Top 32 Games Similar to 情侶求生欲

橘貓偵探社 3.1
This is a reading game. The player acts as a detective workingonthe Internet, who can use the special functions of the mobilephoneto gain insight into the hearts of others and help customerssolvevarious problems.
成語消消挑戰: 成語接龍消除,好玩的單機智力離線小遊戲 2.8301
The simple four-character idiom not only contains richhistoricalallusions, but also contains classic Mandarin Chinesecharactersand traditional Chinese wisdom and culture. The idiomseliminatechallenges and lead you to learn phonetic symbols in ajoyfulguessing idiom puzzle game. Knowledge of idioms.
一億小目標2 1.1.1
Ten minutes in a round, you can easily experience the ancientpeaklife from poverty to wealth.
密室逃脫 - 文字獄 6.2.18
Jia-Ho Jian
The protagonist is trapped in a prison, and the words arehiscandlelight. In the cold prison, lead the way by combiningwordsand sentences. Can you help the main character escape fromprison?What secrets are there in this prison?
叫我官老爺-九品芝麻官聯動 5.3.01172109
Original management mobile game innovation giant system, funtodevelop! Become an official in the same dynasty with 30millionplayers and make friends
貓咪庭院物語 1.05
Have you ever heard that cats can work part-time, carry waterandfarm for expeditions? Want to know how such a magical and cutecatwas raised? Come and experience this healing casual cat game!
My U-Tuber Life! 1.1352
Become U-tubers together!
成語填填字: 成語接龍小遊戲,學習國語的好助手 5.141
In 2021, the brand new idiom game is upgraded. It is a puzzlegamefor idioms and puzzles. It tests your word reserve and leadsyou tolearn idiom knowledge in a pleasant guessing game.
熹妃傳-第一部可以玩的宮鬥小說 1.2.1
"Biography" is a mobile game specially designed for women. It isaperfect interpretation of the love and hate in the Qing Dynasty.
四目神 【解謎×文字逃出遊戲】 1.1.4
" 'Unwanted child," God will be taken away four items [× wordpuzzleescape game] - [] Four eyes of God -
考上狀元就回來娶我吧 1.75
Otome antiquity to develop the game
我滿懷青春的有病測驗 1.8
Sick Games
✓ 世界第一款,透過測驗了解身心有病程度的APP ✓ 世界第一款,不是以三國、武俠跟棒球為主題的心理測驗遊戲!!✓世界第一款,可以測驗「祖宗18代」有沒有病的APP ( 請勿在農曆七月、清明節與重陽節使用 )✓世界第一款,針對分析,給予當天或當月的行事注意事項 ✓世界第一款,你覺得介紹很莫名其妙的遊戲========================================每個人,都有另外一個人格 「病病人格」好比你會對任何人發火,但你絕對不會主動跑去燒宗統府可是,我相信你想把火柴丟進宗統府的心,絕對比任何事情強烈!!最起碼...比燒鈔票強烈很多,對不對 ? 這種精神上的落差...就是「有病」 有病的程度,每一個人都不一樣,那要怎樣測試自己的病況?很簡單,首先下載《我滿懷青春的有病測驗》這款有病APP,然後安裝、點開接著,你就知道怎麼做了。發現自己是病病人不是什麼難事,最重要的是面對它、承認它、分享它 分享它你就可以發現另外一個更美好的小天地 ~共勉之========================================※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品 ( 因為很重要,所以再說一次)※千萬不要點廣告,因為這樣我們就會賺錢,就會做更多教壞囝仔大小的遊戲※請勿在農曆七月、清明節以及重陽節使用本APP的某個功能,被託夢請自行負責※本測驗沒有任何精神科醫師背書,因為我們屬意的傢伙,名字叫西格蒙德·弗洛伊德※如果遊玩發現心理不適,有病制作團隊一概不負責任,啾咪~♥ PS小提醒:開通完整版~~ 只綁訂於一台裝置上,如果移除遊戲開通資料也會跟著消失,愛注意喔!Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ========================================超有病粉絲團募集粉絲中!!!隨時更新各種有病專屬資訊~~願病病神與你同在!
Finding Ojipockle! 4.6
Appliss inc.
"I remember the day I met a palm-sized old man."
