Top 29 Apps Similar to Yahoo 新聞 - 香港即時焦點

TVB NEWS 3.4.0
“TVB NEWS” App keeps up with TVB NEWS anytime, at anywhere!
国际新闻 World News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
全面及时的新闻报道新闻来自各大网络新闻网站,目前有BBC,纽约时报,路透社,华尔街日报,法广,金融时报,美国之音,环球网,世界新聞網,联合早报,德国之声,日经中文网将陆续增加分类包括头条,国际,中国,金融,经济,科技,生活等24小时不间断每30分钟更新,助你掌控全球最新资讯简洁易用的界面设计极简风格和清晰的排版,同时保持稳定和流畅方便的导航,左右滑动打开下个新闻,观看下个图片点击图片打开图片游览器,手勢控制放大拖动支持直屏模式(手机),横屏模式(平板)最低限度的广告,不影响阅读 各种功能提升用户体验省流量模式 -在没有WiFi时,只加载纯文字新闻,用户点击加载图片,避免消耗流量夜间模式-在黑暗的环境下,缓解眼睛疲劳,更易于阅读简单分享新闻,打开源网站此应用将持续维护与更新,请帮助反应你遇到的错误,以更快的修复与改进。如果觉得此应用对你有帮助,就留下好评吧。
蘋果新聞網 5.6.0
台灣報紙 | 新聞 Taiwan News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
全面及時的新聞報導新聞來自各大網絡新聞網站,目前有ETtoday新聞雲,蘋果日報,自由時報,三立新聞,東森新聞,聯合新聞網,中時電子報,TVBS,今日新聞,將陸續增加分類包括頭條,政治,社會,國際,財經,娛樂,體育,健康等24小時不間斷每30分鐘更新,助你掌控台灣最新資訊簡潔易用的界面設計極簡風格和清晰的排版,同時保持穩定和流暢方便的導航,左右滑動打開下個新聞,觀看下個圖片點擊圖片打開圖片遊覽器,手勢控制放大拖動支持直屏模式(手機),橫屏模式(平板)最低限度的廣告,不影響閱讀 各種功能提升用戶體驗省流量模式 -在沒有WiFi時,只加載純文字新聞,用戶點擊加載圖片,避免消耗流量夜間模式-在黑暗的環境下,緩解眼睛疲勞,更易於閱讀簡單分享新聞,打開源網站此應用將持續維護與更新,請幫助反應你遇到的錯誤,以更快的修復與改進。如果覺得此應用對你有幫助,就留下好評吧。
NEWS GOV-MO 2.2.33
“Macao Government News”is an App developed by the MacaoGovt.Information Bureau
Apple Daily 蘋果動新聞 6.0.5
Apple Daily, the most outspoken media in HK, is launching anEnglishplatform.
台灣新聞台,支援各大新聞及自製媒體連結 2023.06
Too busy? Don't have time to watch news and find mediaprograms?Come and try this software, it provides the simplestat-a-glanceinterface, you can quickly and easily view the news andmedia linksyou want to know.
Caixin News 8.0.1
High-quality financial news coverage, exclusive and in-depthreports
港人話電視 76
港人話電視 / 講人話電視 只有講人話既香港電視台,支援 Android TV8.0+m3u8直播源共享資料庫Picture-in-picture 播放 4台同播
Baris Efe
Read any newspaper from the Hong Kong! National andregionalnewspapers!
HK Radio 香港收音機 - Chinese Radio 2.6.9
Likely Labs
Listen live to Chinese radio stations around the world-24小時全天候收聽全球各地的粵語華語電台
凤凰新闻 7.49.2
HK Hong Kong Radio 香港收音機 香港電台 2.16.10
EC App Studio
Most popular Chinese radio stations from Hong Kong andothercountries.
