Top 30 Apps Similar to 安之若命-不惜一切揭開真相

小林正雪復仇之密室 1.3.172
Hong Kong, escape room, criminal investigation reasoning,puzzlesolving! The romantic and suave criminal policeman, whohasrepeatedly solved strange cases, easily dealt with a largenumberof cases and cunning criminals, until that happened...Thebiggestenemy was planning a huge conspiracy in secret.
危險人渣 2.10
Solve the mystery before you die. If you are given theopportunityto come back again, can you escape the trap of death andescapefrom the murder case?
Escape Utsushiyo 1.2.6
cretia studio
「脱出×ホラー×本格シナリオ」で織りなす ”うつしよ”の世界へようこそ。脱出の先にあるこの世界と二人の少女の真実を、あなたの手で解き明かそう。
绝望监牢 1.03.12
继「恶狼游戏」之后,Studio Wasabi推出的最新作品!导入新的推理系统!令人心潮澎湃的探索型推理游戏!请使用「探索」与「询问」解开谜题吧!
The School - White Day 21.1.100
Run if you wish to live! A top quality horror game with full3Dgraphics
Escape Room:Escape The Room Games of Horror Asylum 1.5
Our world has always maintained a delicate balance. Dayandnight,light and darkness. and we live in it. However, somethingshaverashly broken this balance. A few days ago, therewereseveralattacks in the village. The wounds of the victimsshowedthat someevil things entered a place where they should nothaveentered.Now, I'm going to end this and rebalance the lightanddarkness. -Elsa The new room escape decipher adventure game.Lookfor vampiresand wolf man under the moon Crack the layers ofmysteryand findthe dark hands behind the scenes Rich andinterestingpuzzles andorgans Classic play and puzzle , full of fun
四目神 【解謎×文字逃出遊戲】 1.1.4
" 'Unwanted child," God will be taken away four items [× wordpuzzleescape game] - [] Four eyes of God -
密室逃脫 - 文字獄 6.2.18
Jia-Ho Jian
The protagonist is trapped in a prison, and the words arehiscandlelight. In the cold prison, lead the way by combiningwordsand sentences. Can you help the main character escape fromprison?What secrets are there in this prison?
僵尸大战 群魔乱舞 ( 中文版 ) 2
The popular IOS Chinese Zombie War 2 arrived at last.
囚禁之馆 3.02
■■■故事梗概■■■对少女来说,这是一场难以醒来的噩梦诡异的森林洋馆,叫喊着要吃人的馆内居民,会说话的物品和各种可怕的怪物在现实世界中不存在的场景不断在眼前重现让这位失忆的少女苦苦探索着一个真相——“我是谁?”唯一的救赎方式,便是和居民们对决,夺走他们身上的钥匙然后离开这里请与少女一起,探索这个洋馆,找回记忆,并平安回家吧■■【给实况者】■■我们欢迎您对本公司的游戏(包括恶狼,夏娃计划)进行实况播出二次创作也可以进行!感谢您进行游戏但是禁止以任何形式录制,播出游戏内的付费内容。剧透也请加入标识避免给其他玩家带来困扰感谢您的合作,您的支持就是我们的动力 m(__)m ■■【效果音·素材提供者】■■ポケットサウンド  効果音ラボ  小森 平 びたちー素材館  効果音辞典  効果音g ひふみセオリー  効果音フリー素材:ジーソザイ かずち  ゆ~ぎりしぐれ。 まんぼう二等兵  ISAo.  soundorbis チョコミント  こっけ(西本康祐)  Yuli MFP【MarronFields Production】  荒井智典 志多つかさ  Haruichi  鷹尾まさき(タカオマサキ) 稿屋 隆 スエノブ  たまねぎ  Kyaai  Yuno ilodolly  こおろぎ  Keido Hondatable_1MFP【Marron Fields Production】Cloria Sound Labs KeidoHondanatsumugi ISAo. soundorbis H5 audioDESIGN 鷹尾まさき(タカオマサキ)天休ひさし■■【特别鸣谢】■■ シャル カニパン riyuta
Hotel Of Mask - Escape Room Ga 1.1.9
A mysterious hotel, nine weird tenants. Can you escape fromthehotel?
Lost Candy House - Escape Room 1.9.17
Fantasy Room Escape Game, Help the brother and sister find theirwayhome.
Detective escape - Room Escape 1.3.28
Find hidden object and clue, solve the mystery murder criminalcase.