Meowtopia-Cat-themed decoratio 1.1.48
You will be happier with the cat around
立即下載送——萌寵·牽緣狐! 一切遇見,皆爲宿命;一切緣起,皆爲羈絆...如果夢境再次降臨,您願意成爲我們的主人嗎?停滯在永恆時間裏的綺異夢境,因為你的到來而擁有了生命——陰陽交織之時,華麗的燈樂開啓盛大的慶典:櫻花中誕生的巫服少女,牽著懵懂兔靈前往現世; 藏不住尾巴的野貓蘿莉,隨獅子姬共赴百鬼夜遊...與她們結下的羈絆, 也許是夢,也許是命運的再一次降臨....萬物有靈,緣結千姬;宿命輪轉,皆爲羈絆...世間一切不可思議,皆在此地——神子大人,歡迎來到我們的世界。 ——遊戲特色——◆唯美和風◆日系和風的畫面,精緻唯美的場景,你可以在《御神姬》中自由探索這妖靈的世界,記錄你前所未聞的百妖異聞。◆雙僕系統◆世間妖魅,皆有溫度。收集屬於你的專屬妖僕,與妖僕締結羈絆,召喚強大的力量,一起尋找自身宿命的答案。◆傾心奇緣◆月下良緣,永伴三生。豐富的社交系統,個性大圖貼上傳,結識好友邂逅甜蜜姻緣,攜手踏遍四海三山,雙人組隊共闖情緣副本。◆高手過招◆人物華麗,細節入微,次世代渲染技術,超清畫質超越主機,暢爽的操作手感,華麗的技能特效,酣暢淋漓的超強打擊感,激燃戰鬥即刻開幕!◆眾人海戰◆跨服奪島,上演熱血海戰,艦隊衝鋒,整合全服力量,爭奪島嶼,搶奪寶藏,橫掃迎面之敵,合眾連橫,勝者為王。◆全新競技◆巔峰對決,風雲鬥法!既有休閒釣魚大作戰,也有血脈擴張的個人戰,大型五軍之戰,各路神子大人巔峰相聚,帶給你熱血激情的團戰享受,比拼一觸即發!【溫馨提示】*軟體分級管理辦法:輔導十二歲級。*遊戲部分情節涉及性、暴力、虛擬戀愛或結婚,十二歲以上之人始得使用。*本遊戲為免費使用,內另有提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。*請依個人興趣、能力、進行體驗,請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。使用者協定&隱私保護協定:*服務條款:*隱私政策:
熹妃Q傳-體驗後宮心跳之旅 1.1.7
"Xi Fei Q Biography" is a mobile game adapted from thebest-sellingGong Dou novel "Qing Gong Xi Fei Biography". Theclassic novel isreproduced in 3D animation, and the phone isupgraded. You can alsomolest the emperor and chat with your sistersabout gossip. You canexperience the happiest palace Fight life,enjoy the beautifulancient world!
美男戰國 - 穿越時空之戀 女性向戀愛遊戲・乙女遊戲 1.3.0
Do you want to get close contact with your beloved generalsandexperience the sweet voice when you open the game? Then youmustnot miss the "General's Room" system, which greatly satisfiesyourvision and hearing. A love game played by 20 million femaleplayersaround the world!
Hotel Of Mask - Escape Room Ga 1.1.9
A mysterious hotel, nine weird tenants. Can you escape fromthehotel?
This is a story about a young girl being in the box to take home.
我的人生大冒險 2.087.0001
創新概念《人生模擬》遊戲! 規劃人生路線、培養人格特長 發展真實人脈、影響世界繁榮開啟人生經營的全新篇章讓人生世代擁有光芒獨特的生命旅程吧!
KungFu Hospital 1.0.51
"Curator Jin of the Jianghu medical center has run awaywithhisfemale apprentice!" In the face of the debts left by Shifuandthesticks in the hands of the creditors, you can only choosetoreopenthe Jianghu medical center to pay back the money. [trytostudy newdiseases] After thinking about it, I only learned howtotreatnosebleeds with my master, but I can't pay off my debtsonthisalone. Fortunately, Shifu's medical books are all lefthere.Aslong as you learn to treat more new diseases, you canearnmoremoney to repay your debts! [rebuild the dilapidatedmedicalcenter]Due to master's debt, the angry people moved awayfrom themedicalfacilities to pay for the debt, leaving only thelasttable.Looking at the empty hospital, you decide to take outpart ofthemoney to rebuild the hospital, but in order to avoidbeingchargedagain, please use the money properly. [three religionsandninestreams come to seek medicine] People are wandering intheJianghu.How can we not see a doctor? You are the only hospitalintheworld. The common people in the market and the peopleintheJianghu have to come to you to see a doctor. If theycompletetheirwishes or requests, they may get unexpectedresults.[fragmentedscript of secret recipe needs to becollected]Occasionally, thereare strange people or people whocollect wasteproducts. They willbring some broken medical recipes.Collectingthese recipes canhelp you further in a disease field, sothat youcan earn moremoney and pay off your debts as soon aspossible.[recruitemployees to create brilliance] As the hospitalgraduallygets onthe right track, you gradually feel inadequate.Afterreading theincome and expenditure on the account book, youdecideto recruitseveral employees to come back and create a betterfuturefor thehospital.