多维新闻 - 实时新闻资讯、经济、深度评论 4.10.0
《多维新闻》(DuoweiNews/Dwnews)秉对新闻负责任的态度,坚守独立媒体的立场,以鲜明的特色和独特的视角,对海内外华人新闻事件进行全方位、立体式、多角度、深层次的报道。《多维新闻》提供含原创的专业内容、丰富的图文新闻的全方位综合新闻信息、深度报道、观点评论等内容形态。《多维新闻》涵盖中国、全球、香港、台湾、经济、视觉等频道热点头条新闻。为使用者提供多种形式的内容体验,为阅读者了解和认识华人世界提供一个与众不同的视角。--------------------------------------【产品特点】 @ 独家视角:《多维新闻》客户端 7×24小时独家报道全球热点事件,视角独特,全面评析。@客观评论:《多维新闻》秉着客观的态度,强调事实真实、细节真实,以专业的媒体立场和态度评论新闻。@深度解析:《多维新闻》云集名家观点,为您深度分析热点事件,解读思想动态。@个性订制:《多维新闻》精心打造热点新闻、热帖、新闻推送等特色阅读栏目;智能推荐,量身满足您的专属阅读需求。--------------------------------------【联系我们】 欢迎关注《多维新闻》官方 Facebook与 Twitter 账号! @官方网站: @意见反馈:[email protected] @市场合作:[email protected] @刊登广告:[email protected]
NYTimes - Chinese Edition 2.0.5
NYTimes - Chinese Edition provides Chinese audience withthegreatest journalism
澳門報紙 | 新聞 Macao News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Bring together news sources from major newspapers in Macautoprovide comprehensive and timely local news reports
大马报纸 | 马来西亚新闻 Malaysia Chinese News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Bring together news sources from newspapers across Malaysiatoprovide comprehensive and timely news coverage.
Canada Chinese Radio 加拿大中文電台 2.16.10
EC App Studio
Most popular Chinese radio stations from Canada and othercountries.
澳門日報 5.1.7
《澳門日報》於1958年8月15日創刊,發行量和廣告量長期居澳門中文報紙首位,是澳門地區規模最大、最具代表性的日報。服務對象以澳門讀者爲主,兼顧香港、台灣、北美、歐洲、東南亞以及珠江三角洲和中國各大城市的讀者。每天出本埠版12至20大張、外埠版9至16大張,以內容豐富、訊息量大、言論權威、弘揚中華文化見稱。"Macao Daily News"onAugust 15, 1958 publication, circulation and advertisingvolumeranking first in the long-term Macau Chinese newspaper, isthelargest and most representative of the daily Macau. Serviceobjectto Macau readers mainly take into account Hong Kong, Taiwan,NorthAmerica, Europe, and the readers of China Pearl River Deltaandmajor cities in Southeast Asia. Day of collection of thelocalversion of the 12-20 large sheets, other towns edition 9-16largesheets, with rich content, message volume, speechauthority,promote Chinese culture known for.
