Top 12 Apps Similar to DOT Delivery

Rocket Courier 3.51.0
The Rocket app for food delivery couriers
Rocket Partner 1.36.0
The Rocket app for food delivery partners
OnTrack - For school and staff 3.0.13
OnTrack School allows you to track in real time yourchildren'sroute.
Ecofleet Mobile 1.18.1
In order to use this app, you must have a validEcofleetSeeMeaccount. Please don't hesitate to press "Sign up"buttoninapplication login screen to create one. You can createyourownfleet by using android devices instead ofdedicatedGPScontrollers. With this app, tablets and smartphones canbe usedasdedicated portable tracking devices. To do so, pleaseregisteryourdevices by pressing 'Start Tracking' button in thehomescreen.Main features: Surveillance - View vehicle's locationandtrackinghistory on map • Vehicle quicksearch • A selectionofquality maps• Addresses are retrieved on demand • Completelatestvehiclelocation info: address, coordinates, speed, headingTracking- Turnyour handheld device into portable tracker •Adaptivetrackerconfiguration • Auto suspending GPS sensor whenstationaryforoptimal battery consumption Task management - Assigntasksdirectlyfrom web application to field worker's smartphoneortablet. -Create and edit tasks on the fly - Viewandmanagecustomer-specific data - Navigate to destination viaGoogleMobileMaps - Add photos to task - View route to task locationonmap •Mileage calculation and reporting • Signableuser-definedforms •Notifications and messaging • Photos • Traveltimeestimation Assetmanagement - Pick up and drop QR coded assets•Barcode scannerintegration 19 languages are currently supportedFormoreinformation, please visit
Courier Complete Mobile
Courier Complete Mobile (CCMobile) for Android.
DriiveMe 4.2.0
SF State Mobile 3.2
SF State Mobile is the official mobile platform at SanFranciscoState University. We created SF State Mobile to make iteasier foryou to access campus services and resources on the go.Since theapp is a work constantly in progress, we’ll continue toimprove andenhance your mobile experience. Download the app toaccess theuseful features listed below and provide suggestions onhow toimprove it through the feedback option. Highlighted Features:•NEW! Single Sign-On (SSO) – log in once to access everythinginiLearn and Student Center, such as checking your grades,financialaid, check your classes • NEW! Opt into Gator Grub Alertto getnotifications about extra free food from catered campusevents! •Personas – students, faculty, and staff see theinformation mostrelevant to their needs • Current students cancheck Registrationinfo, look up grades, view Payments &Financial Aid, acceptFinancial Aid awards, view tutoring resources,and easily accessemail and advising • Future students can checktheir applicationstatus, take a Virtual Tour, and check theiradmission status •Faculty and Staff can easily access email andCampusMemo • Get liveTransit information for MUNI • Easily accessSF State Events,dining options, and the Food Truck Schedule •GPS-enabled campusand indoor maps with accessible entrances • Makea TechnologyService Request
urbi - carsharing aggregator
GO PLACES WITH URBI!Are you a car sharing user? Did you subscribe to more thanoneservice?Find and Book your nearest car-sharing car, all in one app.Noregistration required!!.We care about your privacy, no login data will be sent toourservers.Do you want to be notified when a car is free nearby you? Withthenew radar function it is easy and the batman jingle will letyouknow when a car is found!Public transport are now shown in Milan and Venice.Supported cities and services:- MILAN: car2go, DriveNow, enjoy(cars andscooters),Share'ngo, Ubeeqo, e-vai, BikeMi (+MyTaxi andUBER).- ROME: car2go, ecooltra, enjoy, “Roma Sharing”, Share'nGo,eRoma Wifi (+Scooterino, MyTaxi)- FLORENCE: car2go, enjoy, Share'nGo and GirACI- TURIN: car2go, enjoy, BlueTorino, "CarSharingTorino",[TO]Bikeand more..GERMANY (Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Köln, Stuttgart,Hamburg,Düsseldorf) with DriveNow, car2go, drive by, Multicity,emmy, Coup,, Ubeeqo and Bike SharingMADRID with car2go, Emov, Ecooltra, Muving andBicimad.WIEN,COPENHAGEN, STOCKHOLM with car2goandDrivenow, Sco2t and Bike SharingOther features:- Shop: in Milan and Turin, give Bike Sharing as a gift! You canbuyannual and weekly subscriptions for you and your friends!- Fare calculator: view the different "best fare" or "besttime"options for your trip- Need a ride? If you don’t feel like driving or you can’t findanysharing vehicle, in Milan and Rome you can easily click thebigbutton on the map and choose between the options of ridesharingasScooterino, MyTaxi and UBER.- Filter just the vehicle you need to see!- No internet connection on your phone? It’s not a problem.URBIshows you the nearest areas covered by “Open Wifi,”alsoOFFLINE!- Parking and Gas stations- Traffic!- SHAKE the phone to refresh the data!IMPORTANT:*if you do not want to fill in your log in details of thedifferentcar sharing services, you can always open the official appbyclicking the icon in the top bar.*when you have booked an enJoy car, do not forget to wait fortheconfirmation e-mail or SMS.*If you have android 2.x please be sure you have installedGoogleServices you have any feedback, please contact us!!Find us on Twitter: Facebook: app is not affiliated with any Car Sharing service. Logosusedbelong to their respective owners.Bike data is collected from the great guys of
REKKI: ordering app for chefs 21.0.81
Browse distributors, find wholesale ingredients, make orders&pay - no sweat.
