Top 17 Apps Similar to IMEI (EFS) Tool Samsung N9005

IMEI Tools (Repair,Change)ROOT 1.4
Befor purchase this app please verify thatyourdevice was supported by "IMEI supported devices Checker"appTHIS APP REQUIRE ROOT AND BUSYBOX TO WORK !PLEASE RATE US 5 STAR ☆☆☆☆☆IF YOU LIKED OUR APP(:WARNING : Changing or repairing the IMEI is illegal inmanycountries I'm Not responsable for any illegal use of thisappBefor you purchase check your device support via IMEISupportChecker app !Want to change or repair your imei ? well this app will dothatwithout BOX !!!this app can change your imei without BOX but it needsomerequirmentsthe requirments :1- full root access2- busybox required on many devicesand no thing else !why you change your imei ?if you flash a new rom usualy you will lose your imei and thengetblocked by your network !also you can unblock your device from some app andserviceprovoiderthe app features :1- Change the imei on supported devices2- Create IMEI Backup3- Restore from backup4- Change imei permission (advanced option)5- Change IMEI for sim 2 (Beta but alpha on samsungsupporteddevices)6- Change IMEI for MTK (Beta)befor you install/use this app you must know that we don't haveanyrisk about any problems/break or any thing another maybe happentoyour device by this app use it at your own riskwe must determine that changing the IMEI is illegal insomecountries but not in all.For more information please visit our websitewww.ahmaddxstudio.cfor Email us on [email protected]
IMEI Tool Samsung G900M/F/T 1.0
Dr.Ketan Hindocha
Requirement Rooted Samsung Galaxy S5 G900M/G900/F/G900T [DON'TUSEONANY OTHER DEVICE or VARIENTS ] It is small utilitytobackup/RestoreEFS for Smamsung galaxy NOTE 3 N9005. FeaturesThistool simplyBackup/Restore efs.img,modemst1 andmodemst2partitions. As we onqualcommdevice IMEI number no morestored onEFS partition so nomeaning to make backup of onlyefs.img. youmust have backup ofmodemst1 and modemst2 partitiontoo. This toolwill backup all threepartitions. Installation -NeedsRooted device-Enable USB debugging-To make backup you needs tolong pressbackup option icon, Backupfiles will be storedtoMyEFS_mm_dd-yyyy-hr-mm_Device IMEI folder onInt SD card. Thiswillmake backup of all three requiredpartitionefs.img.ext4,nvrebuild1.bin and nvrebuild2.bin. Also youwill foundbuild.propfile in backup folder, which is just to getinformationabout yourROMwhile backup was created. -To restore, youhave tofirst copyall three backup files (efs.img.ext4,nvrebuild1.binandnvrebuild2.bin) to root directory of Int SD card.Once allthreefiles there on int SD card simply long press RestoreEFSoptionicon and reboot device. Note : This application is notforjustplaying around, DON'T restore just tocheck/testapplication,Restore option must be used only when youreally needsit. If youdon't know what is EFS and why you needs torestore,Don't use it.Read XDA thread forfurtherinfo.'tguarantee this will surely works on every case, you can useatyourown risk. Also note that you can restore only backup whichyouhavemade on same device only.
EFS Tool Samsung N7100/900 1.1
Requirement Rooted Samsung Galaxy Note2 N7100 and Note3N900[DON'TUSE ON ANY OTHER DEVICE] It is small utilitytobackup/Restore EFSfor Smamsung galaxy NOTE 2 N7100 and Note3N900Installation andActivation -Needs Rooted device -EnableUSBdebugging -Click on AppIcon - This will prompt for backupandRestore menu, select yourchoice. -When you select backup - Itwillbackup and make efs.imgfile onMyEFS_mm_dd-yyyy-hr-mm_DeviceIMEIfolder on Int SD card,also it will create text file just tostamptime,date and devicemodel while you created backup. Now movebothfile to safer place.-When you needs to restore, put efs.imgfile(your backup) on rootdirectory of Int SD card, run applicationandselect to Restore.Once restore done, Reboot device. Note :Thisapplication is notfor just playing around, DON'T restore justtocheck/testapplication, Restore option must be used only whenyoureally needsit. If you don't know what is EFS and why you needstorestore,Don't use it. Read XDA thread forfurtherinfo/query/discussion.
Phone INFO+ (SAM) 3.8.5
All-in-one INFO and TOOLS for Samsung devices.
