museos,todoslosYacimientos Arqueológicos, todos los MonumentosNaturales,todoslos Municipios, todas las curiosidades de cadaMunicipio...Endefinitiva, cada Punto Turístico de Gran Canaria.Incluso, aunque tengas el móvil guardado, si estás a menosde500metros de cualquier Punto Turístico, sonará unaalarmaparaavisarte, y podrás acceder a toda la información de esepuntosobrela marcha.Y, más importante aún, podrás acceder a todalainformacióncompleta de cada punto, donde podrás leerlaoescucharla. ¡Tododesde tu móvil!*** THIS ISTHETRIALVERSION CONTAINS 43 tourist spots ****** FULL VERSION "Guide Gran Canaria" CALLED ***With Gran Canaria Tourist Guide i-EasyTravel, you getonyourmobile more than 220 tourist spots in Gran Canaria,withcompleteinformation for each point.Also can, at all times, knowing how close eachtouristspot,select the route by car and know the restaurantsornearbyproperties, among many other functions.You can access all beaches, all museums, allarchaeologicalsites,all natural monuments, all municipalities, allthecuriosities ofeach municipality ... In short, each tourist spotofGranCanaria.Even if you have the mobile saved, if you are less than500metersfrom any tourist spot, it will sound an alarm to alertyou,and youcan access all the information from that point onthefly.And, more importantly, you can access completeinformationforeach point, where you can read or listen to.Everything fromyourmobile!
Canary Islands - Travel Guide 1.5
Discover the best places in the CanaryIslandsand let yourself be seduced by this amazing archipelago, sofull ofdetails, options, and, above all, fun. Fuerteventura,Tenerife,Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, La Palma, and ElHierro areseven islands, but each with its own personality. TheCanaryIslands will be the best discovery you've ever made!➢ Fuerteventura, with its white sands and constant sun,isalso a Biosphere Reserve and will leave you speechless:sprawlingdunes, plains, volcanoes, and lava fields…If you’relooking to justrelax, there’s nothing better than Fuerteventura’sbeaches andcrystal-clear waters. It’s a traveller’s dream.➢ Tenerife is the archipelago’s biggest island. Crownedbythe Teide, Spain’s highest point, Tenerife has everything oneneedsto make everyday unforgettable: culture, cities, shows,beaches,theme parks, and, of course, a rich landscape of forests,volcanoes,tropical plantations, and hidden coves.➢ El Hierro, has always been off the mainstreamtouristmap and is a delight for nature-lovers; the island is one oftheBiosphere Reserves in Europe and has world-class marine life.It’sa special destination for scuba divers and its focus oncompletelyrenewable energies assures that it will be around toenjoy in thefuture. El Hierro is truly a privileged destinationwhich justwaits to be discovered.➢ La Palma is called ‘the pretty island’ for areason.Also declared a Biosphere Reserve, La Palma is covered inthickvegetation and forests ideal for hikers. Its ruralatmosphereinvites travellers to not only enjoy its flora, fauna,andspectacular landscapes, but also sample a slower pace oflife.Another highlight is the sky. Due to its clean air andgeographiclocation, La Palma is one of the world’s best placesforstar-gazing. It’s a must!➢ The great treasure of La Gomera is GarajonayNationalPark, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s amillennialforest filled with trails and a world-wide example forthesuccessful conservation of sub-tropical forests. Thelandscape,rocky ridges, black sand coves and stunning cliffs, ispracticallyuntouched. It’s impossible not to enjoy this littlenaturalwonder.➢ Gran Canaria is the Canary Islands second largestandmost populated island. Its western half is a Biosphere Reservewithactivities for those who prefer a relaxing trip in apristinenatural environment: beaches, coves, a rural atmosphere,and plentyof hiking. If you’re looking for the something moreexciting, therest of the island is oozing with life: museums,theatre,nightlife, concerts. No wonder they call it the “littlebitcontinent.”