Relationship Detective 1.1.3
World No. 1 Love Appraiser
Unexpected 1.1.71
20 Chapters with A Fridge Horror Moment That Awaits You to Discover
成语群英传 3.0.42
Entertaining and learning, happy to learn idioms;recruitingtalents, getting to know each other's heroes; Qingyunstraight up,to the peak of life.
Picture Book Escape Game 2.12
escape from the world of picture books!!
Enthusiastic encounters, passionate love! Travel with the starGuoXuefu and meet a beautiful love together!
貓咪大戰爭 12.7.0
Disgusting and cute cats have exploded across the country! Acattower defense game that anyone can easily learn Freeregistrationand you can play right away~ There are also new catsthat are onlyavailable in the Chinese version! Hurry up anddownload it tocultivate your personalized kitty army!
危險人渣 2.10
Solve the mystery before you die. If you are given theopportunityto come back again, can you escape the trap of death andescapefrom the murder case?
Legend of Yan Queen - 深宮大燕 2.0.13
Taomee Game
" Legend of Yan Queen " is a romance simulation game basedonapalace romance novel. With exquisite ancientChinese-stylegraphicsand exciting story, it puts players in thevivid YanDynasty. Thegameplay in this game combines a lot offeatures thatare fun andrelaxing. In a stress-free environment, youcan meet andbefriendseveral pretty guys in ancient Chinese costumeandexperience yourexciting life in the palace with them. Comeandwrite a thrillingand romantic story with your soul mate!GameFeatures -Level UpThrough Auto-Play Are you worried thatplayinggames will take toomuch of your time and energy? Worry not,becauseupgrades aremostly done by auto-play in this game. You don'tneedto invest alot of time in upgrading your character or rackingyourbrains forstrategies. All you need to do is play the featureyoulike most inthe game. The vertical design of the game makesiteasier for youto play the game the way you like and dominateYanwith ease!-Interact with Your Male Confidants There is auniqueletterfunction in this game, allowing you to communicate withyourmaleconfidants or even receive gifts from them. You canalsosummonyour male confidants for one-on-one interaction. Getreadyfor themost enchanting palace romance ever! -Aesthetic2DCharacters andSpectacular Scenery of Yan Archaic graphicsandgorgeous 2Dcharacters in an ancient Chinese style present youwitha visualfeast and bring you back to the magnificent palace ofYan.-PalaceTactics Help You Start Your Reign as Queen. Asthestoryprogresses, you will encounter a variety of opponents.Defeatthemwith clever tactics and you will improve your status inthepalaceand become the queen in the end. Engage in a battle ofwitsandwrite your own legend as an empress! -CollectDifferentLooksThrough the Clothes Changing System A diverseclotheschangingsystem allows you to appear in different looks.There are avarietyof beautiful costumes in the game for you tocollect!Costumes canalso be a way to accentuate your personalityand makeyou a uniquebeauty in the palace! -A Mixture ofCultivation,Management andExploration The game features a widerange of gamecontent, such ascharacter development and cultivation,homemanagement simulation,flower planting, harem decoration, andmore.All of which will helpyou create the ideal palace of yourdreams!-Make Friends and LetThem Help You The game has a richsocialsystem that allows playersto form a guild and grow inpowertogether. There are also featuressuch as voice chat andemoticonsto provide players with a morecomplete social experience
小林正雪復仇之密室 1.3.172
Hong Kong, escape room, criminal investigation reasoning,puzzlesolving! The romantic and suave criminal policeman, whohasrepeatedly solved strange cases, easily dealt with a largenumberof cases and cunning criminals, until that happened...Thebiggestenemy was planning a huge conspiracy in secret.