今日头条 热门视频 热点资讯 网络文摘 喷嚏意图 喷嚏图卦 4.9.0
【精彩視界】鳳凰衛視官方App【鳳凰秀】,全球華人每天都在看!影響,有影響力的人。海量內容,我們全天候送達;熱門話題,獨家評論員犀利點評;鳳凰王牌節目《軍情觀察室》、《魯豫有約》、《名人面對面》,線上線下同步看!《雙語佳片Bilingual》鳳凰自製雙語大片,包攬海內外紀錄片大獎;追憶鳳凰王牌評論員阮次山,鳳凰秀推專題紀念欄目,重溫《風雲對話》經典片段;《魯豫有約》對話乘風破浪的姐姐:寧靜、鐘麗緹、伊能靜,帶你認識舞台下的“無價之姐”;獨家原創《島國聊不完》,曹劼、徐量用VLOG暢談英國房產投資、留學、教育話題。更多精彩,請關注我們的同名官方抖音賬號“鳳凰秀”。多平台聯動,滿足你的好奇心!【產品簡介】 鳳凰秀,影響有影響力的人鳳凰秀是鳳凰衛視為用戶打造的新媒體客戶端產品,是鳳凰衛視從電視端向互聯網端延伸的核心平台。可提供7*24 小時的新聞報導與直播,以及70余檔鳳凰衛視欄目的獨家播出。鳳凰秀是鳳凰衛視重要的全媒體戰略轉型產品,融合鳳凰集團技術、內容、運營、商業化等領域專業團隊,技術團隊分布於中國科技前沿深圳和國際都市香港,內容、運營、商業化團隊立足北京、香港、上海、深圳、台北,輻射亞洲、大洋洲、歐洲、美洲、非洲各地。【產品特性】1.資訊:鳳凰秀專注國際熱門話題,解析世界格局變化。帶用戶瞭解天下事,整合熱點專題;2.節目:鳳凰秀為用戶呈現超70檔鳳凰衛視節目,其中包含鳳凰衛視資訊台、中文台、香港台、歐洲台、美洲台和電影台6個電視頻道的節目,幫助用戶訂閱觀看:《軍情觀察室》、《魯豫有約》、《鳳凰大視野》等王牌欄目;3.片刻:鳳凰秀短視頻平台,幫助用戶獲取新鮮熱點、世界話題;4.直播:鳳凰秀為用戶實現收看鳳凰衛視資訊台、中文台、香港台的全天候24 小時電視播放同步直播。 【官方信息】官方郵箱:[email protected]商務合作:[email protected]鳳凰秀官網:https://m.fengshows.com鳳凰秀媒體開放平台:
香港六合彩 - 即時開彩(Live!) Mark Six 4.2.0
The real-time lottery draw is synchronized with the TV (Live).Allfunctions are designed for the actual needs of Hong Kong people.Inaddition, this application also provides a real voicefunction,providing barrier-free use for people with low vision.
港股360 2.5.0
「港股360」重點內容包括:一)互動圖表即時報價除了股票即時報價外,旋轉手機至橫向熒幕即顯示多功能選項,自動「趨勢線」及「蟹貨區」一目了然,助您掌握股票走勢及「睇位」,制定買入賣出策略。二)即市異動包括「20大升幅」、「20大跌幅」 、「20大成交量」、「20大成交額」排名,助您即市捕捉投資機會。三)360選股器您除可按基本或技術分析「DIY選股」外,更可以參考由《信報》投資研究部編制的「策略選股」,根據不同投資策略為您預先篩選股票清單。四)股票管理將心水股票儲存至組合,設定目標/止蝕、買入/賣出價,隨時查看組合即日/累積賺蝕表現,管理股票組合話咁易。五)港股直擊即時發布最新港股資訊,直擊大巿動向,追蹤異動股票,緊貼專家即市教路、滬/深港通新聞、企業通告和日誌等。
巨子 ICON - 財經股票資訊及專家分析 1.5.2
‧掌握盛世脈絡 以氣度展現格局作為一個經濟信息垂直平台,「巨子ICON」以專業的企業及市場深度分析為核心內容,專注於獨家的行業專題報道及星級權威解讀,發掘中國及香港區具潛力的孵化企業,為行業精英提供全方位、多角度的經濟資訊報道以及實用的投資新視野,助您輕鬆判讀環球市場走勢。‧財經專家詳盡分析財經專家詳盡分析金融動向、解讀股市形勢,助您緊貼市場實況。‧分類自選股清單 追蹤您的投資組合提供更快更緊貼股票市場的分析,讓您隨時監測、分析您的投資組合。 ‧盡覽股票走勢圖清晰呈現市場走勢價格,機會一目了然。 ‧全方位經濟及股票資訊為您追蹤全球金融動態、股票資料、財經新聞,投資機會一覽無遺。立即下載「巨子ICON」,抓緊時代洪流節奏,掀動前瞻的經濟宏略。官方網站: https://01icon.hk聯絡電郵:[email protected]
ZA Bank 1.4.0
ZA Bank, be the game changer! From Hong Kong's No.1 virtual bank-ZABank, to Hong Kong's first Visa card with personalisedcardnumber –ZA Card, we're committed to bring you a differentbankingexperience.The first-ever Visa card with personalisednumber Forthe first timein Hong Kong, you can decide your cardnumber yourway. Choose yourown card for real. ZA Card gives whatyou needSupported by Visa,enjoy free cash withdrawal at over 3,000localbanks' ATMs in HK andaccess to over 2.7 million ATMsworldwide. NoCVV, expiry date oreven your signature on thephysical card,reaching a new level ofsecurity. 1% Savings rate byZA Savings GoEnjoy a different way tosave with Savings Go. Earn asyou deposit!ZA Bank Loan We provideloan amount up to HKD 1,000,000withflexible repayment period of 6to 60 months. The range of APRisfrom 1.99% to 35%. 7-day coolingoff period Early repay the loaninfull within 7 calendar days toenjoy an interest andchargeswaiver. ZA Verify offers a smoother andsafer shoppingexperienceNo more waiting for SMS during onlineshopping! With thebrand newZA Verify, you can verify thetransaction within the appinseconds. 