Delivery Tip Tracker Pro 6.07
Pizza Guy Apps
Become a better delivery driver with Delivery TipTracker.Neverforget a good customer. Plan your routes whentakingmultipleorders. Never again get shorted money at the end ofashift. Makenotes to help with troublesome delivery locations.Sendautomatedtexts so customers know you're coming. Access aninsanearray ofstats. Made by a delivery driver and intendedspecificallyfordrivers who work traditional, in-store deliveryjobs. If youlikeDelivery Tip Tracker Free, you'll love theProversion!Pro-exclusive features: • Comprehensive shift history.Vieworders,stats, and maps by day, week, month, year, or all-time.•Customerhistory. View a customer's previous orders, averagetipamount, andmore. • Store customer notes and address notes. •Choiceof day ornight theme. Also an option to automatically switchthemebased ontime of day. • Local address autocomplete. • Exportshifthistorydata to a spreadsheet. • Back up and restore shifthistorydata. •"Nearby orders" feature shows you how a given tipstacks upagainstothers in that same area. • Track your hoursworkedthroughout eachshift and see extra stats like earnings perhour andorders perhour. • Track hourly wages earned throughout eachshift.• Trackyour odometer readings for each shift. • Entermultiplestoreaddresses and easily switch between them beforestarting ashift.Standard features: • Enter tips using voice or by aspeedytouchinterface. • Retrieve delivery location anddrivingdistanceautomatically by GPS or by manually enteringaddress. •View usefuldelivery info like average tip, earnings permiledriven, ordersper hour, amount owed to store, and lots more. •Usevoice or touchto quickly start turn-by-turn navigation or callacustomer. •Quickly text customers with pre-definedmessages(including priceinfo) • View your tips on a color-codedmap. • Planyour deliveryroute by viewing your dispatched orders ona map. •Options tospecify tip payment method, order price, prepaidtipamounts, andmore. • Mileage tracker with several options to fithowyour storepays mileage. • Make earnings adjustments toaccountformiscellaneous earnings or expenditures. • Prefill orderdetailsforall your dispatched orders. • Tailor the app's behaviortoyourpreferences with numerous customization options. This appdoesitall. In a hurry? Simply enter the tip amountandit'llautomatically find the delivery address, drivingdistance,andmileage amount. Want more functionality? Dig a bitdeeperandyou'll find a rich set of features. Enter an addresstogetturn-by-turn navigation. Enter a customer's phone numberandyoucan call them with the press of a button. Prefillorderdetailswhen taking multiple orders at once. Use customvoicefunctionalityfor speedy user input. Store customer info,includingphonenumbers, names, notes, and previous orders. Trackyour hoursworkedand odometer readings for each shift. Your data ispresentedinplenty of useful ways. Stats such as earnings per mile,ordersperhour, and miles per order are at your disposal.Comprehensiveorderhistory allows you to inspect everything fromindividualorders toentire years worth of data. The "Tip map"feature showswhere inyour delivery area you got good tips and whereyou got badones."Nearby orders" lets you quickly see how a giventip stacks uptoothers in that same area. Clever innovations resultin asuperioruser experience. Order data, such as GPSposition,deliveryaddress, and driving distance are all fetched inthebackground.Voice input intelligently distinguishes betweentipamounts,addresses, and phone numbers, so you can do morewithouttyping.Effortlessly juggle multiple orders at once byswiping upfrom thebottom to reveal inputs for each order.
Lynk Taxis 33.15.80038
Lynk Group
Simple taxi booking
JUNGO – electric scooter sharing
Jungo SIA
Available everywhere, easily and quickly to reach yourdestinationsin the city