IMEI Backup/Restore Tool Samsung galaxy Note4
Dr.Ketan Utilities Donate 1.3
Dr.Ketan Hindocha
Needs Rooted device. Features : (It may varies withyourdeviceconfiguration) 1.Call Recording - It can auto recordIncomngcalland Outgoing call. You can select it separately. Filewill besavedto IntSD/Sounds folder. Make sure folder isavailableotherwisemake it manually. 2.Auto GPS This will turn ONGPS whenyou opensome common applications which requiresGPSlikeMaps,Camera,Sygic,N Drive,S Note, Scrapbook and few more.Italsowill turn OFF GPS when you exit from these applications.3.AuoWifiIt will Auto Turn OFF WIFI if there is no activeconnection for3min. 4.Auto Blutooth This will auto turn OFFBluetooth if BT isONwith unpaired stat for more than 3min. 5.SmartNetwork. Thiswillturn OFF Mobile data after 30sec of turning screenoff, andAutoturn ON with screen ON. 6.Media Scanner You must beknowingaboutmedia scanning process of android with every bootandUSBdisconnection. This utility can turn OFF media scanning andyoucanscan device (usually needs after updating media files)anytimebyturning it ON. 7.Torch (Flash light) on shaking device.Yourdevicemust have camera with flashlight. Also you needs toinstall'Searchlight' application from store. Link available in appmenu.If youshake device Lt to Rt when screen is ON (Home screenORLockscreen), torch light will be ON. it will auto off after20sec.Youcan manually turn off earlier from screen. Note that ifyouturnoff manually then you can use this utility againafter20secfinish. Also note that if your ROM doesn't haveFlashlightToggleinbuilt then you have to flash Torch filesseparately(available indownload section) 8.Ligin security This willsilentlycapturepicture if someone attempts to unlock screen twotimes withwrongpassword. File will be stored in IntSD/DCIM/DrKetanutilityfolder9.Data FIX This is work around for issue afterrestoring datawithtitanium on latest firmware. If you find forceclosesafterrestoring data with TB, you can perform this task.10.IntSDFIXThis is workaround for IntSD read error on latestkitkat.usuallyhappens after moving AOSP to TW ROM. 11. CSCfeatures. Thisisdonate version,Before purchasing you can test freeversion fromXDAhere.
IMEI(EFS) Tool N5 S6 E+ [Root] 1.2
Requirement : Rooted Samsung GalaxyNote5SM-N920 / SM-G928WITHOUT ROOT ACCESS THIS APP WON'T WORK.It is small utility to backup/Restore EFS for Smamsung galaxy NOTE5and S6 Edge +FeaturesThis tool simply Backup/Restore efs.img, partitions.Installation-You must have device ROOTED.-Enable USB debugging-To make backup - select Note 5 EFS Backup RestoreFrom next screen you have to press backup option icon, Backupfileswill be stored to MyEFS folder aswellMyEFSbackup/myEFS_mm_dd-yyyy-hr-mm_Device IMEI folder ondevicestorage. This will make backup of required partition Also youwillfound build.prop file in backup folder, which is just togetinformation about your ROM while backup was created. Alsolastbackup will be saved in MyEFS folder on device storage.In case your Note 5 variant doesn't supported then willgetnotification about this. from same screen you will have optiontomail to developer for issue.-Auto backup - This is experimental feature. Youcanenable/Disable it from Backup/Restore menu page. Selectingthisoption will make auto backup on Every Tuesday between 5.00amto5.30am according your device model.-To restore, This will use last backup stored inDevicestorage/MyEFS folder. Make sure this folder containsrequiredfiles. In case you needs to restore earlier backup, youhave tomanually keep older backup files to IntSD/MyEFS folder. TORESTOREbackup you need to LONG PRESS restore icon. (topreventaccidentally tap)Note : This application is not for just playing around,DON'Trestore just to check/test application, Restore option must beusedonly when you really needs it.If you don't know what is EFS and why you needs to restore,Don'tuse it. Read XDA thread for further info. generator. Create PIT file from existing layout.We can't guarantee this will surely works on every case, youcanuse at your own risk. Also note that you can restore onlybackupwhich you have made on same device only.
imeiRepairTool 1
This program useful for backup yourefsfolder.When your imei show Null/Null or imei starting 0049 you caneasilyrepair your imei.Our program working every Samsung Galaxy devices.(Tested).This program need some root permissions.We are not responsible any problems.
Toggles Pro [Root]
This is simple Application to activatehiddentoggles on quick panel.Requirements :- Needs rooted device.-4.4.4 and 5.0 and upHow to use.-Open application and you can select to activate 27 commontoggles.OR-You can select selective toggle (0 to 40) . In case youselectselective toggle, you have to select Appy after selectingtoggles.Now toggles should be appear.. There is option to select number of scrollable toggles between10to 30. (Stock allows only 10 Toggles maximum) This featurerequiresto reboot device.Toggles will be activated depending on your ROMS. SomeTogglesmay not appear/May not work and that depends on yourROMfeatures.