24/7 for you, whenever youneed We offer a suitesofbanking services anytime and anywhere,including savings,timedeposit loan and more. Top-notch securityprotection Youraccountsecurity is a big responsibility to us. Weapply robustdigitalsecurity technology, including multi-factorAuthentication(MFA)and other intelligent security protections. ZABank is amember ofthe Deposit Protection Scheme. All eligibledeposits arecovered bythe scheme with a limit of HKD 500,000 perdepositor.Terms &conditions apply. Visit to findout more.To borrowor not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!Thedescription of'Hong Kong's No.1 virtual bank' is defined byZABank’s leadingposition in the virtual banking industry in termsofnumber ofusers, personal deposits and loan amount as of 31December2020.This banking mobile application ("App") is provided byZABankLimited ("We", "us" or "our") for use only byourexistingcustomers or persons holding a valid Hong KongIdentityCard andhaving a residential address in Hong Kong("Customers").Please donot use this App if you do not have a validHong KongIdentity Cardand a residential address in Hong Kong or (ifoutsideHong Kong)you are not our existing customers. This App andtheinformationprovided through it is not intended for use byanyperson in anyjurisdiction where such use would not be permittedbylaw orregulation. Any person who is not a Customer who usestheApp,releases us from any liability, claims, damages, lossesorcostsarising from any non-compliance with the applicableproceduresandinstructions herein. We are not authorised or licensedin anyotherjurisdiction for the provision of the productsand/orservicesavailable through this App, nor do we represent orwarrantthatcontents on this App are appropriate or available foruseoutsideHong Kong. Please ensure you comply with local lawsandregulationsapplicable to you before using this App or ourservices.This Appshould not be considered as communicating anyinvitationorinducement to engage in banking or lending, or anyofferorsolicitation to provide products or services to anypersonwherethe local law or regulation does not permit suchactivity ortheuse of such products or services. By applying foranyproductsand/or services through this app, you declare andconfirmthat youcomply with local laws and regulations applicable toyoufor usingthis app or our services.
China Radio 中国电台 中国收音机 全球中文电台 2.16.10
EC App Studio
Most popular Chinese radio stations from China and other countries.
US Chinese Radio 美國 中文電台 中文收音機 2.14.18
EC App Studio
Most popular Chinese radio stations from United State andothercountries.
懷念粵語老歌精選 經典廣東歌 流行音樂歌曲MV播放器 1.6
Classic Cantonese Cantonese Cantonese Songs The first tofamiliarizeyourself with your earliest tastes
South China Morning Post 6.0.50
Breaking news from Hong Kong, China and Asia - South ChinaMorningPost