Top 3 Apps Similar to update

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Hootsuite: Schedule Posts for Twitter & Instagram
Manage and schedule posts to multiplesocialmedia profiles on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram andmore,all from one app – Hootsuite!Hootsuite is free for up to 3 social network accounts and hasover15 million users. It is the top app for Android to help youmanageyour business on social media.Hootsuite allows you to:* Publish and share photos to all your social networks atonce* Manage multiple social network accounts on Facebook,Instagram,Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn* Schedule a post to Facebook or a tweet to Twitter to be sent atalater time or day* AutoSchedule messages to automatically post them at the besttimeof day* Monitor your brand on Twitter and Facebook* Receive optional notifications when people mention your brandortalk about keywords you follow* Shorten links with and track click-through statreportanalyticsHootsuite for Android complements your account on the Hootsuitewebplatform. You can easily add your social network accounts suchasTwitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram to your Hootsuiteaccountto get started.Simple, efficient, and powerful, Hootsuite for Android allowsyouto:* Tweet from multiple Twitter accounts or schedule tweetsforTwitter accounts.* Post to Facebook Profiles and Pages or scheduleFacebookposts.Get the top app to build your audience, manage Twitter,Facebook,Instagram and LinkedIn from anywhere and tie analyticsback to yourgoals.Sign up for Hootsuite for free: http://hootsuite.comIf you experience any issues or want to give us feedback, tweettous @Hootsuite_Help. We're happy to help!Questions or feedback? @hootsuiteFacebook:
Plume for Twitter 6.30.17
Plume is a beautiful andcompletelycustomizable Twitter app that will revolutionize the wayyou useTwitter! Brought to you by the authors of the popularBeautifulWidgets, Plume is one of the best Twitter clients forAndroid!(Plume was formerly known as Touiteur)- Colorize your timeline/friends from Twitter- Multiple twitter accounts support- Scrollable widgets to display your twitter timeline onyourhome- Lockscreen widget (Android 4.2+)- Mute twitter users, word or applications- Facebook timeline & posting- Live Streaming in app- Picture preview in timeline, large view of images with pinchtozoom- Twitter geotagging- Swipe scrolling- Very customizable- Internal browser- Autocomplete twitter hashtags and username- Share photo with Twitter, Twitpic, YFrog,Mobypicture, support for your URLs- Inline twitter conversation- Display replies to a tweet- Display twitter profiles- Pull to refresh- a lot more!Plume is a beautiful, highly customizable Twitter client, whichwillchange the way you feel about Twitter!