Top 7 Apps Similar to 零錢雲購

賓果5元購- 5元奪寶搶購正品•特賣優惠商品•創新購物商城 1.6.223
【參與規則】賓果5元購的商品根據價值平分為若幹等份,每份對應壹個號碼,每個號碼價值1個果幣,當商品所有號碼售出後,根據規則計算出幸運號碼,持有該號碼的用護,直接獲得商品。【參與步驟】第1步:通過領取免費領取或充值獲得果幣;選擇您想要的商品,然後選擇要參與的人次數,進行參與;第2步:參與成功後,您會獲得相應數量的幸運號碼。當該商品的參與人次數達到總需人次後,就會進入待開獎狀態;第3步:開獎後,若您參與號碼中有與該商品的幸運號碼壹致的號碼,則您獲得該商品。【特點】·全場5元-花5元即可參與購買所有商品!·商品豐富-3C數碼產品、日用百貨、母嬰產品、首飾化妝品,總有壹樣是您想要的!·玩法創新-任何商品均可5元獲得,機會平等,中獎率高!·閃電發貨-中獎即發貨,運費全免!·公平公正-加入臺灣博彩BINGO BINGO 彩券計算規則,保證絕對的透明性公正性!·活動豐富-註冊即送新用戶禮包,免費抽獎,周周更新活動,期待您的參與!官方網站:www.bingo18.com電郵地址:[email protected]粉絲頁:
微客一元云购 2.0.29
微客1元云购,是以趣味限购为特色的专业B2C购物平台,力求打造一个高品质无忧保障的购物商城。“微客1元云购”指用户花费1元购买云购网盘空间,系统免费赠送一个夺宝币,用户可凭夺宝币享受微客1元云购的服务。微客1元云购把一件商品平分成若干“等份”出售,每份1夺宝币,当一件奖品所有号码售出后,根据预先制定的规则计算出一个幸运号码,持有该号码的用户,直接获得该商品。新版本的特征:1.支持扫一扫 ;2. 支持清理缓存 ;3. 支持检测升级 ;4.支持分享 ;5.支持QQ登录 ;Micro-off oneyuancloudpurchase, the purchase is fun featuring professionalB2Cshoppingplatform, and strive to create a high qualityguaranteeworry-freeshopping mall. "Micro-off one yuan to buy cloud"meansusers spendone yuan to buy buy cloud network disk space,acomplimentaryIndiana currency system, users enjoy currencycoinIndiana minivanone yuan to buy cloud services. Micro-off oneyuanto buy acommodity cloud level into a number of "equal parts"forsale, eachIndiana 1 coins, a prize when all the numberssold,according topre-established rules to calculate a lucky number,holdthesubscriber number, direct access to this product.The new version features:1. Support sweep swept away;2. Support clean the cache; 3. Support detected upgrade; 4. Support Share;5. Support QQ login;
惠奪寶 - 楚楚街海淘衆籌淘全球,蝦皮比價拍賣,91mai 3.7.3
Indiana [Hui, Hui shopping, Hui found thatthebenefits of sharing the benefits of shopping]Indiana is a combination of benefits crowdfunding websiteandlightweight power business, all goods purchased by Crowdfunding.Aslong as there is access to One million u coveted new trend.[Overseas influx of goods, just One yuan]Lynx tmall, Jingdong jingdong new trend, one yuan havetheopportunity to take away![Prizes, authentic guaranteed]Prizes from Taobao, Lynx, Jingdong, the only product, theUnitedStates together superior products, Tutu Street, beautiful,saidglobal sea Amoy, Babe maternal and other major mall genuine,allauthentic free shipping![Promotion] prizesThe more friends you invite, the more gains, quickly do it![True] fairExcluding the last 50 records, but not the default value,realfair!Official website: duobao360.cnOfficial micro letter: Hui Raiders
藍三挖寶 1.0.3
【藍三挖寶, 一種最潮流的購物方式】只需5元就有機會買到iPhone、macbook、三星、kindle,casio自拍神器等等,天天帶給你驚喜!立即下載,馬上體驗全新的零錢購物!“藍三挖寶”是指用戶花费5元兑换一個挖寶幣,可憑挖寶幣使用藍三挖寶的服務。每件商品的全部挖寶號碼分配完畢後,藍三挖寶根據挖寶規則計算出一個號碼,持有該幸運號碼的用戶可直接獲得該商品。虛擬卡直接顯示序列號和卡密,實物商品則由藍三挖寶指定的第三方商家進行發貨配送。☆ iPhone、macbook、三星等等統統五元即可擁有☆ 試試運氣,這裡沒有不可能☆ 每人每份只花5元,湊滿人次即開獎☆ 進入開獎倒計時,耐心等待☆ 公平公正公開,科學計算一目了然【參與方法】1. 獲得挖寶幣:用戶充值5元,即可獲得1個挖寶幣;2. 挑選喜歡的商品:商品分配對應數量的號碼,一個挖寶幣可以獲得其中一個號碼(系統隨機分配);3. 獲得商品:當所有號碼被分配完畢後,系統根據規則計算出1個幸運號碼,持有該號碼的用戶,可直接獲得該商品。【幸運號碼計算規則】1. 商品的最後一個號碼分配完畢後,將公示該分配時間點前本站全部商品的最後50個參加時間;2. 將這50個時間的數值進行求和(得出數值S)3. 求和得到的數值S除以該商品總需人次得到的余數 +原始數10000001,得到最終幸運號碼。【用戶反饋】Fackbook主頁:
淘寶紅包大放送 1.0.0
Deal Checker