Donate Dev (ROM Kitchen) 1.6
Just donate application for Happy users of developer's ROM
KNOX Status+ RootCheck Samsung 2.5.091516
Bryan C
This app requires a Samsung device...Check the status of your Knox Warranty bit. Flashing anunofficialROM/firmware can trigger Void status. This app is forinformationalpurposes only, Knox status cannot be changed!This version can also check your device for ROOT access. Even ifyoudon't have a Superuser app installed, this will still let youknowif the binary is present in your filesystem. The 'su' binaryissometimes left behind after unrooting a device.The app is compatible down to Jelly Bean, although in earlyversionsof Jelly Bean Knox is not present. This is in case youhave a KitKatbootloader with Knox but manually downgraded theoperating system toJelly Bean.0x0 = valid0x1 = voidMore information about what Samsung Knox is can be foundhere: IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CHANGE KNOX VOID STATUS! Pleasedonot download this app expecting to change your warrantystatus.That is not the app's function, nor is itpossible.If you have any issues with this app, please e-mail mebeforeleaving a bad rating. My goal is for it to be as accurateandreliable as possible on all Knox-equipped Samsung devices.
Auto Radio Free (root) 1.4
Requirement 4.0+Needs ROOTED device.It is small utility that automates some action to usedeviceconvenient way and great help to save battery juice.FeaturesIt will Auto ON GPS when you open some common applicationsthatneeds GPS ON. like Camera,Maos,Sygic,iGo,S Note,Scrapbook andmayfew more. Also it will Auto OFF GPS when you exit fromtheseapplications.It will Auto OFF Wifi if it is in non connected stat for morethan10 min.It will Auto OFF Bluetooth if it is in un paired stat for morethan10 min.Auto turn off mobile data connection after 30 sec of screenoff.
Samsung Smart Home 3.1072.19.220
Thank you for using the [Samsung Smart Home]application.[SamsungSmart Home] has long been the app to manage andmonitorSamsunghome appliances. Now, we would like to introduce youto theall-new[SmartThings] platform which will replace [SamsungSmartHome] andprovide enhanced features, functionalityandbenefits.[SmartThings] will now be able to connect and controlnotonlySamsung home appliances, but many other devices andapplianceslikelamps, switches etc. [SmartThings] is the platform tounifyyoursmart devices and realize the dream of a having a trulysmarthome.Download now and enjoy a better home IoT environmentbyconnectingall of your home devices to the all-new[SmartThings]Platform. Thefollowing permissions are required forthe appservice. Foroptional permissions, the default functionalityof theservice isturned on, but not allowed. [Required AccessPermission]-Location: Required to search for nearby appliances-Phone:Required to call the service center - Contacts:RegisteredSamsungAccount information will be used to provideservices thatrequireaccount linking - Storage: Required to saveWhiteboardcontents[Optional Access Permission] - Camera: Needed touse theSmart Carefeature
Update Samsung™ for Android 1.6
Update your Samsung™ device with thispowerful,simple app.It connects with official servers to update or upgrade yourandroiddevice (tablet or phone).It supports the following Android version:- Android™ Marshmallow, version 6;- Android™ Lollipop, version 5.1;- Android™ Kitkat, version 4.4;- Android™ JellyBean, version 4.2;- Android™ IceCream, version 4.0;- Android™ Honeycomb, version 3.0;- Android™ Gingerbread, version 2.3;- Android™ Froyo, version 2.2;Facebook -> the required permissions of this app are necessary toshowthe user all the info about his device, includingpicturepermission.If you enjoyed this Update Samsung, please, rate it in GooglePlay.It will only take a second and it will be very helpfull forthedeveloper.Note that if you have found errors in Update Samsung, youshouldsend us an email with the problem instead of putting anegativereview. The app will be updated as soon as possible.
SAMSUNG Smart Washer/Dryer 2.1.43
Smart Washer App helps you to take action when an error occursinyour washer
Valida IMEI 2.2.0
Valida IMEI es una aplicación que permite consultar si el IMEIdeunterminal móvil se encuentra reportado en una base dedatosnegativa.Además de aprovechar de la consulta básica, usuariosdeValida IMEIpueden usar la cámara del terminal móvil paraescanearel IMEI de uncódigo de barras, también ingresarautomáticamente supropio IMEI.¿No te parece útil escanear códigosde barras oguardar el historialde validaciones? si es así descarganuestraversión Valida IMEILite, por supuesto al igual que éstagratuita.
Optimizer,Cleaner for Samsung 1.0
Phone optimizer & cleaner forSamsungisdesigned & developed specifically for fire devicesbyResearchScientists & experienced Engineers at Apsum R&D.This App really smoothens your usage experience; keepyourdeviceclean from virus & infected files, making yourdevicefasterthan ever before.