女帝的後宮 - 禁忌逆後宮乙女手遊 33.0
「女帝的後宮」是一款戀愛養成手機遊戲。以英雄收集,英雄戰鬥,角色換裝,戀愛為主要玩法形式,具有豐富的遊戲內容,以時間的碎片性,零散性,遊戲的創新性,豐富性,結合現今的開發技術和運營模式,為女性用戶打造一座專屬的帝國以及全所未有的戀愛體驗!遊戲劇情講述了玩家一朝成為上凰的女帝,一邊對抗意圖謀反篡位的攝政王,一邊尋找真愛的故事。 [遊戲特點](1)英雄養成+戀愛:將英雄收集和戀愛養成玩法結合,用戶可以將不同特色的英雄收入到自己麾下,可以體驗和他們的戀愛故事52位英雄52個戀愛劇情+豐富的戰鬥體驗,大大提升了遊戲的代入感和可玩性。(2)換裝:遊戲將女性最愛的換裝遊戲和戀愛冒險結合在一起在尋找真愛的同時,還可以體驗不同風格的時尚穿搭樂趣。(3)專屬劇情:用戶在戰鬥的同時,可以體驗成為女帝的劇情伴隨著前朝和宮廷的陰謀詭計,女帝一步步的收攏權勢,並且和江湖上不同風格的英雄產生羈絆。[本軟體依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級][本遊戲為免費下載,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務][請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲]
This is a story about a young girl being in the box to take home.
Scroll Escape:Story Games 1.3.15
The room escape episode game with ancient Chinese mythology,chooseyour story
我滿懷青春的有病測驗 1.8
Sick Games
✓ 世界第一款,透過測驗了解身心有病程度的APP ✓ 世界第一款,不是以三國、武俠跟棒球為主題的心理測驗遊戲!!✓世界第一款,可以測驗「祖宗18代」有沒有病的APP ( 請勿在農曆七月、清明節與重陽節使用 )✓世界第一款,針對分析,給予當天或當月的行事注意事項 ✓世界第一款,你覺得介紹很莫名其妙的遊戲========================================每個人,都有另外一個人格 「病病人格」好比你會對任何人發火,但你絕對不會主動跑去燒宗統府可是,我相信你想把火柴丟進宗統府的心,絕對比任何事情強烈!!最起碼...比燒鈔票強烈很多,對不對 ? 這種精神上的落差...就是「有病」 有病的程度,每一個人都不一樣,那要怎樣測試自己的病況?很簡單,首先下載《我滿懷青春的有病測驗》這款有病APP,然後安裝、點開接著,你就知道怎麼做了。發現自己是病病人不是什麼難事,最重要的是面對它、承認它、分享它 分享它你就可以發現另外一個更美好的小天地 ~共勉之========================================※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品 ( 因為很重要,所以再說一次)※千萬不要點廣告,因為這樣我們就會賺錢,就會做更多教壞囝仔大小的遊戲※請勿在農曆七月、清明節以及重陽節使用本APP的某個功能,被託夢請自行負責※本測驗沒有任何精神科醫師背書,因為我們屬意的傢伙,名字叫西格蒙德·弗洛伊德※如果遊玩發現心理不適,有病制作團隊一概不負責任,啾咪~♥ PS小提醒:開通完整版~~ 只綁訂於一台裝置上,如果移除遊戲開通資料也會跟著消失,愛注意喔!Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ========================================超有病粉絲團募集粉絲中!!!隨時更新各種有病專屬資訊~~願病病神與你同在!
Agent Escape : Room Challenge 1.3.5
Escape the room story adventure puzzle game, agent lost intheBerlin
A perilous quest for light.
流言侦探-活着的死者 2.3.1
FRACTER Lite 1.0.1
A perilous quest for light.
Lost Town:Escape the room 1.0.5
Can You Escape the Mystery No Man Town?
Prison Escape : Escape the Alcatraz Island 1.0.5
My name is Zheng Chen. I am an explorer who is fascinated byancientcivilization. In order to find a map to the legendaryancient cityof Inca, I followed the clue to a small country inSouth America.The clues of the map were interrupted in a privateprison. I tookthe initiative to enter this secret prison.. Can Ifind a map of theancient Inca city in prison? Can I successfullyembark on anadventure to the ancient city of Inca? Let us unveilit in the gametogether!
Beauty Rental Shop 2.0
Want to change your style? If yes, come visit us at the‘BeautyRental Shop’.
考上狀元就回來娶我吧 1.75
Otome antiquity to develop the game
Horror Haze: Scary Games 6.2
Horror games will scare you! Survive in horror games offline -it’sscary game!
剑侠世界2-国际版 1.4.18542
Chinese style 3D martial arts world mobile game-new martialartbeggar gang debut
Classic imperial harem develop mobile games
美男戰國 - 穿越時空之戀 女性向戀愛遊戲・乙女遊戲 1.3.0
Do you want to get close contact with your beloved generalsandexperience the sweet voice when you open the game? Then youmustnot miss the "General's Room" system, which greatly satisfiesyourvision and hearing. A love game played by 20 million femaleplayersaround the world!