天天都來抽紅包,總有一天變土豪!你也來試試手氣吧!紅包面額:1元、2元、5元、10元、1000元Every day to draw aredenvelope, and one day become Tyrant! You have to try theirlucknow!Red Denomination: 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 1000 yuan
購簡單-手機購物真簡單 2.9.0
購簡單手機App是我們專為愛上網購物的您全新打造的行動商店App;商品瀏覽、搜尋、收藏、購買、結帳、訂單查詢等,操作便利容易使用;我們提供快速出貨的服務,多樣化的付款方式以及商品的配送方式,您可以使用信用卡一次付清或3期零利率分期付款,享受商品宅配到府的貼心服務,您也可以選擇便利超商款取貨,享受貨到付款以及取貨時間自主彈性無壓力的購物服務。購簡單不斷追求手機購物的便利性;讓您有滿意的行動購物體驗!購簡單不定期推出商品優惠活動及發送購物優惠券,您一定不能錯過收藏購簡單App,優惠訊息隨時掌握不漏接!Buy simple phone Appisdesigned for the love of our online shopping store that you buildanew action App; commodity browse, search, collection,purchase,billing, order inquiries, easy to use and convenientoperation; weoffer fast shipping service, diverse methods ofpayment anddelivery methods of goods, you can pay with a creditcard once orthree zero interest installments, enjoy home deliveryof goods tothe House of personalized service, convenience stores,you can alsochoose to pick up the money, and enjoy cash on deliveryPickup timeindependent elastic stress-free shopping service.Simply purchase the constant pursuit of mobile shoppingconvenience;let your actions have satisfied shoppingexperience!Simple purchase merchandise from time to time to launchpromotionsand send shopping coupons, you simply must not miss thecollectionpurchased App, concessions to keep the messages do notmiss!
夺宝么 1.4
“夺宝么”指只需花费1元就有机会获得一件宝贝,宝贝分配对应数量的夺宝号码。每件宝贝的全部夺宝号码分配完毕后,夺宝么根据夺宝规则计算出的一个号码。持有该幸运号码的用户可直接获得该奖品。1、1元赢取:新潮宝贝任意挑选2、试试运气:这里没有不可能3、正品保证:公平公正公开4、网友晒单:中奖别忘分享喜悦5、绝无暗箱:操作简单,规则透明夺宝么规则1.挑选喜欢的宝贝:宝贝分配对应数量的号码,1个夺宝币,可以获得其中1个号码(系统随机分配);2.获得宝贝:当所有号码都被分配完毕后,系统根据规则计算出1个幸运号码,持有该幸运号码的用户直接获得该宝贝。幸运号码计算规则1.取该宝贝最后购买时间前网站所有宝贝50条购买时间记录(限时揭晓宝贝取截止时间前);2.将这50个时间的数值进行求和(得出数值A)(每个时间按时、分、秒、毫秒的顺序组合,如20:15:25.362则为201525362);3.(数值A)除以该宝贝总需人次得到的余数?+?原始数?10000001,得到最终幸运号码,拥有该幸运号码者,直接获得该宝贝。"Raiders of the Lostit"means just spend one yuan a chance to get a baby, babyassignednumber corresponding to the number of Indiana.After all Indiana number assigned each baby's finished, IndianaModya number calculated from the Indiana rules. Holding theluckynumbers of users can get the prize directly.1,1 Yuan won: arbitrary selection of trendy baby2, try your luck: There are no impossible3, authentic guaranteed: fair and open4. User drying single: Do not forget to share the joyofwinning5, no black-box: simple, transparent rulesWhat rule Indiana1. The selection of favorite baby: Baby assigned acorrespondingnumber of numbers, an Indiana credit, a number ofwhich can beobtained (systematic random allocation);2. Obtain baby: When all the numbers are allocated, the systemiscalculated according to the rules of a lucky number, hold theluckynumber of users direct access to the baby.Lucky Number Calculation Rules1. Take the baby to buy time before the final site to buy allthebaby 50 times (announced before the time limit to take thebabyoff);2. 50 times the value of these sums (derived value A) (each timeontime, minutes, seconds, milliseconds combination sequence, suchas20: 15: 25.362, compared with 201 525 362);3. (value A) divided by the total need baby remainder visitorsget?+? Raw? 10000001, to give the final lucky numbers, with theluckynumber who direct access to the baby.